EP TODAY | Nieuws | Europees Parlement




Thursday, 9 November

MEPs to assess effectiveness of EU sanctions on Russia

At 11.00, MEPs will vote on a resolution on whether the EU’s sanctions against Russia are working and how to prevent Moscow from circumventing them. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the EU has adopted 11 sanctions packages in total, targeting key sectors of the Russian economy and political elites. Moscow has, however, found ways to bypass these measures, including through loopholes in trade restrictions and with the help of third-country intermediaries.

(+32) 470 88 29 42

Data Act: Final vote on new rules on fair access and use of industrial data

The "Data Act", already agreed informally between MEPs and Council, aims to stimulate innovation by eliminating barriers to data access. It establishes rules governing the sharing of data generated through the use of connected products or related services (e.g. the Internet of Things, industrial machinery) and will contribute to the development of new services, particularly in artificial intelligence, where vast amounts of data are required for algorithm training.

Baptiste CHATAIN
(+32) 498 98 13 37

Debate on the outcome of the EU-US summit

At 9.00, plenary will assess the results of the EU-US meeting held on 20 October in Washington with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs, Ángeles Moreno. Presidents Michel and von der Leyen and EU diplomacy chief Borrell met with US President Biden, with whom they discussed the situation in the Middle East, developments in Russia’s war against Ukraine, as well as trade, economy, climate change and energy issues, among other topics.

Eszter ZALÁN

(+32) 477 99 20 73

EP Trade

Three new EU revenue sources for the EU budget

From around 9.45, Parliament will debate with Commissioner Hahn the introduction of the next generation of EU “own resources”, which will be sourced from the Emission Trading System, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, and from additional taxes on corporate profits. The vote will take place at 11.00.

(+32) 498 98 13 45


Between 11.00 and 13.00, MEPs will vote, among other things, on

  • introducing the next generation of EU “own resources”;
  • new Euro 7 rules to reduce road transport emissions;
  • a new Quaestor to replace MEP Monika Beňová; and
  • Danish, Irish and Spanish candidates for the Court of Auditors.

Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.
For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


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    Thursday, 9 November

    MEPs to assess effectiveness of EU sanctions on Russia

    At 11.00, MEPs will vote on a resolution on whether the EU’s sanctions against Russia are working and how to prevent Moscow from circumventing them. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the EU has adopted 11 sanctions packages in total, targeting key sectors of the Russian economy and political elites. Moscow has, however, found ways to bypass these measures, including through loopholes in trade restrictions and with the help of third-country intermediaries.

    Viktor ALMQVIST
    (+32) 470 88 29 42

    Data Act: Final vote on new rules on fair access and use of industrial data

    The "Data Act", already agreed informally between MEPs and Council, aims to stimulate innovation by eliminating barriers to data access. It establishes rules governing the sharing of data generated through the use of connected products or related services (e.g. the Internet of Things, industrial machinery) and will contribute to the development of new services, particularly in artificial intelligence, where vast amounts of data are required for algorithm training.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Debate on the outcome of the EU-US summit

    At 9.00, plenary will assess the results of the EU-US meeting held on 20 October in Washington with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs, Ángeles Moreno. Presidents Michel and von der Leyen and EU diplomacy chief Borrell met with US President Biden, with whom they discussed the situation in the Middle East, developments in Russia’s war against Ukraine, as well as trade, economy, climate change and energy issues, among other topics.

    Eszter ZALÁN

    (+32) 477 99 20 73

    EP Trade

    Three new EU revenue sources for the EU budget

    From around 9.45, Parliament will debate with Commissioner Hahn the introduction of the next generation of EU “own resources”, which will be sourced from the Emission Trading System, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, and from additional taxes on corporate profits. The vote will take place at 11.00.

    Armin WISDORFF
    (+32) 498 98 13 45


    Between 11.00 and 13.00, MEPs will vote, among other things, on

    • introducing the next generation of EU “own resources”;
    • new Euro 7 rules to reduce road transport emissions;
    • a new Quaestor to replace MEP Monika Beňová; and
    • Danish, Irish and Spanish candidates for the Court of Auditors.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.
    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.














