EP TODAY | Nieuws | Europees Parlement




Wednesday, 13 December

MEPs to outline their demands for this week’s EU summit

From 9.00, MEPs will present their expectations and demands for the 14-15 December European Council in a debate with Commission President von der Leyen and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

(+32) 498 98 33 22

Debate with Pedro Sánchez on Spanish Council Presidency

From 10.30, Parliament will assess the results of the Spanish Presidency of the Council in a debate with President of the Spanish Government Pedro Sánchez. Commission President von der Leyen will also take the floor. Ahead of the debate, EP President Metsola and Pedro Sánchez will hold a bilateral meeting.

(+32) 498 98 39 85

Frontex: MEPs to call for an effective border agency that respects fundamental rights

Parliament will review the investigation into the border agency carried out by the Frontex scrutiny group in an evening debate with Commissioner Lenarčič and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro. MEPs will vote on a resolution on Thursday.

(+32) 470 89 21 92


In brief:

Rule of Law in Slovakia. The impact of announced proposed reform of Slovakia’s criminal code on the country’s efforts to fight corruption will be debated with Commissioner Reynders and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro at around 16.00.

EU-wide recognition of parenthood. At around 15.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Reynders rules to ensure that children enjoy the same rights under national law in another member state, particularly for custody, maintenance or succession. The vote will take place on Thursday.

Transparency and accountability in the EU institutions. At around 14.00, MEPs will consider the measures taken to strengthen transparency and accountability in the European institutions one year after Morocco and QatarGate, in a debate with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

Cost of living crisis. At 13.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Schmit the need for an EU strategy to assist young people facing the housing and cost of living crises.

Human rights in Belarus, Tanzania and Tibet. in the evening, plenary will debate the unknown status of Mikalai Statkevich and the recent attacks on the families of Belarusian politicians and activists; the Maasai communities in Tanzania; and the abduction of Tibetan children and forced assimilation practices through Chinese boarding schools in Tibet. Plenary will vote on three separate resolutions on Thursday.


Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

  • a European Health Data Space;
  • EU enlargement policy;
  • three resolutions on EU relations with China, the US and Japan;
  • the need to update EU rules on geo-blocking;
  • EU-Taiwan trade and investment relations; and
  • on an EU strategy to fight non-communicable diseases.

Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


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    Wednesday, 13 December

    MEPs to outline their demands for this week’s EU summit

    From 9.00, MEPs will present their expectations and demands for the 14-15 December European Council in a debate with Commission President von der Leyen and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Andreas KLEINER
    (+32) 498 98 33 22

    Debate with Pedro Sánchez on Spanish Council Presidency

    From 10.30, Parliament will assess the results of the Spanish Presidency of the Council in a debate with President of the Spanish Government Pedro Sánchez. Commission President von der Leyen will also take the floor. Ahead of the debate, EP President Metsola and Pedro Sánchez will hold a bilateral meeting.

    Estefania NARRILLOS
    (+32) 498 98 39 85

    Frontex: MEPs to call for an effective border agency that respects fundamental rights

    Parliament will review the investigation into the border agency carried out by the Frontex scrutiny group in an evening debate with Commissioner Lenarčič and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro. MEPs will vote on a resolution on Thursday.

    Janne OJAMO
    (+32) 470 89 21 92


    In brief:

    Rule of Law in Slovakia. The impact of announced proposed reform of Slovakia’s criminal code on the country’s efforts to fight corruption will be debated with Commissioner Reynders and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro at around 16.00.

    EU-wide recognition of parenthood. At around 15.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Reynders rules to ensure that children enjoy the same rights under national law in another member state, particularly for custody, maintenance or succession. The vote will take place on Thursday.

    Transparency and accountability in the EU institutions. At around 14.00, MEPs will consider the measures taken to strengthen transparency and accountability in the European institutions one year after Morocco and QatarGate, in a debate with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Cost of living crisis. At 13.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Schmit the need for an EU strategy to assist young people facing the housing and cost of living crises.

