EP TODAY | Nieuws | Europees Parlement




Tuesday, 12 December

    Sakharov Prize to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Iranian women’s protest movement
    At 11.30, President Roberta Metsola will award the 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran. Ahead of the ceremony, there will be a press conference with President Metsola and representatives of the laureates, at 11.00 CET.
    From 9.00, Parliament’s Press Service hosts a media seminar with representatives of this this year’s laureates and the finalists. You can follow it live here.

    Elodie LABORIE

    (+ 32) 477 99 06 70


    New EU rules to secure the supply of critical raw materials
    Starting at 9.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Breton new legislation to boost the EU’s supply of strategic raw materials. The Critical Raw Materials Act, already agreed with member states, seeks to make the EU more competitive and sovereign by cutting red tape, fostering innovation along the entire value chain, and supporting SMEs. The final vote will take place at noon.

    Baptiste CHATAIN
    (+32) 498 98 13 37

    Gaza: MEPs to urge for hostages’ release and a humanitarian ceasefire
    From around 16.00, plenary will discuss with EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell the latest developments in the war in the Gaza Strip. MEPs are expected to call for a humanitarian ceasefire and for Hamas to release all remaining hostages that were taken captive during the terrorist group’s attack on Israel on 7 October. The prospect of achieving a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine is also likely to feature in the debate.

    Viktor ALMQVIST
    (+32) 470 88 29 42

    (+32) 470 96 08 19


    New scheme to make personal health data more accessible across the EU
    The proposal for a European Health Data Space to ease electronic access to health data, also when patients are in other EU countries, will be the focus of a debate with Commissioner Kyriakides from 13.00. Plenary will vote on its position ahead of negotiations with Council on Wednesday, followed by a press conference with the co-rapporteurs.

    Janne OJAMO
    (+32) 470 89 21 92


    Dana POPP
    (+32) 470 95 17 07

    In brief

    EU relations with the US and China. In the evening, MEPs will review with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the state of EU-US relations, followed by another debate on relations with China. Plenary will vote on two separate resolutions on Wednesday.

    The environmental consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine. In the evening, plenary will assess with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell the massive air, water, land and soil pollution stemming from the Russian attack on Ukraine.

    Venezuela. The situation in Venezuela will be debated with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell from around 19.00.

    Guatemala. From around 17.00, MEPs will debate with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the attempt of a coup d’Etat in Guatemala. A resolution will put to the vote on Thursday.

    “Defence of democracy” package. At 15.00, MEPs will assess with Commission Vice-President Jourová the proposals to defend European democracy the Commission is set to present today.

    Addictive design of online services. At noon, MEPs will vote on a draft resolution calling for the development of ethical digital products that do not rely on dark patterns and addictive designs.


    Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

    • Its proposals for the 2024 elections, including a system to elect the Commission President;
    • the revision of EU labelling rules for a number of agri-food products, so-called “breakfast directives”;
    • the EU’s mental health strategy;
    • minimum requirements on minimum breaks, and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector;
    • the appointment of Swedish and Portuguese members to the Court of Auditors, and
    • the role of tax policy in times of crisis and further reform of corporate taxation rules.

    Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


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    Tuesday, 12 December

      Sakharov Prize to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Iranian women’s protest movement
      At 11.30, President Roberta Metsola will award the 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran. Ahead of the ceremony, there will be a press conference with President Metsola and representatives of the laureates, at 11.00 CET.
      From 9.00, Parliament’s Press Service hosts a media seminar with representatives of this this year’s laureates and the finalists. You can follow it live here.

      Elodie LABORIE

      (+ 32) 477 99 06 70


      New EU rules to secure the supply of critical raw materials
      Starting at 9.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Breton new legislation to boost the EU’s supply of strategic raw materials. The Critical Raw Materials Act, already agreed with member states, seeks to make the EU more competitive and sovereign by cutting red tape, fostering innovation along the entire value chain, and supporting SMEs. The final vote will take place at noon.

      Baptiste CHATAIN
      (+32) 498 98 13 37

      Gaza: MEPs to urge for hostages’ release and a humanitarian ceasefire
      From around 16.00, plenary will discuss with EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell the latest developments in the war in the Gaza Strip. MEPs are expected to call for a humanitarian ceasefire and for Hamas to release all remaining hostages that were taken captive during the terrorist group’s attack on Israel on 7 October. The prospect of achieving a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine is also likely to feature in the debate.

      Viktor ALMQVIST
      (+32) 470 88 29 42

      Snjezana KOBESCAK SMODIS
      (+32) 470 96 08 19


      New scheme to make personal health data more accessible across the EU
      The proposal for a European Health Data Space to ease electronic access to health data, also when patients are in other EU countries, will be the focus of a debate with Commissioner Kyriakides from 13.00. Plenary will vote on its position ahead of negotiations with Council on Wednesday, followed by a press conference with the co-rapporteurs.

