Daily News 03 / 04 / 2024

Commission opens two in-depth investigations under the Foreign Subsidies Regulation in the solar photovoltaic sector

Today, the Commission launched two in-depth investigations under the Foreign Subsidies Regulation. The investigations relate to the potentially market distortive role of foreign subsidies given to bidders in a public procurement procedure. The Commission will assess whether the economic operators concerned did benefit from an unfair advantage to win public contracts in the EU.

The investigations launched today follow notifications submitted by on the one hand the ENEVO Group including LONGi Solar Technologie GmbH, and on the other hand Shanghai Electric UK Co. Ltd. and Shanghai Electric Hong Kong International Engineering Co. Ltd. The relevant public procedure was launched by a Romanian contracting authority (Societatea PARC FOTOVOLTAIC ROVINARI EST S.A.) for the design, construction and operation of a photovoltaic park in Romania, with an installed power of 110 MW. This project is partially financed by the EU Modernisation Fund.

According to the Foreign Subsidies Regulation, companies are obliged to notify their public procurement tenders in the EU when the estimated value of the contract exceeds €250 million, and when the company was granted at least €4 million in foreign financial contributions from at least one third country in the three years prior to notification.

More information is available in a press release online.

(For more information: Johanna Bernsel – Tel.: +32 2 298 66 99; Flore Boutier – Tel.: +32 2 296 60 43)


EU institutions commit to boost cycling across Europe

Today, the EU is taking another important step in reducing transport emissions by adopting the European Declaration on Cycling. In the margins of the Informal Transport European Council and the Connecting Europe Days, Adina Vălean, Commissioner for Transport, will sign the declaration together with Karima Delli, Chair of the Transport Committee of the European Parliament and Georges Gilkinet, Deputy Prime Minister of Belgium. Today's signature also aligns with the Belgian Council Presidency objective to decarbonise the EU's transport sector.

The declaration recognises cycling as a sustainable, accessible, and affordable means of transport, with strong added value for the EU economy. It includes clear commitments, such as safe and coherent cycling networks in cities, better links with public transport and secure parking spaces and access to recharging points for e-bikes. These commitments shall be taken at EU, national regional and local level. These are all necessary elements in improving the quality and quantity of cycling infrastructure across Member States and making cycling more attractive to the public.

Based on a proposal launched by the Commission in October 2023 and responding to requests from the European Parliament and Member States, the declaration constitutes a joint political commitment and a strategic compass for existing and future policies and initiatives related to cycling.

Commissioner for Transport, Adina Vălean, said: "We recognise cycling's myriad benefits: it reduces pollution, eases urban congestion, and promotes healthier lifestyles. Moreover, cycling is a cornerstone of the European industry, driving innovation and growth while creating high-quality local jobs. Embracing cycling aligns with the EU's industrial strategy and its objectives."

You can find more information here.

(For more information: Adalbert Jahnz – Tel.: +32 2 295 31 56; Anna Wartberger – Tel.: +32 2 298 79 86)


La Commission conclut son troisième dialogue politique avec le Japon sur l'éducation, la culture et le sport

Aujourd'hui, des représentants de la Commission et du gouvernement japonais se sont rencontrés à Tokyo pour la troisième édition du dialogue politique UE-Japon sur l'éducation, la culture et le sport. Les deux parties reconnaissent l'importance de la collaboration mutuelle en tant que vecteur d'échange de meilleures pratiques, d'approches pédagogiques et de stratégies d'élaboration de politiques et d'innovation dans ces domaines.

Ce troisième dialogue était présidé conjointement par la commissaire chargée de l'innovation, la recherche, la culture, l'éducation et la jeunesse, Iliana Ivanova, et le ministre japonais de l'éducation, la culture, le sport, la science et la technologie, Masahito Moriyama.

Les deux parties ont convenu des avantages de promouvoir la mobilité des étudiants et du personnel universitaire entre l'UE et le Japon. À cette fin, un Point Focal National Erasmus+ sera créé au Japon, dans le but de renforcer la collaboration internationale avec le Japon dans la mise en œuvre de programmes de mobilité et de promouvoir davantage les opportunités offertes dans le cadre d'Erasmus+ aux étudiants et au personnel universitaire japonais et européens.

Les programmes de mobilité internationale, comme le programme Erasmus+, jouent un rôle central dans la promotion des échanges entre les personnes, l'amélioration du développement des compétences et la promotion de l'excellence académique. Au cours des trois dernières années, le programme Erasmus+ a offert à environ 1 750 étudiants du supérieur et personnels académiques des opportunités de mobilité pour participer à des échanges de mobilité internationale entre l'Europe et le Japon. Dans le domaine de l'éducation, les échanges d'aujourd'hui entre l'UE et le Japon ont également porté sur la manière de gérer les opportunités et les défis offerts par l'éducation numérique.

Plus d'informations sont disponibles dans un communiqué de presse.

(Pour plus d'informations : Johanna Bernsel – Tél.: +32 2 298 66 99; Flore Boutier – Tél.: +32 2 296 60 43)


Croatian horseradish root ‘Ludbreški hren' added to register of Protected Designations of Origin

The European Commission has today added the Croatian horseradish root product ‘Ludbreški hren' to the register of Protected Designations of Origin (PDO).

The name ‘Ludbreški hren' refers to the raw, i.e. unprocessed, root of the horseradish variety of the same name. The root represents the underground part of the root and is often branched, cylindrical, thickened, and fleshy. The root has a slightly tapered shape and a round cross-section. The surface of the root is smooth to slightly rough, and is yellowy-white on the outside and white to off-white on the inside.

The production area of ‘Ludbreški hren' comprises the geographical area of the entire Varaždin County, in Croatia. The optimal climatic and soil conditions for the cultivation of horseradish in the defined geographical area, together with the specific cultivation technique and skill of producers, have led to a tradition of producing ‘Ludbreški hren' and earned the product its reputation.

The defined geographical area's monthly mean daytime temperatures during the growing season and distribution of precipitation are optimal for the cultivation of ‘Ludbreški hren', which is produced commercially in this area exclusively. The flat terrain of the Drava Plain is particularly significant because it ensures an even flow of water in the production area, and in addition to the existing watercourses, there are also groundwaters that provide an additional supply of water to the soils on which ‘Ludbreški hren' is grown.

This new denomination will be added to the list of 3,857 agricultural products already protected. The list of all protected geographical indications can be found in the eAmbrosia database. More information is available online at Quality Schemes and on our GIView portal.

(For more information: Olof Gill – Tel.: +32 2 296 59 66; Myrto-Amaryllis Lappa – Tel.: +32 2 299 70 98)




Liste des points prévus à l'ordre du jour des prochaines réunions de la Commission

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