Annex to our #EULife22 press release - Project short summaries
- Belgium
- Bulgaria
- Czechia
- Denmark
- Germany
- Estonia
- Ireland
- Greece
- Spain
- France
- Croatia
- Italy
- Latvia
- Lithuania
- Hungary
- Malta
- Netherlands
- Austria
- Poland
- Portugal
- Romania
- Slovenia
- Slovakia
- Sweden
- Iceland
- Clean Energy Transition
Supporting the Clean Energy Transition of the HORECA value chain (EE4HORECA)
Sustainable value chains in accommodation and food services pass through energy efficiency measures. The multi-country consortium implementing this project aim to train around 520 staff members and reach out to 10.000 stakeholders through active communication and dissemination. Projected savings in primary energy are quantified at 3,9 GWh/y (corresponding to lighting 390 million light bulbs) and at 1159 tons CO2/y (equivalent to 118,000 liters of burnt petrol).
LIFE Belgian Financing Roundtables on Energy Efficiency (LIFE BE FREE)
Energy efficiency requires innovative financial solutions and the elimination of barriers to investments. Belgium is a case in point. The team behind this project aims at setting up a multi-actor roundtable comprised of public and private stakeholders that will address financial challenges related to energy efficiency.
New Skills for Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NS4nZEBs)
The consortium behind this project aims to address skills gaps in renewable energy and digital technologies. Increasing skilled professionals in green building renovations will lead to the successful uptake of Zero Energy Buildings and efficient renewable-based heating and cooling. New training methods and qualifications courses for professionals in the building value chain will be developed, involving authorities, employers, end-users, and teachers.
Consumers Leading the EU's Energy Ambition Response through uptake of Heat Pumps (CLEAR-HP)
The partners in the project aim to facilitate consumer access to heat pumps. They address financial and regulatory barriers, provide information, identify financing opportunities and develop partnerships. They plan to launch collective purchase schemes, upskill installers and communicate the benefits of heat pumps. The project will engage 43,000 consumers across seven countries, triggering considerable new investments, substantial energy savings and reduction of emissions.
Development of a dedicated transformation, implementation and energy supply company to accelerate industrial net zero transformation (Mastering Net Zero)
Two Belgian organisations Boortmalt and Engie Impact Belgium have joined forces in the Mastering Net Zero project and are attempting to develop replicable solutions. The project team aims at launching energy efficiency and renewable investment programmes through the delivery of scalable financing solutions for sustainable energy investment projects. The consortiums' goal is to phase out the EU's dependence on fossil fuel imports and embrace the clean energy transition.
- Nature and Biodiversity
Reintroduction of the Bearded Vulture and strengthening the successfully reintroduced Cinereous Vulture population in Bulgaria (Bearded Vulture LIFE)
The consortium of partners behind the project will upscale the impressive conservation results of previous LIFE projects implemented in Bulgaria. The project brings together the same partners of previous projects with the aim of re-establishing the former range of Bearded and Cinereous Vultures in the Balkans. They will achieve this by strategically reintroducing autochthonous populations, which will help restoring the genetic flow between Western Europe, Africa and Asia.
- Environmental Governance and Information
Holistic approach to waste management in the transition to circular economy (LIFE HA2WASTE)
As the new EU and Bulgarian circular economy and waste management policies pose ambitious waste targets, the project team will pioneer an innovative waste management approach. The Bulgarian consortium will work on household waste management which is characterized by the prevailing landfilling of waste. Support will be directly provided to municipalities and stakeholders, as well as residents who will be made aware of sustainable consumption, prevention and separate collection of waste.
- Clean Energy Transition
FINancial Schemes for Providing Innovation in the Energy Renovation (INSPIRenov)
Financial mechanisms for the renovation of residential buildings are paramount to foster sustainability in Bulgaria. The people behind this project are setting up such instruments to contribute to the National Decarbonisation Fund (NDF) of Bulgaria. These energy efficiency renovation strategies, coupled with appropriate financial products, perfectly match the commitments expressed by the EU.
Seamless Services for Housing Energy Efficiency Renovation (SHEERenovPlus)
The team responsible for the SHEERenov+ project offers practical implementation for the previously developed model for integrated home renovation. Taking into consideration current renovation policies, the main objective of the Bulgarian consortium is to trigger the upscale of energy renovations in the residential sector. Besides the capital Sofia, five other major cities will be included in the project, which has received institutional support from ministries, state agencies, municipalities and professional associations.
Stakeholder Cooperation Service Hub and Platform for Accelerated Home Renovation in Plovdiv Region (MultiHome)
The consortium behind this project aims to accelerate the Renovation Wave in Plovdiv Region by creating a service hub and platform that supports ambitious and self-sufficient home renovation. The project involves cooperation with local authorities, homeowners, renovation providers, and financial bodies. It also offers knowledge transfer, policy interception, and promotion of advanced renovation solutions. The project will achieve significant energy savings, CO2 reduction, and investments.
- Nature and Biodiversity
Complex ecological restoration of degraded and disappearing salt marshes in Moravian Pannonia (LIFE in Salt Marshes)
Masarykova Univerzita and its partners address the problem of degradation and habitat diversity of eight Natura 2000 sites of meadow wetlands. Steep population is indeed declining in subjects of protection, as well as occurrence of the inland salt meadows (ISM) habitats, which is steadily diminishing. By detailed pilot analysis and site-specific measures, the consortium will restore at least 20 ha of the ISM, equivalent to approximately 28 football fields.
- Environment and Resource Efficiency
Water Resources Management in Visitor Attractions - FIT4USE Water Recirculation Technology (LIFE 4 ZOO)
In city zoos, excessive water consumption leading to excessive wastewater treatment needs is becoming an urgent issue. Water scarcity poses more difficulties for zoos, which lack water resilience in their design. The Spanish and Czech partners involved meet two challenges of suboptimal water-use and low resilience to water shortages that are faced by zoos.
- Climate Governance and Information
Climate Educational Platform for Experts in Architecture and Real Estate (LIFE ClimArchiBase)
The Czech consortium leading the ClimArchiBase project will create an educational climate platform for experts in architecture and real estate. The team aims to provide ongoing education on carbon neutral buildings and ensure the design and implementation of sustainable building projects that support environmental mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The four NGOs involved have a strong network to realise this project.
- Clean Energy Transition
RePower the Regions: Ambitious and inclusive clean energy plans for repowering the just transition regions (RePower the Regions)
The team developing and implementing the RePower the Regions project is helping regions in Central and Eastern Europe to accelerate the decarbonisation process. The consortium consists of nine countries located in just transition regions (Bulgaria, Czechia, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine) and aims at developing the models for implementing inclusive and regional clean energy plans. Holistic solutions, such as local and community-led renewable energy initiatives, are implemented.
- Nature and Biodiversity
Restore and connect existing and new EU Priority dry grasslands to secure favorable conservation status of habitat types and species (LIFE ORCHIDS)
Vordingborg Municipality, the project coordinator, and its partners, aim to improve conservation status on three EU priorities: dry grassland habitat types (6210*, 6120*, and 6230*), the European Red Listed butterfly, Phengaris arion and five endangered orchids. The project is situated in the most important Danish Natura 2000 site regarding EU priority calcareous dry grassland habitats. The aim is to permanently consolidate 311 ha, the size of 150 city blocks, of dry grasslands with ecological corridors.
LIFE for Houting and other threatened fish and bird species in and along the Danish River Kongeå (LIFE River Kongeaa)
The Danish consortium behind this project focuses on one N-2000 site in the Wadden Sea Marsh in the Atlantic biogeographical region. The objective is to improve the conservation status of a number of designated fish species, as well as designated waders and meadow birds. The consortium considers extensification of 644 ha of intensive farmland including restoration of eight kilometers, the size of 900 standard FIFA football fields, of River Kongeå in the Wadden Sea catchment and its river valley.
- Environment and Resource Efficiency
REZIP - EU Circular Packaging Infrastructure (LIFE RE-ZIP)
RE-ZIP APS and its partners are aiming to test and validate a circular packing concept for the e-commerce industry, as an alternative to the single-use packaging that is commonly used today. The concept is working effectively in Denmark under the name RE-ZIP. The goal is to establish an efficient return infrastructure able to circulate reusable e-commerce packaging at a lower cost than the cost of producing single-use packaging today.
- Nature and Biodiversity
Conservation of the Black-tailed Godwit along the flyway (LIFE Godwit Flyway)
The consortium behind the project aims at creating a haven for the European Black-tailed Godwit along its East Atlantic Flyway. A sharp decrease of this species has been observed in the last three decades, which is mostly due to agricultural intensification and habitat loss. Reversing this trend is necessary to maintain healthy populations of this umbrella species that will benefit many associated wet-grassland breeding birds.
LIFE project peatland revitalization Kaltenbronn - Hohlohmoor (LIFE MooReKa)
The German consortium aims at revitalising the peat bog Hohlohmoor, situated in the Special Area of Conservation “Kaltenbronner Enzhöhen” in Baden-Württemberg, which suffers from drainage induced degradation. The revitalisation is achieved through effective water retention of precipitation water by installing 1,375 water barriers along 35km of drainage structures.
- Nature Governance and Information
Supporting governance action to improve the prevention, prosecution and law enforcement of wildLIFE crime (wildLIFEcrime)
Wildlife crime (WLC) has a negative impact on species worldwide and puts the EU's biodiversity under growing pressure. The wildLIFEcrime project team supports all relevant government issues needed to reduce WLC: prevention, case-management, prosecution and conviction of WLC. The consortium, consisting of 13 partners from Germany and Austria, focuses on nine species of community interests: bear, wolf, lynx, otter, beaver, white-tailed eagle, imperial eagle, red kite, marsh harrier in six focus regions.
