Daily News 09 / 02 / 2024
La Commission lance une nouvelle alliance industrielle européenne pour les petits réacteurs modulaires
La Commission lance aujourd'hui un appel à candidatures pour la nouvelle alliance industrielle européenne pour les petits réacteurs modulaires (PRM). Les PRM sont des réacteurs nucléaires beaucoup plus petits que les centrales nucléaires conventionnelles, et leur production peut reposer sur des systèmes et des composants assemblés en usine. En renforçant la coopération au niveau de l'UE, l'Alliance accélérera le déploiement des premiers PRM dans l'UE d'ici au début des années 2030. Cela se fera dans le respect des normes les plus élevées en matière de sûreté et de sécurité nucléaires et de durabilité environnementale, tout en promouvant la compétitivité industrielle.
La Communication publiée cette semaine sur un objectif recommandé de réduction des émissions pour 2040 souligne que toutes les solutions énergétiques à émissions nulles et à faibles émissions de carbone (y compris les énergies renouvelables, le nucléaire, l'efficacité énergétique, le stockage, le CSC, le CUC, les absorptions de carbone, la géothermie et l'hydroénergie, ainsi que toutes les autres technologies énergétiques «zéro net» actuelles et futures) sont nécessaires pour décarboner le système énergétique au cours des prochaines décennies.
L'appel à candidatures lancé aujourd'hui s'adresse à un large éventail de parties prenantes, notamment des vendeurs, des services d'utilité publique, des entreprises nucléaires spécialisées, des institutions financières, des organismes de recherche, des centres de formation et des organisations de la société civile qui remplissent les critères d'éligibilité énoncés dans le mandat de l'alliance. L'appel initial sera ouvert aux candidatures jusqu'au 12 avril, suivi d'appels ultérieurs visant à garantir une adhésion à jour.
Les petits réacteurs modulaires présentent plusieurs avantages par rapport aux centrales nucléaires conventionnelles. Elles sont beaucoup plus flexibles en ce qui concerne la sélection des sites, la vitesse de construction et la quantité d'eau de refroidissement nécessaire. Ils attirent également davantage les investisseurs privés grâce à leurs coûts initiaux plus faibles et à des délais de développement plus courts. Ils sont bien adaptés à une utilisation dans des pôles énergétiques intégrés (par exemple, combinés à des énergies renouvelables parfois intermittentes) et au remplacement des centrales électriques alimentées par des combustibles fossiles. Ils sont en mesure de fournir de l'électricité et de la chaleur pour l'industrie et le chauffage urbain et pourraient être utilisés pour produire de l'hydrogène bas carbone.
De plus amples informations sont disponibles sur un site dédié.
(Pour plus d'informations : Johannes Bahrke - Tél.: +32 2 295 86 15 ; Tim McPhie – Tél.: +32 2 295 86 02 ; Ana Martinez Sanjurjo – Tél. : +32 2 296 30 66 ; Giulia Bedini – Tél: +32 2 295 86 61)
La Commission se félicite de l'accord politique sur les cartes européennes de stationnement et de handicap
La Commission européenne se félicite de l'accord politique auquel le Parlement européen et les États membres de l'Union sont parvenus hier sur la directive établissant la carte européenne du handicap et la carte européenne de stationnement pour personnes handicapées. La directive a été proposée par la Commission en septembre 2023.
La mise en place d'une carte européenne du handicap harmonisée et d'une carte européenne de stationnement améliorée facilitera la reconnaissance du statut de personne handicapée et garantira, partout dans l'UE, l'égalité d'accès aux conditions spéciales et à un traitement préférentiel lors des séjours de courte durée dans d'autres pays de l'UE. La mobilité des personnes handicapées se trouvera ainsi facilitée. Que vous visitiez la Pologne avec une carte délivrée en Espagne ou que vous soyez résident polonais, votre carte vous garantira un accès aux mêmes conditions.
Les principaux éléments de la directive sont disponibles dans le communiqué de presse en ligne.
(Pour plus d'informations : Anitta Hipper - Tél.: +32 2 298 56 91; Jördis Ferroli — Tél.: +32 2 299 27 29
Eurobarometer survey shows strong and steady support for EU humanitarian action
The results of a new Eurobarometer survey show clear support for EU humanitarian action across the 27 Member States, with 91% of respondents stating that it is important that the EU funds humanitarian aid activities. The proportion of those who think so has remained unchanged since December 2020 and has been the highest since the first survey conducted in 2010, when it was at 79%. Survey results over the years show a steady increase in public support for the EU's role in responding to humanitarian crises worldwide.
Moreover, 71% of respondents in the new survey agree that humanitarian aid is more efficient if coordinated by the EU as a whole. Almost 9 in 10 respondents hold the view that the EU should sustain or increase existing levels of humanitarian aid funding.