    Human rights in Belarus, Tanzania and Tibet. in the evening, plenary will debate the unknown status of Mikalai Statkevich and the recent attacks on the families of Belarusian politicians and activists; the Maasai communities in Tanzania; and the abduction of Tibetan children and forced assimilation practices through Chinese boarding schools in Tibet. Plenary will vote on three separate resolutions on Thursday.


    Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

    • a European Health Data Space;
    • EU enlargement policy;
    • three resolutions on EU relations with China, the US and Japan;
    • the need to update EU rules on geo-blocking;
    • EU-Taiwan trade and investment relations; and
    • on an EU strategy to fight non-communicable diseases.

    Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.














    Persbericht  Plenaire vergadering  Plenaire vergadering 

    Wednesday, 13 December

    MEPs to outline their demands for this week’s EU summit

    From 9.00, MEPs will present their expectations and demands for the 14-15 December European Council in a debate with Commission President von der Leyen and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Andreas KLEINER
    (+32) 498 98 33 22

    Debate with Pedro Sánchez on Spanish Council Presidency

    From 10.30, Parliament will assess the results of the Spanish Presidency of the Council in a debate with President of the Spanish Government Pedro Sánchez. Commission President von der Leyen will also take the floor. Ahead of the debate, EP President Metsola and Pedro Sánchez will hold a bilateral meeting.

    Estefania NARRILLOS
    (+32) 498 98 39 85

    Frontex: MEPs to call for an effective border agency that respects fundamental rights

    Parliament will review the investigation into the border agency carried out by the Frontex scrutiny group in an evening debate with Commissioner Lenarčič and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro. MEPs will vote on a resolution on Thursday.

    Janne OJAMO
    (+32) 470 89 21 92


    In brief:

    Rule of Law in Slovakia. The impact of announced proposed reform of Slovakia’s criminal code on the country’s efforts to fight corruption will be debated with Commissioner Reynders and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro at around 16.00.

    EU-wide recognition of parenthood. At around 15.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Reynders rules to ensure that children enjoy the same rights under national law in another member state, particularly for custody, maintenance or succession. The vote will take place on Thursday.

    Transparency and accountability in the EU institutions. At around 14.00, MEPs will consider the measures taken to strengthen transparency and accountability in the European institutions one year after Morocco and QatarGate, in a debate with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Cost of living crisis. At 13.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Schmit the need for an EU strategy to assist young people facing the housing and cost of living crises.

    Human rights in Belarus, Tanzania and Tibet. in the evening, plenary will debate the unknown status of Mikalai Statkevich and the recent attacks on the families of Belarusian politicians and activists; the Maasai communities in Tanzania; and the abduction of Tibetan children and forced assimilation practices through Chinese boarding schools in Tibet. Plenary will vote on three separate resolutions on Thursday.


    Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

    • a European Health Data Space;
    • EU enlargement policy;
    • three resolutions on EU relations with China, the US and Japan;
    • the need to update EU rules on geo-blocking;
    • EU-Taiwan trade and investment relations; and
    • on an EU strategy to fight non-communicable diseases.

    Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.



    Wednesday, 13 December

    MEPs to outline their demands for this week’s EU summit

    From 9.00, MEPs will present their expectations and demands for the 14-15 December European Council in a debate with Commission President von der Leyen and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Andreas KLEINER
    (+32) 498 98 33 22

    Debate with Pedro Sánchez on Spanish Council Presidency

    From 10.30, Parliament will assess the results of the Spanish Presidency of the Council in a debate with President of the Spanish Government Pedro Sánchez. Commission President von der Leyen will also take the floor. Ahead of the debate, EP President Metsola and Pedro Sánchez will hold a bilateral meeting.

    Estefania NARRILLOS
    (+32) 498 98 39 85

    Frontex: MEPs to call for an effective border agency that respects fundamental rights

    Parliament will review the investigation into the border agency carried out by the Frontex scrutiny group in an evening debate with Commissioner Lenarčič and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro. MEPs will vote on a resolution on Thursday.