    Persbericht  Plenaire vergadering  Plenaire vergadering 

    Thursday, 9 November

    MEPs to assess effectiveness of EU sanctions on Russia

    At 11.00, MEPs will vote on a resolution on whether the EU’s sanctions against Russia are working and how to prevent Moscow from circumventing them. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the EU has adopted 11 sanctions packages in total, targeting key sectors of the Russian economy and political elites. Moscow has, however, found ways to bypass these measures, including through loopholes in trade restrictions and with the help of third-country intermediaries.

    Viktor ALMQVIST
    (+32) 470 88 29 42

    Data Act: Final vote on new rules on fair access and use of industrial data

    The "Data Act", already agreed informally between MEPs and Council, aims to stimulate innovation by eliminating barriers to data access. It establishes rules governing the sharing of data generated through the use of connected products or related services (e.g. the Internet of Things, industrial machinery) and will contribute to the development of new services, particularly in artificial intelligence, where vast amounts of data are required for algorithm training.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Debate on the outcome of the EU-US summit

    At 9.00, plenary will assess the results of the EU-US meeting held on 20 October in Washington with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs, Ángeles Moreno. Presidents Michel and von der Leyen and EU diplomacy chief Borrell met with US President Biden, with whom they discussed the situation in the Middle East, developments in Russia’s war against Ukraine, as well as trade, economy, climate change and energy issues, among other topics.

    Eszter ZALÁN

    (+32) 477 99 20 73

    EP Trade

    Three new EU revenue sources for the EU budget

    From around 9.45, Parliament will debate with Commissioner Hahn the introduction of the next generation of EU “own resources”, which will be sourced from the Emission Trading System, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, and from additional taxes on corporate profits. The vote will take place at 11.00.

    Armin WISDORFF
    (+32) 498 98 13 45


    Between 11.00 and 13.00, MEPs will vote, among other things, on

    • introducing the next generation of EU “own resources”;
    • new Euro 7 rules to reduce road transport emissions;
    • a new Quaestor to replace MEP Monika Beňová; and
    • Danish, Irish and Spanish candidates for the Court of Auditors.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.
    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.



    Thursday, 9 November

    MEPs to assess effectiveness of EU sanctions on Russia

    At 11.00, MEPs will vote on a resolution on whether the EU’s sanctions against Russia are working and how to prevent Moscow from circumventing them. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the EU has adopted 11 sanctions packages in total, targeting key sectors of the Russian economy and political elites. Moscow has, however, found ways to bypass these measures, including through loopholes in trade restrictions and with the help of third-country intermediaries.

    Viktor ALMQVIST
    (+32) 470 88 29 42

    Data Act: Final vote on new rules on fair access and use of industrial data

    The "Data Act", already agreed informally between MEPs and Council, aims to stimulate innovation by eliminating barriers to data access. It establishes rules governing the sharing of data generated through the use of connected products or related services (e.g. the Internet of Things, industrial machinery) and will contribute to the development of new services, particularly in artificial intelligence, where vast amounts of data are required for algorithm training.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Debate on the outcome of the EU-US summit

    At 9.00, plenary will assess the results of the EU-US meeting held on 20 October in Washington with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs, Ángeles Moreno. Presidents Michel and von der Leyen and EU diplomacy chief Borrell met with US President Biden, with whom they discussed the situation in the Middle East, developments in Russia’s war against Ukraine, as well as trade, economy, climate change and energy issues, among other topics.

    Eszter ZALÁN

    (+32) 477 99 20 73

    EP Trade

    Three new EU revenue sources for the EU budget

    From around 9.45, Parliament will debate with Commissioner Hahn the introduction of the next generation of EU “own resources”, which will be sourced from the Emission Trading System, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, and from additional taxes on corporate profits. The vote will take place at 11.00.

