Daily News 15 / 05 / 2024

EU allocates €130 million in humanitarian aid for Latin America and the Caribbean in 2024

The European Commission has allocated nearly €130 million this year in humanitarian aid for Latin American and the Caribbean, to address the needs of the most vulnerable people affected by the main ongoing emergencies. This includes over €1 million just approved to respond to the devastating floods in Brazil, which in past weeks have affected 90% of the territory of Rio Grande do Sul.

Part of this funding will also be dedicated to reinforcing disaster preparedness, as the region is exposed to natural hazards that are becoming more frequent and intense due to climate change.

The announcement comes as Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, is visiting Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados. Today in Bridgetown, Barbados the Commissioner will also sign a Memorandum of Understanding with several regional organisations and governments to increase cooperation in disaster risk management between the EU and Latin American and the Caribbean.

 The press release is available online.

(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78; Daniel Puglisi - Tel.: +32 2 296 91 40)


La Commission européenne lève avec succès 6 milliards d'euros dans le cadre de sa cinquième opération syndiquée de 2024

La Commission européenne a levé hier 6 milliards d'euros d'obligations de l'UE dans le cadre de sa cinquième opération syndiquée pour 2024. L'opération a porté sur l'émission de 6 milliards d'euros au titre d'une nouvelle obligation arrivant à échéance le 5 octobre 2054. Cette nouvelle obligation à 30 ans a été émise à un taux de 3,385 %, équivalent à un prix de 99,825 %. Les offres reçues se sont élevées à 86 milliards d'euros. Cela représente un taux de sursouscription de près de 14 fois.

Le produit de cette opération servira à financer les programmes d'action de l'UE

La Commission a, à présent, levé environ 59 milliards d'euros, sur son objectif de financement de 75 milliards d'euros pour le premier semestre 2024. Une vue d'ensemble des opérations exécutées à ce jour est disponible en ligne. Un aperçu détaillé des opérations de l'UE prévues pour le premier semestre de 2024 figure également dans le plan de financement de l'UE. La prochaine opération mentionnée dans le calendrier d'émission indicatif de l'UE est une adjudication d'obligations de l'UE le 27 mai 2024.

La Commission européenne est habilitée par les traités de l'UE à emprunter sur les marchés internationaux des capitaux au nom de l'Union européenne. Sa réputation est bien établie sur les marchés des titres de créance, grâce aux émissions obligataires qu'elle a réalisées au cours des 40 dernières années. Les émissions de la Commission européenne sont toutes libellées exclusivement en euros. Les emprunts de l'UE sont garantis par le budget de l'Union, les contributions à ce même budget constituant pour tous les États membres une obligation juridique inconditionnelle en vertu des traités.

Plus de détails figurent dans le communiqué de presse

(Pour plus d'informations: Balazs Ujvari - Tél.: +32 2 295 45 78; Veronica Favalli – Tel.: +32 2 298 72 69)


Le panel de citoyens européens adresse à la Commission ses recommandations sur la lutte contre la haine dans la société

Ce week-end, du 17 au 19 mai, la troisième et dernière session du panel de citoyens européens sur le thème «Lutter contre la haine dans la société» se tient à Bruxelles.

150 citoyens des 27 États membres sélectionnés de manière aléatoire se réunissent depuis avril pour discuter des causes profondes de la haine et des moyens de les combattre, ainsi que de la manière de jeter des ponts entre les groupes et communautés marginalisés.

Les travaux du panel s'inscrivent dans le prolongement de la Communication de 2023 intitulée «No Place for Hate: une Europe unie contre la haine», qui appelait à la création d'un espace paneuropéen pour discuter des moyens de passer de la haine à la jouissance de valeurs communes d'égalité, de respect des droits de l'homme et de dignité. Les recommandations finales du panel seront présentées le 19 mai et contribueront aux futurs travaux de la Commission sur la lutte contre les discours et crimes de haine.

Les sessions plénières du vendredi après-midi et du dimanche matin seront retransmises en direct. Les journalistes qui souhaitent suivre les panels depuis les locaux de la Commission peuvent nous contacter à l'adresse COMM-CITIZENS-PANELS@ec.europa.eu.

De plus, la «plateforme d'engagement des citoyens», un forum de discussion en ligne, est ouverte aux contributions du grand public sur la lutte contre la haine dans la société. Les contributions de la plateforme alimentent les délibérations du panel et les futurs travaux de la Commission dans ce domaine. Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur le panel de citoyens européens sur la lutte contre la haine dans la société en ligne.