    Janne OJAMO
    (+32) 470 89 21 92


    In brief:

    Rule of Law in Slovakia. The impact of announced proposed reform of Slovakia’s criminal code on the country’s efforts to fight corruption will be debated with Commissioner Reynders and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro at around 16.00.

    EU-wide recognition of parenthood. At around 15.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Reynders rules to ensure that children enjoy the same rights under national law in another member state, particularly for custody, maintenance or succession. The vote will take place on Thursday.

    Transparency and accountability in the EU institutions. At around 14.00, MEPs will consider the measures taken to strengthen transparency and accountability in the European institutions one year after Morocco and QatarGate, in a debate with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Cost of living crisis. At 13.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Schmit the need for an EU strategy to assist young people facing the housing and cost of living crises.

    Human rights in Belarus, Tanzania and Tibet. in the evening, plenary will debate the unknown status of Mikalai Statkevich and the recent attacks on the families of Belarusian politicians and activists; the Maasai communities in Tanzania; and the abduction of Tibetan children and forced assimilation practices through Chinese boarding schools in Tibet. Plenary will vote on three separate resolutions on Thursday.


    Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

    • a European Health Data Space;
    • EU enlargement policy;
    • three resolutions on EU relations with China, the US and Japan;
    • the need to update EU rules on geo-blocking;
    • EU-Taiwan trade and investment relations; and
    • on an EU strategy to fight non-communicable diseases.

    Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.



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    Wednesday, 13 December

    MEPs to outline their demands for this week’s EU summit

    From 9.00, MEPs will present their expectations and demands for the 14-15 December European Council in a debate with Commission President von der Leyen and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Andreas KLEINER
    (+32) 498 98 33 22

    Debate with Pedro Sánchez on Spanish Council Presidency

    From 10.30, Parliament will assess the results of the Spanish Presidency of the Council in a debate with President of the Spanish Government Pedro Sánchez. Commission President von der Leyen will also take the floor. Ahead of the debate, EP President Metsola and Pedro Sánchez will hold a bilateral meeting.

    Estefania NARRILLOS
    (+32) 498 98 39 85

    Frontex: MEPs to call for an effective border agency that respects fundamental rights

    Parliament will review the investigation into the border agency carried out by the Frontex scrutiny group in an evening debate with Commissioner Lenarčič and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro. MEPs will vote on a resolution on Thursday.

    Janne OJAMO
    (+32) 470 89 21 92


    In brief:

    Rule of Law in Slovakia. The impact of announced proposed reform of Slovakia’s criminal code on the country’s efforts to fight corruption will be debated with Commissioner Reynders and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro at around 16.00.

    EU-wide recognition of parenthood. At around 15.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Reynders rules to ensure that children enjoy the same rights under national law in another member state, particularly for custody, maintenance or succession. The vote will take place on Thursday.

    Transparency and accountability in the EU institutions. At around 14.00, MEPs will consider the measures taken to strengthen transparency and accountability in the European institutions one year after Morocco and QatarGate, in a debate with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Cost of living crisis. At 13.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Schmit the need for an EU strategy to assist young people facing the housing and cost of living crises.

    Human rights in Belarus, Tanzania and Tibet. in the evening, plenary will debate the unknown status of Mikalai Statkevich and the recent attacks on the families of Belarusian politicians and activists; the Maasai communities in Tanzania; and the abduction of Tibetan children and forced assimilation practices through Chinese boarding schools in Tibet. Plenary will vote on three separate resolutions on Thursday.


    Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

    • a European Health Data Space;
    • EU enlargement policy;
    • three resolutions on EU relations with China, the US and Japan;
    • the need to update EU rules on geo-blocking;
    • EU-Taiwan trade and investment relations; and
    • on an EU strategy to fight non-communicable diseases.

    Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


    Wednesday, 13 December

    MEPs to outline their demands for this week’s EU summit

    From 9.00, MEPs will present their expectations and demands for the 14-15 December European Council in a debate with Commission President von der Leyen and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Andreas KLEINER
    (+32) 498 98 33 22

    Debate with Pedro Sánchez on Spanish Council Presidency

    From 10.30, Parliament will assess the results of the Spanish Presidency of the Council in a debate with President of the Spanish Government Pedro Sánchez. Commission President von der Leyen will also take the floor. Ahead of the debate, EP President Metsola and Pedro Sánchez will hold a bilateral meeting.

    Estefania NARRILLOS
    (+32) 498 98 39 85

    Frontex: MEPs to call for an effective border agency that respects fundamental rights

    Parliament will review the investigation into the border agency carried out by the Frontex scrutiny group in an evening debate with Commissioner Lenarčič and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro. MEPs will vote on a resolution on Thursday.

    Janne OJAMO
    (+32) 470 89 21 92


    In brief:

    Rule of Law in Slovakia. The impact of announced proposed reform of Slovakia’s criminal code on the country’s efforts to fight corruption will be debated with Commissioner Reynders and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro at around 16.00.

    EU-wide recognition of parenthood. At around 15.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Reynders rules to ensure that children enjoy the same rights under national law in another member state, particularly for custody, maintenance or succession. The vote will take place on Thursday.

    Transparency and accountability in the EU institutions. At around 14.00, MEPs will consider the measures taken to strengthen transparency and accountability in the European institutions one year after Morocco and QatarGate, in a debate with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Cost of living crisis. At 13.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Schmit the need for an EU strategy to assist young people facing the housing and cost of living crises.

    Human rights in Belarus, Tanzania and Tibet. in the evening, plenary will debate the unknown status of Mikalai Statkevich and the recent attacks on the families of Belarusian politicians and activists; the Maasai communities in Tanzania; and the abduction of Tibetan children and forced assimilation practices through Chinese boarding schools in Tibet. Plenary will vote on three separate resolutions on Thursday.


    Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

    • a European Health Data Space;
    • EU enlargement policy;
    • three resolutions on EU relations with China, the US and Japan;
    • the need to update EU rules on geo-blocking;
    • EU-Taiwan trade and investment relations; and
    • on an EU strategy to fight non-communicable diseases.

    Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


    Wednesday, 13 December

    MEPs to outline their demands for this week’s EU summit

    From 9.00, MEPs will present their expectations and demands for the 14-15 December European Council in a debate with Commission President von der Leyen and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Andreas KLEINER
    (+32) 498 98 33 22

    Debate with Pedro Sánchez on Spanish Council Presidency

    From 10.30, Parliament will assess the results of the Spanish Presidency of the Council in a debate with President of the Spanish Government Pedro Sánchez. Commission President von der Leyen will also take the floor. Ahead of the debate, EP President Metsola and Pedro Sánchez will hold a bilateral meeting.

    Estefania NARRILLOS
    (+32) 498 98 39 85

    Frontex: MEPs to call for an effective border agency that respects fundamental rights

    Parliament will review the investigation into the border agency carried out by the Frontex scrutiny group in an evening debate with Commissioner Lenarčič and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro. MEPs will vote on a resolution on Thursday.

    Janne OJAMO
    (+32) 470 89 21 92


    In brief:

    Rule of Law in Slovakia. The impact of announced proposed reform of Slovakia’s criminal code on the country’s efforts to fight corruption will be debated with Commissioner Reynders and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro at around 16.00.

    EU-wide recognition of parenthood. At around 15.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Reynders rules to ensure that children enjoy the same rights under national law in another member state, particularly for custody, maintenance or succession. The vote will take place on Thursday.

    Transparency and accountability in the EU institutions. At around 14.00, MEPs will consider the measures taken to strengthen transparency and accountability in the European institutions one year after Morocco and QatarGate, in a debate with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Cost of living crisis. At 13.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Schmit the need for an EU strategy to assist young people facing the housing and cost of living crises.