- Environment and Resource Efficiency
Demonstration of a new circular waste treatment process with higher recycling rates and a smart customised production of alternative fuel from unrecyclable fractions for EIIs and advanced power plants (LIFE SRF 4.0)
Although the main goal of the EU is to reduce waste, it continues to grow. As not every type of waste can be re-used, innovative concepts need to be developed to avoid landfilling. The German partners behind this project will construct a first-of-its kind demonstration plant. This will include the latest available technology for sorting industrial, commercial and household waste.
- Climate Change Adaptation
LIFE Adaptation with Photovoltaics (LIFE ADAPT-PV)
Extreme weather threatens EU agriculture, risking food security and farmers' livelihoods. The LIFE ADAPT-PV project, led by innovation leader BayWa r.e., offers a solution: hardened glass photovoltaic panels installed over crops. These panels protect crops from harsh weather, create a stable microclimate, and generate sustainable energy. The project has proven successful in small pilots and is now ready for larger demonstrations. The goal is to adapt 1,450 hectares within five years.
Agroforestry as a Key to improve Water Management & Adaptation to Extreme Weather Events (LIFE AFAKTIVE)
Europe's agriculture is increasingly threatened by climate change, with rising incidents of droughts and floods. The efforts of partners from Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands, involved in LIFE AFaktive aim to combat this. By promoting Agroforestry (AF) - a nature-based solution for land management - at farm and regional levels, AFaktive seeks to improve water management and adapt to extreme weather events. This initiative will enhance environmental and socio-economic resilience, ultimately reducing society's vulnerabilities.
- Climate Change Mitigation
Land use efficient, agriculturally sound large scale photovoltaics (LIFE EU LEAD PV)
By 2030 at least 32% of energy production should come from renewable sources. To meet this target, BAYWA R.E. SOLAR PROJECTS, the organisation coordinating the project, offers a smart and effective climate change mitigation approach by implementing large scale photovoltaics (PV) in arable farming. This method ensures efficient land use and high social acceptance of large-scale PV.
- Clean Energy Transition
New cooperation models for SMEs to scale up deep energy efficient renovations (COSME RENO)
Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Lithuania are accelerating energy renovations with prefabricated labs. These labs, expected to last for decades, are part of an energy efficiency plan that provides improved tools and resources for cooperation and knowledge sharing. The team behind the project focuses on retrofitting commercial spaces with such energy-saving solutions, enhancing business energy efficiency and climate adaptation.
European Practitioners for Integrated Home Renovation Services (EU Peers)
The team behind this project aims to establish an EU-specific framework to overcome barriers to residential energy renovation. They plan to create a European Community of Practice of Integrated Home Renovation Services (IHRS) with around 600 members. Seven community platforms will be established across six Member States to enhance the IHRS model implementation. Other activities include capacity building, policy dialogues and consulting 150 public authorities.
Empowering Renewable and Citizen Energy Communities (POWER-E-COM)
The team behind this project promotes cooperation between regional authorities and citizens to establish community energy projects. Stakeholders will receive training and support to develop energy communities. The project is expected to generate €21.4 million in investment, save primary energy (equivalent to around 880 petrol-powered cars driven in a year), and produce renewable energy (corresponding to around 3'590 petrol powered cars driven in a year).
Support Energy Efficiency Deployment with the Multiple Impacts CAlculation Tool (SEED MICAT)
There are Multiple Impacts (MI) of carbon neutrality on our daily lives. The partners behind this project developed a modular tool (MICAT) that analyses the impact of carbon neutrality in various sectors. In the framework of the Energy Efficiency First (EE1) principle, the MI approach will be promoted through dissemination and capacity building activities with the objectives of replicating achievement in all EU Member States.
Tuning EPC and SRI instruments to deliver full potential (tunES)
With the collaboration of seven National Energy Agencies, the team behind this project aims to improve building energy efficiency and smartness instruments uptake. The core outcomes include seven national policy packages for full countrywide implementations. The project also provides a comprehensive guidance strategy for stakeholders at EU level for effective replication and sharing of best practices.
Supporting a fast implementation of low-grade renewable energy and waste heat for district heating and cooling (SUPPORT-DHC)
The teams behind this project aim to expedite the implementation of low-grade renewable energy and waste heat for district heating and cooling in Europe. They support operators in creating transformation and investment plans. The project provides extensive support to 11 frontrunner cases and 27 follower cases and reaches over 100 operators. It also focuses on capacity building, policy and regulatory improvements, and knowledge dissemination.
- Environment and Resource Efficiency
Chemicals Risk Management and Assessment of Alternatives (LIFE FitforREACH-2)
The project's consortium aims to support SMEs in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland that use hazardous chemicals in their products or processes. The objective is to implement chemical risk management systems in companies to incentivise and support a reduction of the use of hazardous substances. The targeted group and direct beneficiaries will be formulators of mixtures and end-users of substances and mixtures.
- Clean Energy Transition
Integrated renovation services for heritage homes of Estonia (LIFEheritageHOME)
The consortium behind this project that aims to help owners of Estonian heritage homes improve their energy efficiency. The project will offer an integrated renovation service that covers the whole customer journey, from information to implementation. The project will also use the best available practices and a digital interface to overcome the barriers and challenges of renovating heritage homes. The project will be replicable in other European countries.
- Clean Energy Transition
Enhancing energy audits schemes in Energy Intensive Industries with practical approaches (LIFE AUDIT-PLUS)
The consortium behind this project is advancing energy efficiency in the ceramic, food processing and pharmaceutical sector. They plan on overseeing around 220 companies over the next five years. The project's multi-actor local groups are promoting sustainable measures at EU level that will save approximately 303GWh/year of energy, equivalent to having 30.3 billion light bulbs switched on.
Transforming Renovation in the Southern Seaboard Region-Ireland (TRESS)
Building renovations in Ireland suffer from systemic barriers to implementation. The team behind this project aims to set up facilitation services and trainings for financial providers and professional bodies in the building sector. The two phases of the project predict the renovation of around 190 buildings that will produce emissions savings equivalent to roughly 2,7 million liters of petrol burnt.
Transforming local and regional authorities into early adopters of ambitious Clean Energy Transition plans (Step-WISE)
The consortium behind this project helps local authorities to develop and implement Clean Energy Transition Plans (CETPs) based on their local contexts and stakeholder engagement. It offers a digital toolkit, a capacity building programme and virtual knowledge offices to support and guide them. It involves four countries: Bulgaria, Spain, Cyprus and Mediterranean Islands.
- Nature and Biodiversity
Conservation of priority species of marine megafauna in Greece and Italy (LIFE MareNatura)
The Hellenic Centre for Marine Research and its partners aim to develop mitigation tools for nine of the most threatened EU priority species of seabirds, marine turtles and marine mammals. The project will be implemented in 44 Natura 2000 project sites hosting the strongholds of target species populations. The project involves a wide consortium of experienced actors, joining forces for the sustainable and effective conservation of the target species and their marine habitats.
- Environment and Resource Efficiency
A Holistic Approach towards onsite hospital wastewater treatment (HIPPOCRATES)
The Greek coordinator of the project and its partners aim to evaluate the efficiency of the HIPPOCRATEs' system, a combination of four eco-technologies, in removing contaminants from hospital wastewater. These contaminants pose significant threats to human health and environmental protection. The system, which has been successful in pilot scale, will be tested at a larger scale in different European regions.
LIFE GREEN freight transport (LIFE GYF)
The use of sustainable and innovative means of transportation play an important role in achieving the EU's energy and climate objectives, specifically air-quality in urban environments. The main objective of the project is to develop an innovative platform for the green delivery of goods. The platform will be designed in competitive terms for SMEs and individuals with the aim of reducing emissions generated by delivery services.
- Climate Change Mitigation
Valorising anaerobic digestates into bio-fertilisers for climate friendly agriculture (DIMITRA)
The consortium of partners from Greece, Italy, Cyprus and Poland looks at improving the sustainability of agricultural management practices and valorising production of higher value bio-based fertilisers. Two DEMOs will be installed in Italy and Greece to demonstrate the proposed low-carbon technological solutions. These technologies for biogas digestate will result in win-win benefits for climate change adaptation, crop yields and farm profitability.
- Clean Energy Transition
Accelerating the Energy Efficient and Sustainable Renovation of the Public Building Stock in the City of Athens (Athens_Wave)
The EU highlighted the importance of energy savings, greenhouse gases reduction and improved indoor and outdoor air quality for buildings. The Greek start-up behind this project is improving the energy efficiency and sustainability of Athens' public buildings through a mix of public and private financing. Their overall aim perfectly matches Athens' participation to the EU Mission for Climate-Neutral, Smart Cities by 2030.
Supporting smart financing implementation for energy renovation of existing private and/or public buildings, investments in SMEs and the tertiary sector (SMAFIN Expanded)
Partners in the project support smart financing for energy efficiency investments, including the tertiary sector and SMEs. They build on previous experiences by addressing gaps and employing thematic working groups. They will launch cross-country labs to transfer knowledge on energy efficiency financing and facilitate the energy transition. Enhancing cooperation among various stakeholders will improve policy measures, develop new financial instruments and support large-scale investment programmes.
Support small Municipalities towards Energy Transition (LIFE-SMART)
The team leading the LIFE-SMART project aims to increase the technical and organisational capacity of 22 small-sized public administrations in five target regions and countries. The countries involved are Greece, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal, which are implementing their energy transition plans through a shared approach. This approach involves several components, amongst other the definition of inter-municipal clean energy transition paths in the five target areas.
