Daily News 20 / 03 / 2024

Commission disburses first €4.5 billion of bridge financing to Ukraine under the Ukraine Facility

Today, the Commission has disbursed the first €4.5 billion of support under the EU's new Ukraine Facility. Through this exceptional bridge financing, the EU is providing much needed liquidity to Ukraine, to help finance the functioning of the state, such as public wages, pensions, and the provision of basic public services, so that the country can continue focusing efforts on winning the war. Ukraine has also submitted its official Ukraine Plan that paves the way for regular payments under the Facility conditioned to the reform and investment agenda of Ukraine for the next four years. As a next step, the Commission will now swiftly assess the Ukraine Plan and submit a proposal for a Council implementing decision to approve it as conditions to access regular payments.

Following her meeting with Ukrainian Primer minister Denys Shmyhal, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said: “Today is a good day for Ukraine, as more EU funds are flowing to meet urgent needs. The Commission has just paid to Ukraine a first tranche of 4.5 billion Euro from the Facility. This payment, in the form of bridge financing, is crucial to help Ukraine maintain the functioning of the State in this difficult moment. Ukraine has also delivered the Ukraine Plan. This success is all the more impressive, since it is only 19 days ago that the Ukraine Facility entered into force. The plan maps out how Ukraine can get back to rapid growth, and start to recover the losses that the war has caused. With it, Ukraine has laid a solid foundation for the EU's support, right up until the end of 2027.

The European Union has demonstrated unprecedented unity in condemning Russia's actions and in providing support to Ukraine. So far, the EU, its Member States and European financial institutions have together provided wide-ranging support to Ukraine and its people, amounting to almost €98 billion since the start of Russia's war of aggression. This includes support made available to cater of the needs of around 4 million Ukrainian refugees in EU Member States.  This also includes the first payment of €4.5 billion under the Ukraine Facility, which entered into force on 1 March 2024, one month after the political agreement on the MFF revision reached in the special European Council meeting of 1 February 2024.

A press release with more information is available online.

(For more information: Ana Pisonero - Tel: +32 229-54320; Zoi Muletier – Tel.: +32 229-94306)


La présidente von der Leyen copréside le sommet social tripartite sur une Europe forte du point de vue économique et social qui joue son rôle dans le monde

Aujourd'hui, la présidente von der Leyen coprésidera le sommet social tripartite avec le président du Conseil européen, Charles Michel. Le Premier ministre Alexander De Croo participera au nom de la présidence belge du Conseil de l'UE. La Commission sera également représentée par le vice-président exécutif Dombrovskis et le commissaire Schmit. Le thème de ce sommet est ‘Une Europe forte sur les plans économique et social pour jouer son rôle dans le monde'.

Les discussions porteront essentiellement sur trois thèmes : Premièrement, une stratégie industrielle complétant le pacte vert par des emplois de qualité au cœur de celle-ci; deuxièmement, un marché unique qui profite aux entreprises et aux travailleurs; enfin, s'attaquer aux pénuries de compétences et de main-d'œuvre. Cela intervient le même jour que la Commission présente un plan d'action visant à remédier aux pénuries de main-d'œuvre et de compétences dans l'UE et un train de mesures visant à améliorer les conditions de travail des stagiaires.

Le sommet social tripartite a lieu deux fois par an avant les réunions du Conseil européen. Il est coprésidé par les présidents du Conseil européen et de la Commission européenne, avec la participation du chef d'État ou de gouvernement représentant la présidence du Conseil de l'UE. C'est l'occasion de procéder à un échange de vues constructif entre les dirigeants des institutions européennes, les dirigeants des partenaires sociaux européens et les organisations nationales de travailleurs et d'employeurs des pays assurant la présidence actuelle et à venir (Belgique, Hongrie et Pologne), ainsi que les ministres de l'emploi et des affaires sociales de ces pays de la présidence.

Le sommet sera suivi d'une conférence de presse vers 17h15 HEC, qui pourra être suivie en direct sur EbS.

Un communiqué de presse sera publié dans la soirée suivant le sommet.

