Nature restoration: press conference Tuesday 13.00 with rapporteur César Luena | Nieuws | Europees Parlement


Nature restoration: press conference Tuesday 13.00 with rapporteur César Luena 


The Environment Committee will continue to vote on the draft report on nature restoration on Tuesday 27 June at 10.30.

Following the vote by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Parliament’s rapporteur César Luena (SD, ES) will hold a press conference on the EU nature restoration law.

When: Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 13.00-13.30 CET
Where: European Parliament, Brussels, ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA Room, SPAAK 0A50

Interpretation will be available in English, French and Spanish.

You can follow the press conference live via Parliament’s webstreaming.


The Commission proposed on 22 June 2022 a regulation on nature restoration to contribute to the long-term and sustained recovery of damaged nature across the EU’s land and sea areas and to achieve EU climate and biodiversity objectives.

Information for the media - Use Interactio to ask questions

Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions remotely, please connect via Interactio by using this link:

Interactio is only supported on iPad (with the Safari browser) and Mac/Windows (with the Google Chrome browser).

When connecting, enter your name and the media you are representing in the first name / last name fields.

For better sound quality, use headphones and a microphone. Interpretation is only possible for interventions with video.

Journalists who have never used Interactio before are asked to connect 30 minutes before the start of the press conference to perform a connection test. IT assistance can be provided if necessary.

When connected, open the chat window (upper right corner) to be able to see the service messages.

For more details, check the connection guidelines and recommendations for remote speakers.

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    Terug naar pagina : Pers Pers   Terug naar pagina : Pers Pers  Terug naar pagina : PersPers  Huidige pagina: Nature restoration: press conference Tuesday 13.00 with rapporteur César Luena   Huidige pagina: Nature restoration: press conference Tuesday 13.00 with rapporteur César Luena   Huidige pagina:Nature restoration: press conference Tuesday 13.00 with rapporteur César Luena  Terug naar pagina : Pers Pers  Terug naar pagina : PersPers 

    Nature restoration: press conference Tuesday 13.00 with rapporteur César Luena 


    The Environment Committee will continue to vote on the draft report on nature restoration on Tuesday 27 June at 10.30.

    Following the vote by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Parliament’s rapporteur César Luena (SD, ES) will hold a press conference on the EU nature restoration law.

    When: Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 13.00-13.30 CET
    Where: European Parliament, Brussels, ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA Room, SPAAK 0A50

    Interpretation will be available in English, French and Spanish.

    You can follow the press conference live via Parliament’s webstreaming.


    The Commission proposed on 22 June 2022 a regulation on nature restoration to contribute to the long-term and sustained recovery of damaged nature across the EU’s land and sea areas and to achieve EU climate and biodiversity objectives.

    Information for the media - Use Interactio to ask questions

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions remotely, please connect via Interactio by using this link:

    Interactio is only supported on iPad (with the Safari browser) and Mac/Windows (with the Google Chrome browser).

    When connecting, enter your name and the media you are representing in the first name / last name fields.

    For better sound quality, use headphones and a microphone. Interpretation is only possible for interventions with video.

    Journalists who have never used Interactio before are asked to connect 30 minutes before the start of the press conference to perform a connection test. IT assistance can be provided if necessary.

    When connected, open the chat window (upper right corner) to be able to see the service messages.

    For more details, check the connection guidelines and recommendations for remote speakers.


    Nature restoration: press conference Tuesday 13.00 with rapporteur César Luena 


    Nature restoration: press conference Tuesday 13.00 with rapporteur César Luena 


    Nature restoration: press conference Tuesday 13.00 with rapporteur César Luena 


    Nature restoration: press conference Tuesday 13.00 with rapporteur César Luena 


    Nature restoration: press conference Tuesday 13.00 with rapporteur César Luena 


    Nature restoration: press conference Tuesday 13.00 with rapporteur César Luena 

    Nature restoration: press conference Tuesday 13.00 with rapporteur César Luena 
    Nature restoration: press conference Tuesday 13.00 with rapporteur César Luena 
    Persbericht  ENVI  ENVIENVI 

    The Environment Committee will continue to vote on the draft report on nature restoration on Tuesday 27 June at 10.30.

    Following the vote by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Parliament’s rapporteur César Luena (SD, ES) will hold a press conference on the EU nature restoration law.

