Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament | Nieuws | Europees Parlement


Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament 


The European Parliament was awarded the Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania, and President Metsola the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas.

At the award ceremony today in Vilnius, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola thanked the Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament, for its decision to honour the European Parliament with the 2023 Freedom Prize.

President Metsola said in her keynote speech marking the Day of Defenders of Freedom:

“This award does the European Parliament a great honour. It will inspire us to continue our support of democracy. It will inspire us to stand up for Europe. Lithuania knows only too well what is at stake. Why we need Europe to stand up for our freedoms and our values. Why we must stand firmly for Ukraine. Why Europe must be the light that the world sees."

On 23 November 2023, the Seimas awarded the European Parliament and Petras Plumpa, political prisoner and participant in the Lithuanian unarmed anti-Soviet resistance, with the 2023 Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania.

The European Parliament received the Prize for its current efforts to consolidate democracy and human rights, for defending the right of nations to sovereignty, for its unrelenting efforts towards historical justice, for supporting the cause of Lithuania’s freedom and the aspiration of the Soviet-occupied Baltic States towards independence, for the diplomatic assistance to Lithuania that restored its independence, and for its contribution to EU integration. As far back as 1983, the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning the Soviet Union’s occupation of the Baltic States.

President Metsola´s visit to Lithuania kicked off a series of visits to Member States to 'Get out the vote' in the run up to the European elections on 6-9 June. During her visits, the President meets with the country's leadership, and holds town hall discussions with young people and civil society representatives to highlight the importance of election participation and strengthening democracy.

You can find the full speech of President Metsola here.

President Metsola awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas

On Friday 12 January 2024, President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas to the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola “for her leadership and personal will to effectively consolidate strong support of the majority of the European Parliament’s political groups on key issues relevant to the European Union’s and Lithuania’s political agenda”.

President Metsola wholeheartedly thanked President Nauseda and the people of Lithuania for the prestigious award:

“It serves as a constant reminder of our duty to defend democracy, freedom and our common European values.”


The Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania is awarded every year on 13 January, the Day of the Defenders of Freedom, to mark the events of 13 January 1991, when Soviet troops stormed the Lithuanian Parliament, the TV Tower, and the Lithuanian Radio and Television building, killing 11 peaceful citizens and injuring hundreds of others.

The Freedom Prize was established in 2011 to honour individuals and organisations for their achievements in and contribution to the defence of human rights, development of democracy, and promotion of international cooperation for the cause of self-determination and sovereignty of the nations in Central and Eastern Europe.

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    Terug naar pagina : Pers Pers   Huidige pagina: Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament  
    Terug naar pagina : Pers Pers   Terug naar pagina : Pers Pers  Terug naar pagina : PersPers  Huidige pagina: Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament   Huidige pagina: Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament   Huidige pagina:Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament  Terug naar pagina : Pers Pers  Terug naar pagina : PersPers 

    Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament 


    The European Parliament was awarded the Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania, and President Metsola the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas.

    At the award ceremony today in Vilnius, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola thanked the Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament, for its decision to honour the European Parliament with the 2023 Freedom Prize.

    President Metsola said in her keynote speech marking the Day of Defenders of Freedom:

    “This award does the European Parliament a great honour. It will inspire us to continue our support of democracy. It will inspire us to stand up for Europe. Lithuania knows only too well what is at stake. Why we need Europe to stand up for our freedoms and our values. Why we must stand firmly for Ukraine. Why Europe must be the light that the world sees."

    On 23 November 2023, the Seimas awarded the European Parliament and Petras Plumpa, political prisoner and participant in the Lithuanian unarmed anti-Soviet resistance, with the 2023 Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania.

    The European Parliament received the Prize for its current efforts to consolidate democracy and human rights, for defending the right of nations to sovereignty, for its unrelenting efforts towards historical justice, for supporting the cause of Lithuania’s freedom and the aspiration of the Soviet-occupied Baltic States towards independence, for the diplomatic assistance to Lithuania that restored its independence, and for its contribution to EU integration. As far back as 1983, the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning the Soviet Union’s occupation of the Baltic States.

    President Metsola´s visit to Lithuania kicked off a series of visits to Member States to 'Get out the vote' in the run up to the European elections on 6-9 June. During her visits, the President meets with the country's leadership, and holds town hall discussions with young people and civil society representatives to highlight the importance of election participation and strengthening democracy.

