Daily News 21 / 12 / 2023

Commission pays a further €1.5 billion in assistance to Ukraine

Today, the Commission has paid the final instalment €1.5 billion under the Macro-financial Assistance + package for Ukraine, bringing total support to the maximum level of €18 billion, the largest macro-financial assistance operation in the history of the instrument. With this instrument, the EU helped Ukraine cover its immediate funding needs in 2023 by means of stable, predictable and sizeable financial support.

This support will help Ukraine to continue paying wages and pensions, and keep essential public services running, such as hospitals, schools, and housing for relocated people. It will also allow Ukraine to ensure macroeconomic stability and restore critical infrastructure destroyed by Russia in its war of aggression, such as energy infrastructure, water systems, transport networks, roads and bridges.

Today's payment comes after the Commission found on 14 December that Ukraine has successfully implemented the agreed policy conditions and complied with reporting requirements, which aim to ensure the transparent and efficient use of the funds. Ukraine has notably achieved important progress to enhance macro-financial stability with the improvement of the bankruptcy and insolvency framework, as well as to strengthen the rule of law with for instance the strengthening of the independence of the Specialised Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office. This complements other achievements under the MFA+ aiming at enhancing the effectiveness of legal institutions, such as the appointment of a head of the anti-corruption authority NABU and the improvement of the selection process for judges. Ukraine has also made significant advances towards improving its energy system with the improvement of the functioning of the gas system, and towards promoting a better business climate.

By completing this comprehensive reform agenda, Ukraine is demonstrating its desire and readiness to strengthen its economic foundations even under the most adverse circumstances. The successful implementation of the MFA+ clearly showcases European solidarity, which has provided a total of almost €85 billion in humanitarian, economic and military support to Ukraine and its people since the beginning of Russia's war of aggression in February 2022.

President von der Leyen said:Today we unlocked the final payment of €1.5 billion of macro-financial assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of the year, bringing the total to €18 billion for the whole year. As Ukraine continues to face Russia´s brutal war of aggression, we need to continue supporting Ukraine to ensure its economic stability, to reform and to rebuild. This is why we are working hard to find an agreement on our proposal of €50 billion for Ukraine between next year until 2027.

Overall, since the start of the war, EU support to Ukraine and Ukrainians amounts to almost €85 billion. This includes financial, humanitarian, emergency budget and military support to Ukraine from the EU, Member States and the European financial institutions, as well as resources made available to help Member States cater for needs of Ukrainians fleeing the war. More information is available in this factsheet.

On 20 June, the Commission proposed to set up a dedicated Facility providing coherent, predictable and flexible support to Ukraine for the period 2024-2027, for an overall amount of up to €50 billion. 

(For more information: Daniel Ferrie — Tél: + 32 2 298 65 00; Marajke Slomka - Tel: +32 229-82613)


La Commission adopte ses procédures d'infraction du mois de décembre

Afin d'aider les citoyens et les entreprises à profiter pleinement des avantages qu'offre l'Union Européenne, la Commission dialogue de façon permanente avec les États membres afin de s'assurer du respect du droit de l'Union et d'ouvrir des procédures d'infraction à l'égard des pays membres en cas de non-respect de ses règles. Les décisions prises aujourd'hui, dans le cadre de ce paquet d'infraction, incluent 14 lettres de mise en demeure et 6 avis motivés. Aujourd'hui, la Commission décide également de soumettre 3 affaires à la Cour de justice de l'Union européenne.  Enfin, elle décide de clôturer 176 dossiers dans lesquels les États membres concernés, en coopération avec la Commission, ont mis fin à une infraction et assuré le respect du droit de l'Union.

Le résumé des principales décisions et les références des communiqués de presse correspondants sont disponibles ici. Les principaux aspects des procédures d'infraction sont décrits ici.