(Pour plus d'informations : Veerle Nuyts — Tél. : + 32 2 299 63 02; Flora Matthaes — Tél. : + 32 2 298 39 51)   


Team Europe et ses partenaires africains lancent des initiatives visant à renforcer les systèmes de santé et la protection sociale en Afrique*

Aujourd'hui, quatre initiatives de l'équipe Europe (« Team Europe ») en matière de santé seront lancées lors de l'événement de haut niveau sur le partenariat entre l'Union européenne et l'Union africaine sur la santé mondiale pour un accès équitable, à Bruxelles. Ces initiatives renforceront la sécurité sanitaire, soutiendront les instituts de santé publique en Afrique et stimuleront la santé numérique.

La première initiative Team Europe sur la sécurité sanitaire durable renforcera la prévention, la préparation et la réponse aux menaces infectieuses, et à la résistance antimicrobienne dans les pays africains. Cette initiative bénéficiera d'une enveloppe de 123 millions d'euros provenant du budget de l'UE pour la période 2022-2027. La deuxième initiative, de soutien aux instituts de santé publique en Afrique, renforcera les instituts nationaux de santé publique et les écoles de santé publique en Afrique, et bénéficiera de 50 millions d'euros du budget de l'UE pour la période 2024-2027. La troisième initiative sur la santé numérique soutient les partenaires africains dans le renforcement des systèmes de santé et la réalisation de la couverture sanitaire universelle grâce à des solutions numériques, notamment celles qui sont pertinentes pour la préparation et la réponse aux pandémies. À ce titre, l'initiative bénéficiera de 87 millions d'euros provenant du budget de l'UE pour la période 2021-2027.  La quatrième initiative sur la protection sociale renforce les systèmes nationaux de protection sociale en Afrique subsaharienne grâce à des efforts de collaboration au niveau régional. L'UE s'est engagée à renforcer les systèmes de protection sociale au niveau national en Afrique subsaharienne et, à ce titre, sa coopération bilatérale actuelle est évaluée à environ 250 millions d'euros.

De plus amples informations sur le lancement de ces initiatives sont disponibles dans le communiqué de presse et sur les sites Partenariat Afrique-UE et Santé-Commission européenne.

(Pour plus d'informations : Ana Pisonero - Tél.: +32 2 295 43 20 ; Jennifer Sanchez Da Silva – Tél.: +32 2 295 83 16)


La Commission européenne émet 7 milliards d'euros dans le cadre de sa troisième opération syndiquée pour 2024

La Commission européenne a levé 7 milliards d'euros d'obligations de l'UE lors de sa troisième opération syndiquée pour 2024. 

La transaction concernait une nouvelle obligation verte NextGenerationEU (NGEU) à tranche unique de 7 milliards d'euros, dont l'échéance est fixée au 4 février 2050. L'obligation à long terme de 25 ans a été émise à un taux de 3,339 %, ce qui équivaut à un prix de 98,481 %. Les offres reçues s'élevaient à 86,5 milliards d'euros, soit un taux de sursouscription supérieur à 12 fois.

Le produit de la transaction sera utilisé pour financer des projets verts dans le cadre des plans nationaux de relance et de résilience des États membres qui constituent les feuilles de route pour les dépenses au titre de NextGenerationEU (NGEU). Toutes les émissions d'obligations vertes du NGEU sont guidées par le cadre régissant ces obligations vertes du NGEU, qui est aligné sur les principes applicables aux obligations vertes définies par l'Association Internationale des Marchés de Capitaux (ICMA).

La Commission a maintenant émis environ 35,5 milliards d'euros sur son objectif de financement de 75 milliards d'euros pour le premier semestre 2024. Une vue d'ensemble des transactions de l'UE exécutées à ce jour est disponible en ligne. Un aperçu détaillé des transactions prévues par l'UE pour le premier semestre 2024 est également disponible dans le plan de financement de l'UE. La prochaine transaction du calendrier indicatif d'émission de l'UE est une adjudication de titres de créances de l'UE le 20 mars 2024. 

La Commission est habilitée par les traités de l'UE à emprunter sur les marchés internationaux des capitaux au nom de l'Union européenne. Sa réputation est bien établie sur les marchés des titres de créance, avec un historique d'émissions d'obligations au cours des 40 dernières années. Toutes les émissions exécutées par la Commission européenne sont libellées exclusivement en euros. Les emprunts de l'UE sont garantis par le budget de l'UE, et les contributions au budget de l'UE constituent pour tous les États membres une obligation juridique inconditionnelle  en vertu des traités de l'UE. 