(Pour plus d'informations: Francesca Dalboni – Tél: +32 2 298 81 70; Saul Goulding – Tél.: +32 229 64735)  


Commission welcomes the Council general approach on the FASTER initiative on withholding tax

Yesterday, the Commission welcomed the general approach announced by the Belgian Presidency of the EU Council on the Commission's proposal for a Directive to make withholding tax procedures in the EU more efficient, secure and simplified for investors, financial intermediaries and Member State tax administrations. A key initiative to ensure fair taxation and reinforce the Capital Markets Union, this initiative will digitise tax relief procedures and bring more transparency.

Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis said: “Today marks a big step forward in simplifying our tax system to facilitate cross-border investments, making it a major building block of the Capital Markets Union. It will reduce complexity, costs and make it easier and more secure to invest in other Member States. Our FASTER initiative will also ensure that investors are not taxed twice on dividends and interest payments when investing outside their own Member State. As we seek to stimulate greater investment in the EU for our overall competitiveness, we must make every effort to knock down barriers and tax plays a big part. We look forward to a smooth adoption process for FASTER following today's general approach.”

Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economy, said: “With today's agreement on our FASTER initiative, we are closer to slotting into place another building block of the Capital Markets Union. Once implemented, it will mean quicker, more efficient, and safer withholding tax procedures – benefiting investors, financial intermediaries and tax administrations alike. FASTER will encourage cross-border investment both within and into the EU, which is good news for the ability of our Union to grow and create quality jobs for our citizens.”

In terms of next steps, following a re-consultation with the European Parliament, EU Finance Ministers are expected to adopt the proposal early 2025. Implementation work will start soon after adoption.

More information on the key actions of the FASTER initiative is available in the dedicated press release.

(For more information: Francesca Dalboni – Tel: +32 2 298 81 70; Saul Goulding – Tel.: +32 229 64735)  


Commission clears creation of joint venture by BPEOC and AIC

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the creation of a joint venture by BP Exploration Operating Company Limited (‘BPEOC') of the UK and ADNOC International Limited (‘AIC') of the United Arab Emirates.

The transaction relates primarily to the oil and gas sector.

The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given the limited impact on the European Economic Area. The notified transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.

More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.11496.

(For more information: Lea Zuber – Tel.: +32 2 295 62 98; Sara Simonini  - Tel.: +32 2 298 33 67)






Statement by High Representative Borrell with the European Commission on the adoption of the “transparency of foreign influence” law in Georgia

After the adoption of the “transparency of foreign influence” law in Georgia, High Representative Josep Borrell and the European Commission issued the following joint statement:

The EU stands with the Georgian people and their choice in favour of democracy and of Georgia's European future. The intimidation, threats and physical assaults on civil society representatives, political leaders and journalists, as well as their families is unacceptable. We call on the Georgian authorities to investigate these documented acts.

The European Council granted Georgia the status of a candidate country on the understanding that the relevant 9 steps set out in the Commission recommendation of 8 November 2023 are taken. These steps require human rights to be protected and civil society as well as media to be able to operate freely. They also refer to the need for depolarisation and the fight against disinformation.

Nevertheless, and despite large protests and unequivocal calls by the international community, the Georgian government ruling majority adopted the law “on transparency of foreign influence” in Parliament in third reading. The EU has clearly and repeatedly stated that the spirit and content of the law are not in line with EU core norms and values. It will undermine the work of civil society and independent media while freedom of association and freedom of expression are fundamental rights at the core of Georgia's commitments as part of the Association Agreement and of any EU accession path.

The adoption of this law negatively impacts Georgia's progress on the EU path. The choice on the way forward is in Georgia's hands. We urge the Georgian authorities to withdraw the law, uphold their commitment to the EU path and advance the necessary reforms detailed in the 9 steps.”

You can also read the statement online.

(For more information: Peter Stano – Tel. : +32 2 295 45 53; Ana Pisonero – Tel.: +32 2 295 43 20)






La vice-présidente Jourová poursuit sa « Tournée de la démocratie » au Danemark et en Estonie

Aujourd'hui, Věra Jourová, vice-présidente chargée des valeurs et de la transparence, participera à une table ronde en ligne sur « l'intelligence artificielle, les contrefaçons, l'année des élections et ce qu'il convient de faire », qui aura lieu dans le cadre du sommet de Copenhague sur la démocratie. Elle participera ensuite à une table ronde en ligne avec les autorités danoises et les parties prenantes sur la lutte contre la désinformation, la protection des élections et la politique des médias.