(Pour plus d'informations: Eric Mamer – Tél.: +32 229 94073; Kristyna Eeckels – Tél. : +32 229-51065)


EU supports just climate transition in Bulgaria with a budget of €1.2 billion

Bulgaria will receive €1.2 billion from the Just Transition Fund (JTF), following the adoption of Bulgaria's Territorial Just Transition Plans (TJTPs) by the European Commission today. The JTF will help deliver new jobs and economic activities for a just transition in the Bulgarian regions of Stara Zagora, Kyustendil and Pernik, that face the biggest socio-economic challenges in phasing out coal and reducing CO2 emissions. It will also support Bulgaria to reach the EU 2030 climate and energy targets, and a climate-neutral economy by 2050.

Today's adoption of the TJTPs completes the approval of a total €11 billion Cohesion Policy investments (2021-2027) supporting a more competitive, cohesive and greener Bulgaria, leaving no one behind. With this adoption, the programming of JTF in the EU has been completed, and efforts now focus on implementation. In total, 96 regions from all EU Member States receive support from the Fund through 70 plans.

For more information, a press release is available online.

(For more information: Stefan De Keersmaecker - Tel.: +32 2 298 46 80; Ana Apse-Paese - Tel.: +32 2 298 73 48)


La Commission reçoit la quatrième demande de paiement de l'Espagne au titre de la facilité pour la reprise et la résilience

Hier, la Commission a reçu la quatrième demande de paiement de l'Espagne pour un montant de 10 milliards d'euros sous forme de subventions (déduction faite des préfinancements).

La quatrième demande de paiement de l'Espagne porte sur un total de 44 jalons et 17 cibles.

Il couvre des réformes transformatrices dans des domaines tels que l'efficacité énergétique du logement, la protection de la biodiversité, les systèmes d'irrigation, la gestion des déchets, le soutien à la numérisation et à la cybersécurité, le renforcement de la coopération interterritoriale, la numérisation des services publics et les mesures visant à soutenir la réforme des retraites qui préservent l'adéquation des retraites et garantissent la viabilité budgétaire du système de retraite.

La demande couvre également des investissements importants dans des domaines tels que les infrastructures pour véhicules électriques, les chemins de fer, la numérisation, la recherche et le développement, afin de soutenir de nouveaux pôles d'innovation numérique, de sensibiliser à la cybersécurité, d'élaborer une boîte à outils numérique pour les entreprises et d'accroître les offres d'enseignement et de formation professionnels.

Les paiements au titre de la FRR sont fondés sur les performances et dépendent de la mise en œuvre, par l'Espagne, des investissements et des réformes décrits dans son plan pour la reprise et la résilience.

La Commission va maintenant évaluer la demande, transmettre ensuite son évaluation préliminaire et s'assurer du respect, par l'Espagne, des jalons et cibles requis pour ce paiement auprès du comité économique et financier du Conseil.

L' ensemble du plan pour la reprise et la résilience de l'Espagne sera financé par 163 milliards d'euros (80 milliards d'euros sous forme de subventions et 83 milliards d'euros de prêts). De plus amples informations sur le processus des demandes de paiement au titre de la FRR sont disponibles dans la présente question. De plus amples informations concernant le plan espagnol pour la reprise et la résilience sont disponibles ici.

(Pour plus d'informations: Daniel Ferrie — Tél: + 32 2 298 65 00 ; Saul Goulding — Tél.: + 32 229 64735).


Commission disburses REPowerEU pre-financing payments to Austria, Czechia, Denmark, Lithuania and Portugal under the Recovery and Resilience Facility

Today, the Commission has disbursed €42.06 million to Austria, €147.09 million to Czechia, €39.3 million to Denmark, €39.6 million to Lithuania, as well as €171.08 million to Portugal, in pre-financing relating to the REPowerEU funds under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).  
These pre-financing payments will help to kick-start the implementation of the crucial investment and reform measures outlined in each REPowerEU chapter. This will accelerate the delivery on the REPowerEU Plan's objectives to save energy, produce clean energy and diversify energy supplies, with a view to make Europe independent from Russian fossil fuels in light of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Today's disbursements follow Council's approval of these country's revised plans, which include a REPowerEU chapter, and the signature of financial agreements. 
Pre-financing payments, paid out in either one or two steps, are equivalent to up to 20% of the additional funds requested to finance each country's REPowerEU chapter. If the pre-financing is paid out in two steps, the second part is to be paid within 12 months following the disbursement of the first part.