Un communiqué de presse est disponible en ligne.

(Pour plus d'informations : Olof Gill - Tél. : + 32 2 296 59 66; Veronica Favalli - Tél. : + 32 2 298 72 69)


10 EU regions selected as part of Pillar 2 of the Talent Booster Mechanism to help alleviate the effects of demographic change

Today, the European Commission has selected 10 EU regions - that are at risk of falling into a ‘talent development trap' - to receive tailored support as part of the Talent Booster Mechanism to help them mitigate the effects of demographic change and a departing younger population.

After publishing a call for expression of interest in December 2023, a Committee of Commission experts reviewed the challenges and needs of each region and their motivation to receive expert support. 10 regions were selected from eight Member States: Nord-Vest (Romania), Castilla y León (Spain), Campania (Italy), Norte (Portugal), Extremadura (Spain), Centre - Val de Loire (France), Região Autónoma dos Açores (Portugal), Pohjois-Savo (Finland), Thessalia (Greece) and Banská Bystrica (Slovak Republic).

The regions will benefit from detailed analyses, policy recommendations, and action plans tailored to address their specific demographic and territorial challenges, with the support of expert advice from the OECD.

The support under Pillar 2 of the Talent Booster Mechanism specifically targets regions at risk of falling into what is commonly referred to as the ‘talent development trap' – a departing younger population which leads to a decline in working-age population, low numbers in university and higher-education graduates, and difficulties in retaining talent.

Under Pillar 1 of the Talent Booster Mechanism, 10 regions already in a ‘talent development trap' were selected last November to receive technical assistance to help them create concrete frameworks to address the impact of demographic change.

The eight-pillar Talent Booster Mechanism was introduced by the Communication on Harnessing Talent in Europe's regions. The Mechanism supports EU regions affected by the accelerated decline of their working age population, in training, retaining, and attracting people with the necessary skills to mitigate the impact of the demographic transition.

(For more information: Stefan De Keersmaecker – Tel.: +32 2 298 46 80; Laetitia Close – Tel.: +32 2 296 70 73)


La Commission accueille une conférence visant à encourager les efforts soutenant la plantation de 3 milliards d'arbres d'ici à 2030 afin d'améliorer la résilience face aux menaces climatiques et environnementales

La Commission accueille, aujourd'hui, à Bruxelles, une conférence de haut niveau réunissant des ministres, des scientifiques, des représentants du secteur forestier et de la société civile, afin de poursuivre l'action en faveur de la promesse de planter 3 milliards d'arbres d'ici à 2030. La conférence « Rooting for 3 Billion Trees » (Plantons 3 milliards d'arbres) permettra de partager les meilleures pratiques entre les organismes responsables des plantations d'arbres et de conseiller la Commission sur les moyens d'atteindre l'objectif des 3 milliards d'arbres supplémentaires d'ici à 2030. Parmi les principaux thèmes abordés figure la reforestation suite aux incendies de forêt. La reforestation doit garantir des écosystèmes forestiers diversifiés plus résistants que les monocultures équiennes face aux futurs incendies. Les participants au panel de haut niveau incluront notamment Pippa Hackett, ministre d'État irlandaise, et Céline Tellier, ministre de l'Environnement de la Région wallonne (Belgique).

Virginijus Sinkevičius, commissaire à l'environnement, aux océans et à la pêche, a déclaré : « En 2021, nous nous sommes engagés à planter au moins 3 milliards d'arbres supplémentaires d'ici à 2030, dans le plein respect des principes écologiques. Aujourd'hui, 44 organisations de nos 27 États membres ont déjà enregistré des arbres dans notre système, parfois même plusieurs millions d'arbres en une seule fois. Ce niveau de suivi montre que nous prenons notre promesse au sérieux. Nous ne nous contentons pas de mots, nous voulons des résultats sur le terrain. Cette démarche distingue notre engagement de nombreuses autres initiatives similaires. »

De plus amples informations sont disponibles en ligne.