Après cette visite virtuelle, la vice-présidente se rendra à Tallinn demain et vendredi pour rencontrer des dirigeants, des autorités et des parties prenantes estoniens sur la meilleure manière de protéger les élections et de renforcer la résilience de nos démocraties. L'accent sera mis sur la liberté des médias et sur la protection de nos démocraties contre la désinformation, la manipulation de l'information et l'ingérence étrangère.

À Tallinn, la vice-présidente ouvrira la conférence de Lennart Meri avec Alar Karis, président estonien, et Guðni Th. Jóhannesson, président de l'Islande. Elle rencontrera également Kaja Kallas, première ministre estonienne.

Le prochain arrêt de la « Tournée de la démocratie » de la vice-présidente Jourová aura lieu la semaine prochaine, en France.

(Pour plus d'informations: Christian Wigand — Tél.: + 32 2 296 22 53; Jördis Ferroli — Tél.: + 32 2 299 27 29)


Commission hosts signing ceremony for the establishment of the interinstitutional Ethics Body*

Today, the Commission is hosting a ceremony with all participating institutions to formalise the agreement on the establishment of the first-ever interinstitutional Ethics Body, as proposed by the Commission last year. The Body will set common standards for ethical conduct of members and a formal mechanism for coordination and exchange of views on ethical requirements among institutions. Thanks to these developments, EU politicians will be subject to common, clear, transparent and comprehensible standards.

Vice-President for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová, will host the ceremony and welcome Belgian Ambassador Willem van de Voorde, representing the Council of the EU; Koen Lenaerts, President of the Court of Justice of the EU; Tony Murphy, President of the European Court of Auditors; Oliver Röpke, President of the European Economic and Social Committee, and Luca Menesini, Vice-President of the Committee of the Regions. The European Parliament and the European Central Bank will be represented via video messages from President Roberta Metsola and President Christine Lagarde, respectively.

The signing ceremony will take place as of 15:15 CEST in the pressroom of the Commission's Berlaymont building. The event will also be livestreamed on EbS. The Agreement will enter into force 20 days after its publication in the Official Journal. The Body shall be fully operational as soon as possible, after the participating institutions have nominated their member candidates. The text of the agreement is available here.

(For more information: Christian Wigand - Tel.: +32 2 296 22 53; Cristina Torres Castillo – Tel.: +32 2 299 06 79 )


Le Forum économique de Bruxelles aura lieu demain et mettra en lumière les liens entre démocratie et politiques économiques

L'édition 2024 du Forum économique de Bruxelles (FEB), la conférence économique annuelle phare de la Commission européenne, aura lieu demain au Square Convention Center à Bruxelles. Cette année, le Forum se déroule dans le contexte des prochaines élections européennes. L'accent y sera mis sur le lien entre démocratie et politique économique, et sur la manière dont les décisions électorales façonneront l'avenir économique de l'Europe.

Des économistes et intervenants internationaux de premier plan discuteront de thèmes tels que le maintien de la compétitivité de l'UE dans le cadre de la transition écologique, l'impact de l'intelligence artificielle sur l'économie européenne, et les politiques de transition écologique équitables pour les citoyens et la société. Le Commissaire à l'économie Paolo Gentiloni et la Commissaire à l'énergie Kadri Simson participeront aux discussions de cette année. Le programme comprend également des discours liminaires de la Première ministre de la Lituanie, Ingrida Šimonytė, et de la présidente de la Banque européenne d'investissement Nadia Calviño, ainsi que des interventions du ministre grec de l'Économie et des Finances Kostis Hatzidakis, du ministre de l'Économie espagnol Carlos Cuerpo, et de la Première vice-première ministre et ministre de l'Économie de l'Ukraine Yulia Svyrydenko.

Le FEB est depuis plus de deux décennies un pilier du dialogue économique. Il réunit décideurs européens et internationaux de haut niveau, universitaires, représentants de la société civile et chefs d'entreprise pour débattre et identifier les principaux défis économiques auxquels l'Europe est confrontée et pour discuter des priorités politiques.