- Environmental Governance and Information
Stop Cortaderia, an invasive Pampas grass (Coop Cortaderia)
The consortium leading the project aims at dynamising the cooperation and coordinated action for the control and confinement of Cortaderia selloana (CS), an invasive Pampas grass from South America in the Atlantic Arc. The project team aims to improve public and private governance to deal with the invasion, especially protecting coastal Natura 2000 areas and river corridors, as well as to work on the confinement of the species, with an expected result of 1.000 hectares eliminated.
- Nature and Biodiversity
Improving coexistence between humans and bears (LIFE HUMAN BEAR COEX)
The Spanish consortium aims to prevent and mitigate conflicts between bears and humans in villages and other human settlements. The project includes several main activities, such as monitoring and early warnings of conflict, educating and raising awareness among local people, and sharing the results and lessons learned with other regions of the Cantabrian Mountains.
Restoration and improvement of Priority Habitat 9370* Palm groves of Phoenix (LIFE Phoenix)
The overall aim of LIFE Phoenix is to improve the conservation status of Palm groves of Phoenix in the islands of Gran Canaria and Crete by developing a comprehensive strategy. The strategy includes mitigation of the main general risks, restoration of natural palm groves through appropriate management techniques, prevention and control of pest and IAS (invasive alien species), reforestation, environmental governance and awareness raising.
- Environment and Resource Efficiency
Collaborative xeriscaping-based maintenance and monitoring in Mediterranean cities (BIG4LIFE)
The Universidad de Lleida and its partners will co-design framework plans to monitor the impact of Building-Integrated Greenery (BIG) systems under the demanding conditions of the Mediterranean climate. The aim is to demonstrate that by means of establishing "networking approaches", it is possible to achieve long-term sustainability for BIG systems. Ultimately, the project will contribute to the New European Bauhaus initiative and its sustainable urban development objectives.
Closed-LOOps VErification of REused and Recycled polyolefins crates, drums & jerry cans (CLOOVER2)
In Europe, the only recycling model for plastics based on real circularity is the one for PET, the so-called “bottle2bottle”. The innovative solution of the project will consist of developing the first monitored, traceable and certified closed loops of polyolefin (HDPE and PP) packages for food and non-food applications. SYNTAC RECYCLING SL will be the first initiative in Europe to demonstrate a multi-actor approach system in the agri-food sector.
Improving early detection of toxic algal blooms (CYANOBLOOM)
The methods for detection of cyanoblooms (i.e. environmental conditions that intensify algae growth) are mainly based on in situ collection of samples and laboratory analysis. This method limits the early detection of blooms due to insufficient sampling frequencies. ANBIOTEK SL and its partners aim to demonstrate a solution for early detection of toxic cyanobacteria blooms through a combination of remote monitoring and onsite measurements.
Decreasing waste treatment plants environmental footprint (LIFE ABATE)
By 2025, the number of mechanical biological waste treatment (MBT) will increase. Current Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) treatment technologies in MBT plants (e.g. thermal oxidizers and biofilters) show high costs, energy consumption and significant CO2 emissions. The project's Spanish consortium will develop a system to significantly reduce VOC and odours emissions, saving natural gas and electricity, and exploitation costs.
Reducing textile waste in the manufacture of personal protective equipment (LIFE CIRTECHTEX)
Technical textiles are crucial to keep workers safe in high-risk industries. During the manufacturing process of the different personal protective equipment fabrics along the textile value chain, material waste is generated. MARINA TEXTIL SL and its partners' mission is to uptake a circular economy approach to reduce technical textiles' waste generation.
Denitrifying drinking water (LIFE ELEKTRA)
The consortium of Spanish, Maltese and Italian partners will address the problem of nitrate pollution in surface and groundwater bodies. Nitrate excess in water is detrimental to both human health and ecosystems, making their removal a priority. The consortium will focus on the validation of electrochemical denitrification technology applied to the treatment of streams with high nitrate concentrations.
Measuring and reducing fruit losses (LIFE GLEANSMART)
The Spanish enterprise AINIA will develop a plan for new harvesting and gleaning procedures to improve the farmers' competitiveness and decrease fruit food losses by their upcycling. The goal is to develop a new circular value chain based on the accurate food losses quantification for planning the recovery of at least 25% of the current fruit losses.
Saving water in the ceramics sector (LIFE REWAINCER)
Recent studies show that by 2050 there will be an increase of river basins experiencing severe water stress and irrigation withdrawals in southern Europe. The project's consortium aims to reduce the extraction of fresh water from aquifers by validating water regeneration technologies. These technologies will allow direct use of reclaimed waters into high water demanding industrial scale processes of the ceramic sector.
Recovering landfill waste (LIFE ZEROLANDFILLING)
Total municipal solid waste (MSW) generation has increased dramatically in recent years, leading to intrinsic environmental and economic problem. The team behind the project aim to develop an integrated management system to treat non-recyclable MSW, turning them into products with commercial interest. The project will thus offer a sustainable and competitive zero-landfill solution, with a low carbon footprint and a circular economy approach.
Reimagining public buildings as boosting projects for the transformation of their neighbourhoods (LIFEBauhausingEurope)
Imagine a place-based and small-scale approach project to address climate change and the green transition. This project aims to start a transformation process in 5 different European neighbourhoods and will demonstrate that this approach is suitable for the transformation of any territory, no matter its size. It will use the New European Bauhaus approach which combines a multilevel participation with a transdisciplinary angle to cope with these issues.
Circular and safe solution for synthetic turf pitches (LIFET4C)
The demand for synthetic turf sports pitches is high; however, materials employed often present hazardous chemicals and substances which negatively impact the environment. As part of this project, an alternative material to the rubber usually employed to produce turf sports pitches will be implemented. No microplastics will be included and a retention system will be integrated to avoid plastics leakage into the environment.
Aluminium Foundries Circularity via Holistic Zeolite Production for Effluents Depuration (ONA4LIFE)
Nowadays, the management of salt slag is a worldwide concern and its valorisation is not yet solved. The Spanish and Italian consortium will develop a holistic approach to salt slag recovery that will overcome problems associated with the depuration of wastewater and gas streams. The aim is to use salt slag as a secondary raw material and create an opportunity to recover waste management from other industries.
- Environmental Governance and Information
Overcoming difficulties when implementing the Green City Accord (LIFE GreenMe5)
The LIFE GreenMe5 project team aims to facilitate the implementation of the Green City Accord by working on the resolution of the obstacles encountered during its implementation. The consortium helps city authorities to enable their citizens to have a more sustainable lifestyle. The approach is voluntary and the decision-making process is easier thanks to the data collection and strategical planning provided by the GCA.
- Climate Change Adaptation
Soft systems for progressive coastal adaptation to climate change (LIFE COSTAdapta)
With 66% of Europe's population living in coastal regions, rising sea levels pose a significant threat. The Canary Islands, for instance, face high anthropic pressure due to increased urbanisation and tourism. Spanish partners involved in the project address this issue by implementing a prototype of an innovative adaptation measure in the coastal town of Quintanilla. This measure reimagines tidal pools into tidal pool-reefs, offering a holistic approach to coastal adaptation and contributing to Nature-Based Flood Defense.
Digitalisation of efficient fertigation management for a sustainable agriculture (LIFE TRIPLET)
As water scarcity threatens farming, a digital platform combining four existing tools created by the Spanish partners involved offers a new solution. This platform monitors crop development and manages plant health, water, and nutrient application. It uses machine learning techniques to predict modelling and automate fertigation. This innovation aims to increase the sector's efficiency and competitiveness through better management of available resources.
- Climate Change Mitigation
Climate change mitigation in the wine sector: sustainable practices in vineyard and winery (CLIMAWIN)
The European wine sector is one of the most affected by climate change, however, it also holds great potential for improvements in sustainability. The Spanish National Research Council behind this project seeks to show that wineries and vineyards can become a model of sustainability: incorporating several actions against climate change, focusing on mitigation, with adaptation and circular economy measures.
Slow growing forests management for Climate Change Mitigation (LIFE CO2RK)
The Spanish, Portuguese and Italian partners involved in this project aim to complete the design of a set of policy tools to act on sequestering additional carbon to those fixed by the natural environment. As part of the project, a new private financial flow will be designed to sustain Phagaceae forests in the EU, which due to their slow growth, are not being used in CO2 capture policies.
Hardwood for the home (LIFE HFH)
The Spanish partners involved will develop a silvicultural model to increase the climate change mitigation capacity of beech forests in Spain. The model will establish the adaptation to climate change of beech forests and the improvement of their biodiversity. The project proposes a larger-scale transfer of results in the conservation of beech forest biodiversity and to collaborate with local and regional actors in the supply chain and the sector.
Empowering smart renewable cities through hydropower technology in urban drinking water supply systems (LIFE TURBINES)
Aguas de Valencia SA, along with other Spanish and Italian partners, are teaming up to foster the growth of Smart Cities through an initiative that aims to promote the decarbonisation of urban drinking water supplies. The project's primary focus is on harnessing hydroelectric power by capitalising on the surplus pressures present in city water supply networks. This innovative approach allows for the generation of electricity from water, a renewable resource, contributing to sustainable urban development.
- Climate Governance and Information
Carbon Removal governance Outline and Periurban agriculture for Sustainable food system (CROPS4LIFE)
The CROPS4LIFE project, led by a Spanish and French consortium, aims to reduce the environmental/climate footprint of the agrifood system in the town of Vitoria-Gasteiz. To achieve this, the project team developed a data-sensitive governance structure to steer the local food choice. The innovation resides on identifying the changes required in the current regulatory framework to enable the flourishing of a socially fair short-circuit-based agrifood system.
