Daily News 24 / 07 / 2024
Rapport 2024 sur l'état de droit : avec la 5ème édition, l'UE est mieux équipée pour relever les défis liés à l'état de droit
La Commission a publié aujourd'hui son cinquième rapport annuel sur l'état de droit, qui examine de manière systématique et objective l'évolution de l'état de droit dans tous les États membres, sur un pied d'égalité. Par rapport à la première édition du rapport sur l'état de droit adopté en 2020, les États membres et l'UE dans son ensemble sont bien mieux préparés à détecter, prévenir et relever les défis émergents. Cela contribue à la résilience de nos démocraties européennes et à la confiance mutuelle dans l'UE. Cela contribue également au bon fonctionnement du marché unique et bénéficie à l'environnement des entreprises, ce qui favorise la compétitivité et la croissance durable.
Depuis sa première publication en 2020, le rapport est devenu un véritable moteur de réformes positives: deux tiers (68 %) des recommandations émises en 2023 ont été intégralement ou partiellement suivies. Toutefois, dans certains États membres, des préoccupations systématiques subsistent et la situation s'est encore détériorée. Ces préoccupations sont abordées dans les recommandations du rapport de cette année.
Le rapport de cette année comprend, pour la première fois, quatre chapitres par pays sur l'évolution de la situation en Albanie, au Monténégro, en Macédoine du Nord et en Serbie. L'inclusion de ces pays visés par l'élargissement dans le rapport sur l'état de droit, qui sont les plus avancés dans le processus, soutiendra leurs efforts de réforme, aidera les autorités à progresser davantage dans le processus d'adhésion et à se préparer à la poursuite des travaux sur l'état de droit en tant que futur État membre.
De plus amples informations sont disponibles dans le communiqué de presse et les questions et réponses.
(Pour plus d'informations : Christian Wigand — Tél. : + 32 2 296 22 53; Jördis Ferroli — Tél. : + 32 2 299 27 29; Cristina Torres Castillo — Tél. : + 32 2 299 06 79)
Commission decides to register two new European Citizens' Initiatives on closing animal farms and labelling of food
Today, the European Commission decided to register two European Citizens' Initiatives, entitled ‘Stop Cruelty Stop Slaughter' and ‘Stop Fake Food: Origin on Label'. The organisers of the ‘Stop Cruelty Stop Slaughter' initiative call for the Commission to introduce incentives for producing plant proteins, including plant-based milk and egg substitutes, as well as cultivated meat. The organisers also call for reducing the number of farm animals and progressively closing all animal farms. The organisers of the ‘Stop Fake Food: Origin on Label' initiative call for the Commission to propose measures that ensure European consumers have access to transparent information about the food they buy and that their expectations regarding food quality and sustainability are met. The initiative also calls for ensuring clear and explicit labelling of the origin for all products and for adherence to consistent environmental, health and labour standards in the internal market.
The decision to register an initiative is based on a legal analysis of its admissibility under the European Citizens' Initiative Regulation. It does not prejudge the legal and political conclusions of the Commission on these initiatives and the action it would take, if any, in case any of these initiatives obtains the necessary support of at least one million EU citizens.
Following today's registration, the organisers have six months to open the signature collection. More information is available in our press release.
(For more information: Christian Wigand — Tel.: + 32 2 296 22 53; Cristina Torres Castillo — Tel.: + 32 2 299 06 79; Jördis Ferroli – Tel.: +32 2 299 27 29)
Commission publishes Member States' recommendations for mitigating cybersecurity risks in telecommunications and electricity sectors
Today, EU Member States, with the support of the Commission and of the EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), published a report on the cybersecurity of the telecommunications and electricity sectors in the EU, as well as recommendations to bolster their resilience.
The report identifies threats such as cyber-attacks and espionage activities from state-sponsored threat actors and cyber criminals in both sectors. Supply chains, especially regarding 5G networks and renewable energy infrastructures, are at particular risk.
To mitigate the identified risks, the report contains recommendations to Member States, the Commission and ENISA to timely implement resilience-enhancing measures. These recommendations include sharing good practices on mitigating ransomware, improving collective cyber-situational awareness and information sharing; improving contingency planning, crisis management and operational collaboration; assessing dependencies on high-risk third-country providers to strengthen supply chain security.