    Armin WISDORFF
    (+32) 498 98 13 45


    Between 11.00 and 13.00, MEPs will vote, among other things, on

    • introducing the next generation of EU “own resources”;
    • new Euro 7 rules to reduce road transport emissions;
    • a new Quaestor to replace MEP Monika Beňová; and
    • Danish, Irish and Spanish candidates for the Court of Auditors.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.
    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.



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    Thursday, 9 November

    MEPs to assess effectiveness of EU sanctions on Russia

    At 11.00, MEPs will vote on a resolution on whether the EU’s sanctions against Russia are working and how to prevent Moscow from circumventing them. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the EU has adopted 11 sanctions packages in total, targeting key sectors of the Russian economy and political elites. Moscow has, however, found ways to bypass these measures, including through loopholes in trade restrictions and with the help of third-country intermediaries.

    Viktor ALMQVIST
    (+32) 470 88 29 42

    Data Act: Final vote on new rules on fair access and use of industrial data

    The "Data Act", already agreed informally between MEPs and Council, aims to stimulate innovation by eliminating barriers to data access. It establishes rules governing the sharing of data generated through the use of connected products or related services (e.g. the Internet of Things, industrial machinery) and will contribute to the development of new services, particularly in artificial intelligence, where vast amounts of data are required for algorithm training.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Debate on the outcome of the EU-US summit

    At 9.00, plenary will assess the results of the EU-US meeting held on 20 October in Washington with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs, Ángeles Moreno. Presidents Michel and von der Leyen and EU diplomacy chief Borrell met with US President Biden, with whom they discussed the situation in the Middle East, developments in Russia’s war against Ukraine, as well as trade, economy, climate change and energy issues, among other topics.

    Eszter ZALÁN

    (+32) 477 99 20 73

    EP Trade

    Three new EU revenue sources for the EU budget

    From around 9.45, Parliament will debate with Commissioner Hahn the introduction of the next generation of EU “own resources”, which will be sourced from the Emission Trading System, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, and from additional taxes on corporate profits. The vote will take place at 11.00.

    Armin WISDORFF
    (+32) 498 98 13 45


    Between 11.00 and 13.00, MEPs will vote, among other things, on

    • introducing the next generation of EU “own resources”;
    • new Euro 7 rules to reduce road transport emissions;
    • a new Quaestor to replace MEP Monika Beňová; and
    • Danish, Irish and Spanish candidates for the Court of Auditors.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.
    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


    Thursday, 9 November

    MEPs to assess effectiveness of EU sanctions on Russia

    At 11.00, MEPs will vote on a resolution on whether the EU’s sanctions against Russia are working and how to prevent Moscow from circumventing them. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the EU has adopted 11 sanctions packages in total, targeting key sectors of the Russian economy and political elites. Moscow has, however, found ways to bypass these measures, including through loopholes in trade restrictions and with the help of third-country intermediaries.

    Viktor ALMQVIST
    (+32) 470 88 29 42

    Data Act: Final vote on new rules on fair access and use of industrial data

    The "Data Act", already agreed informally between MEPs and Council, aims to stimulate innovation by eliminating barriers to data access. It establishes rules governing the sharing of data generated through the use of connected products or related services (e.g. the Internet of Things, industrial machinery) and will contribute to the development of new services, particularly in artificial intelligence, where vast amounts of data are required for algorithm training.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Debate on the outcome of the EU-US summit

    At 9.00, plenary will assess the results of the EU-US meeting held on 20 October in Washington with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs, Ángeles Moreno. Presidents Michel and von der Leyen and EU diplomacy chief Borrell met with US President Biden, with whom they discussed the situation in the Middle East, developments in Russia’s war against Ukraine, as well as trade, economy, climate change and energy issues, among other topics.

