2023 Sakharov Prize: finalists chosen | Nieuws | Europees Parlement


2023 Sakharov Prize: finalists chosen 


MEPs have shortlisted Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran, Nicaraguan human rights activists and women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion.

On Thursday 12 October, MEPs on the Foreign Affairs and Development committees chose in a joint vote the finalists for the European Parliament’s 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, during a joint meeting with Human Rights Subcommittee MEPs.

They selected:

- Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran;

- Vilma Núñez de Escorcia and Bishop Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, Nicaragua;

- Women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion: Justyna Wydrzyńska (Poland), Morena Herrera (El Salvador) and Colleen McNicholas (United States).

Read more about all the nominees here.

Next steps

The European Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (President Metsola and political groups’ leaders) will select the winning laureate on Thursday 19 October. They will receive the prize itself at a ceremony in the European Parliament’s hemicycle in Strasbourg on 13 December.


The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is awarded each year by the European Parliament. It was set up in 1988 to honour individuals and organisations defending human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is named in honour of Soviet physicist and political dissident Andrei Sakharov and the prize money is 50 000 euros.

Last year, Parliament awarded the prize to the brave people of Ukraine, represented by their president, elected leaders, and civil society.

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    2023 Sakharov Prize: finalists chosen 


    MEPs have shortlisted Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran, Nicaraguan human rights activists and women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion.

    On Thursday 12 October, MEPs on the Foreign Affairs and Development committees chose in a joint vote the finalists for the European Parliament’s 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, during a joint meeting with Human Rights Subcommittee MEPs.

    They selected:

    - Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran;

    - Vilma Núñez de Escorcia and Bishop Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, Nicaragua;

    - Women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion: Justyna Wydrzyńska (Poland), Morena Herrera (El Salvador) and Colleen McNicholas (United States).

    Read more about all the nominees here.

    Next steps

    The European Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (President Metsola and political groups’ leaders) will select the winning laureate on Thursday 19 October. They will receive the prize itself at a ceremony in the European Parliament’s hemicycle in Strasbourg on 13 December.


    The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is awarded each year by the European Parliament. It was set up in 1988 to honour individuals and organisations defending human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is named in honour of Soviet physicist and political dissident Andrei Sakharov and the prize money is 50 000 euros.

    Last year, Parliament awarded the prize to the brave people of Ukraine, represented by their president, elected leaders, and civil society.


    2023 Sakharov Prize: finalists chosen 


    2023 Sakharov Prize: finalists chosen 


    2023 Sakharov Prize: finalists chosen 


    2023 Sakharov Prize: finalists chosen 


    2023 Sakharov Prize: finalists chosen 


    2023 Sakharov Prize: finalists chosen 

    2023 Sakharov Prize: finalists chosen 
    2023 Sakharov Prize: finalists chosen 

    MEPs have shortlisted Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran, Nicaraguan human rights activists and women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion.

    On Thursday 12 October, MEPs on the Foreign Affairs and Development committees chose in a joint vote the finalists for the European Parliament’s 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, during a joint meeting with Human Rights Subcommittee MEPs.

    They selected:

    - Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran;

    - Vilma Núñez de Escorcia and Bishop Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, Nicaragua;

    - Women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion: Justyna Wydrzyńska (Poland), Morena Herrera (El Salvador) and Colleen McNicholas (United States).

    Read more about all the nominees here.

    Next steps

    The European Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (President Metsola and political groups’ leaders) will select the winning laureate on Thursday 19 October. They will receive the prize itself at a ceremony in the European Parliament’s hemicycle in Strasbourg on 13 December.


    The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is awarded each year by the European Parliament. It was set up in 1988 to honour individuals and organisations defending human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is named in honour of Soviet physicist and political dissident Andrei Sakharov and the prize money is 50 000 euros.

    Last year, Parliament awarded the prize to the brave people of Ukraine, represented by their president, elected leaders, and civil society.


    MEPs have shortlisted Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran, Nicaraguan human rights activists and women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion.

    On Thursday 12 October, MEPs on the Foreign Affairs and Development committees chose in a joint vote the finalists for the European Parliament’s 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, during a joint meeting with Human Rights Subcommittee MEPs.

    They selected:

    - Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran;

    - Vilma Núñez de Escorcia and Bishop Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, Nicaragua;

    - Women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion: Justyna Wydrzyńska (Poland), Morena Herrera (El Salvador) and Colleen McNicholas (United States).

    Read more about all the nominees here.

    Next steps

    The European Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (President Metsola and political groups’ leaders) will select the winning laureate on Thursday 19 October. They will receive the prize itself at a ceremony in the European Parliament’s hemicycle in Strasbourg on 13 December.