Le programme de l'événement et les modalités d'inscription sont disponibles en ligne. Le Forum sera également diffusé en direct.
(Pour plus d'informations : Veerle Nuyts — Tél. : + 32 2 299 63 02 ; Quentin Cortès – Tél. : +32 2 291 32 83)


9th EUSAIR Forum kicks-off to discuss challenges and opportunities for the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region

The 9th annual forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (EUSAIR) is taking place today in Šibenik, Croatia. The annual forum provides policymakers and stakeholders with an opportunity to reflect on how Cohesion Policy funds are benefiting Europe's Adriatic-Ionian regions, and how the regions can address common challenges together through shared, long-term objectives.

Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira will participate via video message, with other participants including Croatian Ministers Gordan Grlić Radman, for Foreign and European Affairs, Šime Erlić, for Regional Development and EU Funds, and Nikolina Brnjac, for Tourism and Sport.

Main topics of discussion include ways to optimise the implementation of Cohesion Policy during the 2021-2027 programming period, the revision of the Strategy, and looking ahead to the future.  During the forum, the EUSAIR presidency will also be handed over from Croatia to Greece, a presidency rotated once a year.

Workshop sessions will cover the region's needs post-2027, e-governance, social cohesion, agricultural sustainability, and renewable energy, while side events will include the Future of Interreg conference and the 6th Adriatic Ionian Youth Organisations Forum (AIYOF6).

The EUSAIR is one of the EU's four macro-regional strategies, promoting economic and social prosperity and growth in the region by improving its attractiveness, competitiveness, and connectivity. The Strategy covers Croatia, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia, and San Marino.

(For more information: Stefan De Keersmaecker – Tel.: +32 2 298 46 80; Laetitia Close - Tel.: +32 2 298 72 69)


Commissioner Kyriakides in London for Global Ministerial Panel on Antimicrobial resistance

Tomorrow, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Stella Kyriakides, will be in London, United Kingdom upon invitation from her Majesty's government and the Royal Society, to attend the Global Ministerial Fireside Chat at 'The World Together Solving the Antibiotic Emergency.'

This meeting comes in advance of the September 2024 High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. It is an opportunity to build on the existing cooperation between countries to work towards an ambitious UN General Assembly Political Declaration on AMR, reinforce the One Health approach and set global commitments.

AMR costs the lives of over 35,000 people in the EU alone every year and places a significant strain on our healthcare systems. Under the EU4Health programme, EUR 50 million has been dedicated to joint action on AMR and EUR 17 million to EU revenue guarantee mechanism on newly developed antibiotics. In June 2023 the Council adopted the Commission-proposed Recommendation on stepping up EU actions to combat antimicrobial resistance in a One Health approach.

(For more information: Stefan De Keersmaecker – Tel.: +32 2 298 46 80; Anna Gray – Tel.: +32 2 298 08 73)






COLLEGE MEETING: The European Commission appoints a new Director for its Directorate-General for Digital Services

Today, the European Commission has decided to appoint Saad Kadhi to the function of Director for ‘Cybersecurity Service for the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies' at the Directorate General for Digital Services (DG DIGIT). This Commission department is responsible for digital services supporting other Commission departments and EU institutions in their daily work. The date of effect will be determined later.

In his new role, Mr Kadhi, a French national, will leverage his extensive professional experience of over 25 years in the IT and cybersecurity sector. His strong management experience is coupled with a solid leadership capacity, excellent analytical, communication, as well as interpersonal skills. Throughout his career, he has consistently demonstrated his aptness to conceive innovative solutions to complex technical, operational and policy challenges, and he has successfully led the implementation of EU-level cybersecurity policies, and information and communication technologies.

Saad Kadhi has been heading the ‘Computer Emergency Response Team for EU institutions, bodies, and agencies' (CERT-EU) since 2019, where he has provided highly valued cybersecurity services to a broad variety of EU structures. Mr Kadhi has also contributed to the conception of several significant policy initiatives, such as the EU Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital Decade, the NIS2 directive, and the Cybersecurity Regulation. He has played a key role in handling several cyberattacks over the recent years.

Before joining the Commission, he was the Head of Computer Emergency Response Team at the French National Central Bank and gained several years of experience in the private sector, where, most notably, he helped build and enhance large-scale networks and cybersecurity infrastructures. Mr Kadhi is an engineer by training and holds a Master's Degree in business management and administration.

(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78; Veronica Favalli – Tel.: +32 2 298 72 69)




Tentative agendas for forthcoming Commission meetings

Note that these items can be subject to changes.


Upcoming events of the European Commission

Eurostat press releases


*Updated 15 May 2024, 16:25 CEST.