Opening: 12-15 June plenary session | Nieuws | Europees Parlement


Opening: 12-15 June plenary session 

President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP  
  • Silvio Berlusconi 
  • Migration and Asylum 
  • Kakhovka dam in Ukraine 
  • Attack in Annecy 
  • Violence against women 

President Metsola opened the 12-15 June plenary session in Strasbourg today with the following announcements.

Silvio Berlusconi

On behalf of the European Parliament, President Metsola extended her condolences to the children, political colleagues, family and loved ones of Silvio Berlusconi, who passed away today.

Migration and Asylum

The Council has agreed on its position on migration and asylum files and Parliament is ready to begin negotiations immediately to reach a deal before the end of this mandate, said the President. “I am convinced that we can find a way forward and that people around Europe expect a way forward that is fair and humane for those who are in need of protection, firm with those who are not eligible and strong with traffickers exploiting the most vulnerable”, she said.

Destruction of Kakhovka dam in Ukraine

Speaking of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine by Russia, which flooded dozens of villages and parts of a nearby city, leaving thousands in dire need, the President said Ukrainians need practical help, support and justice -“it cannot stay unanswered”, she urged.

Attack in Annecy

In a horrific attack against children and toddlers in Annecy, where a man wielding a knife stabbed indiscriminately, “passers-by prevented further bloodshed and tragedy,” said the President, “putting themselves in harm’s way and showing the very best of France and of Europe”.

Violence against women

On 27 May a woman in Italy was brutally murdered; this shocking case is not isolated in Europe, said the President. Listing several examples in the last few weeks of women killed in Spain, Portugal, and France, she concluded: “We cannot become immune to the horror of domestic abuse, femicide and violence against women. We cannot allow the cycle to continue, so for every woman who has been killed, let us state from here, not one more.”

Changes to the agenda


The Commission statement on Establishment of the EU Ethics Body will be wound up with a resolution to be voted on in the July session.


The title of the Council and Commission statements is changed as follows: Preparation of the European Council meeting of 29-30 June 2023, in particular in the light of recent steps towards concluding the Migration Pact.

Information concerning the distribution of votes is available under the section “Priority information”.

Outgoing MEPs

Eric Andrieu (S&D, France) as of 1 June 2023

Incoming MEPs

Christophe Glergeau (S&D, France) as of 2 June 2023

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    Zoekopdracht starten Europees Parlement
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    Terug naar pagina : Pers Pers   Terug naar pagina : Pers Pers  Terug naar pagina : PersPers  Huidige pagina: Opening: 12-15 June plenary session   Huidige pagina: Opening: 12-15 June plenary session   Huidige pagina:Opening: 12-15 June plenary session  Terug naar pagina : Pers Pers  Terug naar pagina : PersPers 

    Opening: 12-15 June plenary session 

    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP  
    • Silvio Berlusconi 
    • Migration and Asylum 
    • Kakhovka dam in Ukraine 
    • Attack in Annecy 
    • Violence against women 

    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June plenary session in Strasbourg today with the following announcements.

    Silvio Berlusconi

    On behalf of the European Parliament, President Metsola extended her condolences to the children, political colleagues, family and loved ones of Silvio Berlusconi, who passed away today.

    Migration and Asylum

    The Council has agreed on its position on migration and asylum files and Parliament is ready to begin negotiations immediately to reach a deal before the end of this mandate, said the President. “I am convinced that we can find a way forward and that people around Europe expect a way forward that is fair and humane for those who are in need of protection, firm with those who are not eligible and strong with traffickers exploiting the most vulnerable”, she said.

    Destruction of Kakhovka dam in Ukraine

    Speaking of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine by Russia, which flooded dozens of villages and parts of a nearby city, leaving thousands in dire need, the President said Ukrainians need practical help, support and justice -“it cannot stay unanswered”, she urged.

