EP TODAY | Nieuws | Europees Parlement




Monday, 20 November

Last-minute press briefing at 16.30

The Parliament’s Spokesperson and the Press Service will hold a press briefing on this week’s plenary session at 16.30. More information here

Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions, please connect via Interactio by using this link.

New EU rules encouraging consumers to repair devices over replacing them

In the evening, MEPs will debate new measures to strengthen the right to repair for EU citizens and reduce the environmental impact of mass consumption. Producers would be obliged to repair products even after the legal guarantee period has expired. MEPs also want to introduce vouchers and other financial incentives to encourage consumers to opt for repairs. The vote on Parliament’s position for negotiations with the Council, and a press conference with the lead MEP, will take place Tuesday.

(+32) 470 88 10 60


Boosting Europe's Net-Zero technology production

Parliament will debate its position on plans to boost Europe's Net-Zero technology production, and strengthen the business case for decarbonisation, in the early evening. These plans are intended to position Europe to capture 25% of the global market value for net-zero technologies. A press conference by the lead MEP is scheduled after the vote on Tuesday.

Baptiste CHATAIN
(+32) 498 98 13 37

Parliament’s input for the COP 28 Climate Change Conference

From around 18.30, MEPs will debate their demands for the UN Climate Change Conference COP28. They are set to call for accelerating climate action, scaling up international climate finance and an end to fossil fuels subsidies, boosting renewable energy, and restoring biodiversity. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

(+32) 470 95 17 07

In brief

Children’s rights. From around 17.15, Parliament will discuss the wellbeing and protection of children in Europe, marking the International Day of the Rights of the Child. Votes on strengthening the EU Child Guarantee and on reducing inequalities and increasing social inclusion are scheduled for Tuesday.

Carbon removals. MEPs will debate a new EU certification framework for technological and natural carbon removals, required to improve the EU’s capacity to quantify, monitor and verify carbon removals and to counter greenwashing. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


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    Monday, 20 November

    Last-minute press briefing at 16.30

    The Parliament’s Spokesperson and the Press Service will hold a press briefing on this week’s plenary session at 16.30. More information here

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions, please connect via Interactio by using this link.

    New EU rules encouraging consumers to repair devices over replacing them

    In the evening, MEPs will debate new measures to strengthen the right to repair for EU citizens and reduce the environmental impact of mass consumption. Producers would be obliged to repair products even after the legal guarantee period has expired. MEPs also want to introduce vouchers and other financial incentives to encourage consumers to opt for repairs. The vote on Parliament’s position for negotiations with the Council, and a press conference with the lead MEP, will take place Tuesday.

    Yasmina YAKIMOVA
    (+32) 470 88 10 60


    Boosting Europe's Net-Zero technology production

    Parliament will debate its position on plans to boost Europe's Net-Zero technology production, and strengthen the business case for decarbonisation, in the early evening. These plans are intended to position Europe to capture 25% of the global market value for net-zero technologies. A press conference by the lead MEP is scheduled after the vote on Tuesday.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Parliament’s input for the COP 28 Climate Change Conference

    From around 18.30, MEPs will debate their demands for the UN Climate Change Conference COP28. They are set to call for accelerating climate action, scaling up international climate finance and an end to fossil fuels subsidies, boosting renewable energy, and restoring biodiversity. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Dana POPP
    (+32) 470 95 17 07

    In brief

    Children’s rights. From around 17.15, Parliament will discuss the wellbeing and protection of children in Europe, marking the International Day of the Rights of the Child. Votes on strengthening the EU Child Guarantee and on reducing inequalities and increasing social inclusion are scheduled for Tuesday.

    Carbon removals. MEPs will debate a new EU certification framework for technological and natural carbon removals, required to improve the EU’s capacity to quantify, monitor and verify carbon removals and to counter greenwashing. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.














    Persbericht  Plenaire vergadering  Plenaire vergadering 

    Monday, 20 November

    Last-minute press briefing at 16.30

    The Parliament’s Spokesperson and the Press Service will hold a press briefing on this week’s plenary session at 16.30. More information here

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions, please connect via Interactio by using this link.