- Clean Energy Transition
Agri-food Efficiency with New Energy Audit Measures (AENEAM)
The teams behind this project promote sustainable growth in the EU Agri-food industry by encouraging energy audits and implementing their recommendations. They offer an acceleration programme providing mentoring, workshops, access to funding and digital solutions. Activities also aim to build capacity and improve performance in companies. Projected outcomes will respond to global challenges aiming to reduce energy use and create a more sustainable food sector.
Building the Basque Integrated Renovation model (Opengela) (BIRTUOSS)
The private residential building renovation sector in the Basque Region is addressing climate change through creative and durable solutions. The consortium behind this project is upgrading the existing Opengela service for integrated home renovation creating new collaborations and defining a governance structure with a sustainable business model. Projected energy savings are equivalent to the energy of 1.14 billion light bulbs per year and cuts in greenhouse gas emissions will be equivalent to 1.32 million liters of petrol burnt annually.
Fostering local engagement for Clean Energy Transition in Rural Areas through Energy Communities (EC4RURAL)
Rural municipalities, despite facing energy poverty, are strategically positioned for renewable energy production and surplus energy sales. The team behind this project advocates for behavioral changes, as well as for increased dialogue and joint investment in Spain and Estonia. The project will also contribute to rural development within the new Common Agricultural Policy, the European Rural Pact, and the Territorial Cohesion Policy.
Plan4CET: Improving Clean Energy Transition planning at local and regional level (Plan4CET)
Cities and urban areas consume 78% of the world's energy and produce over 60% of greenhouse gases. The consortium behind the project supports European regions and cities in designing and implementing Clean Energy Transition plans. They also challenge inadequate governance and resource limitations through capability building and technical assistance. The initiatives will improve Climate and Sustainable Energy Action Plans in Spain, Sweden, Italy.
Integrated EPB Assessments. A pathway for effective EPBD implementation (iEPB)
The team behind the project aims to enhance the energy performance of EU buildings. This will be achieved by developing a common data model for Energy Performance Building Assessments (EPBA). The project also supports the market uptake of EPBA instruments based on actual building data. Improving the quality of measurements will demonstrate added value to stakeholders and foster implementation synergies.
Accelerating zero-emissions building renovations (OneClickRENO)
The team behind the project aims to accelerate zero-emissions building renovations in the EU. Building Renovation Passports (BRPs) provide long-term renovation roadmaps for specific buildings. The team will offer automatically generated, customisable BRPs to various stakeholders in the renovation value chain. This will help homeowners plan renovations effectively and will aid energy renovation professionals in complying with EU directives.
Addressing local energy poverty through the creation of energy renovation offices (LIFE ReHABITA)
To fight energy poverty, the LIFE ReHABITA project team fosters deep energy renovations of the currently energy inefficient homes of vulnerable families. The consortium, consisting of organisations from Spain, Bulgaria, Croatia, Latvia and Romania, runs initiatives in municipalities in all five countries and tries to showcase renovations as an opportunity rather than a problem. This is achieved by setting up offices that provide advice from municipal technicians and engage citizens.
Developing methodologies for the integration of low-grade energy sources into high-temperature district heating networks (Low2HighDH)
Lithuania, Poland, and Slovakia are transitioning to low-grade renewables and waste heat technologies for efficient district heating and cooling. Over the next decade, the multi-country project team (Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Spain) will distribute capacity-building materials and establish a stakeholder network to disseminate best practices and monitor improvements. The shift to low-grade renewables is projected to save the energy equivalent to 100 billion light bulbs switched on and reduce CO2 emissions equivalent to 29,6 million liters of petrol burnt.
- Nature and Biodiversity
Morphological restoration for sustainable enhancement of natural dynamic Loire river (LIFE Loire en Forez)
The French consortium behind this project aims to return nearly 60,000 m³ of sediment to the Loire river. This restoration will be carried out both proactively, by paving the bed and scarifying the islands, and more gradually by facilitating lateral erosion. It will allow a sustainable reconstitution of the alluvial mattress, essential for the proper functioning of all the ecosystems linked to the river.
- Environmental Governance and Information
LIFE Environmental Data & Ecolabeling for Sustainable Food Choice (LIFE ECO FOOD CHOICE)
The project undertaken by nine organisations from four EU countries, aims at sharing learnings and experiences at the EU level, to develop new methods for life cycle inventories and environmental scores on food. The project team will further develop the results of the pilot project in each country with national and regional databases and a labeling scheme revealing food products' environmental impact.
- Climate Change Mitigation
Solution for ECO-friendly and ECOnomically viable Deletion of SF6 in operating GIS (SECO2ND LIFE GIS)
The French team behind the project aims to replace SF6, a potent greenhouse gas, in existing 420kV gas-insulated substations (GIS) with a new gas mixture. The team targets potentially requalifying 210 tons of SF6, saving energy and costs. This will accelerate the phase-out of SF6 without building new substations. Substantial emissions savings in five years are the projected objective. The expected result would be a saving of around 19.134 tons CO2e, equivalent to the annual carbon dioxide emissions of approximately 4 cars.
Demonstration at pre-commercial level of an innovative cable-suspended bifacial PV system on artificial water bodies (LIFE FilSun)
EDF, supported by Mécamont and Photowatt, is coordinating a project to test a novel cable-suspended vertical photovoltaic technology. This pre-commercial stage project is designed to validate the technical and economic feasibility of this innovative approach. The technology aims to provide a cost-effective solution to land scarcity issues. The demonstration of this technology could potentially revolutionize the way we harness solar energy, making it more accessible and efficient.
Transcending European Wood to dramatically decrease the CO2 footprint of the construction industry (LIFE WOODTECH)
The use of wood will steadily increase in the construction and building sector. Nevertheless, wood is often imported from outside Europe. Born in CEA's labs, the aim of the project is to develop a solution to render EU woods as resistant as exotic woods, with a much better environmental and economic balance. By the end of the project, the new developed technology will have treated 75,000 cubic meters of wood, will save 42 975 tons of CO2e and create over 100 direct jobs.
Integrated Thermal energy Storages for Zero Emission Buildings (LIFE36KV)
The growth of renewable power generation and electric vehicle charging points is increasing the demand for 36 kV switchgears. This type of switchgears use SF6, a very harmful gas for the environment, which further leads to an important increase in CO2 equivalent emissions. Schneider Electric plans to launch a project for an air-only 36 kV solution to help meet environmental targets and find an alternative to SF6.
- Clean Energy Transition
Smarter Energy Performance Certificates; Integrating smart readiness aspects into buildings energy certification and tools for market up-take (Smarter EPC)
Smart home automation and energy efficiency are crucial in the green transition. The partners behind this project will create a single platform which will provide open access to numerous Energy Performance Certificates and Smart Readiness Indicators tools. The issuing of common building inspection procedures and the delivery of common trainings to auditors for certifications complete the activities foreseen under this project.
Public Building Regional Renovation Service Package for Large Scale Deployment (BAOBAP)
French partners in this project want to accelerate the renovation rate of public buildings in small and mid-sized municipalities. They target net zero carbon emissions by 2050 and 40% energy savings by 2030. Their plan is to mobilise existing support services, establish regional units, and deploy a strengthened service to five regions in France. The project will support 350 municipalities, renovate 390 buildings and generate substantial energy savings.
French roundtables for scaling up investment in energy efficiency and integrated renewables in the Building Sector (FR-BS)
The consortium behind this project wants to boost investments in energy efficiency and renewables in France's building sector. It will work with builders, financiers, public actors and homeowners to co-design solutions that meet their interests and needs. The consortium hopes to overcome the “tragedy of the commons” problem that stops people from investing in long-term environmental and social benefits.
- Nature and Biodiversity
Improving degree of conservation of Natura 2000 target species and habitat types through improvement of river connectivity (Improve River LIFE)
The Croatian consortium behind this project aims to save from the brink of extinction the Salmothymus obtusirostris (Softmouth trout), an endangered species exclusively present in Croatia in the EU. The objective is to make key improvements in the condition of specific habitat features. This will primarily be achieved by ensuring river connectivity in Natura 2000 sites and removing artificial barriers in the area of species distribution.
- Clean Energy Transition
Building intErventions in vulNerable Districts against Energy poverty (CEESEN-BENDER)
Addressing energy poverty involves prioritising the renovation of old buildings, particularly in Eastern European countries. The project team focuses on empowering vulnerable homeowners and renters living in inefficient buildings. They plan to implement at least 30 building-level intervention roadmaps, targeting approximately 1,500 apartments. Additionally, around 3,500 homeowners, landlords, and building managers will receive technical, legal and financial trainings on energy renovation.
Establishment of CRoatian One-Stop-Shop facility in North-West Croatia (CROSS)
The people behind this project aim to modernise buildings in the public sector in Croatia. The team provides technical, financial and legal advice, and ensures quality of work in construction and building renovations. Activities include preparation of project pipelines, the design and deployment of advanced funding, procurement, and financing models. Stakeholder engagement and long-term sustainability are also key components.
Coalitions for Community Energy Catalyzation in Eastern EU (LIFE-COMET)
The multi-country consortium behind this project aims to createenergy communities and coalitions to coordinate actions at the national and international level in Eastern European countries. The consortium behind this project aims at facilitating the formation of such partnerships, as well as delivering trainings and exchanging best practices among countries. A further enlargement to the Eastern part of Europe is in the works for the future.