    Attack in Annecy

    In a horrific attack against children and toddlers in Annecy, where a man wielding a knife stabbed indiscriminately, “passers-by prevented further bloodshed and tragedy,” said the President, “putting themselves in harm’s way and showing the very best of France and of Europe”.

    Violence against women

    On 27 May a woman in Italy was brutally murdered; this shocking case is not isolated in Europe, said the President. Listing several examples in the last few weeks of women killed in Spain, Portugal, and France, she concluded: “We cannot become immune to the horror of domestic abuse, femicide and violence against women. We cannot allow the cycle to continue, so for every woman who has been killed, let us state from here, not one more.”

    Changes to the agenda


    The Commission statement on Establishment of the EU Ethics Body will be wound up with a resolution to be voted on in the July session.


    The title of the Council and Commission statements is changed as follows: Preparation of the European Council meeting of 29-30 June 2023, in particular in the light of recent steps towards concluding the Migration Pact.

    Information concerning the distribution of votes is available under the section “Priority information”.

    Outgoing MEPs

    Eric Andrieu (S&D, France) as of 1 June 2023

    Incoming MEPs

    Christophe Glergeau (S&D, France) as of 2 June 2023


    Opening: 12-15 June plenary session 


    Opening: 12-15 June plenary session 


    Opening: 12-15 June plenary session 


    Opening: 12-15 June plenary session 


    Opening: 12-15 June plenary session 


    Opening: 12-15 June plenary session 

    Opening: 12-15 June plenary session 
    Opening: 12-15 June plenary session 
    Persbericht  Plenaire vergadering  Plenaire vergadering 
    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP  
    • Silvio Berlusconi 
    • Migration and Asylum 
    • Kakhovka dam in Ukraine 
    • Attack in Annecy 
    • Violence against women 

    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June plenary session in Strasbourg today with the following announcements.

    Silvio Berlusconi

    On behalf of the European Parliament, President Metsola extended her condolences to the children, political colleagues, family and loved ones of Silvio Berlusconi, who passed away today.

    Migration and Asylum

    The Council has agreed on its position on migration and asylum files and Parliament is ready to begin negotiations immediately to reach a deal before the end of this mandate, said the President. “I am convinced that we can find a way forward and that people around Europe expect a way forward that is fair and humane for those who are in need of protection, firm with those who are not eligible and strong with traffickers exploiting the most vulnerable”, she said.

    Destruction of Kakhovka dam in Ukraine

    Speaking of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine by Russia, which flooded dozens of villages and parts of a nearby city, leaving thousands in dire need, the President said Ukrainians need practical help, support and justice -“it cannot stay unanswered”, she urged.

    Attack in Annecy

    In a horrific attack against children and toddlers in Annecy, where a man wielding a knife stabbed indiscriminately, “passers-by prevented further bloodshed and tragedy,” said the President, “putting themselves in harm’s way and showing the very best of France and of Europe”.

    Violence against women

    On 27 May a woman in Italy was brutally murdered; this shocking case is not isolated in Europe, said the President. Listing several examples in the last few weeks of women killed in Spain, Portugal, and France, she concluded: “We cannot become immune to the horror of domestic abuse, femicide and violence against women. We cannot allow the cycle to continue, so for every woman who has been killed, let us state from here, not one more.”

    Changes to the agenda


    The Commission statement on Establishment of the EU Ethics Body will be wound up with a resolution to be voted on in the July session.


    The title of the Council and Commission statements is changed as follows: Preparation of the European Council meeting of 29-30 June 2023, in particular in the light of recent steps towards concluding the Migration Pact.

    Information concerning the distribution of votes is available under the section “Priority information”.

    Outgoing MEPs

    Eric Andrieu (S&D, France) as of 1 June 2023

    Incoming MEPs

    Christophe Glergeau (S&D, France) as of 2 June 2023

    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP  
    • Silvio Berlusconi 
    • Migration and Asylum 
    • Kakhovka dam in Ukraine 
    • Attack in Annecy 
    • Violence against women 

    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June plenary session in Strasbourg today with the following announcements.