    You can find the full speech of President Metsola here.

    President Metsola awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas

    On Friday 12 January 2024, President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas to the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola “for her leadership and personal will to effectively consolidate strong support of the majority of the European Parliament’s political groups on key issues relevant to the European Union’s and Lithuania’s political agenda”.

    President Metsola wholeheartedly thanked President Nauseda and the people of Lithuania for the prestigious award:

    “It serves as a constant reminder of our duty to defend democracy, freedom and our common European values.”


    The Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania is awarded every year on 13 January, the Day of the Defenders of Freedom, to mark the events of 13 January 1991, when Soviet troops stormed the Lithuanian Parliament, the TV Tower, and the Lithuanian Radio and Television building, killing 11 peaceful citizens and injuring hundreds of others.

    The Freedom Prize was established in 2011 to honour individuals and organisations for their achievements in and contribution to the defence of human rights, development of democracy, and promotion of international cooperation for the cause of self-determination and sovereignty of the nations in Central and Eastern Europe.


    Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament 


    Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament 


    Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament 


    Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament 


    Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament 


    Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament 

    Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament 
    Metsola in Lithuania: Freedom Prize awarded to the European Parliament 

    The European Parliament was awarded the Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania, and President Metsola the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas.

    At the award ceremony today in Vilnius, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola thanked the Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament, for its decision to honour the European Parliament with the 2023 Freedom Prize.

    President Metsola said in her keynote speech marking the Day of Defenders of Freedom:

    “This award does the European Parliament a great honour. It will inspire us to continue our support of democracy. It will inspire us to stand up for Europe. Lithuania knows only too well what is at stake. Why we need Europe to stand up for our freedoms and our values. Why we must stand firmly for Ukraine. Why Europe must be the light that the world sees."

    On 23 November 2023, the Seimas awarded the European Parliament and Petras Plumpa, political prisoner and participant in the Lithuanian unarmed anti-Soviet resistance, with the 2023 Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania.

    The European Parliament received the Prize for its current efforts to consolidate democracy and human rights, for defending the right of nations to sovereignty, for its unrelenting efforts towards historical justice, for supporting the cause of Lithuania’s freedom and the aspiration of the Soviet-occupied Baltic States towards independence, for the diplomatic assistance to Lithuania that restored its independence, and for its contribution to EU integration. As far back as 1983, the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning the Soviet Union’s occupation of the Baltic States.

    President Metsola´s visit to Lithuania kicked off a series of visits to Member States to 'Get out the vote' in the run up to the European elections on 6-9 June. During her visits, the President meets with the country's leadership, and holds town hall discussions with young people and civil society representatives to highlight the importance of election participation and strengthening democracy.

    You can find the full speech of President Metsola here.

    President Metsola awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas

    On Friday 12 January 2024, President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas to the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola “for her leadership and personal will to effectively consolidate strong support of the majority of the European Parliament’s political groups on key issues relevant to the European Union’s and Lithuania’s political agenda”.

    President Metsola wholeheartedly thanked President Nauseda and the people of Lithuania for the prestigious award:

    “It serves as a constant reminder of our duty to defend democracy, freedom and our common European values.”


    The Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania is awarded every year on 13 January, the Day of the Defenders of Freedom, to mark the events of 13 January 1991, when Soviet troops stormed the Lithuanian Parliament, the TV Tower, and the Lithuanian Radio and Television building, killing 11 peaceful citizens and injuring hundreds of others.

    The Freedom Prize was established in 2011 to honour individuals and organisations for their achievements in and contribution to the defence of human rights, development of democracy, and promotion of international cooperation for the cause of self-determination and sovereignty of the nations in Central and Eastern Europe.


    The European Parliament was awarded the Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania, and President Metsola the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas.

    At the award ceremony today in Vilnius, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola thanked the Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament, for its decision to honour the European Parliament with the 2023 Freedom Prize.

    President Metsola said in her keynote speech marking the Day of Defenders of Freedom:

    “This award does the European Parliament a great honour. It will inspire us to continue our support of democracy. It will inspire us to stand up for Europe. Lithuania knows only too well what is at stake. Why we need Europe to stand up for our freedoms and our values. Why we must stand firmly for Ukraine. Why Europe must be the light that the world sees."