(Pour plus d'informations: Adalbert Jahnz – Tél.: + 32 2 295 31 56; Maëlys Dreux – Tél.: +32 2 295 46 73)


Plan stratégique 2025-2027 d'Horizon Europe pour la recherche et l'innovation en vue d'un avenir vert, numérique et résilient

La Commission a adopté aujourd'hui le deuxième plan stratégique d'Horizon Europe. Ce plan, annoncé lors des journées de la recherche et de l'innovation, définit trois orientations stratégiques clés pour le financement de la recherche et de l'innovation de l'UE pour les trois dernières années du programme (2025-2027) : la transition verte, la transition numérique et une Europe plus résiliente, compétitive, inclusive et démocratique.

Ces orientations visent à relever les principaux défis mondiaux tels que le changement climatique, la perte de la biodiversité, la transition numérique et le vieillissement de la population.

Une autonomie stratégique ouverte et le maintien du rôle de premier plan de l'Europe dans le développement et le déploiement de technologies essentielles sont des principes généraux qui s'appliquent aux trois orientations stratégiques clés.

Margrethe Vestager, vice-présidente exécutive chargée d'une Europe adaptée à l'ère numérique, a déclaré : « En définissant des orientations stratégiques clés pour le financement de la recherche et de l'innovation de l'UE, nous pouvons guider les investissements dans la recherche et l'innovation de pointe. Grâce aux programmes de travail Horizon Europe, nous pouvons relever des défis majeurs tels que le changement climatique, la perte de la biodiversité, la transition numérique et le vieillissement de la population. Notre plan stratégique identifie neuf nouveaux domaines : La santé du cerveau, la sylviculture pour un avenir durable, les matériaux innovants, les matières premières pour la transition verte et numérique, le patrimoine culturel, les transformations sociales, le photovoltaïque, les textiles du futur et les mondes virtuels. »

Iliana Ivanova, commissaire chargée de l'innovation, de la recherche, de la culture, de l'éducation et de la jeunesse, a déclaré : « Notre programme de recherche et d'innovation est le fondement de notre prospérité et de notre compétitivité future. Le plan stratégique pour les trois dernières années d'Horizon Europe veille à ce que le financement de la recherche et de l'innovation soutienne nos ambitions en matière de climat, de biodiversité et de numérique, tout en conservant la flexibilité nécessaire pour répondre aux nouveaux besoins. »

Vous trouverez plus d'informations dans notre communiqué de presse.

(Pour plus d'informations : Johannes Bahrke - Tél : +32 2 295 86 15 ; Roberta Verbanac - Tél : +32 2 298 24 98)


Commission and the research community develop guidelines on responsible use of generative Artificial Intelligence in research

The Commission and the European Research Area countries and stakeholders have jointly put forward a set of guidelines to support the European research community in their responsible use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). While generative AI tools offer speed and convenience in producing text, images and code, researchers must also be mindful of the technology's limitations, including possible plagiarism, revealing sensitive information, or inherent biases in the models.

Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for a Europe Fit for the Digital Age said: “We are committed to innovation of AI and innovation with AI. And we will do our best to build a thriving AI ecosystem in Europe. With these guidelines, we encourage the research community to use generative AI to help supercharge European science and its applications to the benefit of society and for all of us.”

Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, said: “Generative AI can hugely boost research but its use demands transparency and responsibility. These guidelines aim to uphold scientific integrity and preserve public trust in science amidst rapid technological advancements. I call on the scientific community to join us in turning these guidelines into the reference for European research.”

With the rapid spread of the use of this technology in all domains, including science, these recommendations address key opportunities and challenges, building on the principles of research integrity, offering guidance to researchers, organisations and funders for a joint approach across Europe. As generative AI is constantly evolving, these guidelines will be updated with regular feedback from the scientific community and stakeholders who can share their views here.

The EU's new AI Act also introduces dedicated rules for general purpose AI models, including large generative AI models. These new obligations will ensure transparency along the value chain and will be operationalised through codes of practices. The new AI Office will play a key role in the implementation of the AI Act, including for the rules for general purpose AI models.

The AI innovation package, launched in January 2024, provides financial support dedicated to Generative AI, and also includes initiatives to attract, train and retain generative AI specialists.

For more details, please see our factsheet and news item.