    Silvio Berlusconi

    On behalf of the European Parliament, President Metsola extended her condolences to the children, political colleagues, family and loved ones of Silvio Berlusconi, who passed away today.

    Migration and Asylum

    The Council has agreed on its position on migration and asylum files and Parliament is ready to begin negotiations immediately to reach a deal before the end of this mandate, said the President. “I am convinced that we can find a way forward and that people around Europe expect a way forward that is fair and humane for those who are in need of protection, firm with those who are not eligible and strong with traffickers exploiting the most vulnerable”, she said.

    Destruction of Kakhovka dam in Ukraine

    Speaking of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine by Russia, which flooded dozens of villages and parts of a nearby city, leaving thousands in dire need, the President said Ukrainians need practical help, support and justice -“it cannot stay unanswered”, she urged.

    Attack in Annecy

    In a horrific attack against children and toddlers in Annecy, where a man wielding a knife stabbed indiscriminately, “passers-by prevented further bloodshed and tragedy,” said the President, “putting themselves in harm’s way and showing the very best of France and of Europe”.

    Violence against women

    On 27 May a woman in Italy was brutally murdered; this shocking case is not isolated in Europe, said the President. Listing several examples in the last few weeks of women killed in Spain, Portugal, and France, she concluded: “We cannot become immune to the horror of domestic abuse, femicide and violence against women. We cannot allow the cycle to continue, so for every woman who has been killed, let us state from here, not one more.”

    Changes to the agenda


    The Commission statement on Establishment of the EU Ethics Body will be wound up with a resolution to be voted on in the July session.


    The title of the Council and Commission statements is changed as follows: Preparation of the European Council meeting of 29-30 June 2023, in particular in the light of recent steps towards concluding the Migration Pact.

    Information concerning the distribution of votes is available under the section “Priority information”.

    Outgoing MEPs

    Eric Andrieu (S&D, France) as of 1 June 2023

    Incoming MEPs

    Christophe Glergeau (S&D, France) as of 2 June 2023


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    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP  
    • Silvio Berlusconi 
    • Migration and Asylum 
    • Kakhovka dam in Ukraine 
    • Attack in Annecy 
    • Violence against women 

    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June plenary session in Strasbourg today with the following announcements.

    Silvio Berlusconi

    On behalf of the European Parliament, President Metsola extended her condolences to the children, political colleagues, family and loved ones of Silvio Berlusconi, who passed away today.

    Migration and Asylum

    The Council has agreed on its position on migration and asylum files and Parliament is ready to begin negotiations immediately to reach a deal before the end of this mandate, said the President. “I am convinced that we can find a way forward and that people around Europe expect a way forward that is fair and humane for those who are in need of protection, firm with those who are not eligible and strong with traffickers exploiting the most vulnerable”, she said.

    Destruction of Kakhovka dam in Ukraine

    Speaking of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine by Russia, which flooded dozens of villages and parts of a nearby city, leaving thousands in dire need, the President said Ukrainians need practical help, support and justice -“it cannot stay unanswered”, she urged.

    Attack in Annecy

    In a horrific attack against children and toddlers in Annecy, where a man wielding a knife stabbed indiscriminately, “passers-by prevented further bloodshed and tragedy,” said the President, “putting themselves in harm’s way and showing the very best of France and of Europe”.

    Violence against women

    On 27 May a woman in Italy was brutally murdered; this shocking case is not isolated in Europe, said the President. Listing several examples in the last few weeks of women killed in Spain, Portugal, and France, she concluded: “We cannot become immune to the horror of domestic abuse, femicide and violence against women. We cannot allow the cycle to continue, so for every woman who has been killed, let us state from here, not one more.”

    Changes to the agenda


    The Commission statement on Establishment of the EU Ethics Body will be wound up with a resolution to be voted on in the July session.


    The title of the Council and Commission statements is changed as follows: Preparation of the European Council meeting of 29-30 June 2023, in particular in the light of recent steps towards concluding the Migration Pact.