Croatian One Stop Shop for Integrated Home Renovation (inCross renoHome)
The consortium behind this project will create a marketplace and one-stop-shops for homeowners and experts to renovate their buildings and make them more energy efficient and climate friendly. It will offer full-service packages that guide the customers from planning to implementation. It will also tackle the barriers and challenges that discourage many homeowners from renovating their buildings. The project will help reduce its energy demand and CO2 emissions in the private housing sector in Croatia.
- Nature and Biodiversity
Conservation of the Aeolian wall lizard, through translocation, reintroduction, and habitat restoration (LIFE EOLIZARD)
The project aims to tackle the pending extinction of the Aeolian wall lizard through actions of conservation directed at existing populations. The translocation of captive-bred Aeolian wall lizards to a new area, that acts as a sanctuary for the species, would determine an extension of the area of occupancy, an increase in the number of populations, and an increase in the overall number of individuals, thus decreasing the extinction risk.
Nature-based reef solution for coastal protection and marine biodiversity enhancement (LIFE NatuReef)
The Italian consortium behind the project aims to apply best practices available to the restoration of native oyster and sabellariid reefs. This will be achieved by seeding the native species in a rare non-urbanised coastal stretch of the northern Adriatic coasts. The restored reefs will enhance marine biodiversity providing habitat and feeding ground for priority and non-priority threatened species and habitats.
Turning Eradication Targets Into Durable Effects (LIFE TETIDE)
The project focuses on the conservation of Mediterranean Islands (in Italy, Malta and Croatia), with a wide geographical range and a high catalytic potential. Adopted measures will include detection and rapid response for potential incursions of Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and involvement of island communities and previous LIFE projects to upscale conservation efforts.
- Nature Governance and Information
European Sharks (LIFE EU SHARKS)
Accidental captures, pollution and habitat destruction endanger European sharks and rays. The team implementing this project aims at engaging European citizens and marine stakeholders in a joint effort to safeguard this endangered group of marine species in Europe. The consortium's long-term goal is to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of Mediterranean elasmobranchs, promoting behaviour change as a key factor in reversing their decline across the basin.
- Environment and Resource Efficiency
Closed-loop wAter Systems in textile industrial distriCts: multimodal orchestrAteD rEmoval of emerging pollutants from textile wastewater (LIFE-CASCADE)
The LIFE-CASCADE consortium aims at developing analytical procedures and wastewater treatment technologies for removal and detection of micropollutants from the textile supply chain, especially poly- and per- fluorinated compounds PFAs and Microplastics. The project team will develop lab-scale evaluation and demonstrative-scale testing of analytical protocols. Cooperating with the Portugal textile district, the organisation will install and test the demonstration solutions in the Como Textile District.
Demonstration of an innovative, environmentally friendly and economically feasible technology for the recycling and valorisation of ornamental stone waste (LIFE ZSW)
Each year, tonnes of ornamental stones are extracted. While methods have improved in the last decades, the circularity of the sector is still under development with 50% of the extracted material becoming waste. The LIFE ZSW project team aims to develop a solution to recycle and valorise ornamental stone wastes to produce raw materials and will test its solution on three sites in Italy and Spain.
Development & demonstration of low environmental impact innovation and optimization practices in pharma production (LIFE-GREENAPI)
The LIFE-GREENAPI project team proposes a technological shift in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) production. Angelini Pharma, collaborating with the University of Leiden, wants to improve the manufacturing of APIs considering environmental issues. The innovative approach presented by the consortium also ensures economic savings and shows the EU market a concrete way to support pharmaceutical industries in becoming more sustainable.
Exploiting the POWER of NATURE to reduce the impact of hazardous substances on the environment (NATURAL POWER LIFE)
The consortium implementing the NATURAL POWER LIFE project aims at replacing hazardous herbicides and biocides with pelargonic acid-based products to reduce the impact of synthetic herbicides and biocides on the environment. Other than Italy, at least three other countries, Spain, Germany and Greece, will implement the new solution. The project team will demonstrate the performance of the pelargonic acid-based biocide to initiate pre-marketing activities and launch its large-scale production.
GREen ENgineering solutions: a new LIFE for SEdiments And Shells (GREENLIFE4SEAS)
The GREENLIFE4SEAS project team has identified dredged harbour sediments and shells as two pressing environmental concerns and aims at demonstrating the safety and commercial viability of reusing both in the realisation of sustainable by-products. The Italian and Greek consortium behind the project will treat 405 tons of sediments will be treated and 120 tons of shells powder will be produced allowing to create paving blocks, breakwaters and mass stabilization units.
Industrial Production of mixed Rare Earth Elements oxides and carbonates from spent magnets recycling (INSPIREE)
The Italian consortium will realise the first industrial-scale plant in Europe to recycle Rare Earth Elements (REE) from used Neodymium Iron Boron magnets, Hard Drives (HDD) and End-Of-Life electric motors. A hydrometallurgical process will be implemented showing significant environmental improvements in terms of chemical and water reuse. Additionally, REE oxides and carbonates will be exploited commercially before the end of the project.
Materials, 2D-3D flattening and Processing, to optimize the topology and create breakthrough zero-waste Composite structural solutions (ZeroWasteLIFE)
Heavy research efforts are made on the recycling of composite materials. The ZeroWasteLIFE project team is developing a new approach to reach sustainability and waste avoidance targets, as well as a modular design plan to replace and reuse parts. The project's outcomes are assessed through environmental, societal and industrial-economic factors. The long-term expected impacts are 18 GWh energy, the annual energy use of about 5,625 EU households, and 30k tons CO2 emissions reduction, the annual amissions of 6,500 vehicles.
NATURAL AGROchemical formulations to reduce the environmental impact of pest control in vineyards (NATURA AGRO)
In the EU growers are still highly dependent on chemical intensive pest control protocols. The NATURA AGRO project team aims to reduce the environmental impact of pest control in vineyards by introducing natural and mineral-based Plant Protection Products. These products will help disease control and the implementation of circular approaches, leading to the vineyard biomass being naturally and sustainably preserved. The consortium hopes to increase acceptance and understanding across the EU.
REcycling mineral WOol waste into high-value products (LIFE ReWo)
The Italian consortium developing and leading the LIFE ReWo Project tries to find alternative and more sustainable management pathways for mineral wool waste. This type of waste is currently classified as hazardous and thus can only be managed by authorized landfills for final storage. The project team introduces an innovative sustainable and local recycling process to manage hazardous mineral wool and reduce dependency on foreign landfills.
Sustainable Innovations for Long-life Environmental Noise Technologies (LIFE SILENT)
The project team develops sustainable and eco-friendly solutions to mitigate noise in complex urban environments, where diverse noise sources coexist across densely populated areas. The consortium of eight Italian organisations implements low noise pavements and low-height noise barriers, and provides transport owners and managers with information to support the standardisation of these solutions.
- Environmental Governance and Information
New approach for managing Holistic Environmental governance Practices (LIFE HELP)
In the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, cities are considered crucial in implementing green practices. Therefore, the LIFE HELP project team is developing an approach, which is being tested in the city of Rimini. It is easily replicable at European level, integrated with long-term and integrated initiatives for sustainability. The consortium will further address all the administrative burdens that have so far hindered the implementation of the 2030 Agenda at a municipality level.
- Climate Change Adaptation
Viticulture for Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration (LIFE VitiCaSe)
Recognising the potential of soil as a carbon buffer, a team of innovators is developing a business model to encourage carbon stocking in EU vineyards. This model includes an automated system for calculating stored carbon, aiming to inspire winegrowers to adopt these practices. The initiative is expected to store an amount of carbon equivalent to taking approximately 730 to 1,600 cars off the road for a year.
- Climate Change Mitigation
Integrated Thermal energy Storages for Zero Emission Buildings (LIFE ITS4ZEB)
Innova SRL, and the other Italian and German partners involved, will develop and demonstrate a novel next generation of Thermal Energy Storage (TES) technologies. The adopted approach is flexible so that the solutions are applicable to a wide variety of buildings, new or renovated, poorly or well insulated, and tailored to their size. The partners will install 50 independent demonstrators in 10 countries across Europe to test and validate the product in all possible contexts.
OLIve tree for Verified Emission Reduction generation (LIFE OLIVER)
The project, run by a consortium of Mediterranean partners, will develop a financial incentive system to remunerate farmers for the results of climate-friendly land management practices. The system will be based on an exchange in the voluntary carbon credit market of emission credits with specific references to the olive oil production sector. The carbon farming approach adopted for olive cultivation will support the adoption of the same approach in all European tree crops.
Efficiency solutions: a new booster for CO2 transcritical refrigerant plants and GHG reduction (LIFE-TURBOALGOR CO2)
Synthetic refrigerants used in refrigeration and air-conditioning have a significant environmental impact. The consortium of Italian partners behind the project will demonstrate the technical feasibility and commercial viability of a solution to improve energy efficiency of transcritical refrigeration systems. This solution will employ CO2 as fluid and increase cooling power with the same compressor power.
- Clean Energy Transition
Accelerating the Transition of Local Authorities through Support and Training (AT LAST)
Capacity building and climate action are paramount in managing high costs of energy resources and potential future shortages of energy. Small- and medium-sized cities lack key competencies in cross-sectoral integration, governance and financial innovation. The team behind this project helps 25 local governments to address such situations. They offer trainings and run pilot networks to set up planning and implementation for future effective climate action.
ECOsystems EMPOWERing at regional and local scale supporting energy communities (ECOEMPOWER)
Regional authorities are crucial energy community facilitators. The creation of a solid governance structure is vital to safely harness sustainability challenges. The organisation behind this project aims to provide education, financial and legal support, and raise awareness of energy community initiatives. Also, the design and management of energy community-focused initiatives will be deployed over the 15 communities involved in the project.