The report follows Council conclusions calling for the development of the EU's Cyber Posture and follows-up on the report on the cybersecurity and resilience of the EU communications infrastructures and networks.
More information on the report is available here.
(For more information: Johanna Bernsel – Tel. : +32 2 298 66 99; Patricia Poropat — Tel.: +32 2 298 04 85)
Commission disburses the fourth payment for loans of €2.3 billion to Greece under the Recovery and Resilience Facility
Yesterday, the Commission disbursed to Greece the fourth payment for €2.3 billion in loans (net of pre-financing) under the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF).
As for all Member States, payments made to Greece under the RRF are performance-based and depend on the implementation by Greece of the investments and reforms described in its recovery and resilience plan.
On 17 April 2024, Greece submitted its fourth request for payment of €2.3 billion under the RRF to the Commission. This request covers one target, i.e. further progress in the delivery of the Loan Facility. This measure aims to mobilise private investments in areas such as the green and digital transitions, increasing export capacity, and research, development and innovation.
On 14 June 2024, the Commission adopted a positive preliminary assessment of Greece's payment request. The favourable opinion of the Economic and Financial Committee of the Council on the payment request paved the way for the Commission to adopt a final decision on the disbursement of the funds.
Greece's overall recovery and resilience plan amounts to €35.95 billion, consisting of €18.2 billion in grants and €17.7 billion in loans. You can find more information on Greece's plan online, which features an interactive map of projects financed by the RRF, as well as on the Recovery and Resilience Scoreboard. More information on the process of payment requests under the RRF can be found in this questions and answers document.
(For more information: Veerle Nuyts — Tel.: + 32 229-96302; Quentin Cortes — Tel.: +32 2 291 32 83)
La Commission approuve le plan pour la reprise et la résilience modifié du Luxembourg, doté d'un budget de 241 millions d'euros
La Commission a donné hier une évaluation positive du plan pour la reprise et la résilience modifié du Luxembourg, qui comprend un chapitre REPowerEU. Le plan s'élève désormais à 241,1 millions d'euros sous forme de subventions et couvre 10 réformes et 13 investissements.
Le plan modifié a encore renforcé l'accent mis sur la transition écologique, en allouant 80% des fonds disponibles à des mesures qui soutiennent les objectifs climatiques. La nouvelle réforme et les nouveaux investissements inclus dans le chapitre REPowerEU contribuent de manière significative à la dimension écologique du plan. L'importante ambition numérique et la dimension sociale du plan sont maintenues. Le plan révisé consacre 37,5 % de son enveloppe totale au soutien de la transition numérique du pays, soit bien plus que l'objectif de 20%. La forte dimension sociale du plan est également maintenue.
En plus des nouvelles mesures du chapitre REPowerEU, le plan pour la reprise et la résilience révisé acte le retrait d'un investissement et la modification de trois autres.
L'étape suivante après l'évaluation de la Commission est l'approbation par le Conseil. Vous trouverez plus d'informations sur le plan reprise et de résilience du Luxembourg sur cette page, qui présente notamment une carte interactive des projets financés par la Facilité Pour la Reprise et la Résilience (FRR), ainsi que sur le tableau de bord de la reprise et de la résilience. Plus d'informations sur les procédures de paiements dans le cadre de la FRR sont disponibles dans ce document de questions-réponses.
Un communiqué de presse est disponible en ligne.
(Pour plus d'informations: Veerle Nuyts — Tél.: + 32 229 96302; Quentin Cortes — Tél.: + 32 460 76 10 03)
Commission proposes to postpone by one year the market risk prudential requirements under Basel III in the EU
The European Commission has today adopted a delegated act that postpones by one year (i.e. until 1 January 2026) the date of application of one part the Basel III standards in the EU – the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB). The FRTB incorporates more sophisticated risk measurement techniques that aim to align capital charges more closely to the actual risks banks are facing in their activities in capital markets.