Janez Lenarčič, Commissioner for Crisis Management said: “The recent Eurobarometer findings demonstrate European citizens' strong and steady support for EU humanitarian action. The support for this concrete expression of EU solidarity – one of the fundamental values of the EU – is of particular importance to our efforts. Especially because we have never seen such levels of humanitarian needs worldwide. The EU together with its Member States continues to be a leading global humanitarian donor, taking on more than its share of the globally shared responsibility. Given the growing and increasingly complex humanitarian crises as well as the global funding gap, such clear support from EU citizens only strengthens our dedication and efforts to provide a lifeline to hundreds of millions of people and to mobilise the wider international community to invest in the resilience of the most vulnerable communities.”
The Special Eurobarometer survey results explore the EU citizens' attitudes towards and perception of the EU as one of the leading humanitarian aid donors. The survey was conducted in September – October 2023 in the 27 Member States. The previous Eurobarometer on EU Humanitarian Aid was conducted in November – December.
(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78; Daniel Puglisi - Tél.: +32 2 296 91 40)
L'UE alloue plus de 1,5 millions d'euros à la République démocratique du Congo en aide humanitaire
L'UE a annoncé aujourd'hui un nouveau financement de 1,5 millions d'euros pour la République démocratique du Congo (RDC), où plus de 2,2 millions de personnes ont été touchées et au moins 300 ont perdu la vie à la suite d'inondations dévastatrices. Environ 100,000 habitations ont été détruites et plus de 500,000 personnes ont été déplacées des inondations, même si ces chiffres devraient augmenter à mesure que davantage d'informations provenant des zones touchées seront disponibles. Outre les difficultés causées par les inondations, l'épidémie de choléra dans le pays, et le conflit dans certaines zones touchées par les inondations, aggravent la situation humanitaire de millions de personnes.
Les zones les plus touchées par les inondations sont Maniema, Sud-Kivu, Tanganyika, les régions Kongo-Central et Tchopo. Les fonds alloués aujourd'hui aideront les partenaires humanitaires sur le terrain à fournir de l'eau et des installations sanitaires, ainsi qu'à fournir des services de protection d' enfants et de santé.
L'Union Européenne a aussi alloué €200,000 afin que la société de la Croix-Rouge congolaise puisse apporter une assistance vitale aux victimes des inondations.
En 2023, l'UE a alloué près de € 100 millions d'aide humanitaire pour répondre aux besoins immédiats des plus vulnérables en RDC.
(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78; Daniel Puglisi - Tél.: +32 2 296 91 40)
Commission paves the way for financial support on Holocaust remembrance*
This week, the European Commission is supporting with €3 million the remembrance of the Holocaust through the creation of a ‘European Network of Places where the Holocaust happened'. The network will make a major long-term contribution to ensure the memory of the victims of the Holocaust is remembered, in line with historic factual truths. It will support the protection and preservation of Holocaust sites and raise awareness among national and local authorities, as well as the public and local communities about the Holocaust as a historical atrocity.
The EU Strategy on combating antisemitism and fostering Jewish life highlights the importance of Holocaust survivors in keeping the memory of the atrocities of the Holocaust alive. The memory of the last generation of survivors is precious and needs to be safeguarded. Holocaust sites – such as Nazi death camps, shooting grounds, deportation points and hiding places – are becoming ever more important to preserve and honour the memory of the victims and survivors, and to ensure their stories are told accurately.
Vice-President Margaritis Schinas said: “In recent months we have seen an alarming surge in antisemitic hate crimes, hate speech, conspiracy myths and disinformation reminding us of the darkest chapters of our history. We need to focus on preserving the sites scarred by the Holocaust so we may never forget what happens when we let antisemitism and other forms of hatred spread without challenge.”
The financial support is made available in a call for tenders. Organisations are invited to submit their tender by 24 May at the latest. All relevant information can be found here.
(For more information: Anitta Hipper - Tel.: +32 2 298 56 91; Jördis Ferroli - Tel.: +32 2 299 27 29
Commission adopts revised Market Definition Notice for competition cases
The European Commission has adopted a revised Market Definition Notice (“the Notice”). Market definition requires identifying the boundaries of competition between companies when assessing mergers and most antitrust cases. The revised Notice brings the Commission's guidance in line with new market realities, as well as with developments in the Commission's case practice and EU case law. It will enhance transparency and legal certainty for businesses, facilitate compliance and contribute to a more efficient competition enforcement.
The revised Notice is the first revision of the Market Definition Notice since its adoption in 1997. It reflects the significant developments of the intervening years, in particular the increased digitalisation and the new ways of offering goods and services, as well as the interconnected nature of commercial exchanges. The revised guidance is the result of a thorough and inclusive review process launched in April 2020, which involved gathering feedback from stakeholders both in the evaluation phase as well as in the context of the public consultation on the draft text. It reflects the policy orientations in the Commission's Communication “A competition policy fit for new challenges” of November 2021.
Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: “With this thorough review of our guidance, we reinforce important principles of competition enforcement and address new market realities, such as digitalisation and increasingly interconnected and globalised commercial activity. Markets are changing fast, and we need to ensure our guidance remains fit-for-purpose and effective in response to technological advances. The revised Notice will enhance transparency and legal certainty to the benefit of all stakeholders.”
A press release is available online.
(For more information: Lea Zuber – Tel.: +32 2 295 62 98; Sara Simonini - Tel.: +32 2 298 33 67)
Commission approves a €241 million Romanian State aid scheme to support agricultural producers in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine
The European Commission has approved an approximately €241 million (RON 1.2 billion) Romanian scheme to support the agricultural primary plant production sector in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework, adopted by the Commission on 9 March 2023 and amended on 20 November 2023, to support measures in sectors which are key to accelerate the green transition and reduce fuel dependencies.
Under the scheme, the aid will consist in limited amounts of aid in the form of direct grants. The measure will be open to agricultural producers of some plant products, especially winter cereals and rapeseed producers, that are at risk of losing financial liquidity due to the difficulties in the agricultural market provoked by the Russia's war against Ukraine.
In particular, under the Romanian scheme, the aid (i) will not exceed €280,000 per beneficiary; and (ii) will be granted no later than 30 June 2024. The Commission concluded that the scheme is necessary, appropriate and proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State, in line with Article 107(3)(b) TFEU and the conditions set out in the Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework. On this basis, the Commission approved the scheme under EU State aid rules.
More information on the Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework and other actions taken by the Commission to address the economic impact of Russia's war against Ukraine and foster the transition towards a net-zero economy can be found here. The non-confidential version of the decision will be made available under the case number SA.111997 in the State aid register on the Commission's competition website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved.
(For more information: Lea Zuber -Tel.: +32 2 295 62 98; Nina Ferreira - Tel.: +32 2 299 81 63)
Commission approves a €56 million Romanian State aid scheme to support the pig and poultry sectors in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine
The European Commission has approved an approximately €56 million (RON 278.6 million) Romanian scheme to support the pig and poultry sectors in the context of Russia's war against Ukraine. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework, adopted by the Commission on 9 March 2023 and amended on 20 November 2023, to support measures in sectors which are key to accelerate the green transition and reduce fuel dependencies.
Under the scheme, the aid will consist in limited amounts of aid in the form of direct grants. The measure will be open to the pig and poultry breeders that are at risk of losing financial liquidity due to the difficulties in the agricultural market provoked by the Russia's war against Ukraine.
In particular, under the Romanian scheme, the aid (i) will not exceed €280,000 per beneficiary; and (ii) will be granted no later than 30 June 2024. The Commission concluded that the scheme is necessary, appropriate and proportionate to remedy a serious disturbance in the economy of a Member State, in line with Article 107(3)(b) TFEU and the conditions set out in the Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework. On this basis, the Commission approved the scheme under EU State aid rules.
More information on the Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework and other actions taken by the Commission to address the economic impact of Russia's war against Ukraine and foster the transition towards a net-zero economy can be found here. The non-confidential version of the decision will be made available under the case number SA.112165 in the State aid register on the Commission's competition website once any confidentiality issues have been resolved.
(For more information: Lea Zuber –-Tel.: +32 2 295 62 98; Nina Ferreira - Tel.: +32 2 299 81 63)
Commission clears acquisition of Frigoscandia by Dachser
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of sole control of Frigoscandia AB of Sweden by Dachser SE of Germany.
The transaction relates primarily to the logistics sector.
The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given the companies' limited market positions resulting from the proposed transaction. The notified transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.
More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.11452.
(For more information: Lea Zuber – Tel.: +32 2 295 62 98; Sara Simonini - Tel.: +32 2 298 33 67)
Commission clears acquisition of Kiinteistö by MassMutual and Mubadala
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control of Kiinteistö Oy Viinikankaski 1 (‘Kiinsteistö') of Finland by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (‘MassMutual') of the US and Mubadala Investment Company PJSC (‘Mubadala') of the United Arab Emirates.
The transaction relates primarily to the sector of logistics warehouse in Finland.
The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given the companies' limited market positions resulting from the proposed transaction. The notified transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.
More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.11403.
(For more information: Lea Zuber – Tel.: +32 2 295 62 98; Sara Simonini - Tel.: +32 2 298 33 67)
Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis co-chairs EU-Canada Joint Committee
Today, a meeting of the EU-Canada Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) Joint Committee takes place in Brussels. The Committee will be co-chaired by Valdis Dombrovskis, Executive Vice-President of the European Commission, and the Minister of Export Promotion, International Trade and Economic Development of Canada, Mary Ng.