    Information concerning the distribution of votes is available under the section “Priority information”.

    Outgoing MEPs

    Eric Andrieu (S&D, France) as of 1 June 2023

    Incoming MEPs

    Christophe Glergeau (S&D, France) as of 2 June 2023

    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP  
    • Silvio Berlusconi 
    • Migration and Asylum 
    • Kakhovka dam in Ukraine 
    • Attack in Annecy 
    • Violence against women 

    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June plenary session in Strasbourg today with the following announcements.

    Silvio Berlusconi

    On behalf of the European Parliament, President Metsola extended her condolences to the children, political colleagues, family and loved ones of Silvio Berlusconi, who passed away today.

    Migration and Asylum

    The Council has agreed on its position on migration and asylum files and Parliament is ready to begin negotiations immediately to reach a deal before the end of this mandate, said the President. “I am convinced that we can find a way forward and that people around Europe expect a way forward that is fair and humane for those who are in need of protection, firm with those who are not eligible and strong with traffickers exploiting the most vulnerable”, she said.

    Destruction of Kakhovka dam in Ukraine

    Speaking of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine by Russia, which flooded dozens of villages and parts of a nearby city, leaving thousands in dire need, the President said Ukrainians need practical help, support and justice -“it cannot stay unanswered”, she urged.

    Attack in Annecy

    In a horrific attack against children and toddlers in Annecy, where a man wielding a knife stabbed indiscriminately, “passers-by prevented further bloodshed and tragedy,” said the President, “putting themselves in harm’s way and showing the very best of France and of Europe”.

    Violence against women

    On 27 May a woman in Italy was brutally murdered; this shocking case is not isolated in Europe, said the President. Listing several examples in the last few weeks of women killed in Spain, Portugal, and France, she concluded: “We cannot become immune to the horror of domestic abuse, femicide and violence against women. We cannot allow the cycle to continue, so for every woman who has been killed, let us state from here, not one more.”

    Changes to the agenda


    The Commission statement on Establishment of the EU Ethics Body will be wound up with a resolution to be voted on in the July session.


    The title of the Council and Commission statements is changed as follows: Preparation of the European Council meeting of 29-30 June 2023, in particular in the light of recent steps towards concluding the Migration Pact.

    Information concerning the distribution of votes is available under the section “Priority information”.

    Outgoing MEPs

    Eric Andrieu (S&D, France) as of 1 June 2023

    Incoming MEPs

    Christophe Glergeau (S&D, France) as of 2 June 2023

    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP  
    • Silvio Berlusconi 
    • Migration and Asylum 
    • Kakhovka dam in Ukraine 
    • Attack in Annecy 
    • Violence against women 

    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June plenary session in Strasbourg today with the following announcements.

    Silvio Berlusconi

    On behalf of the European Parliament, President Metsola extended her condolences to the children, political colleagues, family and loved ones of Silvio Berlusconi, who passed away today.

    Migration and Asylum

    The Council has agreed on its position on migration and asylum files and Parliament is ready to begin negotiations immediately to reach a deal before the end of this mandate, said the President. “I am convinced that we can find a way forward and that people around Europe expect a way forward that is fair and humane for those who are in need of protection, firm with those who are not eligible and strong with traffickers exploiting the most vulnerable”, she said.

    Destruction of Kakhovka dam in Ukraine

    Speaking of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine by Russia, which flooded dozens of villages and parts of a nearby city, leaving thousands in dire need, the President said Ukrainians need practical help, support and justice -“it cannot stay unanswered”, she urged.

    Attack in Annecy

    In a horrific attack against children and toddlers in Annecy, where a man wielding a knife stabbed indiscriminately, “passers-by prevented further bloodshed and tragedy,” said the President, “putting themselves in harm’s way and showing the very best of France and of Europe”.

