Victor Negrescu elected European Parliament Quaestor | Nieuws | Europees Parlement


Victor Negrescu elected European Parliament Quaestor 


On Thursday, MEPs elected Victor Negrescu (S&D, Romania) by acclamation to replace outgoing Quaestor Monika Beňová (Non-Attached, Slovakia).

Mr Negrescu was the sole candidate. Based on Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, a new Quaestor is elected to fill a vacancy in the existing order of precedence - so he has become Parliament’s third Quaestor.

The College of Quaestors (five in total) are primarily responsible for administrative and financial matters directly concerning MEPs. MEPs aim to ensure that the composition of the Bureau (comprising the President and Vice-Presidents, with Quaestors participating in an advisory capacity) broadly reflects the size of the political groups in Parliament.

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    Victor Negrescu elected European Parliament Quaestor 


    On Thursday, MEPs elected Victor Negrescu (S&D, Romania) by acclamation to replace outgoing Quaestor Monika Beňová (Non-Attached, Slovakia).

    Mr Negrescu was the sole candidate. Based on Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, a new Quaestor is elected to fill a vacancy in the existing order of precedence - so he has become Parliament’s third Quaestor.

    The College of Quaestors (five in total) are primarily responsible for administrative and financial matters directly concerning MEPs. MEPs aim to ensure that the composition of the Bureau (comprising the President and Vice-Presidents, with Quaestors participating in an advisory capacity) broadly reflects the size of the political groups in Parliament.


    Victor Negrescu elected European Parliament Quaestor 


    Victor Negrescu elected European Parliament Quaestor 


    Victor Negrescu elected European Parliament Quaestor 

    Victor Negrescu elected European Parliament Quaestor 

    Victor Negrescu elected European Parliament Quaestor 

    Victor Negrescu elected European Parliament Quaestor 

    Victor Negrescu elected European Parliament Quaestor 
    Victor Negrescu elected European Parliament Quaestor 
    Persbericht  Plenaire vergadering  Plenaire vergadering  AFCO  AFCOAFCO 

    On Thursday, MEPs elected Victor Negrescu (S&D, Romania) by acclamation to replace outgoing Quaestor Monika Beňová (Non-Attached, Slovakia).

    Mr Negrescu was the sole candidate. Based on Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, a new Quaestor is elected to fill a vacancy in the existing order of precedence - so he has become Parliament’s third Quaestor.

    The College of Quaestors (five in total) are primarily responsible for administrative and financial matters directly concerning MEPs. MEPs aim to ensure that the composition of the Bureau (comprising the President and Vice-Presidents, with Quaestors participating in an advisory capacity) broadly reflects the size of the political groups in Parliament.


    On Thursday, MEPs elected Victor Negrescu (S&D, Romania) by acclamation to replace outgoing Quaestor Monika Beňová (Non-Attached, Slovakia).

    Mr Negrescu was the sole candidate. Based on Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, a new Quaestor is elected to fill a vacancy in the existing order of precedence - so he has become Parliament’s third Quaestor.

    The College of Quaestors (five in total) are primarily responsible for administrative and financial matters directly concerning MEPs. MEPs aim to ensure that the composition of the Bureau (comprising the President and Vice-Presidents, with Quaestors participating in an advisory capacity) broadly reflects the size of the political groups in Parliament.


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    On Thursday, MEPs elected Victor Negrescu (S&D, Romania) by acclamation to replace outgoing Quaestor Monika Beňová (Non-Attached, Slovakia).

    Mr Negrescu was the sole candidate. Based on Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, a new Quaestor is elected to fill a vacancy in the existing order of precedence - so he has become Parliament’s third Quaestor.

    The College of Quaestors (five in total) are primarily responsible for administrative and financial matters directly concerning MEPs. MEPs aim to ensure that the composition of the Bureau (comprising the President and Vice-Presidents, with Quaestors participating in an advisory capacity) broadly reflects the size of the political groups in Parliament.

    On Thursday, MEPs elected Victor Negrescu (S&D, Romania) by acclamation to replace outgoing Quaestor Monika Beňová (Non-Attached, Slovakia).

    Mr Negrescu was the sole candidate. Based on Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, a new Quaestor is elected to fill a vacancy in the existing order of precedence - so he has become Parliament’s third Quaestor.