    The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is awarded each year by the European Parliament. It was set up in 1988 to honour individuals and organisations defending human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is named in honour of Soviet physicist and political dissident Andrei Sakharov and the prize money is 50 000 euros.

    Last year, Parliament awarded the prize to the brave people of Ukraine, represented by their president, elected leaders, and civil society.


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    MEPs have shortlisted Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran, Nicaraguan human rights activists and women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion.

    On Thursday 12 October, MEPs on the Foreign Affairs and Development committees chose in a joint vote the finalists for the European Parliament’s 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, during a joint meeting with Human Rights Subcommittee MEPs.

    They selected:

    - Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran;

    - Vilma Núñez de Escorcia and Bishop Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, Nicaragua;

    - Women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion: Justyna Wydrzyńska (Poland), Morena Herrera (El Salvador) and Colleen McNicholas (United States).

    Read more about all the nominees here.

    Next steps

    The European Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (President Metsola and political groups’ leaders) will select the winning laureate on Thursday 19 October. They will receive the prize itself at a ceremony in the European Parliament’s hemicycle in Strasbourg on 13 December.


    The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is awarded each year by the European Parliament. It was set up in 1988 to honour individuals and organisations defending human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is named in honour of Soviet physicist and political dissident Andrei Sakharov and the prize money is 50 000 euros.

    Last year, Parliament awarded the prize to the brave people of Ukraine, represented by their president, elected leaders, and civil society.

    MEPs have shortlisted Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran, Nicaraguan human rights activists and women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion.

    On Thursday 12 October, MEPs on the Foreign Affairs and Development committees chose in a joint vote the finalists for the European Parliament’s 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, during a joint meeting with Human Rights Subcommittee MEPs.

    They selected:

    - Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran;

    - Vilma Núñez de Escorcia and Bishop Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, Nicaragua;

    - Women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion: Justyna Wydrzyńska (Poland), Morena Herrera (El Salvador) and Colleen McNicholas (United States).

    Read more about all the nominees here.

    Next steps

    The European Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (President Metsola and political groups’ leaders) will select the winning laureate on Thursday 19 October. They will receive the prize itself at a ceremony in the European Parliament’s hemicycle in Strasbourg on 13 December.


    The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is awarded each year by the European Parliament. It was set up in 1988 to honour individuals and organisations defending human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is named in honour of Soviet physicist and political dissident Andrei Sakharov and the prize money is 50 000 euros.

    Last year, Parliament awarded the prize to the brave people of Ukraine, represented by their president, elected leaders, and civil society.

    MEPs have shortlisted Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran, Nicaraguan human rights activists and women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion.

    On Thursday 12 October, MEPs on the Foreign Affairs and Development committees chose in a joint vote the finalists for the European Parliament’s 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, during a joint meeting with Human Rights Subcommittee MEPs.

    They selected:

    - Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran;

    - Vilma Núñez de Escorcia and Bishop Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, Nicaragua;

    - Women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion: Justyna Wydrzyńska (Poland), Morena Herrera (El Salvador) and Colleen McNicholas (United States).

    Read more about all the nominees here.

    Next steps

    The European Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (President Metsola and political groups’ leaders) will select the winning laureate on Thursday 19 October. They will receive the prize itself at a ceremony in the European Parliament’s hemicycle in Strasbourg on 13 December.


    The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is awarded each year by the European Parliament. It was set up in 1988 to honour individuals and organisations defending human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is named in honour of Soviet physicist and political dissident Andrei Sakharov and the prize money is 50 000 euros.

    Last year, Parliament awarded the prize to the brave people of Ukraine, represented by their president, elected leaders, and civil society.

    MEPs have shortlisted Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran, Nicaraguan human rights activists and women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion.

    MEPs have shortlisted Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran, Nicaraguan human rights activists and women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion.

    MEPs have shortlisted Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran, Nicaraguan human rights activists and women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion.

    MEPs have shortlisted Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran, Nicaraguan human rights activists and women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion.

    On Thursday 12 October, MEPs on the Foreign Affairs and Development committees chose in a joint vote the finalists for the European Parliament’s 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, during a joint meeting with Human Rights Subcommittee MEPs.

    They selected:

    - Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran;

    - Vilma Núñez de Escorcia and Bishop Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, Nicaragua;

    - Women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion: Justyna Wydrzyńska (Poland), Morena Herrera (El Salvador) and Colleen McNicholas (United States).

    Read more about all the nominees here.

    Next steps

    The European Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (President Metsola and political groups’ leaders) will select the winning laureate on Thursday 19 October. They will receive the prize itself at a ceremony in the European Parliament’s hemicycle in Strasbourg on 13 December.