    New EU rules encouraging consumers to repair devices over replacing them

    In the evening, MEPs will debate new measures to strengthen the right to repair for EU citizens and reduce the environmental impact of mass consumption. Producers would be obliged to repair products even after the legal guarantee period has expired. MEPs also want to introduce vouchers and other financial incentives to encourage consumers to opt for repairs. The vote on Parliament’s position for negotiations with the Council, and a press conference with the lead MEP, will take place Tuesday.

    Yasmina YAKIMOVA
    (+32) 470 88 10 60


    Boosting Europe's Net-Zero technology production

    Parliament will debate its position on plans to boost Europe's Net-Zero technology production, and strengthen the business case for decarbonisation, in the early evening. These plans are intended to position Europe to capture 25% of the global market value for net-zero technologies. A press conference by the lead MEP is scheduled after the vote on Tuesday.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Parliament’s input for the COP 28 Climate Change Conference

    From around 18.30, MEPs will debate their demands for the UN Climate Change Conference COP28. They are set to call for accelerating climate action, scaling up international climate finance and an end to fossil fuels subsidies, boosting renewable energy, and restoring biodiversity. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Dana POPP
    (+32) 470 95 17 07

    In brief

    Children’s rights. From around 17.15, Parliament will discuss the wellbeing and protection of children in Europe, marking the International Day of the Rights of the Child. Votes on strengthening the EU Child Guarantee and on reducing inequalities and increasing social inclusion are scheduled for Tuesday.

    Carbon removals. MEPs will debate a new EU certification framework for technological and natural carbon removals, required to improve the EU’s capacity to quantify, monitor and verify carbon removals and to counter greenwashing. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.



    Monday, 20 November

    Last-minute press briefing at 16.30

    The Parliament’s Spokesperson and the Press Service will hold a press briefing on this week’s plenary session at 16.30. More information here

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions, please connect via Interactio by using this link.

    New EU rules encouraging consumers to repair devices over replacing them

    In the evening, MEPs will debate new measures to strengthen the right to repair for EU citizens and reduce the environmental impact of mass consumption. Producers would be obliged to repair products even after the legal guarantee period has expired. MEPs also want to introduce vouchers and other financial incentives to encourage consumers to opt for repairs. The vote on Parliament’s position for negotiations with the Council, and a press conference with the lead MEP, will take place Tuesday.

    Yasmina YAKIMOVA
    (+32) 470 88 10 60


    Boosting Europe's Net-Zero technology production

    Parliament will debate its position on plans to boost Europe's Net-Zero technology production, and strengthen the business case for decarbonisation, in the early evening. These plans are intended to position Europe to capture 25% of the global market value for net-zero technologies. A press conference by the lead MEP is scheduled after the vote on Tuesday.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Parliament’s input for the COP 28 Climate Change Conference

    From around 18.30, MEPs will debate their demands for the UN Climate Change Conference COP28. They are set to call for accelerating climate action, scaling up international climate finance and an end to fossil fuels subsidies, boosting renewable energy, and restoring biodiversity. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Dana POPP
    (+32) 470 95 17 07

    In brief

    Children’s rights. From around 17.15, Parliament will discuss the wellbeing and protection of children in Europe, marking the International Day of the Rights of the Child. Votes on strengthening the EU Child Guarantee and on reducing inequalities and increasing social inclusion are scheduled for Tuesday.

    Carbon removals. MEPs will debate a new EU certification framework for technological and natural carbon removals, required to improve the EU’s capacity to quantify, monitor and verify carbon removals and to counter greenwashing. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.



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    Monday, 20 November

    Last-minute press briefing at 16.30

    The Parliament’s Spokesperson and the Press Service will hold a press briefing on this week’s plenary session at 16.30. More information here

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions, please connect via Interactio by using this link.

    New EU rules encouraging consumers to repair devices over replacing them

    In the evening, MEPs will debate new measures to strengthen the right to repair for EU citizens and reduce the environmental impact of mass consumption. Producers would be obliged to repair products even after the legal guarantee period has expired. MEPs also want to introduce vouchers and other financial incentives to encourage consumers to opt for repairs. The vote on Parliament’s position for negotiations with the Council, and a press conference with the lead MEP, will take place Tuesday.