      Janne OJAMO
      (+32) 470 89 21 92


      Dana POPP
      (+32) 470 95 17 07

      In brief

      EU relations with the US and China. In the evening, MEPs will review with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the state of EU-US relations, followed by another debate on relations with China. Plenary will vote on two separate resolutions on Wednesday.

      The environmental consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine. In the evening, plenary will assess with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell the massive air, water, land and soil pollution stemming from the Russian attack on Ukraine.

      Venezuela. The situation in Venezuela will be debated with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell from around 19.00.

      Guatemala. From around 17.00, MEPs will debate with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the attempt of a coup d’Etat in Guatemala. A resolution will put to the vote on Thursday.

      “Defence of democracy” package. At 15.00, MEPs will assess with Commission Vice-President Jourová the proposals to defend European democracy the Commission is set to present today.

      Addictive design of online services. At noon, MEPs will vote on a draft resolution calling for the development of ethical digital products that do not rely on dark patterns and addictive designs.


      Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

      • Its proposals for the 2024 elections, including a system to elect the Commission President;
      • the revision of EU labelling rules for a number of agri-food products, so-called “breakfast directives”;
      • the EU’s mental health strategy;
      • minimum requirements on minimum breaks, and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector;
      • the appointment of Swedish and Portuguese members to the Court of Auditors, and
      • the role of tax policy in times of crisis and further reform of corporate taxation rules.

      Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

      Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

      For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

      All information regarding plenary, can be found here.



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      Persbericht  Plenaire vergadering  Plenaire vergadering 

      Tuesday, 12 December

        Sakharov Prize to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Iranian women’s protest movement
        At 11.30, President Roberta Metsola will award the 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran. Ahead of the ceremony, there will be a press conference with President Metsola and representatives of the laureates, at 11.00 CET.
        From 9.00, Parliament’s Press Service hosts a media seminar with representatives of this this year’s laureates and the finalists. You can follow it live here.

        Elodie LABORIE

        (+ 32) 477 99 06 70


        New EU rules to secure the supply of critical raw materials
        Starting at 9.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Breton new legislation to boost the EU’s supply of strategic raw materials. The Critical Raw Materials Act, already agreed with member states, seeks to make the EU more competitive and sovereign by cutting red tape, fostering innovation along the entire value chain, and supporting SMEs. The final vote will take place at noon.

        Baptiste CHATAIN
        (+32) 498 98 13 37

        Gaza: MEPs to urge for hostages’ release and a humanitarian ceasefire
        From around 16.00, plenary will discuss with EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell the latest developments in the war in the Gaza Strip. MEPs are expected to call for a humanitarian ceasefire and for Hamas to release all remaining hostages that were taken captive during the terrorist group’s attack on Israel on 7 October. The prospect of achieving a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine is also likely to feature in the debate.

        Viktor ALMQVIST
        (+32) 470 88 29 42

        Snjezana KOBESCAK SMODIS
        (+32) 470 96 08 19


        New scheme to make personal health data more accessible across the EU
        The proposal for a European Health Data Space to ease electronic access to health data, also when patients are in other EU countries, will be the focus of a debate with Commissioner Kyriakides from 13.00. Plenary will vote on its position ahead of negotiations with Council on Wednesday, followed by a press conference with the co-rapporteurs.

        Janne OJAMO
        (+32) 470 89 21 92


        Dana POPP
        (+32) 470 95 17 07

        In brief

        EU relations with the US and China. In the evening, MEPs will review with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the state of EU-US relations, followed by another debate on relations with China. Plenary will vote on two separate resolutions on Wednesday.

        The environmental consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine. In the evening, plenary will assess with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell the massive air, water, land and soil pollution stemming from the Russian attack on Ukraine.

        Venezuela. The situation in Venezuela will be debated with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell from around 19.00.

        Guatemala. From around 17.00, MEPs will debate with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the attempt of a coup d’Etat in Guatemala. A resolution will put to the vote on Thursday.

        “Defence of democracy” package. At 15.00, MEPs will assess with Commission Vice-President Jourová the proposals to defend European democracy the Commission is set to present today.

        Addictive design of online services. At noon, MEPs will vote on a draft resolution calling for the development of ethical digital products that do not rely on dark patterns and addictive designs.


        Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

        • Its proposals for the 2024 elections, including a system to elect the Commission President;
        • the revision of EU labelling rules for a number of agri-food products, so-called “breakfast directives”;
        • the EU’s mental health strategy;
        • minimum requirements on minimum breaks, and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector;
        • the appointment of Swedish and Portuguese members to the Court of Auditors, and
        • the role of tax policy in times of crisis and further reform of corporate taxation rules.

        Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

        Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

        For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

        All information regarding plenary, can be found here.



        Tuesday, 12 December

          Sakharov Prize to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Iranian women’s protest movement
          At 11.30, President Roberta Metsola will award the 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran. Ahead of the ceremony, there will be a press conference with President Metsola and representatives of the laureates, at 11.00 CET.
          From 9.00, Parliament’s Press Service hosts a media seminar with representatives of this this year’s laureates and the finalists. You can follow it live here.

          Elodie LABORIE

          (+ 32) 477 99 06 70


          New EU rules to secure the supply of critical raw materials
          Starting at 9.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Breton new legislation to boost the EU’s supply of strategic raw materials. The Critical Raw Materials Act, already agreed with member states, seeks to make the EU more competitive and sovereign by cutting red tape, fostering innovation along the entire value chain, and supporting SMEs. The final vote will take place at noon.

          Baptiste CHATAIN
          (+32) 498 98 13 37

          Gaza: MEPs to urge for hostages’ release and a humanitarian ceasefire
          From around 16.00, plenary will discuss with EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell the latest developments in the war in the Gaza Strip. MEPs are expected to call for a humanitarian ceasefire and for Hamas to release all remaining hostages that were taken captive during the terrorist group’s attack on Israel on 7 October. The prospect of achieving a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine is also likely to feature in the debate.

          Viktor ALMQVIST
          (+32) 470 88 29 42

          Snjezana KOBESCAK SMODIS
          (+32) 470 96 08 19


          New scheme to make personal health data more accessible across the EU
          The proposal for a European Health Data Space to ease electronic access to health data, also when patients are in other EU countries, will be the focus of a debate with Commissioner Kyriakides from 13.00. Plenary will vote on its position ahead of negotiations with Council on Wednesday, followed by a press conference with the co-rapporteurs.

          Janne OJAMO
          (+32) 470 89 21 92


          Dana POPP
          (+32) 470 95 17 07

          In brief

          EU relations with the US and China. In the evening, MEPs will review with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the state of EU-US relations, followed by another debate on relations with China. Plenary will vote on two separate resolutions on Wednesday.

          The environmental consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine. In the evening, plenary will assess with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell the massive air, water, land and soil pollution stemming from the Russian attack on Ukraine.

          Venezuela. The situation in Venezuela will be debated with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell from around 19.00.

          Guatemala. From around 17.00, MEPs will debate with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the attempt of a coup d’Etat in Guatemala. A resolution will put to the vote on Thursday.

          “Defence of democracy” package. At 15.00, MEPs will assess with Commission Vice-President Jourová the proposals to defend European democracy the Commission is set to present today.

          Addictive design of online services. At noon, MEPs will vote on a draft resolution calling for the development of ethical digital products that do not rely on dark patterns and addictive designs.


          Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

          • Its proposals for the 2024 elections, including a system to elect the Commission President;
          • the revision of EU labelling rules for a number of agri-food products, so-called “breakfast directives”;
          • the EU’s mental health strategy;
          • minimum requirements on minimum breaks, and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector;
          • the appointment of Swedish and Portuguese members to the Court of Auditors, and
          • the role of tax policy in times of crisis and further reform of corporate taxation rules.

          Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

          Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

          For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

          All information regarding plenary, can be found here.



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          Tuesday, 12 December

            Sakharov Prize to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Iranian women’s protest movement
            At 11.30, President Roberta Metsola will award the 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran. Ahead of the ceremony, there will be a press conference with President Metsola and representatives of the laureates, at 11.00 CET.
            From 9.00, Parliament’s Press Service hosts a media seminar with representatives of this this year’s laureates and the finalists. You can follow it live here.

            Elodie LABORIE

            (+ 32) 477 99 06 70


            New EU rules to secure the supply of critical raw materials
            Starting at 9.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Breton new legislation to boost the EU’s supply of strategic raw materials. The Critical Raw Materials Act, already agreed with member states, seeks to make the EU more competitive and sovereign by cutting red tape, fostering innovation along the entire value chain, and supporting SMEs. The final vote will take place at noon.

            Baptiste CHATAIN
            (+32) 498 98 13 37

            Gaza: MEPs to urge for hostages’ release and a humanitarian ceasefire
            From around 16.00, plenary will discuss with EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell the latest developments in the war in the Gaza Strip. MEPs are expected to call for a humanitarian ceasefire and for Hamas to release all remaining hostages that were taken captive during the terrorist group’s attack on Israel on 7 October. The prospect of achieving a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine is also likely to feature in the debate.