    When: Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 13.00-13.30 CET
    Where: European Parliament, Brussels, ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA Room, SPAAK 0A50

    Interpretation will be available in English, French and Spanish.

    You can follow the press conference live via Parliament’s webstreaming.


    The Commission proposed on 22 June 2022 a regulation on nature restoration to contribute to the long-term and sustained recovery of damaged nature across the EU’s land and sea areas and to achieve EU climate and biodiversity objectives.

    Information for the media - Use Interactio to ask questions

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions remotely, please connect via Interactio by using this link:

    Interactio is only supported on iPad (with the Safari browser) and Mac/Windows (with the Google Chrome browser).

    When connecting, enter your name and the media you are representing in the first name / last name fields.

    For better sound quality, use headphones and a microphone. Interpretation is only possible for interventions with video.

    Journalists who have never used Interactio before are asked to connect 30 minutes before the start of the press conference to perform a connection test. IT assistance can be provided if necessary.

    When connected, open the chat window (upper right corner) to be able to see the service messages.

    For more details, check the connection guidelines and recommendations for remote speakers.


    The Environment Committee will continue to vote on the draft report on nature restoration on Tuesday 27 June at 10.30.

    Following the vote by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Parliament’s rapporteur César Luena (SD, ES) will hold a press conference on the EU nature restoration law.

    When: Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 13.00-13.30 CET
    Where: European Parliament, Brussels, ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA Room, SPAAK 0A50

    Interpretation will be available in English, French and Spanish.

    You can follow the press conference live via Parliament’s webstreaming.


    The Commission proposed on 22 June 2022 a regulation on nature restoration to contribute to the long-term and sustained recovery of damaged nature across the EU’s land and sea areas and to achieve EU climate and biodiversity objectives.

    Information for the media - Use Interactio to ask questions

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions remotely, please connect via Interactio by using this link:

    Interactio is only supported on iPad (with the Safari browser) and Mac/Windows (with the Google Chrome browser).

    When connecting, enter your name and the media you are representing in the first name / last name fields.

    For better sound quality, use headphones and a microphone. Interpretation is only possible for interventions with video.

    Journalists who have never used Interactio before are asked to connect 30 minutes before the start of the press conference to perform a connection test. IT assistance can be provided if necessary.

    When connected, open the chat window (upper right corner) to be able to see the service messages.

    For more details, check the connection guidelines and recommendations for remote speakers.


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    The Environment Committee will continue to vote on the draft report on nature restoration on Tuesday 27 June at 10.30.

    Following the vote by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Parliament’s rapporteur César Luena (SD, ES) will hold a press conference on the EU nature restoration law.

    When: Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 13.00-13.30 CET
    Where: European Parliament, Brussels, ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA Room, SPAAK 0A50

    Interpretation will be available in English, French and Spanish.

    You can follow the press conference live via Parliament’s webstreaming.


    The Commission proposed on 22 June 2022 a regulation on nature restoration to contribute to the long-term and sustained recovery of damaged nature across the EU’s land and sea areas and to achieve EU climate and biodiversity objectives.

    Information for the media - Use Interactio to ask questions

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions remotely, please connect via Interactio by using this link:

    Interactio is only supported on iPad (with the Safari browser) and Mac/Windows (with the Google Chrome browser).

    When connecting, enter your name and the media you are representing in the first name / last name fields.

    For better sound quality, use headphones and a microphone. Interpretation is only possible for interventions with video.

    Journalists who have never used Interactio before are asked to connect 30 minutes before the start of the press conference to perform a connection test. IT assistance can be provided if necessary.

    When connected, open the chat window (upper right corner) to be able to see the service messages.

    For more details, check the connection guidelines and recommendations for remote speakers.

    The Environment Committee will continue to vote on the draft report on nature restoration on Tuesday 27 June at 10.30.

    Following the vote by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Parliament’s rapporteur César Luena (SD, ES) will hold a press conference on the EU nature restoration law.

    When: Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 13.00-13.30 CET
    Where: European Parliament, Brussels, ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA Room, SPAAK 0A50

    Interpretation will be available in English, French and Spanish.

    You can follow the press conference live via Parliament’s webstreaming.