    On 23 November 2023, the Seimas awarded the European Parliament and Petras Plumpa, political prisoner and participant in the Lithuanian unarmed anti-Soviet resistance, with the 2023 Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania.

    The European Parliament received the Prize for its current efforts to consolidate democracy and human rights, for defending the right of nations to sovereignty, for its unrelenting efforts towards historical justice, for supporting the cause of Lithuania’s freedom and the aspiration of the Soviet-occupied Baltic States towards independence, for the diplomatic assistance to Lithuania that restored its independence, and for its contribution to EU integration. As far back as 1983, the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning the Soviet Union’s occupation of the Baltic States.

    President Metsola´s visit to Lithuania kicked off a series of visits to Member States to 'Get out the vote' in the run up to the European elections on 6-9 June. During her visits, the President meets with the country's leadership, and holds town hall discussions with young people and civil society representatives to highlight the importance of election participation and strengthening democracy.

    You can find the full speech of President Metsola here.

    President Metsola awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas

    On Friday 12 January 2024, President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas to the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola “for her leadership and personal will to effectively consolidate strong support of the majority of the European Parliament’s political groups on key issues relevant to the European Union’s and Lithuania’s political agenda”.

    President Metsola wholeheartedly thanked President Nauseda and the people of Lithuania for the prestigious award:

    “It serves as a constant reminder of our duty to defend democracy, freedom and our common European values.”


    The Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania is awarded every year on 13 January, the Day of the Defenders of Freedom, to mark the events of 13 January 1991, when Soviet troops stormed the Lithuanian Parliament, the TV Tower, and the Lithuanian Radio and Television building, killing 11 peaceful citizens and injuring hundreds of others.

    The Freedom Prize was established in 2011 to honour individuals and organisations for their achievements in and contribution to the defence of human rights, development of democracy, and promotion of international cooperation for the cause of self-determination and sovereignty of the nations in Central and Eastern Europe.


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    The European Parliament was awarded the Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania, and President Metsola the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas.

    At the award ceremony today in Vilnius, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola thanked the Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament, for its decision to honour the European Parliament with the 2023 Freedom Prize.

    President Metsola said in her keynote speech marking the Day of Defenders of Freedom:

    “This award does the European Parliament a great honour. It will inspire us to continue our support of democracy. It will inspire us to stand up for Europe. Lithuania knows only too well what is at stake. Why we need Europe to stand up for our freedoms and our values. Why we must stand firmly for Ukraine. Why Europe must be the light that the world sees."

    On 23 November 2023, the Seimas awarded the European Parliament and Petras Plumpa, political prisoner and participant in the Lithuanian unarmed anti-Soviet resistance, with the 2023 Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania.

    The European Parliament received the Prize for its current efforts to consolidate democracy and human rights, for defending the right of nations to sovereignty, for its unrelenting efforts towards historical justice, for supporting the cause of Lithuania’s freedom and the aspiration of the Soviet-occupied Baltic States towards independence, for the diplomatic assistance to Lithuania that restored its independence, and for its contribution to EU integration. As far back as 1983, the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning the Soviet Union’s occupation of the Baltic States.

    President Metsola´s visit to Lithuania kicked off a series of visits to Member States to 'Get out the vote' in the run up to the European elections on 6-9 June. During her visits, the President meets with the country's leadership, and holds town hall discussions with young people and civil society representatives to highlight the importance of election participation and strengthening democracy.

    You can find the full speech of President Metsola here.

    President Metsola awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas

    On Friday 12 January 2024, President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas to the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola “for her leadership and personal will to effectively consolidate strong support of the majority of the European Parliament’s political groups on key issues relevant to the European Union’s and Lithuania’s political agenda”.

    President Metsola wholeheartedly thanked President Nauseda and the people of Lithuania for the prestigious award:

    “It serves as a constant reminder of our duty to defend democracy, freedom and our common European values.”


    The Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania is awarded every year on 13 January, the Day of the Defenders of Freedom, to mark the events of 13 January 1991, when Soviet troops stormed the Lithuanian Parliament, the TV Tower, and the Lithuanian Radio and Television building, killing 11 peaceful citizens and injuring hundreds of others.

    The Freedom Prize was established in 2011 to honour individuals and organisations for their achievements in and contribution to the defence of human rights, development of democracy, and promotion of international cooperation for the cause of self-determination and sovereignty of the nations in Central and Eastern Europe.