            Viktor ALMQVIST
            (+32) 470 88 29 42

            Snjezana KOBESCAK SMODIS
            (+32) 470 96 08 19


            New scheme to make personal health data more accessible across the EU
            The proposal for a European Health Data Space to ease electronic access to health data, also when patients are in other EU countries, will be the focus of a debate with Commissioner Kyriakides from 13.00. Plenary will vote on its position ahead of negotiations with Council on Wednesday, followed by a press conference with the co-rapporteurs.

            Janne OJAMO
            (+32) 470 89 21 92


            Dana POPP
            (+32) 470 95 17 07

            In brief

            EU relations with the US and China. In the evening, MEPs will review with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the state of EU-US relations, followed by another debate on relations with China. Plenary will vote on two separate resolutions on Wednesday.

            The environmental consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine. In the evening, plenary will assess with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell the massive air, water, land and soil pollution stemming from the Russian attack on Ukraine.

            Venezuela. The situation in Venezuela will be debated with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell from around 19.00.

            Guatemala. From around 17.00, MEPs will debate with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the attempt of a coup d’Etat in Guatemala. A resolution will put to the vote on Thursday.

            “Defence of democracy” package. At 15.00, MEPs will assess with Commission Vice-President Jourová the proposals to defend European democracy the Commission is set to present today.

            Addictive design of online services. At noon, MEPs will vote on a draft resolution calling for the development of ethical digital products that do not rely on dark patterns and addictive designs.


            Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

            • Its proposals for the 2024 elections, including a system to elect the Commission President;
            • the revision of EU labelling rules for a number of agri-food products, so-called “breakfast directives”;
            • the EU’s mental health strategy;
            • minimum requirements on minimum breaks, and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector;
            • the appointment of Swedish and Portuguese members to the Court of Auditors, and
            • the role of tax policy in times of crisis and further reform of corporate taxation rules.

            Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

            Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

            For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

            All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


            Tuesday, 12 December

              Sakharov Prize to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Iranian women’s protest movement
              At 11.30, President Roberta Metsola will award the 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran. Ahead of the ceremony, there will be a press conference with President Metsola and representatives of the laureates, at 11.00 CET.
              From 9.00, Parliament’s Press Service hosts a media seminar with representatives of this this year’s laureates and the finalists. You can follow it live here.

              Elodie LABORIE

              (+ 32) 477 99 06 70


              New EU rules to secure the supply of critical raw materials
              Starting at 9.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Breton new legislation to boost the EU’s supply of strategic raw materials. The Critical Raw Materials Act, already agreed with member states, seeks to make the EU more competitive and sovereign by cutting red tape, fostering innovation along the entire value chain, and supporting SMEs. The final vote will take place at noon.

              Baptiste CHATAIN
              (+32) 498 98 13 37

              Gaza: MEPs to urge for hostages’ release and a humanitarian ceasefire
              From around 16.00, plenary will discuss with EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell the latest developments in the war in the Gaza Strip. MEPs are expected to call for a humanitarian ceasefire and for Hamas to release all remaining hostages that were taken captive during the terrorist group’s attack on Israel on 7 October. The prospect of achieving a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine is also likely to feature in the debate.

              Viktor ALMQVIST
              (+32) 470 88 29 42

              Snjezana KOBESCAK SMODIS
              (+32) 470 96 08 19


              New scheme to make personal health data more accessible across the EU
              The proposal for a European Health Data Space to ease electronic access to health data, also when patients are in other EU countries, will be the focus of a debate with Commissioner Kyriakides from 13.00. Plenary will vote on its position ahead of negotiations with Council on Wednesday, followed by a press conference with the co-rapporteurs.

              Janne OJAMO
              (+32) 470 89 21 92


              Dana POPP
              (+32) 470 95 17 07

              In brief

              EU relations with the US and China. In the evening, MEPs will review with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the state of EU-US relations, followed by another debate on relations with China. Plenary will vote on two separate resolutions on Wednesday.

              The environmental consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine. In the evening, plenary will assess with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell the massive air, water, land and soil pollution stemming from the Russian attack on Ukraine.

              Venezuela. The situation in Venezuela will be debated with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell from around 19.00.

              Guatemala. From around 17.00, MEPs will debate with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the attempt of a coup d’Etat in Guatemala. A resolution will put to the vote on Thursday.

              “Defence of democracy” package. At 15.00, MEPs will assess with Commission Vice-President Jourová the proposals to defend European democracy the Commission is set to present today.

              Addictive design of online services. At noon, MEPs will vote on a draft resolution calling for the development of ethical digital products that do not rely on dark patterns and addictive designs.


              Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

              • Its proposals for the 2024 elections, including a system to elect the Commission President;
              • the revision of EU labelling rules for a number of agri-food products, so-called “breakfast directives”;
              • the EU’s mental health strategy;
              • minimum requirements on minimum breaks, and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector;
              • the appointment of Swedish and Portuguese members to the Court of Auditors, and
              • the role of tax policy in times of crisis and further reform of corporate taxation rules.

              Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

              Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

              For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

              All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


              Tuesday, 12 December

                Sakharov Prize to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Iranian women’s protest movement
                At 11.30, President Roberta Metsola will award the 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran. Ahead of the ceremony, there will be a press conference with President Metsola and representatives of the laureates, at 11.00 CET.
                From 9.00, Parliament’s Press Service hosts a media seminar with representatives of this this year’s laureates and the finalists. You can follow it live here.

                Elodie LABORIE

                (+ 32) 477 99 06 70


                New EU rules to secure the supply of critical raw materials
                Starting at 9.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Breton new legislation to boost the EU’s supply of strategic raw materials. The Critical Raw Materials Act, already agreed with member states, seeks to make the EU more competitive and sovereign by cutting red tape, fostering innovation along the entire value chain, and supporting SMEs. The final vote will take place at noon.

                Baptiste CHATAIN
                (+32) 498 98 13 37

                Gaza: MEPs to urge for hostages’ release and a humanitarian ceasefire
                From around 16.00, plenary will discuss with EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell the latest developments in the war in the Gaza Strip. MEPs are expected to call for a humanitarian ceasefire and for Hamas to release all remaining hostages that were taken captive during the terrorist group’s attack on Israel on 7 October. The prospect of achieving a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine is also likely to feature in the debate.

                Viktor ALMQVIST
                (+32) 470 88 29 42

                Snjezana KOBESCAK SMODIS
                (+32) 470 96 08 19


                New scheme to make personal health data more accessible across the EU
                The proposal for a European Health Data Space to ease electronic access to health data, also when patients are in other EU countries, will be the focus of a debate with Commissioner Kyriakides from 13.00. Plenary will vote on its position ahead of negotiations with Council on Wednesday, followed by a press conference with the co-rapporteurs.

                Janne OJAMO
                (+32) 470 89 21 92


                Dana POPP
                (+32) 470 95 17 07

                In brief

                EU relations with the US and China. In the evening, MEPs will review with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the state of EU-US relations, followed by another debate on relations with China. Plenary will vote on two separate resolutions on Wednesday.

                The environmental consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine. In the evening, plenary will assess with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell the massive air, water, land and soil pollution stemming from the Russian attack on Ukraine.

                Venezuela. The situation in Venezuela will be debated with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell from around 19.00.

                Guatemala. From around 17.00, MEPs will debate with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the attempt of a coup d’Etat in Guatemala. A resolution will put to the vote on Thursday.

                “Defence of democracy” package. At 15.00, MEPs will assess with Commission Vice-President Jourová the proposals to defend European democracy the Commission is set to present today.

                Addictive design of online services. At noon, MEPs will vote on a draft resolution calling for the development of ethical digital products that do not rely on dark patterns and addictive designs.


                Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

                • Its proposals for the 2024 elections, including a system to elect the Commission President;
                • the revision of EU labelling rules for a number of agri-food products, so-called “breakfast directives”;
                • the EU’s mental health strategy;
                • minimum requirements on minimum breaks, and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector;
                • the appointment of Swedish and Portuguese members to the Court of Auditors, and
                • the role of tax policy in times of crisis and further reform of corporate taxation rules.

                Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

                Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

                For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

                All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


                Tuesday, 12 December

                Tuesday, 12 December

                Tuesday, 12 December

                Tuesday, 12 December

                  Sakharov Prize to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Iranian women’s protest movement
                  At 11.30, President Roberta Metsola will award the 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran. Ahead of the ceremony, there will be a press conference with President Metsola and representatives of the laureates, at 11.00 CET.
                  From 9.00, Parliament’s Press Service hosts a media seminar with representatives of this this year’s laureates and the finalists. You can follow it live here.

                  Elodie LABORIE

                  (+ 32) 477 99 06 70


                  New EU rules to secure the supply of critical raw materials
                  Starting at 9.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Breton new legislation to boost the EU’s supply of strategic raw materials. The Critical Raw Materials Act, already agreed with member states, seeks to make the EU more competitive and sovereign by cutting red tape, fostering innovation along the entire value chain, and supporting SMEs. The final vote will take place at noon.

                  Baptiste CHATAIN
                  (+32) 498 98 13 37

                  Gaza: MEPs to urge for hostages’ release and a humanitarian ceasefire
                  From around 16.00, plenary will discuss with EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell the latest developments in the war in the Gaza Strip. MEPs are expected to call for a humanitarian ceasefire and for Hamas to release all remaining hostages that were taken captive during the terrorist group’s attack on Israel on 7 October. The prospect of achieving a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine is also likely to feature in the debate.