    The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is awarded each year by the European Parliament. It was set up in 1988 to honour individuals and organisations defending human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is named in honour of Soviet physicist and political dissident Andrei Sakharov and the prize money is 50 000 euros.

    Last year, Parliament awarded the prize to the brave people of Ukraine, represented by their president, elected leaders, and civil society.

    On Thursday 12 October, MEPs on the Foreign Affairs and Development committees chose in a joint vote the finalists for the European Parliament’s 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, during a joint meeting with Human Rights Subcommittee MEPs.

    They selected:

    - Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran;

    - Vilma Núñez de Escorcia and Bishop Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, Nicaragua;

    - Women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion: Justyna Wydrzyńska (Poland), Morena Herrera (El Salvador) and Colleen McNicholas (United States).

    Read more about all the nominees here.

    Next steps

    The European Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (President Metsola and political groups’ leaders) will select the winning laureate on Thursday 19 October. They will receive the prize itself at a ceremony in the European Parliament’s hemicycle in Strasbourg on 13 December.


    The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is awarded each year by the European Parliament. It was set up in 1988 to honour individuals and organisations defending human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is named in honour of Soviet physicist and political dissident Andrei Sakharov and the prize money is 50 000 euros.

    Last year, Parliament awarded the prize to the brave people of Ukraine, represented by their president, elected leaders, and civil society.

    On Thursday 12 October, MEPs on the Foreign Affairs and Development committees chose in a joint vote the finalists for the European Parliament’s 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, during a joint meeting with Human Rights Subcommittee MEPs.

    They selected:

    - Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran;

    - Vilma Núñez de Escorcia and Bishop Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, Nicaragua;

    - Women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion: Justyna Wydrzyńska (Poland), Morena Herrera (El Salvador) and Colleen McNicholas (United States).

    Read more about all the nominees here.

    Next steps

    The European Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (President Metsola and political groups’ leaders) will select the winning laureate on Thursday 19 October. They will receive the prize itself at a ceremony in the European Parliament’s hemicycle in Strasbourg on 13 December.


    The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is awarded each year by the European Parliament. It was set up in 1988 to honour individuals and organisations defending human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is named in honour of Soviet physicist and political dissident Andrei Sakharov and the prize money is 50 000 euros.

    Last year, Parliament awarded the prize to the brave people of Ukraine, represented by their president, elected leaders, and civil society.

    On Thursday 12 October, MEPs on the Foreign Affairs and Development committees chose in a joint vote the finalists for the European Parliament’s 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, during a joint meeting with Human Rights Subcommittee MEPs.

    They selected:

    - Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life and Freedom Movement in Iran;

    - Vilma Núñez de Escorcia and Bishop Rolando José Álvarez Lagos, Nicaragua;

    - Women fighting for a free, safe and legal abortion: Justyna Wydrzyńska (Poland), Morena Herrera (El Salvador) and Colleen McNicholas (United States).

    Read more about all the nominees here.

    Next steps

    The European Parliament’s Conference of Presidents (President Metsola and political groups’ leaders) will select the winning laureate on Thursday 19 October. They will receive the prize itself at a ceremony in the European Parliament’s hemicycle in Strasbourg on 13 December.


    The Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought is awarded each year by the European Parliament. It was set up in 1988 to honour individuals and organisations defending human rights and fundamental freedoms. It is named in honour of Soviet physicist and political dissident Andrei Sakharov and the prize money is 50 000 euros.

    Last year, Parliament awarded the prize to the brave people of Ukraine, represented by their president, elected leaders, and civil society.

    Foreign AffairsDevelopmentHuman Rights


    Next steps

    Conference of Presidents


    Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought

    brave people of Ukraine, represented by their president, elected leaders, and civil society


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    Further information 

    Further information 
    Further information 
  • Committee on Foreign Affairs  Committee on Foreign Affairs 
  • Subcommittee on Human Rights  Subcommittee on Human Rights 
  • Committee on Development  Committee on Development 
  • Link to the video statement by the three Chairs of AFET, DEVE and DROI following the vote on the finalists (12.10.2023)  Link to the video statement by the three Chairs of AFET, DEVE and DROI following the vote on the finalists (12.10.2023) 
  • Nominees for the 2023 Sakharov Prize  Nominees for the 2023 Sakharov Prize 
  • Infographic – Sakharov Prize: how is the laureate chosen?   Infographic – Sakharov Prize: how is the laureate chosen?  
  • Sakharov Prize Community  Sakharov Prize Community 
  • EP Multimedia Centre: Sakharov Prize 2023  EP Multimedia Centre: Sakharov Prize 2023 


    REF.:  20231009IPR06747 


    REF.:  20231009IPR06747 
    REF.:  20231009IPR06747 
    REF.: REF.:REF.: 20231009IPR06747 20231009IPR06747 

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