    Yasmina YAKIMOVA
    (+32) 470 88 10 60


    Boosting Europe's Net-Zero technology production

    Parliament will debate its position on plans to boost Europe's Net-Zero technology production, and strengthen the business case for decarbonisation, in the early evening. These plans are intended to position Europe to capture 25% of the global market value for net-zero technologies. A press conference by the lead MEP is scheduled after the vote on Tuesday.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Parliament’s input for the COP 28 Climate Change Conference

    From around 18.30, MEPs will debate their demands for the UN Climate Change Conference COP28. They are set to call for accelerating climate action, scaling up international climate finance and an end to fossil fuels subsidies, boosting renewable energy, and restoring biodiversity. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Dana POPP
    (+32) 470 95 17 07

    In brief

    Children’s rights. From around 17.15, Parliament will discuss the wellbeing and protection of children in Europe, marking the International Day of the Rights of the Child. Votes on strengthening the EU Child Guarantee and on reducing inequalities and increasing social inclusion are scheduled for Tuesday.

    Carbon removals. MEPs will debate a new EU certification framework for technological and natural carbon removals, required to improve the EU’s capacity to quantify, monitor and verify carbon removals and to counter greenwashing. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


    Monday, 20 November

    Last-minute press briefing at 16.30

    The Parliament’s Spokesperson and the Press Service will hold a press briefing on this week’s plenary session at 16.30. More information here

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions, please connect via Interactio by using this link.

    New EU rules encouraging consumers to repair devices over replacing them

    In the evening, MEPs will debate new measures to strengthen the right to repair for EU citizens and reduce the environmental impact of mass consumption. Producers would be obliged to repair products even after the legal guarantee period has expired. MEPs also want to introduce vouchers and other financial incentives to encourage consumers to opt for repairs. The vote on Parliament’s position for negotiations with the Council, and a press conference with the lead MEP, will take place Tuesday.

    Yasmina YAKIMOVA
    (+32) 470 88 10 60


    Boosting Europe's Net-Zero technology production

    Parliament will debate its position on plans to boost Europe's Net-Zero technology production, and strengthen the business case for decarbonisation, in the early evening. These plans are intended to position Europe to capture 25% of the global market value for net-zero technologies. A press conference by the lead MEP is scheduled after the vote on Tuesday.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Parliament’s input for the COP 28 Climate Change Conference

    From around 18.30, MEPs will debate their demands for the UN Climate Change Conference COP28. They are set to call for accelerating climate action, scaling up international climate finance and an end to fossil fuels subsidies, boosting renewable energy, and restoring biodiversity. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Dana POPP
    (+32) 470 95 17 07

    In brief

    Children’s rights. From around 17.15, Parliament will discuss the wellbeing and protection of children in Europe, marking the International Day of the Rights of the Child. Votes on strengthening the EU Child Guarantee and on reducing inequalities and increasing social inclusion are scheduled for Tuesday.

    Carbon removals. MEPs will debate a new EU certification framework for technological and natural carbon removals, required to improve the EU’s capacity to quantify, monitor and verify carbon removals and to counter greenwashing. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


    Monday, 20 November

    Last-minute press briefing at 16.30

    The Parliament’s Spokesperson and the Press Service will hold a press briefing on this week’s plenary session at 16.30. More information here

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions, please connect via Interactio by using this link.

    New EU rules encouraging consumers to repair devices over replacing them

    In the evening, MEPs will debate new measures to strengthen the right to repair for EU citizens and reduce the environmental impact of mass consumption. Producers would be obliged to repair products even after the legal guarantee period has expired. MEPs also want to introduce vouchers and other financial incentives to encourage consumers to opt for repairs. The vote on Parliament’s position for negotiations with the Council, and a press conference with the lead MEP, will take place Tuesday.

    Yasmina YAKIMOVA
    (+32) 470 88 10 60


    Boosting Europe's Net-Zero technology production

    Parliament will debate its position on plans to boost Europe's Net-Zero technology production, and strengthen the business case for decarbonisation, in the early evening. These plans are intended to position Europe to capture 25% of the global market value for net-zero technologies. A press conference by the lead MEP is scheduled after the vote on Tuesday.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Parliament’s input for the COP 28 Climate Change Conference

    From around 18.30, MEPs will debate their demands for the UN Climate Change Conference COP28. They are set to call for accelerating climate action, scaling up international climate finance and an end to fossil fuels subsidies, boosting renewable energy, and restoring biodiversity. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Dana POPP
    (+32) 470 95 17 07

    In brief

    Children’s rights. From around 17.15, Parliament will discuss the wellbeing and protection of children in Europe, marking the International Day of the Rights of the Child. Votes on strengthening the EU Child Guarantee and on reducing inequalities and increasing social inclusion are scheduled for Tuesday.