(For more information: Johannes Bahrke – Tel.: +32 2 295 86 15; Roberta Verbanac – Tel.: +32 2 298 24 98)






President von der Leyen and Commissioners to take part in Nuclear Energy Summit and events on nuclear research and small modular reactors

This week the Commission will participate in a series of events dedicated to the role of nuclear energy in reaching the EU's climate neutrality, competitiveness and energy security objectives.  

Tomorrow, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen will deliver remarks at the  Nuclear Energy Summit in Brussels, co-organised by the Belgian Government and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). She will speak during the morning session with Heads of State and Government and her remarks can be followed live on EbS. The Summit will highlight the role of nuclear energy in enabling the phaseout of fossil fuels, enhancing energy security and boosting economic development through innovation, sustainability and competitiveness.  In the afternoon, Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson will participate in a panel discussion on global and regional perspectives on nuclear energy. In the margins of the Summit, the Commissioner will hold a series of bilateral meetings, including with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Rafael Grossi; the UK's Minister for Nuclear and Renewables, Andrew Bowie; and the United Arab Emirates' Minister for Energy and Infrastructure H.E. Suhail Al Mazrouei.

This afternoon Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson will participate at the meeting of the European Nuclear Safety Regulators (ENSREG). She will deliver a speech on key policy and regulatory developments in nuclear energy to underline EU's commitment to highest standards for nuclear safety and safeguards, that you will find here.  

Also today, Commissioner Ivanova will participate in a side event on the role of the Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) in nuclear science and technology. The event presents the main JRC achievements in nuclear research over the last 60 years and its role in fostering the safe and secure development of both power and non-power nuclear applications in Europe. It also emphasises the continued need for nuclear research in Europe and how the JRC can play a central role to meet this need.  

On Friday (22 March) Commissioners Kadri Simson, Thierry Breton and Iliana Ivanova will speak at a high-level conference to advance work on the new European Industrial Alliance on Small Modular Reactors. A call for membership applications for the Alliance is open until 12 April. The SMR Alliance aims to facilitate and accelerate the development, demonstration and deployment of small-scale nuclear technologies in Europe by the early 2030s.  

(For more information: Tim McPhie – Tel.: +32 2 295 86 02; Johannes Bahrke – Tel.: +32 2 295 86 15; Johanna Bernsel – Tel.: +32 2 298 66 99)


Vice President Šuica to deliver opening remarks at the high level opening of ‘From Despair to Hope: Children Beyond Armed Conflict' exhibition

Today, in the framework of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Vice President Šuica will deliver opening remarks at the High-Level Opening of the photo exhibition "From Despair to Hope: Children Beyond Armed Conflict”. Vice President Šuica will be joined by Hajda Lahbib, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Affairs and Foreign Trade and Federal Cultural Institutions of Belgium, Virginia Gamba, UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and Paddy Dowling, photojournalist and humanitarian correspondent.

The exhibition and the High-Level Opening have been co-organised in a joint effort by the Federal Public Service for Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Office of the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and the European Commission. The exhibition will be open to the public for six weeks, from 21 March until 28 April, and aims to raise awareness on the complexity of the lives of children affected by conflict, emphasising both the tragedy of their stories, their strength, their determination and their faith in a better future. More information on the photo exhibition can be found here.

(For more information: Daniel Ferrie –-Tel.: +32 460 79 28 34; Saul Goulding - Tel.: +32 460 75 10 53)


Commissioner Hoekstra participates in the Copenhagen Climate Ministerial to start COP29 preparations

On 21 and 22 March, Commissioner for Climate Action Wopke Hoekstra will attend the Copenhagen Climate Ministerial to kick off preparations for the COP29 UN Climate Change conference to be held in November in Azerbaijan. This will be the first major international gathering since COP28 in Dubai where ministers will meet in person to discuss the implementation of the COP28 outcome and set the roadmap and priorities towards COP29.

On Thursday, Commissioner Hoekstra will attend the session on “Building on the UAE Framework for Global Climate and Resilience and the COP28 outcomes on loss and damage to strengthen adaptation action and global resilience”. In the margins, he will meet bilaterally with COP29 President-designate, Mukhtar Babayev; UK Minister of State for Energy Security and Net-Zero, Graham Stuart; and Chair of the Alliance of Small Islands States (AOSIS) and Samoa Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, Cedric Schuster. In the evening, the Commissioner will join a working dinner hosted by the Danish government, organiser of the Climate Ministerial.  