Global Assistance Service for Low Energy investments toward a foSSil free Public sector (GASLESS)
The Italian region of Piedmont committed to comprehensive interventions in the clean energy transition. Technical, financial and legal facilitation services in the form of a one-stop shop are crucial elements to further it. The team behind this project aims at setting up facilities to trigger investments and oversee procedures for the renovation of around 100 public buildings.
Low-Grade Renewable and Waste Heat Mapping and Investment Planning for Efficient District Heating (HeatMineDH)
District heating innovations pass through the incorporation of low-grade renewables (solar power) and waste heat sources (heated water released into environment). The team behind this project focuses on setting up facilitation structures for the integration of low-grade renewables and waste heat sources. Specific attention will be drawn on regulatory, financial, technical and educational aspects of this sustainable transition.
REsilient System for the Recognition of Energy Skills (RES2)
Education, trainings, and continuous learning for workers and professionals in the Italian building sector is of great importance. People involved in fitting sustainable technologies to buildings are the key focus of the team behind this project. Their needs for upskilling and for new competencies in light of innovative solutions will be addressed through advanced training and qualifications.
Training and Outreach Programmes for a Circular and Level(s) based Revolution (TOP CLeveR)
Construction workers and professionals are in pressing need of new competencies to master sustainable transitions. Partners in this project aim at developing technical and vocational education with a focus on young talents' and women's future career. A global platform collecting training materials and case studies in the building sector will be created. Projected outcomes of this endeavour include the uptake of sustainable business plans.
Developing street wide approach for housing for collective switch of energy systems to heat pumps packaged modules (LIFE Street HP Reno)
The team behind this project aims to implement collective purchasing of heat pump systems for entire streets. They will work with local authorities, housing organisations, residents, installers and solution providers. They focus on characterising housing typologies, developing financing packages and contracts, and raising awareness among stakeholders. The goal is to reduce costs, increase energy efficiency, and decarbonise heat in existing housing.
Empowering local and regional authorities to design clean ENergy TRAnsition plans through Capacity and Knowledge building actions (ENTRACK)
The consortium behind this project aims to help rural Mediterranean municipalities co-design social energy plans with local stakeholders, using participatory methods and capacity-building. The project will pilot its methodology in 8 municipalities in Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain, and deliver a scalable approach for socially just energy planning in line with EU and national policies.
Innovative Support for citizen-led Local Energy Transition (LIFE-ISLET)
The consortium behind this project accelerates decarbonisation in Mediterranean islands by supporting Renewable Energy Communities (RECs). It involves pilot islands in Greece, Italy, and Croatia, enhancing municipalities' capacity, improving cooperation, and creating common paths for building RECs. It also focuses on improving information and defining efficient business plans. Other activities encompass empowering local actors, evaluating citizens-led initiatives and creating a European network for peer-to-peer support.
Boosting Energy Transition of ThE Dairy value chain (BETTED)
The consortium behind this project supports dairy companies to adopt energy efficiency, renewables and heat pumps in their value chains. It aims to reduce fossil fuels use and accelerate the energy transition in the dairy sector. It offers training, tools and policy recommendations to foster cooperation and coordination among different actors in the dairy industry.
Linking Energy Audit and EnMS Policies towards new EED article 11 (LEAPto11)
The consortium behind this project aims to support Member States in implementing Article 11 of the recast Energy Efficiency Directive. The project focuses on improving the quality framework for energy audits and energy management systems in the business sector and promoting synergies with other energy efficiency measures and programmes. The project will conduct an inception assessment to identify gaps and best practices among 10 participating countries, and design easy-to-implement policy recommendations.
- Environment and Resource Efficiency
Adaptation of Water Framework Directive and Habitats Directive harmonization and integrated actions for freshwater quality improvement in Salaca river sub catchment (LIFE IS SALACA)
The Latvian consortium will develop a sophisticated approach to plan and implement future river restoration projects in Latvia, increasing their efficiency and positive effect. The management activities are carried out in accordance with the objectives of the Habitats Directive as well as the EU Biodiversity Strategy. The main objectives proposed by the project team will include sequestering nutrients and nitrogen and reducing eutrophication.
- Climate Change Mitigation
Piloting technological solutions for a sustainable and low-emission bio-economy model for utilising biomass from grasslands (LIFE UpcyclingGrass)
The Latvian NGO behind this project and its partners aim to replace traditional but harmful peat-burning with grassland biomass such as grass, straw and reeds. Covering two Natura 2000 sites, it will have a triple benefit: reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting threatened peatlands and providing farmers with a potential new income. A variety of technological approaches will be developed for climate-smart management of grasslands combined with a sustainable business model.
- Clean Energy Transition
Neighbourhood RenewALL Financed with Energy Performance Contracting (RenewALL)
Due to a weak business case, ineffective regulations and a lack of interest and trust from homeowners, deep renovation of multifamily buildings is a slow-moving industry. The RenewALL project team proposes to tackle this by strengthening long term energy performance contracting, financial engineering, collective neighbourhood-renovations, and the interest of homeowners. The consortium, consisting of four Latvian organisations focusing on multi-family buildings in Riga.
- Climate Governance and Information
GREEN FARM: monitoring carbon in the whole-farm and forestry land (GFarm-for-LIFE)
Pushed by the need for change in agriculture, the Lithuanian consortium aims to achieve national and EU climate change mitigation and adaptation targets. Given the importance of the agricultural and forestry sector in the country, it is essential that the EU's targets are effectively achieved in a timely manner. As part of the objectives, the project team will develop a holistic framework to support the transition towards carbon farming practices.
- Environmental Governance and Information
Awareness raising and behaviour change program to empower consumer-citizens to live toxic-free lives, reduce chemical risks on their health and the environment, and to upscale their positive impact (ToxFree LIFE for All)
The consortium behind this project aims to reduce harmful chemical impacts by raising awareness about chemicals of concern in consumer goods. The project plans to reach 11.95 million individuals, change the behavior of 103,100 consumers, and mobilize 20,600 citizens to support policies phasing out harmful substances. It will also partner with 100 organizations across Europe and conduct product tests, campaigns, and advocacy programs in Austria, Czechia, Hungary, Slovenia, and Slovakia. Project summary
- Climate Change Adaptation
Participatory learning to boost community resilience and increase adaptive capacity of small rural villages (LIFE Co-Clima)
Small rural settlements in Hungary are vulnerable to climate change and economic crises. The Hungarian partners involved aim to increase these villages' adaptive capacity by improving knowledge, promoting autonomous livelihood strategies and enhancing mutual support networks. The focus is mainly on food security and the need for climate adaptation policies to consider the unique needs of small rural settlements.
- Climate Governance and Information
Cooling Urban Life - Governance Model Incentivising Behavioural Change to Mitigate Urban Heat Islands (COOL LIFE)
Led by six Hungarian organisations, the COOL LIFE project develops a complex governance model to mitigate heat islands in urban environments. The model will be complemented with guidelines for professionals and the general public. The pilot project will be implemented in Szeged, which is currently one of the hottest cities in Hungary. The project team will set up and demonstrate an innovative complex governance model, including community involvement.
- Clean Energy Transition
Roundtables enhancing smart investments in sustainable renovation of buildings (RENOINVEST)
The cross-border consortium behind this project aims to to address sustainable building renovation in Hungary, Slovenia, and Austria. Economic and financial enabling factors will stimulate funding for energy efficiency improvements in existing building stocks. The consortium of businesses, academia and institutions behind this project is promoting large-scale sustainability investments in existing buildings. Fora and working groups will identify barriers to investments and propose improvements through recommendations.
- Clean Energy Transition
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in the Value Chain — [REEValue] (REEValue)
Energy efficiency interventions and the use of renewable energy sources (RES) in value chains is paramount to advancing the clean energy transition. To this end, the partners behind this project conduct energy audits, identify possible improvements in sustainability and advance recommendations. They will also support businesses with value chain collaborations led by notable green mentors and experts in sustainable value chains.
- Nature and Biodiversity
Peat Pals for LIFE (Peat Pals)
The teams behind the project aim to restore degraded peat ecosystems in the Netherlands and Flanders (Belgium). The project will enhance the hydrological condition of raised bog habitats and it will positively impactthe greenhouse gas budget improving their resilience and conservation status. A strategy to improve peatland restoration, application of recovery measures to similar habitats, and cooperation among member states on peatland recovery policies are key targets.
Coordinated Development and Implementation of Best Practice in Bycatch Reduction in the North Atlantic, Baltic and Mediterranean Regions (LIFE CIBBRiNA)
The project sets up a European flagship initiative in which fishermen, scientists, fisheries and environment ministries, and NGOs from 13 European countries will work jointly to minimise incidental bycatch in fisheries. To avoid incidental bycatching of endangered and protected species, it is necessary to work towards transparent and socioeconomically sustainable fisheries in the Northeast Atlantic, Baltic and Mediterranean regions.
Cross-border restoration and reunion of the raised bogs Aamsveen and Hündfelder Moor (LIFE CrossBorderBog)
The LIFE CrossBorderBog project works on raised bog restoration in the cross-border bog Aamsveen-Hündfelder Moor. The raised bog suffers from desiccation, and faces four main threats: water loss, nutrient pollution, succession and GHG emission. All these threats can be countered or reduced in effect by taking hydrological measures to retain water in the bog and stop desiccation.
Increasing the viability of the European bison population and achieving successful coexistence in the Southwestern Carpathians, Romania (LIFE with Bison)
The project aims to expand the population of European bison (Bison bonasus) in the Southwestern Carpathians and ensure its long-term viability. This is possible by enabling its successful coexistence with people through innovative “bison-smart communities” with local municipalities. Bringing back the European bison would also mean restoring a more complete guild of large herbivores to maintain and enhance the biodiversity-rich mosaic of woodlands and grasslands.