The Commission's ongoing monitoring of the implementation of the Basel standards in the rest of the world indicates that some major jurisdictions have yet to finalise their rules or communicate on their timelines for implementation. That is why, to preserve the global level playing field for internationally active European banks in respect to their trading activities, the Commission has decided to postpone the entry into force of this part of the Basel III standards. The Basel III standards will apply to all EU banks from 1 January 2025, with the exception of the market risk framework (provided the co-legislators do not object to the delegated act).
Mairead McGuinness, Commissioner for Financial Services, Financial Stability and Capital Markets Union, said: “We are steadfast in our international commitment to financial stability: the Basel III international standards will apply in the EU from 1 January 2025. This will ensure a reliable and stable banking sector for EU citizens and companies: implementing the Basel III rules is in the EU interest. However, as major jurisdictions have not yet finalised their own implementation of the Basel III rules, we need to delay by one year the application of the new market risk capital requirements, to preserve the international level playing field for EU banks. The Commission is working closely with the European Banking Authority and the supervisors to provide banks with the necessary technical details for a consistent approach across Europe.”
The delay of the application date of the FRTB rules by one year will give us time to assess the international developments and our next steps. This delegated act is now subject to the scrutiny of the European Parliament and Council for a period of 3 months.
A press release is available online.
(For more information: Francesca Dalboni – Tel.: +32 229 8817; Saul Goulding - Tel : +32 229 64735)
EU's first medical evacuation operation of Palestinians transfers children from Egypt to Spain
Today, the first EU-coordinated medical evacuation operation of 16 Palestinian children and their family members took place from Egypt to Spain. The operation was financially and operationally supported by the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM), in close coordination with the World Health Organization (WHO), the Palestine Childrens Relief Fund (PCRF) and authorities of all countries involved.
In response to the activation of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism by the WHO, the EU has been fully supporting the coordination of the activities to medically evacuate Palestinian patients to Europe. The request concerns targeted medical evacuations for a number of children in urgent need of medical care.
So far, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Romania, Slovakia and Spain offered assistance for medical evacuations, including treatment for patients as well as transportation.
The Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC), in coordination with EU health and consular services, as well as respective EU Delegations, is in contact with the Member States, WHO and all relevant partners to facilitate these operations which are expected to continue in the coming weeks.
Since the beginning of the crisis, the EU has been a strong supporter of the health response in Gaza through its humanitarian partners. In 2024, 23% of the EU's humanitarian budget has been allocated to issues related to health in Gaza, amounting to €32.5 million. Since early January, the EU has also been supporting the WHO's Gaza Emergency Medical Team Coordination Cell in Cairo with 22 experts deployed from the EU and the EU Civil Protection Mechanism's participating countries.
A press release is available online.
(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78; Jennifer Sanchez da Silva – Tel.:+32 2 295 83 16)
Commission clears creation of joint venture by Kiwa and adesso
The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the creation of a joint venture (Kevla) by Kiwa Deutschland GmbH (‘Kiwa') and adesso SE, all of Germany.
The transaction relates primarily to data processing and hosting services in Germany.
The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given that the joint venture has negligible activities in the European Economic Area and given that the companies are not active in the same or vertically related markets. The notified transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.
More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.11601.
(For more information: Lea Zuber – Tel.: +32 2 295 62 98; Sara Simonini - Tel.: +32 2 298 33 67)
Le vice-président exécutif Šefčovič à Paris pour co-présider la réunion de la Convention mondiale des maires pour le climat et l'énergie
Demain et vendredi, le vice-président exécutif pour le Pacte verte européen, Maroš Šefčovič, se rend à Paris pour des discussions sur l'action climatique et la transition énergétique propre au niveau local avec des maires de villes mondiales.
Jeudi matin, le vice-président exécutif donnera un discours à la Conférence Climat et Villes organisée par la maire de Paris, Anne Hidalgo, où les participants aborderont des sujets tels que la justice climatique, la désinformation sur les questions climatiques ou la sortie des énergies fossiles. Plus tard dans la journée, il co-présidera la réunion du conseil d'administration de la Convention mondiale des maires pour le climat et l'énergie – une initiative lancée en 2015 au niveau mondial qui rassemble des milliers de villes et autorités locales désireuses de démontrer un leadership dans le domaine du climat.