During the meeting, both parties will discuss the positive results of CETA on companies, workers, and farmers across sectors, as well as the implementation of CETA and its ratification in the EU. The CETA Committee will adopt the agreements on the ‘Interpretation on Investment' and additional rules to facilitate SME access to its Investment Court System. Some 2,500 SMEs have begun exporting to Canada thanks to CETA, making the Interpretation on Investment all the more important. These rules will ensure that SMEs have simplified and cheaper procedures as well as shorter timelines for dispute settlement. The Interpretation on Investment will further clarify the provisions on fair and equitable treatment and indirect expropriation. As well as the right to regulate in the context of the climate change, without amending CETA. Both sides will also lay the foundation for three new initiatives (digital, green and economic security) for future collaboration.
CETA has been provisionally applied for almost 7 years and delivers tangible, positive results across the EU and its 27 Member States, across sectors and from large to small companies. In 2022, our trade in goods increased by 66% (€77 billion) and trade in services by 62% (€41 billion), compared to pre-CETA levels (2016).
The meeting will be followed by a press point with Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Minister Mary Ng at 13:30. It will also be livestreamed on EbS.
(For more information: Olof Gill – Tel.: +32 2 296 59 66; Myrto-Amaryllis Lappa – Tel.: +32 2 299 70 98)
Executive Vice-President Šefčovič, Commissioner Gentiloni, and Commissioner Ferreira in the US to strengthen transatlantic relations with US administration and civil society
Executive Vice-President, Maroš Šefčovič, Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni and Commissioner Elisa Ferreira will be in Cambridge, Massachussets on 9-10 February 2024 to participate in the Harvard European Conference ‘The European Dream 2024: A continent at the crossroads', which will gather students, political and industry leaders and other stakeholders to explore the opportunities and challenges for our two continents ahead of elections this year. Executive Vice-President Šefčovič will travel on to Washington, DC from 11 to 13 February for discussions with the US administration and industry stakeholders on transatlantic cooperation on climate action and energy issues.
On Friday at 12:00-12:45 EST, Commissioner Paolo Gentiloni opens the Harvard Conference with a keynote address on ‘A Pivotal Year: What's at Stake in 2024 for Europe, America, and the World'. On Saturday morning at 9:00-9:45 EST, Commissioner Ferreira opens the second day with a keynote on ‘Cohesion: A Pre-Condition for Unity'. Executive Vice-President Šefčovič and Commissioner Ferreira will then visit the Plasma Science and Fusion Center at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). At 16:45-17:30 EST, Executive Vice-President Šefčovič will deliver the closing keynote speech at the Harvard European Conference on the European Green Deal.
On Sunday, in Washington, DC, Executive Vice-President Šefčovič will participate in a working dinner with a number of industry leaders and academics. On Monday he will hold a series of bilateral meetings with US officials to discuss climate action and energy issues, including: John Podesta, Senior Advisor to the President for International Climate Policy; Amos Hochstein, Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Advisor for Energy and Investment; Sue Biniaz, Deputy Special Climate Envoy; Brad Crabtree, Assistant Secretary for the Department of Energy's Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management; and Jose W. Fernandez, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment. The Executive Vice-President will also meet Axel van Trotsenburg, Senior Managing Director of the World Bank.
On Tuesday, Executive Vice-President Šefčovič will participate in a roundtable discussion with stakeholders from the US LNG industry. This meeting comes in the context of the EU Energy Platform and Europe's AggregateEU mechanism for joint purchasing of alternative energy supplies after Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine. This meeting comes ahead of the launch of the next tender round on 15 February. In the afternoon, he will chair a Fireside Chat at the Atlantic Council on ‘US-EU collaboration towards a Transatlantic Green Marketplace'.
You can find all activities in the Commission's press calendar.
(For more information: Tim McPhie – Tel.: +32 2 295 86 02; Ana Crespo Parrondo – Tel.: +32 2 298 13 25; Giulia Bedini – Tel: +32 2 295 86 61)
Annual renewal 2024 for EU-accredited media professionals
The renewal of the annual accreditations is ongoing. All media representatives who are based in Belgium and cover EU affairs can request an annual, interinstitutional accreditation, which is valid for the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council. Applications should be submitted until 28 February 2024. More information is available here, and for questions, please contact the press accreditation team.
(For more information: Inita Saveljeva – Tel.: +32 2 295 43 85)
Calendar – Commissioners' weekly activities
Tentative agendas for forthcoming Commission meetings
Note that these items can be subject to changes.
Upcoming events of the European Commission
Eurostat press releases
*Updated on 09/02/2024, at 12:55 CET