    Eszter ZALÁN

    (+32) 477 99 20 73

    EP Trade

    Three new EU revenue sources for the EU budget

    From around 9.45, Parliament will debate with Commissioner Hahn the introduction of the next generation of EU “own resources”, which will be sourced from the Emission Trading System, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, and from additional taxes on corporate profits. The vote will take place at 11.00.

    Armin WISDORFF
    (+32) 498 98 13 45


    Between 11.00 and 13.00, MEPs will vote, among other things, on

    • introducing the next generation of EU “own resources”;
    • new Euro 7 rules to reduce road transport emissions;
    • a new Quaestor to replace MEP Monika Beňová; and
    • Danish, Irish and Spanish candidates for the Court of Auditors.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.
    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


    Thursday, 9 November

    MEPs to assess effectiveness of EU sanctions on Russia

    At 11.00, MEPs will vote on a resolution on whether the EU’s sanctions against Russia are working and how to prevent Moscow from circumventing them. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the EU has adopted 11 sanctions packages in total, targeting key sectors of the Russian economy and political elites. Moscow has, however, found ways to bypass these measures, including through loopholes in trade restrictions and with the help of third-country intermediaries.

    Viktor ALMQVIST
    (+32) 470 88 29 42

    Data Act: Final vote on new rules on fair access and use of industrial data

    The "Data Act", already agreed informally between MEPs and Council, aims to stimulate innovation by eliminating barriers to data access. It establishes rules governing the sharing of data generated through the use of connected products or related services (e.g. the Internet of Things, industrial machinery) and will contribute to the development of new services, particularly in artificial intelligence, where vast amounts of data are required for algorithm training.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Debate on the outcome of the EU-US summit

    At 9.00, plenary will assess the results of the EU-US meeting held on 20 October in Washington with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs, Ángeles Moreno. Presidents Michel and von der Leyen and EU diplomacy chief Borrell met with US President Biden, with whom they discussed the situation in the Middle East, developments in Russia’s war against Ukraine, as well as trade, economy, climate change and energy issues, among other topics.

    Eszter ZALÁN

    (+32) 477 99 20 73

    EP Trade

    Three new EU revenue sources for the EU budget

    From around 9.45, Parliament will debate with Commissioner Hahn the introduction of the next generation of EU “own resources”, which will be sourced from the Emission Trading System, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, and from additional taxes on corporate profits. The vote will take place at 11.00.

    Armin WISDORFF
    (+32) 498 98 13 45


    Between 11.00 and 13.00, MEPs will vote, among other things, on

    • introducing the next generation of EU “own resources”;
    • new Euro 7 rules to reduce road transport emissions;
    • a new Quaestor to replace MEP Monika Beňová; and
    • Danish, Irish and Spanish candidates for the Court of Auditors.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.
    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


    Thursday, 9 November

    Thursday, 9 November

    Thursday, 9 November

    Thursday, 9 November

    MEPs to assess effectiveness of EU sanctions on Russia

    At 11.00, MEPs will vote on a resolution on whether the EU’s sanctions against Russia are working and how to prevent Moscow from circumventing them. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the EU has adopted 11 sanctions packages in total, targeting key sectors of the Russian economy and political elites. Moscow has, however, found ways to bypass these measures, including through loopholes in trade restrictions and with the help of third-country intermediaries.

    Viktor ALMQVIST
    (+32) 470 88 29 42

    Data Act: Final vote on new rules on fair access and use of industrial data

    The "Data Act", already agreed informally between MEPs and Council, aims to stimulate innovation by eliminating barriers to data access. It establishes rules governing the sharing of data generated through the use of connected products or related services (e.g. the Internet of Things, industrial machinery) and will contribute to the development of new services, particularly in artificial intelligence, where vast amounts of data are required for algorithm training.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Debate on the outcome of the EU-US summit

    At 9.00, plenary will assess the results of the EU-US meeting held on 20 October in Washington with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs, Ángeles Moreno. Presidents Michel and von der Leyen and EU diplomacy chief Borrell met with US President Biden, with whom they discussed the situation in the Middle East, developments in Russia’s war against Ukraine, as well as trade, economy, climate change and energy issues, among other topics.