On Friday, Commissioner Hoekstra will take part in two sessions focused on “Nationally determined contributions – implementation and ratcheting up ambition” and on “The COP29 landscape on finance and means of Implementation and ambition”.  In the afternoon, he will hold bilateral meetings with John Podesta, Senior Advisor to the President of the United States for International Climate Policy; and Ambassador André Aranha Corrêa do Lago, Brazil's Secretary for Climate, Energy and Environment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Commissioner is heading to the Copenhagen Climate Ministerial just after the EU Member States adopted Council conclusions on green diplomacy yesterday, 18 March.

(For more information: Tim McPhie – Tel.: +32 2 295 86 02; Ana Crespo Parrondo – Tel.: +32 2 298 13 25)


Commissioner Kyriakides travels to Italy in the context of Europe's Beating Cancer Plan*

Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, will be in Italy from 21-22 March to discuss the implementation of Europe's Beating Cancer Plan at national level and visit specialised institutions that are involved in cancer projects funded by the EU4Health programme.

In Rome, Commissioner Kyriakides will hold a bilateral meeting with Orazio Schillaci, Italian Minister of Health, to discuss, amongst other topics, Europe's Beating the Cancer Plan and the pharmaceutical reform. The Commissioner will then deliver a speech at the event ‘The network of breast units: an integrated model for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation', organised by the Italian Health Ministry. In addition, together with Dr Alberto Costa, scientific advisor to Europe's Beating Cancer Plan, the Commissioner will visit the paediatric cancer ward of Bambino Gesu' Children's Research Hospital, and meet with its President Tiziano Onesti.

In Milan, Commissioner Kyriakides will visit the Italian National Cancer Institute (INT) and the European Institute of Oncology (IEO). Both institutions participate in several EU4Health funded projects. For instance, INT is the coordinator of the Joint Action on Networks of Expertise (JANE) and the ‘European Linkage of Initiative from Science to Action in Health' – ELISAH project. IEO is the coordinator of the project Cancer Care Beacon - Reducing Disparities Across the European Union (BEACON). In addition, the Commissioner will deliver a speech at the 14th European Breast Cancer Conference. The Commissioner is also attending a charity event, the WEmbrace Awards 2024, celebrating physical wellness, diversity and inclusion.

(For more information: Stefan De Keersmaecker – Tel.: +32 2 298 46 80; Ana Apse-Paese - Tel.: +32 2 298 73 48)


Commissioner Ferreira visits Greece to see the benefits of Cohesion Policy on the ground

Tomorrow, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira will embark on a three-day mission to Greece to visit Athens, Patras, Megalopolis and Tripolis, to see first-hand how Cohesion Policy is supporting these areas and specifically, how the Just Transition Fund is helping them make the transition to a net-zero economy in a fair and inclusive way.

On Thursday, Commissioner Ferreira will meet with the Greek Minister of Economy and Finance, Kostis Hatzidakis, in Athens, to discuss the opportunities and challenges of Cohesion Policy in Greece. She will then continue her journey to Patras, a town located in Western Greece, to visit the Technological Park, home to some innovative projects supported by Cohesion Policy. This includes the research hub hosting the ‘RECOMLABS project', which supports the construction industry with products based on nanotechnology. The visit will be followed by a meeting with the Governor of Western Greece, Nektarios Farmakis.

On Friday, Commissioner Ferreira will visit the Roman Odeon restored thanks to support from the Cohesion Policy funds. The Commissioner will then deliver a keynote speech at the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions.

Afterwards, Commissioner Ferreira will travel to Megalopolis, in the Peloponnese, a lignite-dependant town which is now receiving support from the Just Transition Fund to help alleviate the consequences of the transition to a net-zero economy. The Commissioner will visit the mines at the Megalopolis Lignite Centre and will meet with the stakeholders and employees of the mines. A press point will be organised at the office of the Greek Public Power Corporation at 18:45 local time.

On Friday evening, Commissioner Ferreira will conclude a busy day of engagements with a trip to Tripolis to have a working dinner with the Governor of Peloponnese, Dimitrios Ptochos.

On Saturday, the Commissioner will have the opportunity to meet with 25 pupils from local schools for a debate on what the EU is doing to support the development of European regions and the fight against brain drain.