Vendredi, le vice-président exécutif Šefčovič aura un échange de vues avec des maires du groupe de leadership climatique des villes du C40, où il rencontrera notamment les maires d'Athènes, Copenhague, Istanbul, Oslo, et Rome. Le vice-président exécutif et les maires débattront en particulier de l'avenir des politiques vertes et urbaines au regard des priorités de l'UE à l'aube du nouveau cycle politique européen.
(Pour plus d'informations: Adalbert Jahnz – Tél.: +32 2 295 31 56; Ana Crespo Parrondo – Tél.: +32 2 298 13 25)
Le vice-président Schinas se rend à Paris à l'occasion des Jeux Olympiques de 2024
Le vice-président chargé de la promotion de notre mode de vie européen, Margaritis Schinas, se rend cette semaine à Paris à l'occasion de l'ouverture des Jeux Olympiques d'été de 2024. Demain, la visite du vice-président débutera par le lancement du compteur de médailles européen – Team Europe 2024 pour les Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques – une initiative de la Représentation de la Commission européenne en France pour marquer les réalisations des athlètes de l'UE. L'événement aura lieu à l'Europa Experience - Paris, avec la participation de la ministre française des Sports et des Jeux Olympiques et Paralympiques, Amélie Oudéa-Castéra. Vendredi, le vice-président Schinas représentera la Commission lors de la cérémonie d'ouverture des Jeux Olympiques de Paris 2024, pour souligner le lien entre l'UE et les Jeux Olympiques, ainsi que les valeurs partagées de tolérance, d'égalité, de respect et de solidarité. Ce sera également une occasion importante de promouvoir les politiques et activités de l'UE liées au soutien au sport et à la jeunesse, en particulier.
Au cours de sa visite, le vice-président signera également un accord de coopération entre la Commission européenne et les Comités olympiques européens. L'objectif principal de cet arrangement est de promouvoir les valeurs olympiques et européennes partagées, notamment la tolérance, l'égalité, le respect et la solidarité.
Dans le cadre de sa visite, le vice-président participera au Sommet international sur le sport et le développement durable, qui sera présidé par le président de la République Emmanuel Macron et le président du Comité international olympique Thomas Bach. Plus de 500 participants se réuniront pour mener des discussions sur la durabilité environnementale et sociale en relation avec le sport.
La Commission soutient de nombreuses initiatives dont le but est de faire progresser le sport et l'activité physique à tous les niveaux, telles que la Semaine européenne du sport avec sa campagne #BeActive, le Forum européen du sport et les #BeInclusive EU Sport Awards, ainsi que les projets Erasmus+ encourageant la participation à des activités sportives, physiques et bénévoles.
(Pour plus d'informations : Johanna Bernsel – Tél. : +32 2 298 66 99 ; Flore Boutier – Tél. : +32 2 296 60 43)
The European Commission appoints a new Deputy Director General at its Directorate-General for Communication
The European Commission has decided today to appoint Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot as Deputy Director General at the Commission's Directorate-General for Communication (DG COMM). This department is responsible for communicating to the media and the public the political priorities of the Commission and EU policies, and it also keeps the Commission abreast of political developments and of trends in public opinion and the media. The date of effect will be determined later.
Ms Eriksson Waterschoot has an extensive professional background spanning over 25 years at the Commission in various roles, including at managerial level. Her career path boasts a proven track record of successful projects in corporate communication activities and campaigns, equipping her with high-level interpersonal, decision-making, and negotiation skills. She has played a leading role in shaping the Commission's political communication, with a particular emphasis on the youth. She has managed EU flagship programmes such as Erasmus+, the Presidential initiative ‘2022 European Year of Youth,' and the EU ‘Youth Strategy 2019-2027'. She has also played an instrumental role in the design and launch of the ‘European Solidarity Corps' and ‘DiscoverEU.' She is a highly effective communicator, which will help her build partnerships and successfully engage external and internal stakeholders in her new function.
Sophia Eriksson Waterschoot, a Swedish national, currently holds the position of Director for ‘Youth, Education and Erasmus+' at the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture (DG EAC). She has also held various positions within the same department, including Head of Unit for ‘Europe 2020, Investment Plan, Education and Training 2020,' and Adviser to the Deputy Director-General. Earlier in her career, she was a Member of the Cabinet of the former Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism, and Youth, Androulla Vassiliou.