- Environment and Resource Efficiency
Recovery of phosphorus from wastewater for reuse in EU (LIFE Phos4EU)
The team in charge of the LIFE Phos4EU project will demonstrate phosphorus recovery from sewage using the innovative ViviMag technology. Even though phosphorus is a key nutrient in fertilizers and essential for food production, phosphorus is listed as a critical raw material by the EU. The Dutch and Spanish consortium aims at demonstrating the potential of the technology in different settings and render phosphorus use more sustainable.
- Climate Change Adaptation
Nature and LED based rain water treatment for reuse in green cities (GreenLED)
With the pressure on water infrastructure increasing due to urban population growth, a team of innovators is developing LIFE GreenLED. This initiative aims to create a decentralised water supply solution using BlueBloqs, a nature-based biofiltration and aquifer storage technology, combined with UV LED disinfection. The team plans to implement demonstrations in the Netherlands and Spain to showcase this alternative water source in urban areas.
Demonstrating a Climate-Resilient Drinking Water Source, Adopting Nature-Based Solutions (LIFE WATERSOURCE)
As climate change intensifies, securing water supply in European cities is becoming critical. A consortium of Dutch and Spanish partners is developing LIFE WATERSOURCE. The objective is to use nature-based solutions to produce drinking water from Lake IJsselmeer, countering the risk of surface water salination. The team's efforts not only secure water availability but also boost the lake's ecology, offering a sustainable and economically viable alternative to traditional water purification methods.
- Clean energy Transition
The team behind the project aims to accelerate the energy transition of housing corporations in the Netherlands. It makes use of digitalised approaches and an innovative financial instrument, “the betterment tax”. This tax requires no up-front costs for retrofitting measures on already existing buildings. Plans to adapt this method for housing corporations aim to invest EUR 27 million in renovating 1,500 dwellings belonging to social housing corporations.
Smart Business Parks (SMABA)
The SMABA project team demonstrates an innovative and replicable approach for organising, implementing and operating collective energy systems in business parks. Developed by three Dutch stakeholders, the project provides a replicable and flexible solution for mobilising renewable energy investments. Thereby, the consortium is contributing to a climate neutral Europe and helping business parks to make investments that would be too large for a single company.
Plug Energy Efficiency First In (ENEFIRST PLUS)
The energy efficiency first (EE1) principle is anchored in EU legislation and helps to consider energy planning, investment and policy. As previous experiences have shown that EE1 is difficult to implement, the team developing the ENEFIRSTPLUS project aims to support key stakeholders to complement the existing resources for investment in energy infrastructure, energy planning, and designing incentives. The consortium provides practical guidelines and examples to help implement best practices, testing its approach for eight “real-life” cases in four countries.
The streamlined renovation process to unburden both Home Owners and Renovators in pre-and post renovation processes offered as white label proposition for Sustainable Parties (WHILARENO)
The consortium behind this project helps renovators, homeowners, and sustainable parties with energy efficient home renovations. It offers white-label services to implement and execute home renovation campaigns with sustainable parties, to realise and improve value propositions. The project aims to triple the annual investments in sustainable energy renovation in the Netherlands, as well as to create a highly replicable and sustainable approach for other countries.
- Nature and Biodiversity
Restoration and preservation of Pannonic salt lakes and salt steppes of European significance (LIFE Pannonic Salt)
The Austrian consortium addresses special habitats present in Austria's Natura 2000 site: “Neusiedler See - Nordöstliches Leithagebirge”. Austria has one of Central Europe's largest contiguous inland salt areas and, through this project, more effective and widespread preservation will be implemented and supported. To secure results and implement long-term impact, a framework for future water-saving agriculture will be elaborated and demonstrated.
Preserving and restoring floodplain forest habitats along the Mura-Drava-Danube rivers (LIFE RESTORE for MDD)
The large consortium of Austrian, Slovenian, Hungarian and Croatian partners behind this project focuses on the conservation and restoration of the largest contiguous riparian forest system in the Danube River Basin. This habitat is constantly subject to external threats that through an integrative and transboundary restoration effort will be addressed. The plan is also for natural forests to be preserved, improved or afforested on 11 sites.
- Climate Governance and Information
Empowering local communities to co-create and implement DIY climate solutions (EmpowerLIFE)
The EmpowerLIFE project team aims to provide a concrete and effective DIY approach to tackle rising (energy) prices, fragile supply structures and climate change. The consortium of four Austrian organisations wants to help local communities implement innovative measures and install hubs to enable co-creation. The project activities will be embedded in existing structures and are realised in close cooperation with established initiatives and civil society organisations.
- Clean Energy Transition
Services supporting suppliers and retailers regarding compliance with ecodesign and labelling legislation (ComplianceServices)
The EU's energy-saving goals rely on legislation for energy labels and ecodesign. However, some market segments need more reliable product information. Project coordinators are raising awareness and facilitating correct interpretation and application of product information through trainings and auxiliary measures. While the project already covers heating systems, photovoltaics, air conditioning and white goods, it also aims to extend its reach further.
Effective implementation of the EPBD in line with short-term and long-term policy requirements (EPBD.wise)
Zero-emission buildings, minimum energy performance standards, building renovation passports and energy performance certificates are fundamental to enhance sustainability. The teams from 6 Member States will help design policies and instruments through stakeholder engagement, policy dialogue and exchanges with regulatory bodies. They aim to further expand the reach of the endeavour to the whole EU-27 area.
Energy Efficiency in regioNal fOod processing Value chAins (EENOVA)
The partners behind this project support the uptake of energy audit results and the implementation of energy solutions. They focus on regional value chains, particularly in the food processing sector. They plan to validate sustainable approaches across five different food processing value chains in five countries. Projected energy savings and renewable energy generation will amount to roughly 1.1 GWh/year, equivalent to the annual energy use of about 344 households, by the end of the project.
- Nature and Biodiversity
Above the borders: conservation of Greater Spotted Eagles at breeding and wintering areas, and on its flyway (GSELIFEAboveBorders)
The partners behind the project aim to improve breeding conditions and increase the Greater Spotted Eagle (GSE) population in the EU. They focus on protecting GSE breeding forests, combating illegal shooting, and building secure feeding stations.The aim is to see integrated implementation of these methods in GSE conservation on a European scale.
Expanding the range of the lynx population in northern Poland (LIFE LYNX PL LT DE)
The partners in this project aim to improve the conservation status of the Eurasian lynx in Poland. They are restoring its historical range, creating conditions for gene flow, and gaining public acceptance for conservation strategies. These actions will provide genetically diverse founder groups for local populations, maintain ecological connectivity and develop conservation strategies.
- Environment and Resource Efficiency
Implementation of Circular economy model for reusing of WEEE (RE-ELECTRO 4 LIFE)
The project-consortium develops a new circular business model for a variety of house equipment by developing a repair centre and e-marketplace for spare parts. Promotion of the platform will be carried out in Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany and Slovakia. The project-team expects to recover about 4,500 spare parts within the scope of the project, as well as a reduction of waste equipment (260 tonnes) and greenhouse gas emissions (5 tonnes of CO2e/year).
Soil condition improvement through rock-cellulose waste pellets and impregnated wood chips (SoilLifeBoats)
The Polish-Slovakian cooperation that is developing and leading the SoilLifeBoats project aims at improving soil condition, mineral structure and carbon contents through agricultural and horticultural use of composite rock-cellulose pellets (RCP). RCPs will be completely made from unusable recycled paper cellulose, short-fibres waste and rocks dust-slurry waste. The project team aims at reducing waste and emissions and improving soil conditions.
- Climate Governance and Information
Development and implementation of a model of cooperation between state authorities and other entities in order to improve monitoring in the area of HFCs and their illegal trade (LEGAL HFC 4 LIFE)
The Polish organisation behind the project aims at reducing Hydrofluorocarbons HFCs) emissions from illegal trade. A model of cooperation between state authorities and other relevant authorities will be developed together with improved reporting and monitoring of greenhouse gas emissions and control trade. In addition, the project coordinator will create opportunities for different actors, such as national authorities and the Refrigeration and Air Conditioning industry, to exchange experiences.
- Clean Energy Transition
Supporting Energy Transition and Decarbonisation in District Heating Sector (SET_HEAT)
The team behind this project aims to accelerate the energy transition and decarbonise district heating in four Eastern European countries. Their proposed solution is the integration of low-grade heat sources (e.g. wastewater) in high-temperature district heating networks. They will entertain direct collaboration with district heating companies and stakeholders to develop investment projects, fill knowledge gaps, and reduce fossil fuel use. They will support four companies directly and others indirectly, providing scalable solutions and model projects.
- Nature and Biodiversity
Mariculture for Ria de Aveiro subtidal seagrass Rewilding (SeaGrassRIAwild)
The partners behind this project aim to reverse the endangered status of Zostera marina in Ria de Aveiro in Portugal. The project proposes a paradigm shift in seagrass restoration, enabling large-scale programmes through seagrass mariculture. It involves various stakeholders in the co-design and implementation of restoration actions. The project also explores innovative solutions for seagrass conservation and system management needs.
- Environment and Resource Efficiency
Demonstration of an innovative PLAN-DO toolbox for a safer, resource efficient and fit-for-purpose wastewater treatment (LIFE Fitting)
The three partners involved in the LIFE Fitting project are LNEC, Universidade Católica do Porto and TRATAVE S.A. Together, they develop an innovative PLAN-DO toolbox for enabling a smart discharge driven-operation, monitoring and strategic planning of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) to better cope with climate uncertainty and treated water quality challenges. It will be adjustable to the quality requirements towards regulated and emerging contaminants, and antimicrobial resistance.