    Violence against women

    On 27 May a woman in Italy was brutally murdered; this shocking case is not isolated in Europe, said the President. Listing several examples in the last few weeks of women killed in Spain, Portugal, and France, she concluded: “We cannot become immune to the horror of domestic abuse, femicide and violence against women. We cannot allow the cycle to continue, so for every woman who has been killed, let us state from here, not one more.”

    Changes to the agenda


    The Commission statement on Establishment of the EU Ethics Body will be wound up with a resolution to be voted on in the July session.


    The title of the Council and Commission statements is changed as follows: Preparation of the European Council meeting of 29-30 June 2023, in particular in the light of recent steps towards concluding the Migration Pact.

    Information concerning the distribution of votes is available under the section “Priority information”.

    Outgoing MEPs

    Eric Andrieu (S&D, France) as of 1 June 2023

    Incoming MEPs

    Christophe Glergeau (S&D, France) as of 2 June 2023

    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP  
    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP  
    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP  
    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP  
    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP        
    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP        
    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP    
    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP  
    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP  
    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June session in Strasbourg © European Union, 2023 – EP 
    • Silvio Berlusconi 
    • Migration and Asylum 
    • Kakhovka dam in Ukraine 
    • Attack in Annecy 
    • Violence against women 
    • Silvio Berlusconi 
    • Migration and Asylum 
    • Kakhovka dam in Ukraine 
    • Attack in Annecy 
    • Violence against women 
    • Silvio Berlusconi 
    • Migration and Asylum 
    • Kakhovka dam in Ukraine 
    • Attack in Annecy 
    • Violence against women 
    • Silvio Berlusconi 
    • Migration and Asylum 
    • Kakhovka dam in Ukraine 
    • Attack in Annecy 
    • Violence against women 
    • Silvio Berlusconi 
    • Migration and Asylum 
    • Kakhovka dam in Ukraine 
    • Attack in Annecy 
    • Violence against women 
  • Silvio Berlusconi 
  • Silvio Berlusconi 
    Silvio Berlusconi 
  • Migration and Asylum 
  • Migration and Asylum 
    Migration and Asylum 
  • Kakhovka dam in Ukraine 
  • Kakhovka dam in Ukraine 
    Kakhovka dam in Ukraine 
  • Attack in Annecy 
  • Attack in Annecy 
    Attack in Annecy 
  • Violence against women 
  • Violence against women 
    Violence against women 

    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June plenary session in Strasbourg today with the following announcements.

    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June plenary session in Strasbourg today with the following announcements.

    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June plenary session in Strasbourg today with the following announcements.

    President Metsola opened the 12-15 June plenary session in Strasbourg today with the following announcements.

    Silvio Berlusconi

    On behalf of the European Parliament, President Metsola extended her condolences to the children, political colleagues, family and loved ones of Silvio Berlusconi, who passed away today.

    Migration and Asylum

    The Council has agreed on its position on migration and asylum files and Parliament is ready to begin negotiations immediately to reach a deal before the end of this mandate, said the President. “I am convinced that we can find a way forward and that people around Europe expect a way forward that is fair and humane for those who are in need of protection, firm with those who are not eligible and strong with traffickers exploiting the most vulnerable”, she said.

    Destruction of Kakhovka dam in Ukraine

    Speaking of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine by Russia, which flooded dozens of villages and parts of a nearby city, leaving thousands in dire need, the President said Ukrainians need practical help, support and justice -“it cannot stay unanswered”, she urged.

    Attack in Annecy

    In a horrific attack against children and toddlers in Annecy, where a man wielding a knife stabbed indiscriminately, “passers-by prevented further bloodshed and tragedy,” said the President, “putting themselves in harm’s way and showing the very best of France and of Europe”.

    Violence against women

    On 27 May a woman in Italy was brutally murdered; this shocking case is not isolated in Europe, said the President. Listing several examples in the last few weeks of women killed in Spain, Portugal, and France, she concluded: “We cannot become immune to the horror of domestic abuse, femicide and violence against women. We cannot allow the cycle to continue, so for every woman who has been killed, let us state from here, not one more.”