More information on the measures included in the REPowerEU chapters can be found for Austria here, for Czechia here, for Denmark here, for Lithuania here, and for Portugal here. The Council has approved all 23 REPowerEU chapters that have been submitted so far. For more information on REPowerEU and the link with the overall RRF, please consult this Q&A.   

(For more information: Daniel Ferrie — Tél: + 32 2 298 65 00; Marajke Slomka – Tel.: +32 229-82613; Saul Goulding - Tel: +32 229-64735) 


La Commission publie des rapports de surveillance post-programme pour l'Irlande, la Grèce, l'Espagne, Chypre et le Portugal 

La Commission a publié aujourd'hui les derniers cycles de rapports de surveillance post-programme pour l'Irlande, la Grèce, l'Espagne, Chypre et le Portugal

Les rapports de surveillance post-programme évaluent la situation économique, budgétaire et financière des États membres qui ont bénéficié de programmes d'assistance financière afin de garantir qu'ils conservent leur capacité à assurer le service de leur dette. 

Ces rapports de surveillance post-programme concluent que les cinq États membres conservent cette capacité.

(Pour plus d'informations: Daniel Ferrie — Tél: + 32 2 298 65 00 ; Marajke Slomka + 32 2 29 82613) 


EU Agri-Food Trade Surplus grows by 18% in 12 months

The European Commission has today published its latest monthly agri-food trade report. It shows that the EU agri-food trade surplus reached €6.7 billion in September 2023, marking a 18% increase compared to September 2022. The cumulative trade balance from January to September 2023 reached €51 billion, which is €8.5 billion higher compared to the same period in 2022.

The United Kingdom, the United States, and China retained their positions as the top three destinations for EU agri-food exports between January and September 2023. In terms of imports, reductions in imported products were observed in oilseeds and protein crops as well as vegetable oils, attributed to decreases in both prices and volumes. Import decreases in 2023 were notable from Brazil, Argentina, Australia, China, and Indonesia.

More information, as well as the report, is available online.

(For more information: Olof Gill – Tel.: +32 2 296 59 66; Myrto-Amaryllis Lappa — Tel.: +32 2 299 70 98)


Inauguration d'un nouveau supercalculateur européen de rang mondial en Espagne

MareNostrum 5, le dernier supercalculateur européen en date de classe mondiale a été inauguré aujourd'hui à Barcelone, en Espagne. Actuellement classé parmi les 10 supercalculateurs les plus puissants au monde, il est hébergé au centre de supercalcul de Barcelone et sera accessible à un large éventail d'utilisateurs européens du monde scientifique et de l'industrie à partir de mars 2024.

MareNostrum 5 a en performance de crête une puissance de calcul de 314 pétaflops, ce qui veut dire qu'il peut effectuer 314 millions de milliards de calculs par seconde. C'est également le supercalculateur le plus vert d'Europe. Il sera hautement efficace sur le plan énergétique et fonctionnera intégralement à l'énergie durable. La chaleur qu'il produit sera utilisée pour chauffer le bâtiment où il est situé.

Margrethe Vestager, vice-présidente exécutive, a déclaré : « MareNostrum 5 marque un grand pas en avant en ce qui concerne la puissance de supercalcul de l'Europe en rejoignant la famille déjà imposante de supercalculateurs présents dans l'UE. Il stimulera les efforts réalisés dans de nombreux domaines, en mettant particulièrement l'accent sur les applications pour la santé. Ce faisant, il est le supercalculateur le plus écologique d'Europe à ce jour : il est entièrement alimenté par des énergies renouvelables. Il constitue la preuve que les transitions numérique et écologique peuvent aller de concert. »

Vous trouverez plus d'informations dans notre communiqué de presse.