- Climate Change Adaptation
Facing heat waves through 4D cooling actions in Almada hotspots (COOLIFEALMADA)
In Almada, heat waves are a growing concern. The Municipality of Almada, the coordinator behind COOLIFEALMADA, is tackling this issue by creating a green corridor that will lower air temperatures by up to 3ºC. The aim is also to adapt buildings with green roofs and facades, and to test a Geothermal Open-Air Passive Cooling Prototype. A climate shelter is being set up for the most vulnerable, as well as an app to alert users of heat waves.
Adapt and Promote a Resilient and Firewise Living Landscape (LIFE ResLand)
Wildfires threaten Sintra-Cascais Natural Park, a nature lover's dream in Portugal, fueled by climate changes and neglected lands. The environmental enterprise of Cascais is introducing sustainable land practices and kickstarting green local businesses. Not only will it prevent wildfires, but it will also enhance eco-tourism and boost the community's economy.
- Clean Energy Transition
Roundtables for Action and Investment in Sustainable Energy in Portugal (RAISE-PT)
Sustainable energy investments require cooperation between communities in Portugal. The teams behind this project are committed to the creation of an enabling framework for energy investments in public and private buildings and in industry sectors. They foresee the frequent organisation of national-level roundtables. The formation of a countrywide forum will guide Portuguese government, industries and privates towards sustainable opportunities for investments.
Delivering the water-energy nexus for energy efficiency (WENexus)
The team behind this project aims to address energy inefficiency in the Portuguese water services sector. Financing and mobilising investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy are the main instruments that will be deployed. Specific objectives include de-risking energy efficiency projects and enhancing project dissemination at national and international levels. Projected outcomes of the project include future replicability and transferability of results.
Home Renovation Integrated Services (HORIS)
The partners behind this project aim to enhance an already existing platform called “Green Menu”, focusing on home renovation services for energy efficiency in Portugal, Spain, and Italy. They build trust in home renovation professionals, counter skepticism about energy savings and simplify financing processes. They will provide financial, legal and technical solutions, targeting replicability and effective use of public and private funds. Projected social, environmental and economic outcomes will benefit climate neutrality.
- Clean Energy Transition
Green Homes & Green Mortgages programs (SMARTER4EU)
The team behind this project aims at launching Green Homes and Green Mortgage (GHGM) programmes in Portugal, Spain and Ukraine. Their overall objective is to cater the benefits of discounted green financing to private individuals. They promote green homes certification schemes and building performance assessment. The project also encompasses trainings and capacity building activities to further solidify bank partnerships and green finance solutions.
- Nature and Biodiversity
Supporting Rural Communities in Slovenia to reduce Conflicts with Bears and Wolves through Institutional Collaboration, Policy, and Education (LIFE VARNA PASA)
Improving coexistence between humans, gray wolves, and brown bears in Slovenia is paramount to secure cohabitation. A consortium of partners is thus developing a livestock protection scheme, educational modules and working with a diverse body of stakeholders. They focus on mitigating conflicts arising from animal attacks on livestock. The goal is to set an example for the conservation of wolves and bears in the EU.
Managing marsh habitats for conservation of waterfowl of temporary lakes (LIFE TRSCA)
The Slovenian partners behind the project aim to improve the conservation status of turloughs and two bird species (Ferruginous duck (Aythya nyroca) and Red-necked grebe (Podiceps grisegena)) in Slovenia and Bulgaria. They will introduce agri-environmental schemes, conserve marsh land-plots, remove dead marsh vegetation, and monitor changes. They also focus on habitat restoration, reducing disturbances and gaining support through communication. Improving nature conservation and land management is the overarching objective.
Prevention and management of adverse impact of ornamental invasive alien plant species on endangered habitat types and species of EU importance (LIFE OrnamentalIAS)
Invasive alien species (IAP) are one of the biggest threats to biodiversity, also in habitats of EU importance. The LIFE OrnamentallAS consortium tackles the issue on three levels: prevention, early-warning – rapid response, and management. The project team aims at preventing further spread of IAP and the loss of wildlife habitats and species. The organisations behind the project hope to offer transferable solutions, especially within the Slovenian – Croatian knowledge transfer.
- Clean Energy Transition
Empowering local authorities for accelerating the CET (LOCAL GoGreen)
The consortium behind this project aims to help small and remote communities in Europe achieve the EU decarbonisation targets for 2030. The project will provide capacity building and guidance to local authorities in six countries (Slovenia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Italy and Spain) for integrated climate and energy planning (ICEP). The project will also support the implementation of three projects in each pilot area from five priority areas and facilitate the deployment of investments.
- Climate Change Adaptation
Flash Flood Prediction and Prevention System (FLOPRES)
Landslides and flash floods are increasing due to the intensification of land and water use, as well as a lack of climate change adaptation measures. Strategies to forecast flood incidents have proven to be ineffective. The consortium of Slovak and Polish partners involved developed an integrated solution to support flood modelling and early warnings. This initiative requires both a reformed water management system and a heightened level of awareness.
- Clean Energy Transition
Continuing Education and Qualification Scheme to Support the Commission's Measures on Decarbonisation of Flexibility, Reduction of the Use of Natural Gas and Flattening the Energy Peaks (REPowerEdU)
Upskilling is an essential component of the clean energy transition. In this, smart energy solutions in buildings are crucial to deliver sustainable outcomes. Educational opportunities must thus be readily available to the workforce in this innovative sector. The teams behind this project aim at organising trainings and qualification schemes for workers in sustainable building energy systems.
Enabling community action for energy sufficiency (ComActivate)
Energy Poverty is a growing problem in the EU, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. The team in charge of the ComActive project responds to this by addressing the poor energy efficiency of buildings, focusing on Multi-Family Apartment Buildings. The multinational consortium has chosen three municipalities in Bulgaria, Hungary and Lithuania. This approach will not only fight energy poverty, but foster energy security and support the EU to reach climate targets.
- Environment and Resource Efficiency
Demonstration of a disruptive production technology, including innovative alkaline cellulose pre-treatment process, for a resource and cost-efficient production of a new generation textile fibres (LIFE TreeTex)
TREETOTEXTILE AB in Sweden coordinates this LIFE Tree Tex project and aims to widen European industries' access to innovative textile solutions. In addition, the project team wants to offer affordable sustainable textile fibres in large volumes that are world-class in terms of climate impact at production (and use). The consortium will develop an innovativetechnology that will chemically use renewable forest raw material and regenerate their cellulose into a textile fibre.
LIFE TREATS: Textile Recycling in Europe AT Scale (TREATS)
Södra and Lenzing have joined the LIFE TREATS project and aim to demonstrate an innovative industrial-scale system for chemical recycling of textile waste. The Swedish-Austrian cooperation proposes a solution to handle a wide variety of complex post-consumer-coloured textiles containing a mix of cotton, polyester, and other components such as elastane. The partners will scale up the new technology at the project site of Södra Cell Mörrum in Sweden.
- Climate Change Adaptation
Nature-based Solutions for flood protection of low-lying CAPEs to strengthen physical safety, biodiversity and social and economic benefits (LIFECAPEable)
Facing the challenges of rising sea levels, the coastal town of Vellinge embarked on a mission: to fortify its shores and boost its biodiversity simultaneously. Partnering with the Dutch university of Delft and Sweden's Lund University, Vellinge introduced the CAPEable approach. This initiative aims to merge flood defense with Nature-based Solutions (NBS), intertwining protection with the thriving of 37 distinct species.
- Climate Change Mitigation
Sustainable Nitrogen Fixation pilot plant for green fertilizer production (LIFE SUNIFIX)
NitroCapt will develop new green solutions and technologies, offering the most competitive nitrogen fertilizers in large volumes. SUNIFIX® (Sustainable Nitrogen Fixation) is a patented climate-neutral process for the fixation of nitrogen with air, water, and electricity as the only inputs. Since the process has a competitive energy consumption and can operate intermittently, it can be powered directly by renewable electricity even with off-grid production units.
- Climate Governance and Information
LIFE Accelerated Sub-national climate Action & Participation through One Planet City Challenge (LIFE ASAP)
Coordinated by WWF Sweden and executed with actors from Romania, Portugal and Hungary, this project aims at engaging cities in implementing climate policies. Within the One Planet City Challenge (OPCC), the project team combines independent science-based assessment and guidance on cities' climate action targets with a friendly competition between cities while celebrating the most ambitious and innovative ideas, actions, people, and policies.
- Environment and Resource Efficiency
From salmon sludge and manure to fertiliser: a circular economy around land-based salmon farming (TERRAFORMING LIFE)
Aquaculture and agriculture have not yet adapted to the growing human population. Fertilisers and phosphates are scarce and often expensive. This project will develop new technologies and methods to create an Integrated Agriculture Aquaculture (IAA) system where aquaculture and agriculture farmers, as well as agriculturists are at the heart of a circular economy.
- Clean Energy Transition
Rural Europe towards the Clean Energy Transition (LIFE-RECET)
Rural regions massively contribute to meeting the EU's sustainability targets and commitments. Renewable energy infrastructures in rural communities are thus fundamental in kickstarting the clean energy transition. To this end, the team behind the project aims to empower rural local communities through capacity building activities. Local climate action, cooperation among stakeholders, effective regional plans and community engagement will advance rural communities' climate resilience.
Disclaimer: new grant agreements are being signed and more projects will start before the end of the year.