    The Commission proposed on 22 June 2022 a regulation on nature restoration to contribute to the long-term and sustained recovery of damaged nature across the EU’s land and sea areas and to achieve EU climate and biodiversity objectives.

    Information for the media - Use Interactio to ask questions

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions remotely, please connect via Interactio by using this link:

    Interactio is only supported on iPad (with the Safari browser) and Mac/Windows (with the Google Chrome browser).

    When connecting, enter your name and the media you are representing in the first name / last name fields.

    For better sound quality, use headphones and a microphone. Interpretation is only possible for interventions with video.

    Journalists who have never used Interactio before are asked to connect 30 minutes before the start of the press conference to perform a connection test. IT assistance can be provided if necessary.

    When connected, open the chat window (upper right corner) to be able to see the service messages.

    For more details, check the connection guidelines and recommendations for remote speakers.

    The Environment Committee will continue to vote on the draft report on nature restoration on Tuesday 27 June at 10.30.

    Following the vote by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Parliament’s rapporteur César Luena (SD, ES) will hold a press conference on the EU nature restoration law.

    When: Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 13.00-13.30 CET
    Where: European Parliament, Brussels, ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA Room, SPAAK 0A50

    Interpretation will be available in English, French and Spanish.

    You can follow the press conference live via Parliament’s webstreaming.


    The Commission proposed on 22 June 2022 a regulation on nature restoration to contribute to the long-term and sustained recovery of damaged nature across the EU’s land and sea areas and to achieve EU climate and biodiversity objectives.

    Information for the media - Use Interactio to ask questions

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions remotely, please connect via Interactio by using this link:

    Interactio is only supported on iPad (with the Safari browser) and Mac/Windows (with the Google Chrome browser).

    When connecting, enter your name and the media you are representing in the first name / last name fields.

    For better sound quality, use headphones and a microphone. Interpretation is only possible for interventions with video.

    Journalists who have never used Interactio before are asked to connect 30 minutes before the start of the press conference to perform a connection test. IT assistance can be provided if necessary.

    When connected, open the chat window (upper right corner) to be able to see the service messages.

    For more details, check the connection guidelines and recommendations for remote speakers.

    The Environment Committee will continue to vote on the draft report on nature restoration on Tuesday 27 June at 10.30.

    The Environment Committee will continue to vote on the draft report on nature restoration on Tuesday 27 June at 10.30.

    The Environment Committee will continue to vote on the draft report on nature restoration on Tuesday 27 June at 10.30.

    The Environment Committee will continue to vote on the draft report on nature restoration on Tuesday 27 June at 10.30.

    Following the vote by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Parliament’s rapporteur César Luena (SD, ES) will hold a press conference on the EU nature restoration law.

    When: Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 13.00-13.30 CET
    Where: European Parliament, Brussels, ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA Room, SPAAK 0A50

    Interpretation will be available in English, French and Spanish.

    You can follow the press conference live via Parliament’s webstreaming.


    The Commission proposed on 22 June 2022 a regulation on nature restoration to contribute to the long-term and sustained recovery of damaged nature across the EU’s land and sea areas and to achieve EU climate and biodiversity objectives.

    Information for the media - Use Interactio to ask questions

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions remotely, please connect via Interactio by using this link:

    Interactio is only supported on iPad (with the Safari browser) and Mac/Windows (with the Google Chrome browser).

    When connecting, enter your name and the media you are representing in the first name / last name fields.

    For better sound quality, use headphones and a microphone. Interpretation is only possible for interventions with video.

    Journalists who have never used Interactio before are asked to connect 30 minutes before the start of the press conference to perform a connection test. IT assistance can be provided if necessary.

    When connected, open the chat window (upper right corner) to be able to see the service messages.

    For more details, check the connection guidelines and recommendations for remote speakers.

    Following the vote by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Parliament’s rapporteur César Luena (SD, ES) will hold a press conference on the EU nature restoration law.

    When: Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 13.00-13.30 CET
    Where: European Parliament, Brussels, ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA Room, SPAAK 0A50

    Interpretation will be available in English, French and Spanish.

    You can follow the press conference live via Parliament’s webstreaming.


    The Commission proposed on 22 June 2022 a regulation on nature restoration to contribute to the long-term and sustained recovery of damaged nature across the EU’s land and sea areas and to achieve EU climate and biodiversity objectives.