    Eszter ZALÁN

    (+32) 477 99 20 73

    EP Trade

    Three new EU revenue sources for the EU budget

    From around 9.45, Parliament will debate with Commissioner Hahn the introduction of the next generation of EU “own resources”, which will be sourced from the Emission Trading System, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, and from additional taxes on corporate profits. The vote will take place at 11.00.

    Armin WISDORFF
    (+32) 498 98 13 45


    Between 11.00 and 13.00, MEPs will vote, among other things, on

    • introducing the next generation of EU “own resources”;
    • new Euro 7 rules to reduce road transport emissions;
    • a new Quaestor to replace MEP Monika Beňová; and
    • Danish, Irish and Spanish candidates for the Court of Auditors.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.
    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

    MEPs to assess effectiveness of EU sanctions on Russia

    At 11.00, MEPs will vote on a resolution on whether the EU’s sanctions against Russia are working and how to prevent Moscow from circumventing them. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the EU has adopted 11 sanctions packages in total, targeting key sectors of the Russian economy and political elites. Moscow has, however, found ways to bypass these measures, including through loopholes in trade restrictions and with the help of third-country intermediaries.

    Viktor ALMQVIST
    (+32) 470 88 29 42

    Data Act: Final vote on new rules on fair access and use of industrial data

    The "Data Act", already agreed informally between MEPs and Council, aims to stimulate innovation by eliminating barriers to data access. It establishes rules governing the sharing of data generated through the use of connected products or related services (e.g. the Internet of Things, industrial machinery) and will contribute to the development of new services, particularly in artificial intelligence, where vast amounts of data are required for algorithm training.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Debate on the outcome of the EU-US summit

    At 9.00, plenary will assess the results of the EU-US meeting held on 20 October in Washington with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs, Ángeles Moreno. Presidents Michel and von der Leyen and EU diplomacy chief Borrell met with US President Biden, with whom they discussed the situation in the Middle East, developments in Russia’s war against Ukraine, as well as trade, economy, climate change and energy issues, among other topics.

    Eszter ZALÁN

    (+32) 477 99 20 73

    EP Trade

    Three new EU revenue sources for the EU budget

    From around 9.45, Parliament will debate with Commissioner Hahn the introduction of the next generation of EU “own resources”, which will be sourced from the Emission Trading System, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, and from additional taxes on corporate profits. The vote will take place at 11.00.

    Armin WISDORFF
    (+32) 498 98 13 45


    Between 11.00 and 13.00, MEPs will vote, among other things, on

    • introducing the next generation of EU “own resources”;
    • new Euro 7 rules to reduce road transport emissions;
    • a new Quaestor to replace MEP Monika Beňová; and
    • Danish, Irish and Spanish candidates for the Court of Auditors.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.
    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

    MEPs to assess effectiveness of EU sanctions on Russia

    At 11.00, MEPs will vote on a resolution on whether the EU’s sanctions against Russia are working and how to prevent Moscow from circumventing them. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the EU has adopted 11 sanctions packages in total, targeting key sectors of the Russian economy and political elites. Moscow has, however, found ways to bypass these measures, including through loopholes in trade restrictions and with the help of third-country intermediaries.

    Viktor ALMQVIST
    (+32) 470 88 29 42

    Data Act: Final vote on new rules on fair access and use of industrial data

    The "Data Act", already agreed informally between MEPs and Council, aims to stimulate innovation by eliminating barriers to data access. It establishes rules governing the sharing of data generated through the use of connected products or related services (e.g. the Internet of Things, industrial machinery) and will contribute to the development of new services, particularly in artificial intelligence, where vast amounts of data are required for algorithm training.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Debate on the outcome of the EU-US summit

    At 9.00, plenary will assess the results of the EU-US meeting held on 20 October in Washington with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs, Ángeles Moreno. Presidents Michel and von der Leyen and EU diplomacy chief Borrell met with US President Biden, with whom they discussed the situation in the Middle East, developments in Russia’s war against Ukraine, as well as trade, economy, climate change and energy issues, among other topics.