    Carbon removals. MEPs will debate a new EU certification framework for technological and natural carbon removals, required to improve the EU’s capacity to quantify, monitor and verify carbon removals and to counter greenwashing. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


    Monday, 20 November

    Monday, 20 November

    Monday, 20 November

    Monday, 20 November

    Last-minute press briefing at 16.30

    The Parliament’s Spokesperson and the Press Service will hold a press briefing on this week’s plenary session at 16.30. More information here

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions, please connect via Interactio by using this link.

    New EU rules encouraging consumers to repair devices over replacing them

    In the evening, MEPs will debate new measures to strengthen the right to repair for EU citizens and reduce the environmental impact of mass consumption. Producers would be obliged to repair products even after the legal guarantee period has expired. MEPs also want to introduce vouchers and other financial incentives to encourage consumers to opt for repairs. The vote on Parliament’s position for negotiations with the Council, and a press conference with the lead MEP, will take place Tuesday.

    Yasmina YAKIMOVA
    (+32) 470 88 10 60


    Boosting Europe's Net-Zero technology production

    Parliament will debate its position on plans to boost Europe's Net-Zero technology production, and strengthen the business case for decarbonisation, in the early evening. These plans are intended to position Europe to capture 25% of the global market value for net-zero technologies. A press conference by the lead MEP is scheduled after the vote on Tuesday.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Parliament’s input for the COP 28 Climate Change Conference

    From around 18.30, MEPs will debate their demands for the UN Climate Change Conference COP28. They are set to call for accelerating climate action, scaling up international climate finance and an end to fossil fuels subsidies, boosting renewable energy, and restoring biodiversity. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Dana POPP
    (+32) 470 95 17 07

    In brief

    Children’s rights. From around 17.15, Parliament will discuss the wellbeing and protection of children in Europe, marking the International Day of the Rights of the Child. Votes on strengthening the EU Child Guarantee and on reducing inequalities and increasing social inclusion are scheduled for Tuesday.

    Carbon removals. MEPs will debate a new EU certification framework for technological and natural carbon removals, required to improve the EU’s capacity to quantify, monitor and verify carbon removals and to counter greenwashing. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

    Last-minute press briefing at 16.30

    The Parliament’s Spokesperson and the Press Service will hold a press briefing on this week’s plenary session at 16.30. More information here

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions, please connect via Interactio by using this link.

    New EU rules encouraging consumers to repair devices over replacing them

    In the evening, MEPs will debate new measures to strengthen the right to repair for EU citizens and reduce the environmental impact of mass consumption. Producers would be obliged to repair products even after the legal guarantee period has expired. MEPs also want to introduce vouchers and other financial incentives to encourage consumers to opt for repairs. The vote on Parliament’s position for negotiations with the Council, and a press conference with the lead MEP, will take place Tuesday.

    Yasmina YAKIMOVA
    (+32) 470 88 10 60


    Boosting Europe's Net-Zero technology production

    Parliament will debate its position on plans to boost Europe's Net-Zero technology production, and strengthen the business case for decarbonisation, in the early evening. These plans are intended to position Europe to capture 25% of the global market value for net-zero technologies. A press conference by the lead MEP is scheduled after the vote on Tuesday.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Parliament’s input for the COP 28 Climate Change Conference

    From around 18.30, MEPs will debate their demands for the UN Climate Change Conference COP28. They are set to call for accelerating climate action, scaling up international climate finance and an end to fossil fuels subsidies, boosting renewable energy, and restoring biodiversity. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Dana POPP
    (+32) 470 95 17 07

    In brief

    Children’s rights. From around 17.15, Parliament will discuss the wellbeing and protection of children in Europe, marking the International Day of the Rights of the Child. Votes on strengthening the EU Child Guarantee and on reducing inequalities and increasing social inclusion are scheduled for Tuesday.

    Carbon removals. MEPs will debate a new EU certification framework for technological and natural carbon removals, required to improve the EU’s capacity to quantify, monitor and verify carbon removals and to counter greenwashing. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

    Last-minute press briefing at 16.30

    The Parliament’s Spokesperson and the Press Service will hold a press briefing on this week’s plenary session at 16.30. More information here

    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions, please connect via Interactio by using this link.