    Human rights in Belarus, Tanzania and Tibet. in the evening, plenary will debate the unknown status of Mikalai Statkevich and the recent attacks on the families of Belarusian politicians and activists; the Maasai communities in Tanzania; and the abduction of Tibetan children and forced assimilation practices through Chinese boarding schools in Tibet. Plenary will vote on three separate resolutions on Thursday.


    Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

    • a European Health Data Space;
    • EU enlargement policy;
    • three resolutions on EU relations with China, the US and Japan;
    • the need to update EU rules on geo-blocking;
    • EU-Taiwan trade and investment relations; and
    • on an EU strategy to fight non-communicable diseases.

    Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.


    Wednesday, 13 December

    Wednesday, 13 December

    Wednesday, 13 December

    Wednesday, 13 December

    MEPs to outline their demands for this week’s EU summit

    From 9.00, MEPs will present their expectations and demands for the 14-15 December European Council in a debate with Commission President von der Leyen and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Andreas KLEINER
    (+32) 498 98 33 22

    Debate with Pedro Sánchez on Spanish Council Presidency

    From 10.30, Parliament will assess the results of the Spanish Presidency of the Council in a debate with President of the Spanish Government Pedro Sánchez. Commission President von der Leyen will also take the floor. Ahead of the debate, EP President Metsola and Pedro Sánchez will hold a bilateral meeting.

    Estefania NARRILLOS
    (+32) 498 98 39 85

    Frontex: MEPs to call for an effective border agency that respects fundamental rights

    Parliament will review the investigation into the border agency carried out by the Frontex scrutiny group in an evening debate with Commissioner Lenarčič and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro. MEPs will vote on a resolution on Thursday.

    Janne OJAMO
    (+32) 470 89 21 92


    In brief:

    Rule of Law in Slovakia. The impact of announced proposed reform of Slovakia’s criminal code on the country’s efforts to fight corruption will be debated with Commissioner Reynders and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro at around 16.00.

    EU-wide recognition of parenthood. At around 15.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Reynders rules to ensure that children enjoy the same rights under national law in another member state, particularly for custody, maintenance or succession. The vote will take place on Thursday.

    Transparency and accountability in the EU institutions. At around 14.00, MEPs will consider the measures taken to strengthen transparency and accountability in the European institutions one year after Morocco and QatarGate, in a debate with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Cost of living crisis. At 13.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Schmit the need for an EU strategy to assist young people facing the housing and cost of living crises.

    Human rights in Belarus, Tanzania and Tibet. in the evening, plenary will debate the unknown status of Mikalai Statkevich and the recent attacks on the families of Belarusian politicians and activists; the Maasai communities in Tanzania; and the abduction of Tibetan children and forced assimilation practices through Chinese boarding schools in Tibet. Plenary will vote on three separate resolutions on Thursday.


    Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

    • a European Health Data Space;
    • EU enlargement policy;
    • three resolutions on EU relations with China, the US and Japan;
    • the need to update EU rules on geo-blocking;
    • EU-Taiwan trade and investment relations; and
    • on an EU strategy to fight non-communicable diseases.

    Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

    MEPs to outline their demands for this week’s EU summit

    From 9.00, MEPs will present their expectations and demands for the 14-15 December European Council in a debate with Commission President von der Leyen and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Andreas KLEINER
    (+32) 498 98 33 22

    Debate with Pedro Sánchez on Spanish Council Presidency

    From 10.30, Parliament will assess the results of the Spanish Presidency of the Council in a debate with President of the Spanish Government Pedro Sánchez. Commission President von der Leyen will also take the floor. Ahead of the debate, EP President Metsola and Pedro Sánchez will hold a bilateral meeting.