                  Viktor ALMQVIST
                  (+32) 470 88 29 42

                  Snjezana KOBESCAK SMODIS
                  (+32) 470 96 08 19


                  New scheme to make personal health data more accessible across the EU
                  The proposal for a European Health Data Space to ease electronic access to health data, also when patients are in other EU countries, will be the focus of a debate with Commissioner Kyriakides from 13.00. Plenary will vote on its position ahead of negotiations with Council on Wednesday, followed by a press conference with the co-rapporteurs.

                  Janne OJAMO
                  (+32) 470 89 21 92


                  Dana POPP
                  (+32) 470 95 17 07

                  In brief

                  EU relations with the US and China. In the evening, MEPs will review with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the state of EU-US relations, followed by another debate on relations with China. Plenary will vote on two separate resolutions on Wednesday.

                  The environmental consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine. In the evening, plenary will assess with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell the massive air, water, land and soil pollution stemming from the Russian attack on Ukraine.

                  Venezuela. The situation in Venezuela will be debated with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell from around 19.00.

                  Guatemala. From around 17.00, MEPs will debate with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the attempt of a coup d’Etat in Guatemala. A resolution will put to the vote on Thursday.

                  “Defence of democracy” package. At 15.00, MEPs will assess with Commission Vice-President Jourová the proposals to defend European democracy the Commission is set to present today.

                  Addictive design of online services. At noon, MEPs will vote on a draft resolution calling for the development of ethical digital products that do not rely on dark patterns and addictive designs.


                  Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

                  • Its proposals for the 2024 elections, including a system to elect the Commission President;
                  • the revision of EU labelling rules for a number of agri-food products, so-called “breakfast directives”;
                  • the EU’s mental health strategy;
                  • minimum requirements on minimum breaks, and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector;
                  • the appointment of Swedish and Portuguese members to the Court of Auditors, and
                  • the role of tax policy in times of crisis and further reform of corporate taxation rules.

                  Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

                  Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

                  For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

                  All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

                    Sakharov Prize to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Iranian women’s protest movement
                    At 11.30, President Roberta Metsola will award the 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran. Ahead of the ceremony, there will be a press conference with President Metsola and representatives of the laureates, at 11.00 CET.
                    From 9.00, Parliament’s Press Service hosts a media seminar with representatives of this this year’s laureates and the finalists. You can follow it live here.

                    Elodie LABORIE

                    (+ 32) 477 99 06 70


                    New EU rules to secure the supply of critical raw materials
                    Starting at 9.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Breton new legislation to boost the EU’s supply of strategic raw materials. The Critical Raw Materials Act, already agreed with member states, seeks to make the EU more competitive and sovereign by cutting red tape, fostering innovation along the entire value chain, and supporting SMEs. The final vote will take place at noon.

                    Baptiste CHATAIN
                    (+32) 498 98 13 37

                    Gaza: MEPs to urge for hostages’ release and a humanitarian ceasefire
                    From around 16.00, plenary will discuss with EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell the latest developments in the war in the Gaza Strip. MEPs are expected to call for a humanitarian ceasefire and for Hamas to release all remaining hostages that were taken captive during the terrorist group’s attack on Israel on 7 October. The prospect of achieving a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine is also likely to feature in the debate.

                    Viktor ALMQVIST
                    (+32) 470 88 29 42

                    Snjezana KOBESCAK SMODIS
                    (+32) 470 96 08 19


                    New scheme to make personal health data more accessible across the EU
                    The proposal for a European Health Data Space to ease electronic access to health data, also when patients are in other EU countries, will be the focus of a debate with Commissioner Kyriakides from 13.00. Plenary will vote on its position ahead of negotiations with Council on Wednesday, followed by a press conference with the co-rapporteurs.

                    Janne OJAMO
                    (+32) 470 89 21 92


                    Dana POPP
                    (+32) 470 95 17 07

                    In brief

                    EU relations with the US and China. In the evening, MEPs will review with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the state of EU-US relations, followed by another debate on relations with China. Plenary will vote on two separate resolutions on Wednesday.

                    The environmental consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine. In the evening, plenary will assess with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell the massive air, water, land and soil pollution stemming from the Russian attack on Ukraine.

                    Venezuela. The situation in Venezuela will be debated with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell from around 19.00.

                    Guatemala. From around 17.00, MEPs will debate with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the attempt of a coup d’Etat in Guatemala. A resolution will put to the vote on Thursday.