    The European Parliament was awarded the Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania, and President Metsola the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas.

    At the award ceremony today in Vilnius, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola thanked the Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament, for its decision to honour the European Parliament with the 2023 Freedom Prize.

    President Metsola said in her keynote speech marking the Day of Defenders of Freedom:

    “This award does the European Parliament a great honour. It will inspire us to continue our support of democracy. It will inspire us to stand up for Europe. Lithuania knows only too well what is at stake. Why we need Europe to stand up for our freedoms and our values. Why we must stand firmly for Ukraine. Why Europe must be the light that the world sees."

    On 23 November 2023, the Seimas awarded the European Parliament and Petras Plumpa, political prisoner and participant in the Lithuanian unarmed anti-Soviet resistance, with the 2023 Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania.

    The European Parliament received the Prize for its current efforts to consolidate democracy and human rights, for defending the right of nations to sovereignty, for its unrelenting efforts towards historical justice, for supporting the cause of Lithuania’s freedom and the aspiration of the Soviet-occupied Baltic States towards independence, for the diplomatic assistance to Lithuania that restored its independence, and for its contribution to EU integration. As far back as 1983, the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning the Soviet Union’s occupation of the Baltic States.

    President Metsola´s visit to Lithuania kicked off a series of visits to Member States to 'Get out the vote' in the run up to the European elections on 6-9 June. During her visits, the President meets with the country's leadership, and holds town hall discussions with young people and civil society representatives to highlight the importance of election participation and strengthening democracy.

    You can find the full speech of President Metsola here.

    President Metsola awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas

    On Friday 12 January 2024, President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas to the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola “for her leadership and personal will to effectively consolidate strong support of the majority of the European Parliament’s political groups on key issues relevant to the European Union’s and Lithuania’s political agenda”.

    President Metsola wholeheartedly thanked President Nauseda and the people of Lithuania for the prestigious award:

    “It serves as a constant reminder of our duty to defend democracy, freedom and our common European values.”


    The Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania is awarded every year on 13 January, the Day of the Defenders of Freedom, to mark the events of 13 January 1991, when Soviet troops stormed the Lithuanian Parliament, the TV Tower, and the Lithuanian Radio and Television building, killing 11 peaceful citizens and injuring hundreds of others.

    The Freedom Prize was established in 2011 to honour individuals and organisations for their achievements in and contribution to the defence of human rights, development of democracy, and promotion of international cooperation for the cause of self-determination and sovereignty of the nations in Central and Eastern Europe.

    The European Parliament was awarded the Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania, and President Metsola the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas.

    At the award ceremony today in Vilnius, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola thanked the Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament, for its decision to honour the European Parliament with the 2023 Freedom Prize.

    President Metsola said in her keynote speech marking the Day of Defenders of Freedom:

    “This award does the European Parliament a great honour. It will inspire us to continue our support of democracy. It will inspire us to stand up for Europe. Lithuania knows only too well what is at stake. Why we need Europe to stand up for our freedoms and our values. Why we must stand firmly for Ukraine. Why Europe must be the light that the world sees."

    On 23 November 2023, the Seimas awarded the European Parliament and Petras Plumpa, political prisoner and participant in the Lithuanian unarmed anti-Soviet resistance, with the 2023 Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania.

    The European Parliament received the Prize for its current efforts to consolidate democracy and human rights, for defending the right of nations to sovereignty, for its unrelenting efforts towards historical justice, for supporting the cause of Lithuania’s freedom and the aspiration of the Soviet-occupied Baltic States towards independence, for the diplomatic assistance to Lithuania that restored its independence, and for its contribution to EU integration. As far back as 1983, the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning the Soviet Union’s occupation of the Baltic States.

    President Metsola´s visit to Lithuania kicked off a series of visits to Member States to 'Get out the vote' in the run up to the European elections on 6-9 June. During her visits, the President meets with the country's leadership, and holds town hall discussions with young people and civil society representatives to highlight the importance of election participation and strengthening democracy.

    You can find the full speech of President Metsola here.

    President Metsola awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas

    On Friday 12 January 2024, President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas to the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola “for her leadership and personal will to effectively consolidate strong support of the majority of the European Parliament’s political groups on key issues relevant to the European Union’s and Lithuania’s political agenda”.