Before joining the Commission in 1996, she worked as a research assistant for the Swedish Trade Union Institute for Economic Research under the Ministry of Labour.
(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78; Veronica Favalli – Tel.: +32 2 298 72 69)
The European Commission appoints a new Director at the Directorate-General for Competition
Today, the European Commission has appointed Koen Van de Casteele as Director ‘State aid: General Scrutiny and Enforcement' at the Directorate-General for Competition (DG COMP). This Commission department works to ensure that all companies compete equally and fairly on their merits within the single market, to the benefit of consumers, businesses and the European economy as a whole. The date of effect will be determined later.
With over 25 years of prominent professional experience in law, economic analysis, and competition policy, particularly in leading competition enforcement in State aid cases, Van de Casteele has a deep understanding of market dynamics and EU regulatory frameworks. His expertise and managerial track record at the Commission include the adoption of the COVID-19 Temporary Framework and its various amendments, as well as the adoption of the Temporary Crisis Framework/Temporary Crisis and Transition Framework. This makes him well-suited to provide strategic direction for the Directorate, including contributing to the development of policy and legislative proposals.
Koen Van de Casteele, a Belgian national, currently serves as Head of the 'State Aid Policy and Case Support' Unit in DG COMP. Previously, he worked, among others, in the 'Strategic Support and Decision Scrutiny' Unit within the same Directorate-General, where he was responsible for policy projects and coordinated the State aid enlargement task force.
Before joining the Commission, he was a senior associate at a Belgian law firm.
(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 229 54578; Veronica Favalli - Tel.: +32 229 87269)
The European Commission appoints a new Head of Representation in Brussels
Today, Thomas de Béthune has been appointed as new Head of the European Commission Representation in Brussels, Belgium. In this function, he will act as the official representative of the European Commission in Belgium under the political authority of President Ursula von der Leyen. The date of effect of his appointment will be 1 September.
Mr de Béthune, a Belgian national, brings considerable experience in urban management, communication, negotiation and political coordination. With two decades of service in EU institutions and with the Belgian authorities, he has a remarkable understanding of inter-institutional relations within EU structures and deep knowledge of local development and innovative financial instruments for implementing EU policies and legislation.
The Commission maintains Representations in all capitals of EU Member States, and Regional Offices in Barcelona, Bonn, Marseille, Milan, Munich and Wroclaw. The Representations are the Commission's eyes, ears and voice on the ground in EU Member States. They interact with national authorities, stakeholders and citizens, and inform the media and the public about EU policies. Heads of Representations are appointed by the President of the European Commission and are her political representatives in the Member State to which they are posted.
More details are available in the press release.
(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78; Veronica Favalli - Tel.: +32 2 298 72 69)
The European Commission appoints a new Head of Representation in Warsaw
Today, Katarzyna Smyk has been appointed as new Head of the European Commission Representation in Warsaw, Poland. In this function, she will act as the official representative of the European Commission in Poland under the political authority of President Ursula von der Leyen. The date of effect of her appointment will be determined later.
Katarzyna Smyk, a Polish national, brings extensive expertise in diplomacy, management, international negotiations, and political analysis. She possesses a profound understanding of various EU policy areas and is well-versed in the inter-institutional landscape. Her experience includes political coordination, especially during crises and countering hybrid threats and disinformation.
The Commission maintains Representations in all capitals of EU Member States, and Regional Offices in Barcelona, Bonn, Marseille, Milan, Munich and Wroclaw. The Representations are the Commission's eyes, ears and voice on the ground in EU Member States. They interact with national authorities, stakeholders and citizens, and inform the media and the public about EU policies. Heads of Representations are appointed by the President of the European Commission and are her political representatives in the Member State to which they are posted.
More details are available in the press release.
(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78; Veronica Favalli - Tel.: +32 2 298 72 69)
Liste des points prévus à l'ordre du jour des prochaines réunions de la Commission
Veuillez noter que ces informations sont données sous réserve de modifications.
Prochains événements de la Commission européenne
Eurostat: communiqués de presse