    Changes to the agenda


    The Commission statement on Establishment of the EU Ethics Body will be wound up with a resolution to be voted on in the July session.


    The title of the Council and Commission statements is changed as follows: Preparation of the European Council meeting of 29-30 June 2023, in particular in the light of recent steps towards concluding the Migration Pact.

    Information concerning the distribution of votes is available under the section “Priority information”.

    Outgoing MEPs

    Eric Andrieu (S&D, France) as of 1 June 2023

    Incoming MEPs

    Christophe Glergeau (S&D, France) as of 2 June 2023

    Silvio Berlusconi

    On behalf of the European Parliament, President Metsola extended her condolences to the children, political colleagues, family and loved ones of Silvio Berlusconi, who passed away today.

    Migration and Asylum

    The Council has agreed on its position on migration and asylum files and Parliament is ready to begin negotiations immediately to reach a deal before the end of this mandate, said the President. “I am convinced that we can find a way forward and that people around Europe expect a way forward that is fair and humane for those who are in need of protection, firm with those who are not eligible and strong with traffickers exploiting the most vulnerable”, she said.

    Destruction of Kakhovka dam in Ukraine

    Speaking of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine by Russia, which flooded dozens of villages and parts of a nearby city, leaving thousands in dire need, the President said Ukrainians need practical help, support and justice -“it cannot stay unanswered”, she urged.

    Attack in Annecy

    In a horrific attack against children and toddlers in Annecy, where a man wielding a knife stabbed indiscriminately, “passers-by prevented further bloodshed and tragedy,” said the President, “putting themselves in harm’s way and showing the very best of France and of Europe”.

    Violence against women

    On 27 May a woman in Italy was brutally murdered; this shocking case is not isolated in Europe, said the President. Listing several examples in the last few weeks of women killed in Spain, Portugal, and France, she concluded: “We cannot become immune to the horror of domestic abuse, femicide and violence against women. We cannot allow the cycle to continue, so for every woman who has been killed, let us state from here, not one more.”

    Changes to the agenda


    The Commission statement on Establishment of the EU Ethics Body will be wound up with a resolution to be voted on in the July session.


    The title of the Council and Commission statements is changed as follows: Preparation of the European Council meeting of 29-30 June 2023, in particular in the light of recent steps towards concluding the Migration Pact.

    Information concerning the distribution of votes is available under the section “Priority information”.

    Outgoing MEPs

    Eric Andrieu (S&D, France) as of 1 June 2023

    Incoming MEPs

    Christophe Glergeau (S&D, France) as of 2 June 2023

    Silvio Berlusconi

    On behalf of the European Parliament, President Metsola extended her condolences to the children, political colleagues, family and loved ones of Silvio Berlusconi, who passed away today.

    Migration and Asylum

    The Council has agreed on its position on migration and asylum files and Parliament is ready to begin negotiations immediately to reach a deal before the end of this mandate, said the President. “I am convinced that we can find a way forward and that people around Europe expect a way forward that is fair and humane for those who are in need of protection, firm with those who are not eligible and strong with traffickers exploiting the most vulnerable”, she said.

    Destruction of Kakhovka dam in Ukraine

    Speaking of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine by Russia, which flooded dozens of villages and parts of a nearby city, leaving thousands in dire need, the President said Ukrainians need practical help, support and justice -“it cannot stay unanswered”, she urged.

    Attack in Annecy

    In a horrific attack against children and toddlers in Annecy, where a man wielding a knife stabbed indiscriminately, “passers-by prevented further bloodshed and tragedy,” said the President, “putting themselves in harm’s way and showing the very best of France and of Europe”.

    Violence against women

    On 27 May a woman in Italy was brutally murdered; this shocking case is not isolated in Europe, said the President. Listing several examples in the last few weeks of women killed in Spain, Portugal, and France, she concluded: “We cannot become immune to the horror of domestic abuse, femicide and violence against women. We cannot allow the cycle to continue, so for every woman who has been killed, let us state from here, not one more.”