    Estefania NARRILLOS
    (+32) 498 98 39 85

    Frontex: MEPs to call for an effective border agency that respects fundamental rights

    Parliament will review the investigation into the border agency carried out by the Frontex scrutiny group in an evening debate with Commissioner Lenarčič and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro. MEPs will vote on a resolution on Thursday.

    Janne OJAMO
    (+32) 470 89 21 92


    In brief:

    Rule of Law in Slovakia. The impact of announced proposed reform of Slovakia’s criminal code on the country’s efforts to fight corruption will be debated with Commissioner Reynders and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro at around 16.00.

    EU-wide recognition of parenthood. At around 15.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Reynders rules to ensure that children enjoy the same rights under national law in another member state, particularly for custody, maintenance or succession. The vote will take place on Thursday.

    Transparency and accountability in the EU institutions. At around 14.00, MEPs will consider the measures taken to strengthen transparency and accountability in the European institutions one year after Morocco and QatarGate, in a debate with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Cost of living crisis. At 13.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Schmit the need for an EU strategy to assist young people facing the housing and cost of living crises.

    Human rights in Belarus, Tanzania and Tibet. in the evening, plenary will debate the unknown status of Mikalai Statkevich and the recent attacks on the families of Belarusian politicians and activists; the Maasai communities in Tanzania; and the abduction of Tibetan children and forced assimilation practices through Chinese boarding schools in Tibet. Plenary will vote on three separate resolutions on Thursday.


    Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

    • a European Health Data Space;
    • EU enlargement policy;
    • three resolutions on EU relations with China, the US and Japan;
    • the need to update EU rules on geo-blocking;
    • EU-Taiwan trade and investment relations; and
    • on an EU strategy to fight non-communicable diseases.

    Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

    MEPs to outline their demands for this week’s EU summit

    From 9.00, MEPs will present their expectations and demands for the 14-15 December European Council in a debate with Commission President von der Leyen and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Andreas KLEINER
    (+32) 498 98 33 22

    Debate with Pedro Sánchez on Spanish Council Presidency

    From 10.30, Parliament will assess the results of the Spanish Presidency of the Council in a debate with President of the Spanish Government Pedro Sánchez. Commission President von der Leyen will also take the floor. Ahead of the debate, EP President Metsola and Pedro Sánchez will hold a bilateral meeting.

    Estefania NARRILLOS
    (+32) 498 98 39 85

    Frontex: MEPs to call for an effective border agency that respects fundamental rights

    Parliament will review the investigation into the border agency carried out by the Frontex scrutiny group in an evening debate with Commissioner Lenarčič and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro. MEPs will vote on a resolution on Thursday.

    Janne OJAMO
    (+32) 470 89 21 92


    In brief:

    Rule of Law in Slovakia. The impact of announced proposed reform of Slovakia’s criminal code on the country’s efforts to fight corruption will be debated with Commissioner Reynders and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro at around 16.00.

    EU-wide recognition of parenthood. At around 15.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Reynders rules to ensure that children enjoy the same rights under national law in another member state, particularly for custody, maintenance or succession. The vote will take place on Thursday.

    Transparency and accountability in the EU institutions. At around 14.00, MEPs will consider the measures taken to strengthen transparency and accountability in the European institutions one year after Morocco and QatarGate, in a debate with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Cost of living crisis. At 13.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Schmit the need for an EU strategy to assist young people facing the housing and cost of living crises.

    Human rights in Belarus, Tanzania and Tibet. in the evening, plenary will debate the unknown status of Mikalai Statkevich and the recent attacks on the families of Belarusian politicians and activists; the Maasai communities in Tanzania; and the abduction of Tibetan children and forced assimilation practices through Chinese boarding schools in Tibet. Plenary will vote on three separate resolutions on Thursday.


    Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

    • a European Health Data Space;
    • EU enlargement policy;
    • three resolutions on EU relations with China, the US and Japan;
    • the need to update EU rules on geo-blocking;
    • EU-Taiwan trade and investment relations; and
    • on an EU strategy to fight non-communicable diseases.

    Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.

    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.