    New EU rules encouraging consumers to repair devices over replacing them

    In the evening, MEPs will debate new measures to strengthen the right to repair for EU citizens and reduce the environmental impact of mass consumption. Producers would be obliged to repair products even after the legal guarantee period has expired. MEPs also want to introduce vouchers and other financial incentives to encourage consumers to opt for repairs. The vote on Parliament’s position for negotiations with the Council, and a press conference with the lead MEP, will take place Tuesday.

    Yasmina YAKIMOVA
    (+32) 470 88 10 60


    Boosting Europe's Net-Zero technology production

    Parliament will debate its position on plans to boost Europe's Net-Zero technology production, and strengthen the business case for decarbonisation, in the early evening. These plans are intended to position Europe to capture 25% of the global market value for net-zero technologies. A press conference by the lead MEP is scheduled after the vote on Tuesday.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Parliament’s input for the COP 28 Climate Change Conference

    From around 18.30, MEPs will debate their demands for the UN Climate Change Conference COP28. They are set to call for accelerating climate action, scaling up international climate finance and an end to fossil fuels subsidies, boosting renewable energy, and restoring biodiversity. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Dana POPP
    (+32) 470 95 17 07

    In brief

    Children’s rights. From around 17.15, Parliament will discuss the wellbeing and protection of children in Europe, marking the International Day of the Rights of the Child. Votes on strengthening the EU Child Guarantee and on reducing inequalities and increasing social inclusion are scheduled for Tuesday.

    Carbon removals. MEPs will debate a new EU certification framework for technological and natural carbon removals, required to improve the EU’s capacity to quantify, monitor and verify carbon removals and to counter greenwashing. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

    Last-minute press briefing at 16.30

    Last-minute press briefing at 16.30

    The Parliament’s Spokesperson and the Press Service will hold a press briefing on this week’s plenary session at 16.30. More information here


    Journalists wishing to actively participate and ask questions, please connect via Interactio by using this link.

    this link

    New EU rules encouraging consumers to repair devices over replacing them

    New EU rules encouraging consumers to repair devices over replacing them

    In the evening, MEPs will debate new measures to strengthen the right to repair for EU citizens and reduce the environmental impact of mass consumption. Producers would be obliged to repair products even after the legal guarantee period has expired. MEPs also want to introduce vouchers and other financial incentives to encourage consumers to opt for repairs. The vote on Parliament’s position for negotiations with the Council, and a press conference with the lead MEP, will take place Tuesday.

    Yasmina YAKIMOVA
    (+32) 470 88 10 60

    Yasmina YAKIMOVAYasmina YAKIMOVA
    (+32) 470 88 10 60



    Boosting Europe's Net-Zero technology production

    Boosting Europe's Net-Zero technology production

    Parliament will debate its position on plans to boost Europe's Net-Zero technology production, and strengthen the business case for decarbonisation, in the early evening. These plans are intended to position Europe to capture 25% of the global market value for net-zero technologies. A press conference by the lead MEP is scheduled after the vote on Tuesday.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Baptiste CHATAINBaptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37


    Parliament’s input for the COP 28 Climate Change Conference

    Parliament’s input for the COP 28 Climate Change Conference

    From around 18.30, MEPs will debate their demands for the UN Climate Change Conference COP28. They are set to call for accelerating climate action, scaling up international climate finance and an end to fossil fuels subsidies, boosting renewable energy, and restoring biodiversity. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Dana POPP
    (+32) 470 95 17 07

    Dana POPPDana POPP
    (+32) 470 95 17 07


    In brief

    In brief

    Children’s rights. From around 17.15, Parliament will discuss the wellbeing and protection of children in Europe, marking the International Day of the Rights of the Child. Votes on strengthening the EU Child Guarantee and on reducing inequalities and increasing social inclusion are scheduled for Tuesday.

    Children’s rights.

    Carbon removals. MEPs will debate a new EU certification framework for technological and natural carbon removals, required to improve the EU’s capacity to quantify, monitor and verify carbon removals and to counter greenwashing. The vote will take place on Tuesday.

    Carbon removals

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    Parliament’s webstreaming EbS+

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.


    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.






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