    President Metsola wholeheartedly thanked President Nauseda and the people of Lithuania for the prestigious award:

    “It serves as a constant reminder of our duty to defend democracy, freedom and our common European values.”


    The Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania is awarded every year on 13 January, the Day of the Defenders of Freedom, to mark the events of 13 January 1991, when Soviet troops stormed the Lithuanian Parliament, the TV Tower, and the Lithuanian Radio and Television building, killing 11 peaceful citizens and injuring hundreds of others.

    The Freedom Prize was established in 2011 to honour individuals and organisations for their achievements in and contribution to the defence of human rights, development of democracy, and promotion of international cooperation for the cause of self-determination and sovereignty of the nations in Central and Eastern Europe.

    The European Parliament was awarded the Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania, and President Metsola the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas.

    The European Parliament was awarded the Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania, and President Metsola the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas.

    The European Parliament was awarded the Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania, and President Metsola the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas.

    The European Parliament was awarded the Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania, and President Metsola the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas.

    At the award ceremony today in Vilnius, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola thanked the Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament, for its decision to honour the European Parliament with the 2023 Freedom Prize.

    President Metsola said in her keynote speech marking the Day of Defenders of Freedom:

    “This award does the European Parliament a great honour. It will inspire us to continue our support of democracy. It will inspire us to stand up for Europe. Lithuania knows only too well what is at stake. Why we need Europe to stand up for our freedoms and our values. Why we must stand firmly for Ukraine. Why Europe must be the light that the world sees."

    On 23 November 2023, the Seimas awarded the European Parliament and Petras Plumpa, political prisoner and participant in the Lithuanian unarmed anti-Soviet resistance, with the 2023 Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania.

    The European Parliament received the Prize for its current efforts to consolidate democracy and human rights, for defending the right of nations to sovereignty, for its unrelenting efforts towards historical justice, for supporting the cause of Lithuania’s freedom and the aspiration of the Soviet-occupied Baltic States towards independence, for the diplomatic assistance to Lithuania that restored its independence, and for its contribution to EU integration. As far back as 1983, the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning the Soviet Union’s occupation of the Baltic States.

    President Metsola´s visit to Lithuania kicked off a series of visits to Member States to 'Get out the vote' in the run up to the European elections on 6-9 June. During her visits, the President meets with the country's leadership, and holds town hall discussions with young people and civil society representatives to highlight the importance of election participation and strengthening democracy.

    You can find the full speech of President Metsola here.

    President Metsola awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas

    On Friday 12 January 2024, President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas to the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola “for her leadership and personal will to effectively consolidate strong support of the majority of the European Parliament’s political groups on key issues relevant to the European Union’s and Lithuania’s political agenda”.

    President Metsola wholeheartedly thanked President Nauseda and the people of Lithuania for the prestigious award:

    “It serves as a constant reminder of our duty to defend democracy, freedom and our common European values.”


    The Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania is awarded every year on 13 January, the Day of the Defenders of Freedom, to mark the events of 13 January 1991, when Soviet troops stormed the Lithuanian Parliament, the TV Tower, and the Lithuanian Radio and Television building, killing 11 peaceful citizens and injuring hundreds of others.

    The Freedom Prize was established in 2011 to honour individuals and organisations for their achievements in and contribution to the defence of human rights, development of democracy, and promotion of international cooperation for the cause of self-determination and sovereignty of the nations in Central and Eastern Europe.

    At the award ceremony today in Vilnius, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola thanked the Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament, for its decision to honour the European Parliament with the 2023 Freedom Prize.

    President Metsola said in her keynote speech marking the Day of Defenders of Freedom:

    “This award does the European Parliament a great honour. It will inspire us to continue our support of democracy. It will inspire us to stand up for Europe. Lithuania knows only too well what is at stake. Why we need Europe to stand up for our freedoms and our values. Why we must stand firmly for Ukraine. Why Europe must be the light that the world sees."

    On 23 November 2023, the Seimas awarded the European Parliament and Petras Plumpa, political prisoner and participant in the Lithuanian unarmed anti-Soviet resistance, with the 2023 Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania.