    The College of Quaestors (five in total) are primarily responsible for administrative and financial matters directly concerning MEPs. MEPs aim to ensure that the composition of the Bureau (comprising the President and Vice-Presidents, with Quaestors participating in an advisory capacity) broadly reflects the size of the political groups in Parliament.

    On Thursday, MEPs elected Victor Negrescu (S&D, Romania) by acclamation to replace outgoing Quaestor Monika Beňová (Non-Attached, Slovakia).

    Mr Negrescu was the sole candidate. Based on Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, a new Quaestor is elected to fill a vacancy in the existing order of precedence - so he has become Parliament’s third Quaestor.

    The College of Quaestors (five in total) are primarily responsible for administrative and financial matters directly concerning MEPs. MEPs aim to ensure that the composition of the Bureau (comprising the President and Vice-Presidents, with Quaestors participating in an advisory capacity) broadly reflects the size of the political groups in Parliament.

    On Thursday, MEPs elected Victor Negrescu (S&D, Romania) by acclamation to replace outgoing Quaestor Monika Beňová (Non-Attached, Slovakia).

    On Thursday, MEPs elected Victor Negrescu (S&D, Romania) by acclamation to replace outgoing Quaestor Monika Beňová (Non-Attached, Slovakia).

    On Thursday, MEPs elected Victor Negrescu (S&D, Romania) by acclamation to replace outgoing Quaestor Monika Beňová (Non-Attached, Slovakia).

    On Thursday, MEPs elected Victor Negrescu (S&D, Romania) by acclamation to replace outgoing Quaestor Monika Beňová (Non-Attached, Slovakia).

    Mr Negrescu was the sole candidate. Based on Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, a new Quaestor is elected to fill a vacancy in the existing order of precedence - so he has become Parliament’s third Quaestor.

    The College of Quaestors (five in total) are primarily responsible for administrative and financial matters directly concerning MEPs. MEPs aim to ensure that the composition of the Bureau (comprising the President and Vice-Presidents, with Quaestors participating in an advisory capacity) broadly reflects the size of the political groups in Parliament.

    Mr Negrescu was the sole candidate. Based on Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, a new Quaestor is elected to fill a vacancy in the existing order of precedence - so he has become Parliament’s third Quaestor.

    The College of Quaestors (five in total) are primarily responsible for administrative and financial matters directly concerning MEPs. MEPs aim to ensure that the composition of the Bureau (comprising the President and Vice-Presidents, with Quaestors participating in an advisory capacity) broadly reflects the size of the political groups in Parliament.

    Mr Negrescu was the sole candidate. Based on Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, a new Quaestor is elected to fill a vacancy in the existing order of precedence - so he has become Parliament’s third Quaestor.

    The College of Quaestors (five in total) are primarily responsible for administrative and financial matters directly concerning MEPs. MEPs aim to ensure that the composition of the Bureau (comprising the President and Vice-Presidents, with Quaestors participating in an advisory capacity) broadly reflects the size of the political groups in Parliament.

    Mr Negrescu was the sole candidate. Based on Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, a new Quaestor is elected to fill a vacancy in the existing order of precedence - so he has become Parliament’s third Quaestor.


    The College of Quaestors (five in total) are primarily responsible for administrative and financial matters directly concerning MEPs. MEPs aim to ensure that the composition of the Bureau (comprising the President and Vice-Presidents, with Quaestors participating in an advisory capacity) broadly reflects the size of the political groups in Parliament.

    are primarily responsible forBureau


  • Kyriakos KLOSIDIS 

    Kyriakos KLOSIDIS Kyriakos KLOSIDIS 
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    Further information 

    Further information 
    Further information 
  • Recording of the vote (09.11.2023)  Recording of the vote (09.11.2023) 
  • Rule 15: Nominations and general provisions  Rule 15: Nominations and general provisions 
  • Rule 25 of the EP Rules of Procedure: Duties of the Bureau  Rule 25 of the EP Rules of Procedure: Duties of the Bureau 
  • The political bodies of the European Parliament  The political bodies of the European Parliament 
  • Free photos, video and audio material   Free photos, video and audio material  


    REF.:  20231106IPR09023 


    REF.:  20231106IPR09023 
    REF.:  20231106IPR09023 
    REF.: REF.:REF.: 20231106IPR09023 20231106IPR09023 

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