                    “Defence of democracy” package. At 15.00, MEPs will assess with Commission Vice-President Jourová the proposals to defend European democracy the Commission is set to present today.

                    Addictive design of online services. At noon, MEPs will vote on a draft resolution calling for the development of ethical digital products that do not rely on dark patterns and addictive designs.


                    Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

                    • Its proposals for the 2024 elections, including a system to elect the Commission President;
                    • the revision of EU labelling rules for a number of agri-food products, so-called “breakfast directives”;
                    • the EU’s mental health strategy;
                    • minimum requirements on minimum breaks, and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector;
                    • the appointment of Swedish and Portuguese members to the Court of Auditors, and
                    • the role of tax policy in times of crisis and further reform of corporate taxation rules.

                    Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

                    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

                    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

                    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

                      Sakharov Prize to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Iranian women’s protest movement
                      At 11.30, President Roberta Metsola will award the 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran. Ahead of the ceremony, there will be a press conference with President Metsola and representatives of the laureates, at 11.00 CET.
                      From 9.00, Parliament’s Press Service hosts a media seminar with representatives of this this year’s laureates and the finalists. You can follow it live here.

                      Elodie LABORIE

                      (+ 32) 477 99 06 70


                      New EU rules to secure the supply of critical raw materials
                      Starting at 9.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Breton new legislation to boost the EU’s supply of strategic raw materials. The Critical Raw Materials Act, already agreed with member states, seeks to make the EU more competitive and sovereign by cutting red tape, fostering innovation along the entire value chain, and supporting SMEs. The final vote will take place at noon.

                      Baptiste CHATAIN
                      (+32) 498 98 13 37

                      Gaza: MEPs to urge for hostages’ release and a humanitarian ceasefire
                      From around 16.00, plenary will discuss with EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell the latest developments in the war in the Gaza Strip. MEPs are expected to call for a humanitarian ceasefire and for Hamas to release all remaining hostages that were taken captive during the terrorist group’s attack on Israel on 7 October. The prospect of achieving a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine is also likely to feature in the debate.

                      Viktor ALMQVIST
                      (+32) 470 88 29 42

                      Snjezana KOBESCAK SMODIS
                      (+32) 470 96 08 19


                      New scheme to make personal health data more accessible across the EU
                      The proposal for a European Health Data Space to ease electronic access to health data, also when patients are in other EU countries, will be the focus of a debate with Commissioner Kyriakides from 13.00. Plenary will vote on its position ahead of negotiations with Council on Wednesday, followed by a press conference with the co-rapporteurs.

                      Janne OJAMO
                      (+32) 470 89 21 92


                      Dana POPP
                      (+32) 470 95 17 07

                      In brief

                      EU relations with the US and China. In the evening, MEPs will review with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the state of EU-US relations, followed by another debate on relations with China. Plenary will vote on two separate resolutions on Wednesday.

                      The environmental consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine. In the evening, plenary will assess with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell the massive air, water, land and soil pollution stemming from the Russian attack on Ukraine.

                      Venezuela. The situation in Venezuela will be debated with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell from around 19.00.

                      Guatemala. From around 17.00, MEPs will debate with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the attempt of a coup d’Etat in Guatemala. A resolution will put to the vote on Thursday.

                      “Defence of democracy” package. At 15.00, MEPs will assess with Commission Vice-President Jourová the proposals to defend European democracy the Commission is set to present today.

                      Addictive design of online services. At noon, MEPs will vote on a draft resolution calling for the development of ethical digital products that do not rely on dark patterns and addictive designs.


                      Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

                      • Its proposals for the 2024 elections, including a system to elect the Commission President;
                      • the revision of EU labelling rules for a number of agri-food products, so-called “breakfast directives”;
                      • the EU’s mental health strategy;
                      • minimum requirements on minimum breaks, and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector;
                      • the appointment of Swedish and Portuguese members to the Court of Auditors, and
                      • the role of tax policy in times of crisis and further reform of corporate taxation rules.

                      Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

                      Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

                      For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

                      All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

                        Sakharov Prize to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Iranian women’s protest movement
                        At 11.30, President Roberta Metsola will award the 2023 Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement in Iran. Ahead of the ceremony, there will be a press conference with President Metsola and representatives of the laureates, at 11.00 CET.
                        From 9.00, Parliament’s Press Service hosts a media seminar with representatives of this this year’s laureates and the finalists. You can follow it live here.

                        Sakharov Prize to Jina Mahsa Amini and the Iranian women’s protest movement


                        Elodie LABORIE

                        Elodie LABORIEElodie LABORIE

                        (+ 32) 477 99 06 70

                        (+ 32) 477 99 06 70



                        New EU rules to secure the supply of critical raw materials
                        Starting at 9.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Breton new legislation to boost the EU’s supply of strategic raw materials. The Critical Raw Materials Act, already agreed with member states, seeks to make the EU more competitive and sovereign by cutting red tape, fostering innovation along the entire value chain, and supporting SMEs. The final vote will take place at noon.