    The European Parliament received the Prize for its current efforts to consolidate democracy and human rights, for defending the right of nations to sovereignty, for its unrelenting efforts towards historical justice, for supporting the cause of Lithuania’s freedom and the aspiration of the Soviet-occupied Baltic States towards independence, for the diplomatic assistance to Lithuania that restored its independence, and for its contribution to EU integration. As far back as 1983, the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning the Soviet Union’s occupation of the Baltic States.

    President Metsola´s visit to Lithuania kicked off a series of visits to Member States to 'Get out the vote' in the run up to the European elections on 6-9 June. During her visits, the President meets with the country's leadership, and holds town hall discussions with young people and civil society representatives to highlight the importance of election participation and strengthening democracy.

    You can find the full speech of President Metsola here.

    President Metsola awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas

    On Friday 12 January 2024, President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas to the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola “for her leadership and personal will to effectively consolidate strong support of the majority of the European Parliament’s political groups on key issues relevant to the European Union’s and Lithuania’s political agenda”.

    President Metsola wholeheartedly thanked President Nauseda and the people of Lithuania for the prestigious award:

    “It serves as a constant reminder of our duty to defend democracy, freedom and our common European values.”


    The Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania is awarded every year on 13 January, the Day of the Defenders of Freedom, to mark the events of 13 January 1991, when Soviet troops stormed the Lithuanian Parliament, the TV Tower, and the Lithuanian Radio and Television building, killing 11 peaceful citizens and injuring hundreds of others.

    The Freedom Prize was established in 2011 to honour individuals and organisations for their achievements in and contribution to the defence of human rights, development of democracy, and promotion of international cooperation for the cause of self-determination and sovereignty of the nations in Central and Eastern Europe.

    At the award ceremony today in Vilnius, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola thanked the Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament, for its decision to honour the European Parliament with the 2023 Freedom Prize.

    President Metsola said in her keynote speech marking the Day of Defenders of Freedom:

    “This award does the European Parliament a great honour. It will inspire us to continue our support of democracy. It will inspire us to stand up for Europe. Lithuania knows only too well what is at stake. Why we need Europe to stand up for our freedoms and our values. Why we must stand firmly for Ukraine. Why Europe must be the light that the world sees."

    On 23 November 2023, the Seimas awarded the European Parliament and Petras Plumpa, political prisoner and participant in the Lithuanian unarmed anti-Soviet resistance, with the 2023 Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania.

    The European Parliament received the Prize for its current efforts to consolidate democracy and human rights, for defending the right of nations to sovereignty, for its unrelenting efforts towards historical justice, for supporting the cause of Lithuania’s freedom and the aspiration of the Soviet-occupied Baltic States towards independence, for the diplomatic assistance to Lithuania that restored its independence, and for its contribution to EU integration. As far back as 1983, the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning the Soviet Union’s occupation of the Baltic States.

    President Metsola´s visit to Lithuania kicked off a series of visits to Member States to 'Get out the vote' in the run up to the European elections on 6-9 June. During her visits, the President meets with the country's leadership, and holds town hall discussions with young people and civil society representatives to highlight the importance of election participation and strengthening democracy.

    You can find the full speech of President Metsola here.

    President Metsola awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas

    On Friday 12 January 2024, President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas to the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola “for her leadership and personal will to effectively consolidate strong support of the majority of the European Parliament’s political groups on key issues relevant to the European Union’s and Lithuania’s political agenda”.

    President Metsola wholeheartedly thanked President Nauseda and the people of Lithuania for the prestigious award:

    “It serves as a constant reminder of our duty to defend democracy, freedom and our common European values.”


    The Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania is awarded every year on 13 January, the Day of the Defenders of Freedom, to mark the events of 13 January 1991, when Soviet troops stormed the Lithuanian Parliament, the TV Tower, and the Lithuanian Radio and Television building, killing 11 peaceful citizens and injuring hundreds of others.

    The Freedom Prize was established in 2011 to honour individuals and organisations for their achievements in and contribution to the defence of human rights, development of democracy, and promotion of international cooperation for the cause of self-determination and sovereignty of the nations in Central and Eastern Europe.

    At the award ceremony today in Vilnius, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola thanked the Seimas, the Lithuanian Parliament, for its decision to honour the European Parliament with the 2023 Freedom Prize.