    Changes to the agenda


    The Commission statement on Establishment of the EU Ethics Body will be wound up with a resolution to be voted on in the July session.


    The title of the Council and Commission statements is changed as follows: Preparation of the European Council meeting of 29-30 June 2023, in particular in the light of recent steps towards concluding the Migration Pact.

    Information concerning the distribution of votes is available under the section “Priority information”.

    Outgoing MEPs

    Eric Andrieu (S&D, France) as of 1 June 2023

    Incoming MEPs

    Christophe Glergeau (S&D, France) as of 2 June 2023

    Silvio Berlusconi

    Silvio Berlusconi

    On behalf of the European Parliament, President Metsola extended her condolences to the children, political colleagues, family and loved ones of Silvio Berlusconi, who passed away today.

    Migration and Asylum

    Migration and Asylum

    The Council has agreed on its position on migration and asylum files and Parliament is ready to begin negotiations immediately to reach a deal before the end of this mandate, said the President. “I am convinced that we can find a way forward and that people around Europe expect a way forward that is fair and humane for those who are in need of protection, firm with those who are not eligible and strong with traffickers exploiting the most vulnerable”, she said.

    Destruction of Kakhovka dam in Ukraine

    Destruction of Kakhovka dam in Ukraine

    Speaking of the destruction of the Kakhovka dam in Ukraine by Russia, which flooded dozens of villages and parts of a nearby city, leaving thousands in dire need, the President said Ukrainians need practical help, support and justice -“it cannot stay unanswered”, she urged.

    Attack in Annecy

    Attack in Annecy

    In a horrific attack against children and toddlers in Annecy, where a man wielding a knife stabbed indiscriminately, “passers-by prevented further bloodshed and tragedy,” said the President, “putting themselves in harm’s way and showing the very best of France and of Europe”.

    Violence against women

    Violence against women

    On 27 May a woman in Italy was brutally murdered; this shocking case is not isolated in Europe, said the President. Listing several examples in the last few weeks of women killed in Spain, Portugal, and France, she concluded: “We cannot become immune to the horror of domestic abuse, femicide and violence against women. We cannot allow the cycle to continue, so for every woman who has been killed, let us state from here, not one more.”

    Changes to the agenda

    Changes to the agenda



    The Commission statement on Establishment of the EU Ethics Body will be wound up with a resolution to be voted on in the July session.

    Establishment of the EU Ethics Body



    The title of the Council and Commission statements is changed as follows: Preparation of the European Council meeting of 29-30 June 2023, in particular in the light of recent steps towards concluding the Migration Pact.

    Preparation of the European Council meeting of 29-30 June 2023, in particular in the light of recent steps towards concluding the Migration Pact

    Information concerning the distribution of votes is available under the section “Priority information”.

    Priority information

    Outgoing MEPs

    Outgoing MEPs

    Eric Andrieu (S&D, France) as of 1 June 2023

    Incoming MEPs

    Incoming MEPs

    Christophe Glergeau (S&D, France) as of 2 June 2023


  • Andreas KLEINER 

    Andreas KLEINER Andreas KLEINER 
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    Further information 

    Further information 
    Further information 
  • Video recording of the opening (click on 12.06.2023)  Video recording of the opening (click on 12.06.2023) 
  • EbS+ (12.06.2023)   EbS+ (12.06.2023)  
  • Final draft agenda   Final draft agenda  
  • Briefing Newsletter  Briefing Newsletter 
  • Live broadcast of the plenary session  Live broadcast of the plenary session 
  • Press conferences and other events  Press conferences and other events 
  • EP multimedia centre  EP multimedia centre 


    REF.:  20230608IPR95909 


    REF.:  20230608IPR95909 
    REF.:  20230608IPR95909 
    REF.: REF.:REF.: 20230608IPR95909 20230608IPR95909 

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