    Eszter ZALÁN

    (+32) 477 99 20 73

    EP Trade

    Three new EU revenue sources for the EU budget

    From around 9.45, Parliament will debate with Commissioner Hahn the introduction of the next generation of EU “own resources”, which will be sourced from the Emission Trading System, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, and from additional taxes on corporate profits. The vote will take place at 11.00.

    Armin WISDORFF
    (+32) 498 98 13 45


    Between 11.00 and 13.00, MEPs will vote, among other things, on

    • introducing the next generation of EU “own resources”;
    • new Euro 7 rules to reduce road transport emissions;
    • a new Quaestor to replace MEP Monika Beňová; and
    • Danish, Irish and Spanish candidates for the Court of Auditors.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.
    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

    MEPs to assess effectiveness of EU sanctions on Russia

    MEPs to assess effectiveness of EU sanctions on Russia

    At 11.00, MEPs will vote on a resolution on whether the EU’s sanctions against Russia are working and how to prevent Moscow from circumventing them. Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the EU has adopted 11 sanctions packages in total, targeting key sectors of the Russian economy and political elites. Moscow has, however, found ways to bypass these measures, including through loopholes in trade restrictions and with the help of third-country intermediaries.

    Viktor ALMQVIST
    (+32) 470 88 29 42

    (+32) 470 88 29 42


    Data Act: Final vote on new rules on fair access and use of industrial data

    Data Act: Final vote on new rules on fair access and use of industrial data

    The "Data Act", already agreed informally between MEPs and Council, aims to stimulate innovation by eliminating barriers to data access. It establishes rules governing the sharing of data generated through the use of connected products or related services (e.g. the Internet of Things, industrial machinery) and will contribute to the development of new services, particularly in artificial intelligence, where vast amounts of data are required for algorithm training.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Baptiste CHATAINBaptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37


    Debate on the outcome of the EU-US summit

    Debate on the outcome of the EU-US summit

    At 9.00, plenary will assess the results of the EU-US meeting held on 20 October in Washington with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign and Global Affairs, Ángeles Moreno. Presidents Michel and von der Leyen and EU diplomacy chief Borrell met with US President Biden, with whom they discussed the situation in the Middle East, developments in Russia’s war against Ukraine, as well as trade, economy, climate change and energy issues, among other topics.

    Eszter ZALÁN

    Eszter ZALÁNEszter ZALÁN

    (+32) 477 99 20 73

    (+32) 477 99 20 73

    EP Trade

    EP TradeEP Trade

    Three new EU revenue sources for the EU budget

    Three new EU revenue sources for the EU budget

    From around 9.45, Parliament will debate with Commissioner Hahn the introduction of the next generation of EU “own resources”, which will be sourced from the Emission Trading System, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, and from additional taxes on corporate profits. The vote will take place at 11.00.

    Armin WISDORFF
    (+32) 498 98 13 45

    (+32) 498 98 13 45




    Between 11.00 and 13.00, MEPs will vote, among other things, on

    • introducing the next generation of EU “own resources”;
    • new Euro 7 rules to reduce road transport emissions;
    • a new Quaestor to replace MEP Monika Beňová; and
    • Danish, Irish and Spanish candidates for the Court of Auditors.
  • introducing the next generation of EU “own resources”;
  • new Euro 7 rules to reduce road transport emissions;
  • a new Quaestor to replace MEP Monika Beňová; and
  • Danish, Irish and Spanish candidates for the Court of Auditors.
  • Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.
    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    Parliament’s webstreaming EbS+

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.






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    REF.:  20231107IPR09203 


    REF.:  20231107IPR09203 
    REF.:  20231107IPR09203 
    REF.: REF.:REF.: 20231107IPR09203 20231107IPR09203 

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