                        New EU rules to secure the supply of critical raw materials

                        Baptiste CHATAIN
                        (+32) 498 98 13 37

                        Baptiste CHATAINBaptiste CHATAIN

                        (+32) 498 98 13 37


                        Gaza: MEPs to urge for hostages’ release and a humanitarian ceasefire
                        From around 16.00, plenary will discuss with EU diplomacy chief Josep Borrell the latest developments in the war in the Gaza Strip. MEPs are expected to call for a humanitarian ceasefire and for Hamas to release all remaining hostages that were taken captive during the terrorist group’s attack on Israel on 7 October. The prospect of achieving a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine is also likely to feature in the debate.

                        Gaza: MEPs to urge for hostages’ release and a humanitarian ceasefire

                        Viktor ALMQVIST
                        (+32) 470 88 29 42

                        Viktor ALMQVISTViktor ALMQVIST

                        (+32) 470 88 29 42


                        Snjezana KOBESCAK SMODIS
                        (+32) 470 96 08 19

                        Snjezana KOBESCAK SMODISSnjezana KOBESCAK SMODIS
                        (+32) 470 96 08 19



                        New scheme to make personal health data more accessible across the EU
                        The proposal for a European Health Data Space to ease electronic access to health data, also when patients are in other EU countries, will be the focus of a debate with Commissioner Kyriakides from 13.00. Plenary will vote on its position ahead of negotiations with Council on Wednesday, followed by a press conference with the co-rapporteurs.

                        New scheme to make personal health data more accessible across the EU

                        Janne OJAMO
                        (+32) 470 89 21 92

                        Janne OJAMOJanne OJAMO
                        (+32) 470 89 21 92



                        Dana POPP
                        (+32) 470 95 17 07

                        Dana POPPDana POPP

                        (+32) 470 95 17 07


                        In brief

                        In brief

                        EU relations with the US and China. In the evening, MEPs will review with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the state of EU-US relations, followed by another debate on relations with China. Plenary will vote on two separate resolutions on Wednesday.

                        EU relations with the US and China.

                        The environmental consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine. In the evening, plenary will assess with EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell the massive air, water, land and soil pollution stemming from the Russian attack on Ukraine.

                        The environmental consequences of Russia’s war against Ukraine.

                        Venezuela. The situation in Venezuela will be debated with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell from around 19.00.


                        Guatemala. From around 17.00, MEPs will debate with EU Foreign Policy Chief Borrell the attempt of a coup d’Etat in Guatemala. A resolution will put to the vote on Thursday.


                        “Defence of democracy” package. At 15.00, MEPs will assess with Commission Vice-President Jourová the proposals to defend European democracy the Commission is set to present today.

                        “Defence of democracy” package

                        Addictive design of online services. At noon, MEPs will vote on a draft resolution calling for the development of ethical digital products that do not rely on dark patterns and addictive designs.

                        Addictive design of online services.



                        Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

                        • Its proposals for the 2024 elections, including a system to elect the Commission President;
                        • the revision of EU labelling rules for a number of agri-food products, so-called “breakfast directives”;
                        • the EU’s mental health strategy;
                        • minimum requirements on minimum breaks, and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector;
                        • the appointment of Swedish and Portuguese members to the Court of Auditors, and
                        • the role of tax policy in times of crisis and further reform of corporate taxation rules.
                      • Its proposals for the 2024 elections, including a system to elect the Commission President;
                      • the revision of EU labelling rules for a number of agri-food products, so-called “breakfast directives”;
                      • the EU’s mental health strategy;
                      • minimum requirements on minimum breaks, and daily and weekly rest periods in the occasional passenger transport sector;
                      • the appointment of Swedish and Portuguese members to the Court of Auditors, and
                      • the role of tax policy in times of crisis and further reform of corporate taxation rules.
                      • Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.


                        Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

                        Parliament’s webstreaming EbS+

                        For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.


                        All information regarding plenary, can be found here.






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                        Press room  

                        Press room  Press room  
                      • Telefoonnummer: (+33) 3 881 74 005 (STR) 
                      • Telefoonnummer: (+33) 3 881 74 005 (STR) Telefoonnummer: (+33) 3 881 74 005 (STR)Telefoonnummer: (STR) 


                        REF.:  20231208IPR15788 


                        REF.:  20231208IPR15788 
                        REF.:  20231208IPR15788 
                        REF.: REF.:REF.: 20231208IPR15788 20231208IPR15788 

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