(Pour plus d'informations : Johannes Bahrke - Tél : +32 2 295 86 15 ; Roberta Verbanac - Tél : +32 2 298 24 98)


HERA adopts its 2024 Work Plan

Today, the Commission's Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) adopted its 2024 Work Plan with a budget of over €730 million, consisting of around €470 million from the EU4Health programme and approximately €260 million from Horizon Europe. Building upon previous accomplishments, such as the EU Vaccine Strategy and HERA Invest, a financing mechanism designed to attract and leverage private and public investments in innovative technologies related to medical countermeasures, HERA will continue to scale up the EU's overall preparedness for future health threats.

In line with the Communication addressing medicine shortages in the EU, HERA will continue  collaborating closely with Member States and industrial partners to ensure a resilient supply of crucial medicines. This entails monitoring of supply and demand, the development of a matchmaking platform, joint procurements and capacity reservation contracts. HERA will also promote a coordinated approach to ensure the EU's security of supply with partners and stakeholders at EU and global level, notably through a Critical Medicines Alliance, to be launched in early 2024.

Among HERA's key priorities for the upcoming year is the continued development and implementation of the next-generation vaccine strategy. Furthermore, HERA seeks to strengthen its strategic approach to stockpiling through joint action and a study aimed at formulating innovative, sustainable solutions.

Finally, in the domain of threat assessment and intelligence gathering, HERA will expand the Global Wastewater Sentinel System and establish an international consortium focused on surveillance of COVID and other viruses in wastewater. The program is intended to attract funding from various sources, and will, as a first step, cover more than 20 airports across Europe and Africa, in cooperation with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Commissioner Kyriakides said: “Since its establishment in September 2021, HERA is the EU's first line of defence against emerging health threats, helping to monitor them and putting in place the means to respond effectively. Building on this important work, in 2024 HERA will continue its mission to further enhance the EU's preparedness and response capacity to health emergencies and protect our citizens, as an integral part of the health security pillar of our European Health Union.”

(For more information: Stefan De Keersmaecker - Tel.: +32 2 298 46 80; Ana Apse-Paese - Tel.: +32 2 298 73 48)


L'UE alloue une aide humanitaire supplémentaire de 2,6 millions d'euros aux réfugiés maliens en Mauritanie

L'UE débloque un financement humanitaire supplémentaire de 2,6 millions d'euros pour répondre aux besoins urgents en Mauritanie en raison de l'afflux croissant de personnes en provenance du Mali.

Au cours des derniers mois, plusieurs blocus imposés par des groupes armés non étatiques, la contre-offensive des forces armées maliennes et le retrait de la Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations unies pour la stabilisation au Mali (MINUSMA) ont accéléré les déplacements forcés depuis le Mali, imposant un lourd tribut à la Mauritanie frontalière. 

Le financement humanitaire supplémentaire s'ajoute à la réponse initiale de 500 000 d'euros débloquée ce mois-ci par l'UE pour répondre aux besoins des réfugiés à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur des camps, ainsi qu'à l'aide humanitaire de 8,5 millions d'euros déjà allouée à la Mauritanie cette année.

Ce nouveau financement vise à renforcer la réponse aux besoins d'assistance alimentaire des personnes déplacées de force, en soutenant nos partenaires humanitaires, le Programme alimentaire mondial (PAM) et Action contre la faim (ACF), et en fournissant un soutien logistique pour les atteindre, par l'intermédiaire du Service aérien humanitaire des Nations unies (UNHAS). 

Le commissaire Lenarčič a déclaré : « Nous ne pouvons pas ignorer l'impact de la situation sécuritaire au Mali sur les pays voisins et les communautés d'accueil des réfugiés. Nous continuerons à travailler avec nos partenaires humanitaires sur le terrain pour répondre aux besoins des plus vulnérables qui fuient le Mali et trouvent refuge en Mauritanie. Soulignant notre engagement constant, nous débloquons 2,6 millions d'euros supplémentaires d'aide humanitaire pour fournir de l'aide à ceux qui en ont le plus besoin ».