(For more information: Stefan De Keersmaecker – Tel.: +32 2 298 46 80; Laetitia Close – Tel.: +32 2 296 70 73)






COLLEGE MEETING: The European Commission appoints a new Principal Adviser at DG BUDG

Today, the European Commission has appointed Christiane Canenbley as Principal Adviser ‘One Stop Shop Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform' at the Directorate-General for Budget (DG BUDG). This Commission department is responsible for managing the budget of the EU. The effective date is to be determined at a later stage.

With 20 years of professional experience across various Commission departments, Ms Canenbley is equipped with extensive managerial experience, advanced leadership skills, a proved capacity to design, express and implement new ideas and policies. She played a key advisoring role to the former President of the Commission, Jean-Claude Junker, being responsible for Digital Single Market, Single Market, the Multiannual Financial Framework and agricultural policy.

Having been instrumental in the strategy and political coordination of Digital and Industrial Policy and Single market in recent years, she has solid representation and negotiation skills along with an ability to demonstrate innovative thinking in the face of complex challenges. In addition, the breadth of policy areas she has covered in her career has given her a thorough knowledge of EU decision-making procedures, including on key instruments such as the Financial Regulation and EU funding instruments but also EU financial management and EU competitiveness.

Christiane Canenbley, a German national, started her Commission career in DG Agriculture and Rural development (DG AGRI) in 2005 before becoming, in 2014, Deputy Head of Unit in DG AGRI and then Assistant to the Director General of DG AGRI. Subsequently, she gained additional extensive advisoring experience as Member of Cabinet of former Commissioner for Agriculture, Phil Hogan, and political advisor to President Juncker, before being appointed to her current position as Deputy Head of Cabinet of Executive Vice-President for ‘A Europe Fit for the Digital Age' and Competition, Margrethe Vestager.

Prior to joining the Commission, Ms Canenbley worked as academic researcher specialised in ‘government decision-making under crises'.

(For more information: Olof Gill - Tel.: +32 2 296 59 66; Veronica Favalli – Tel.: +32 2 298 72 69)


COLLEGE MEETING: The European Commission appoints a new Principal Adviser at DG INTPA

Today, the European Commission has appointed Mathieu Briens as the Principal Adviser ‘Emerging Donors' at the Directorate General International Partnerships (DG INTPA) of the Commission. DG INTPA is responsible for sustainable development, actions to eradicate poverty, supporting peace and protection of human rights through international partnerships that uphold and promote European values and interests. The effective date is to be determined at a later stage.

Mr Briens, a French national, brings an extensive wealth of professional experience of 16 years dedicated to the fields of external relations, development and international cooperation, humanitarian aid and crisis management within the Commission.

Throughout this tenure, he has honed indispensable high-level representation, leadership and advisory skills, showcasing strategic mind-set, sound political judgement and strong analytical skills. This robust background positions him as an outstanding candidate to offer comprehensive strategic direction and guidance to the DG.

His career is marked by valuable experiences, including support to two Commissioners in the formulation and implementation of humanitarian aid and foreign affairs policies such as the Global outreach to emerging actors. He had a key role in leading the preparation of Foreign Affairs Council and European Council as well as G7 ministerial meetings and in the effective management of diverse teams. Moreover, Mr Briens has spearheaded regular contacts with external partners and international organisations.

Mathieu Briens is currently serving as Deputy Head of Cabinet of the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (HRVP), Josep Borrell Fontelles. Previously he was Head of Cabinet and Deputy Head of Cabinet of Commissioner for Human Aid and Crisis Management, Christos Stylianides. Additionally, he also served as Assistant to the Director General of DG Development and International Cooperation (DG INTPA) and to the Director General of DG Fisheries and Maritime Affairs (DG MARE). Mr Briens joined the Commission in 2008 as Head of Sector in DG MARE, previously he was Teaching Assistant in the International Relations Department of the College of Europe.

(For more information: Olof Gill - Tel.: +32 2 296 59 66; Veronica Favalli – Tel.: +32 2 298 72 69)

Tentative agendas for forthcoming Commission meetings

Note that these items can be subject to changes.


Upcoming events of the European Commission

Eurostat press releases


* Updated on 20 March 2024 at 15:23 CET.