    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.

    MEPs to outline their demands for this week’s EU summit

    MEPs to outline their demands for this week’s EU summit

    From 9.00, MEPs will present their expectations and demands for the 14-15 December European Council in a debate with Commission President von der Leyen and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Andreas KLEINER
    (+32) 498 98 33 22

    Andreas KLEINERAndreas KLEINER
    (+32) 498 98 33 22


    Debate with Pedro Sánchez on Spanish Council Presidency

    Debate with Pedro Sánchez on Spanish Council Presidency

    From 10.30, Parliament will assess the results of the Spanish Presidency of the Council in a debate with President of the Spanish Government Pedro Sánchez. Commission President von der Leyen will also take the floor. Ahead of the debate, EP President Metsola and Pedro Sánchez will hold a bilateral meeting.

    Estefania NARRILLOS
    (+32) 498 98 39 85

    Estefania NARRILLOSEstefania NARRILLOS
    (+32) 498 98 39 85


    Frontex: MEPs to call for an effective border agency that respects fundamental rights

    Frontex: MEPs to call for an effective border agency that respects fundamental rights

    Parliament will review the investigation into the border agency carried out by the Frontex scrutiny group in an evening debate with Commissioner Lenarčič and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro. MEPs will vote on a resolution on Thursday.

    Janne OJAMO
    (+32) 470 89 21 92

    Janne OJAMOJanne OJAMO
    (+32) 470 89 21 92



    In brief:

    In brief:

    Rule of Law in Slovakia. The impact of announced proposed reform of Slovakia’s criminal code on the country’s efforts to fight corruption will be debated with Commissioner Reynders and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro at around 16.00.

    Rule of Law in Slovakia.

    EU-wide recognition of parenthood. At around 15.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Reynders rules to ensure that children enjoy the same rights under national law in another member state, particularly for custody, maintenance or succession. The vote will take place on Thursday.

    EU-wide recognition of parenthood.

    Transparency and accountability in the EU institutions. At around 14.00, MEPs will consider the measures taken to strengthen transparency and accountability in the European institutions one year after Morocco and QatarGate, in a debate with Commission Vice-President Jourová and Spanish State Secretary for European Affairs Navarro.

    Transparency and accountability in the EU institutions.

    Cost of living crisis. At 13.00, MEPs will debate with Commissioner Schmit the need for an EU strategy to assist young people facing the housing and cost of living crises.

    Cost of living crisis.

    Human rights in Belarus, Tanzania and Tibet. in the evening, plenary will debate the unknown status of Mikalai Statkevich and the recent attacks on the families of Belarusian politicians and activists; the Maasai communities in Tanzania; and the abduction of Tibetan children and forced assimilation practices through Chinese boarding schools in Tibet. Plenary will vote on three separate resolutions on Thursday.

    Human rights in Belarus, Tanzania and Tibet.



    Between 12.00 and 13.00, plenary will vote, among others, on:

    • a European Health Data Space;
    • EU enlargement policy;
    • three resolutions on EU relations with China, the US and Japan;
    • the need to update EU rules on geo-blocking;
    • EU-Taiwan trade and investment relations; and
    • on an EU strategy to fight non-communicable diseases.
  • a European Health Data Space;
  • EU enlargement policy;
  • three resolutions on EU relations with China, the US and Japan;
  • the need to update EU rules on geo-blocking;
  • EU-Taiwan trade and investment relations; and
  • on an EU strategy to fight non-communicable diseases.

  • Find more details on the texts tabled for vote here.


    Live coverage of the plenary session can be found on Parliament’s webstreaming and on EbS+.

    Parliament’s webstreaming EbS+

    For detailed information on the session, please also see our newsletter.


    All information regarding plenary, can be found here.






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    REF.:  20231208IPR15789 


    REF.:  20231208IPR15789 
    REF.:  20231208IPR15789 
    REF.: REF.:REF.: 20231208IPR15789 20231208IPR15789 

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