    President Metsola said in her keynote speech marking the Day of Defenders of Freedom:

    “This award does the European Parliament a great honour. It will inspire us to continue our support of democracy. It will inspire us to stand up for Europe. Lithuania knows only too well what is at stake. Why we need Europe to stand up for our freedoms and our values. Why we must stand firmly for Ukraine. Why Europe must be the light that the world sees."

    “This award does the European Parliament a great honour. It will inspire us to continue our support of democracy. It will inspire us to stand up for Europe. Lithuania knows only too well what is at stake. Why we need Europe to stand up for our freedoms and our values. Why we must stand firmly for Ukraine. Why Europe must be the light that the world sees."

    On 23 November 2023, the Seimas awarded the European Parliament and Petras Plumpa, political prisoner and participant in the Lithuanian unarmed anti-Soviet resistance, with the 2023 Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania.

    The European Parliament received the Prize for its current efforts to consolidate democracy and human rights, for defending the right of nations to sovereignty, for its unrelenting efforts towards historical justice, for supporting the cause of Lithuania’s freedom and the aspiration of the Soviet-occupied Baltic States towards independence, for the diplomatic assistance to Lithuania that restored its independence, and for its contribution to EU integration. As far back as 1983, the European Parliament adopted a resolution condemning the Soviet Union’s occupation of the Baltic States.

    President Metsola´s visit to Lithuania kicked off a series of visits to Member States to 'Get out the vote' in the run up to the European elections on 6-9 June. During her visits, the President meets with the country's leadership, and holds town hall discussions with young people and civil society representatives to highlight the importance of election participation and strengthening democracy.

    You can find the full speech of President Metsola here.


    President Metsola awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas

    President Metsola awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas

    On Friday 12 January 2024, President of the Republic of Lithuania Gitanas Nausėda awarded the Grand Cross of the Order of the Lithuanian Grand Duke Gediminas to the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola “for her leadership and personal will to effectively consolidate strong support of the majority of the European Parliament’s political groups on key issues relevant to the European Union’s and Lithuania’s political agenda”.

    for her leadership and personal will to effectively consolidate strong support of the majority of the European Parliament’s political groups on key issues relevant to the European Union’s and Lithuania’s political agenda

    President Metsola wholeheartedly thanked President Nauseda and the people of Lithuania for the prestigious award:

    “It serves as a constant reminder of our duty to defend democracy, freedom and our common European values.”

    “It serves as a constant reminder of our duty to defend democracy, freedom and our common European values.”



    The Freedom Prize of the Republic of Lithuania is awarded every year on 13 January, the Day of the Defenders of Freedom, to mark the events of 13 January 1991, when Soviet troops stormed the Lithuanian Parliament, the TV Tower, and the Lithuanian Radio and Television building, killing 11 peaceful citizens and injuring hundreds of others.

    The Freedom Prize was established in 2011 to honour individuals and organisations for their achievements in and contribution to the defence of human rights, development of democracy, and promotion of international cooperation for the cause of self-determination and sovereignty of the nations in Central and Eastern Europe.


  • Jüri LAAS 

    Jüri LAAS Jüri LAAS 
    Spokesperson of the President 
    Spokesperson of the President Spokesperson of the President 
  • Telefoonnummer: (+32) 2 28 44090 (BXL) 
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  • Antti TIMONEN 

    Antti TIMONEN Antti TIMONEN 
    Deputy Spokesperson of the President 
    Deputy Spokesperson of the President Deputy Spokesperson of the President 
  • Telefoonnummer: (+32) 2 28 31295 (BXL) 
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    Press Officer in Lithuania 
    Press Officer in Lithuania Press Officer in Lithuania 
  • Telefoonnummer: (+370) 5 263 9026 
  • Telefoonnummer: (+370) 5 263 9026 Telefoonnummer: (+370) 5 263 9026Telefoonnummer:  
  • Mobiel telefoonnummer: (+370) 656 35332 
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    Further information 

    Further information 
    Further information 
  • EP Multimedia Centre: free photos, video and audio material on President's Metsola visit to Lithuania  EP Multimedia Centre: free photos, video and audio material on President's Metsola visit to Lithuania 
  • Recording of Freedom Prize award ceremony (13.01.2024)  Recording of Freedom Prize award ceremony (13.01.2024) 


    REF.:  20240111IPR16740 


    REF.:  20240111IPR16740 
    REF.:  20240111IPR16740 
    REF.: REF.:REF.: 20240111IPR16740 20240111IPR16740 

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