    Information for the media - Use Interactio to ask questions

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions remotely, please connect via Interactio by using this link:

    Interactio is only supported on iPad (with the Safari browser) and Mac/Windows (with the Google Chrome browser).

    When connecting, enter your name and the media you are representing in the first name / last name fields.

    For better sound quality, use headphones and a microphone. Interpretation is only possible for interventions with video.

    Journalists who have never used Interactio before are asked to connect 30 minutes before the start of the press conference to perform a connection test. IT assistance can be provided if necessary.

    When connected, open the chat window (upper right corner) to be able to see the service messages.

    For more details, check the connection guidelines and recommendations for remote speakers.

    Following the vote by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Parliament’s rapporteur César Luena (SD, ES) will hold a press conference on the EU nature restoration law.

    When: Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 13.00-13.30 CET
    Where: European Parliament, Brussels, ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA Room, SPAAK 0A50

    Interpretation will be available in English, French and Spanish.

    You can follow the press conference live via Parliament’s webstreaming.


    The Commission proposed on 22 June 2022 a regulation on nature restoration to contribute to the long-term and sustained recovery of damaged nature across the EU’s land and sea areas and to achieve EU climate and biodiversity objectives.

    Information for the media - Use Interactio to ask questions

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions remotely, please connect via Interactio by using this link:

    Interactio is only supported on iPad (with the Safari browser) and Mac/Windows (with the Google Chrome browser).

    When connecting, enter your name and the media you are representing in the first name / last name fields.

    For better sound quality, use headphones and a microphone. Interpretation is only possible for interventions with video.

    Journalists who have never used Interactio before are asked to connect 30 minutes before the start of the press conference to perform a connection test. IT assistance can be provided if necessary.

    When connected, open the chat window (upper right corner) to be able to see the service messages.

    For more details, check the connection guidelines and recommendations for remote speakers.

    Following the vote by the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety, Parliament’s rapporteur César Luena (SD, ES) will hold a press conference on the EU nature restoration law.

    César Luena

    When: Tuesday, 27 June 2023, 13.00-13.30 CET
    Where: European Parliament, Brussels, ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA Room, SPAAK 0A50

    Interpretation will be available in English, French and Spanish.

    You can follow the press conference live via Parliament’s webstreaming.

    live via Parliament’s webstreaming



    The Commission proposed on 22 June 2022 a regulation on nature restoration to contribute to the long-term and sustained recovery of damaged nature across the EU’s land and sea areas and to achieve EU climate and biodiversity objectives.

    a regulation on nature restorationclimatebiodiversity

    Information for the media - Use Interactio to ask questions

    Information for the media - Use Interactio to ask questions

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions remotely, please connect via Interactio by using this link:

    Interactio is only supported on iPad (with the Safari browser) and Mac/Windows (with the Google Chrome browser).

    When connecting, enter your name and the media you are representing in the first name / last name fields.

    For better sound quality, use headphones and a microphone. Interpretation is only possible for interventions with video.

    Journalists who have never used Interactio before are asked to connect 30 minutes before the start of the press conference to perform a connection test. IT assistance can be provided if necessary.

    When connected, open the chat window (upper right corner) to be able to see the service messages.

    For more details, check the connection guidelines and recommendations for remote speakers.


  • Thomas HAAHR 

    Thomas HAAHR Thomas HAAHR 
    Press Officer 
    Press Officer Press Officer 
  • Telefoonnummer: (+32) 2 28 42976 (BXL) 
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  • Twitteraccount: @EP_Environment Twitteraccount: @EP_EnvironmentTwitteraccount:  

    Further information 

    Further information 
    Further information 
  • Steps of the procedure  Steps of the procedure 
  • EP research: EU nature restoration regulation: Setting binding targets for healthy ecosystems (October 2022)  EP research: EU nature restoration regulation: Setting binding targets for healthy ecosystems (October 2022) 
  • EP Multimedia Centre: Free photos, videos and audio material  EP Multimedia Centre: Free photos, videos and audio material 
  • Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety  Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety 


    REF.:  20230613IPR98314 


    REF.:  20230613IPR98314 
    REF.:  20230613IPR98314 
    REF.: REF.:REF.: 20230613IPR98314 20230613IPR98314 

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