(Pour plus d'informations: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78; Daniel Puglisi - Tel.: +32 2 296 91 40)


Commission approves €17.7 billion Italian State aid scheme to support development of centralised electricity storage system

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules a €17.7 billion Italian scheme to support the construction and operation of a centralised electricity storage system. The measure contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the European Green Deal and 'Fit for 55' package, by enabling the integration of renewable energy sources in the Italian electricity system.

The scheme notified by Italy will support the construction of electricity storage facilities with a joint capacity of more than 9 GW/71 GWh. The scheme will run until 31 December 2033. The measure aims to facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources (‘RES') in the Italian electricity system. The production of electricity by RES does not always coincide with periods of electricity demand. Electricity storage systems allow to store excess electricity at times of overgeneration and to use it at times of scarcity, thereby reducing RES curtailment and the need to produce additional electricity through programmable but polluting power plants (e.g. fossil fuel fired plants).

Under the scheme, the aid will take the form of annual payments covering investment and operating costs to electricity storage developers. The beneficiaries will be selected through a competitive, transparent, and non-discriminatory bidding process, where electricity storage developers will compete based on offers relating to the lowest amount of aid requested per offered capacity volume.

As part of the measure, a new “time-shifting trading platform” will be set-up. Through this platform, storage capacity will be pooled and offered to third parties in the form of standardised time-shifting products.

The Commission assessed the scheme under EU State aid rules, in particular Article 107 (3)(c) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (‘TFEU'), which enables Member States to support the development of certain economic activities subject to certain conditions, and the 2022 Guidelines on State aid for climate, environmental protection and energy (‘CEEAG'). On this basis, the Commission approved the Italian scheme under EU State aid rules.

Executive Vice President Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: “We have approved this €17.7 billion Italian scheme today, which will significantly contribute to the EU's decarbonisation and climate neutrality targets. Centralised electricity storage provides flexibility and facilitates the deployment of renewable sources. This innovative scheme will help accelerate the green transition, while minimising any potential distortions to competition.”

A press release is available online.

(For more information: Lea Zuber– Tel.: +32 2 295 62 98; Nina Ferreira - Tel.: +32 2 299 81 63)


Commission approves €400 million Spanish State aid scheme to support agricultural producers' payment of insurance premiums

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €400 million Spanish scheme to support agricultural producers to pay insurance premiums covering the risk of damages on vegetable products and livestock.

The aim of the scheme is to ensure coverage for the risk of damage to certain vegetable products and livestock caused by certain climatic events, animal diseases, plant pests, the removal and destruction of fallen stock, and damage caused by protected animals. The measure contributes to the achievement of the objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy by helping preserve stable incomes for agricultural producers.

The scheme is open to small and medium-sized companies active in agricultural primary production in Spain who apply for the aid when taking out an insurance policy.The eligible beneficiaries are entitled to receive an aid amount of up to: (i) 70% of their insurance premiums in general; (ii) 75% of their insurance premiums for the destruction of fallen stock; and (iii) 100% of their insurance premiums for the removal of fallen stock. The scheme will run until 31 December 2024.

The Commission assessed the scheme under Article 107(3)(c) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which allows Member States to support the development of certain economic activities under certain conditions, and under the Guidelines for State aid in the agricultural and forestry sectors and in rural areas. The Commission found that the scheme is necessary and appropriate to ensure a stable income for agricultural producers. The measure is proportionate, as it is limited to the minimum necessary to achieve its objective. Moreover, its positive effects outweigh any potential distortion of competition and trade in the EU. On this basis, the Commission approved the Spanish scheme under EU State aid rules.

The non-confidential version of the decision will be made available under the case number SA.109911 in the State aid register on the Commission's competition website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved.

(For more information: Lea Zuber– Tel.: +32 2 295 62 98; Nina Ferreira - Tel.: +32 2 299 81 63)




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