Daily News 25 / 09 / 2024
L'appel à propositions 2024 pour le mécanisme pour l'interconnexion en Europe - Transport met 2,5 milliards d'euros à disposition pour renforcer la résilience et la sécurité sur l'ensemble du réseau de transport de l'UE
Hier, la Commission a ouvert l'appel à propositions 2024 pour le mécanisme pour l'interconnexion en Europe (MIE - Connecting Europe Facility/CEF) - Transport, offrant 2,5 milliards d'euros pour des projets visant à moderniser les infrastructures de transport sur le réseau transeuropéen de transport (RTE-T) de l'UE, ainsi qu'en Ukraine et en Moldavie.
Les projets sélectionnés œuvreront à créer des infrastructures de transport durables et intelligentes, à favoriser l'interopérabilité et la résilience au sein du réseau, tout en intégrant harmonieusement les différents modes de transport. Ils renforceront également la compétitivité du marché intérieur, tant pour les passagers que pour le fret, en faveur d'une meilleure qualité de vie et d'une réduction des émissions.
L'appel est également destiné à des projets visant à améliorer la sécurité du réseau de transport européen, ainsi que sa résilience face aux catastrophes naturelles.
Wopke Hoekstra, commissaire chargé de l'action pour le climat et responsable des transports, a déclaré : « Les inondations massives qui ont frappé l'Europe ces derniers jours nous ont douloureusement rappelé la nécessité pour notre société de s'adapter et d'accroître sa résilience au changement climatique. Dans le cadre du mécanisme pour l'interconnexion en Europe, nous avons lancé hier un nouvel appel d'offres pour un montant de 2,5 milliards d'euros. Nous espérons soutenir financièrement des projets qui permettront non seulement d'accroître la connectivité en Europe ainsi qu'avec nos voisins, mais aussi d'améliorer la résilience de nos infrastructures face aux catastrophes naturelles pour qu'elles puissent faire face aux risques climatiques. »
La date limite de dépôt des candidatures est fixée au 21 janvier 2025. De plus amples informations sont disponibles en ligne.
(Pour plus d'informations: Adalbert Jahnz – Tél.: +32 2 295 31 56; Anna Wartberger – Tél.: +32 2 298 25 04)
Commission encourages Member States to implement equality strategies
Today, the Commission adopted three reports on key strategies aimed at ending discrimination and building a Union of Equality: the EU Anti-racism Action Plan 2020-2025, the EU Roma Strategic Framework 2020–2030 and the LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020–2025. The reports highlight progress in setting up national anti-racism action plans, strengthened support for Roma communities and a decrease in LGBTIQ discrimination. However, racism and hatred towards the LGBTIQ people have increased. Member States are encouraged to adopt and deliver on national strategies and action plans to foster inclusion, tackle structural discrimination, and increase funding and administrative resources. Furthermore, the reports found that Member States must step up their collection of data, as well as adopt ambitious targets to measure their progress on Roma inclusion, which is still deemed insufficient.
Vice-President for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová, said: “Our reports show many achievements including the adoption of key legislation, national action plans and strategies or funding programmes. But to foster a society free from racism, discrimination, and inequality, we must step up our joint efforts and strengthen our cooperation with Member States and civil society organisations.”
Commissioner for Equality, Helena Dalli, said: “These reports provide an update of the situation regarding discrimination against persons with a minority racial or ethnic origin, Roma and LGBTIQ persons, and the actions taken to implement the EU equality strategies. On its part, the Commission intends to follow up on the progress with new strategies. I call on all Member States to continue to act for a Europe where everyone, in all their diversity, is equal and free to pursue their life.”
This Commission has made combatting all forms of hate and discrimination a priority. In December last year, the Commission and High Representative Josep Borrell adopted a Joint Communication entitled 'No place for hate: a Europe united against hatred'. The Commission has also proposed to extend the list of EU crimes to hate crime and hate speech. Already in 2008, racism and xenophobia became criminal offenses in the European Union. Looking ahead, Member States shall fulfil new binding standards for equality bodies. In the coming mandate, and as reflected in her Political Guidelines and mission letters, President von der Leyen laid down her intention to task a Commissioner with proposing a renewed LGBTIQ equality strategy for post-2025, presenting a new Anti-Racism Strategy, and spearheading the implementation of the EU Strategic Framework for Roma Equality.
The reports adopted today are available online: EU Anti-Racism Action Plan 2020-2025 – Mid-term report, LGBTIQ Equality Strategy 2020-2025 – Mid-term report, 2020-2030 Roma Strategic Framework for equality, inclusion, and participation – mid-term report.
(For more information: Jördis Ferroli – Tel.: +32 2 299 27 29; Cristina Torres Castillo — Tel.: + 32 2 299 06 79)
Plus d'une centaine d'entreprises signent les engagements du pacte de l'UE sur l'IA en faveur d'un développement de l'IA digne de confiance et sûr
La Commission a annoncé aujourd'hui plus d'une centaine d'entreprises qui sont les premières signataires du pacte de l'UE sur l'intelligence artificielle (IA) et de ses engagements volontaires. Parmi les signataires figurent des multinationales et des petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) européennes issues de divers secteurs, dont l'informatique, les télécommunications, les soins de santé, les banques, l'automobile et l'aéronautique. Le pacte soutient les engagements volontaires de l'industrie visant à commencer à appliquer les principes du règlement européen sur l'IA avant son entrée en application, et renforce le dialogue entre le Bureau de l'IA de l'UE et toutes les parties prenantes concernées, y compris l'industrie, la société civile et le monde universitaire.
Parallèlement aux efforts déployés pour aider les entreprises à mettre en œuvre le règlement européen sur l'IA en prévision du délai légal, la Commission prend des mesures pour stimuler l'innovation dans l'UE dans le domaine de l'IA. L'initiative sur les usines d'IA du 10 septembre 2024 fournira aux jeunes pousses et à l'industrie un guichet unique pour innover et développer l'IA, y compris les données, les talents et la puissance de calcul. Les usines d'IA favoriseront également le développement et la validation d'applications industrielles et scientifiques de l'IA dans des secteurs européens clés tels que les soins de santé, l'énergie, l'automobile et les transports, la défense et l'aérospatiale, la robotique et la fabrication, ainsi que la technologie propre et l'agritech.
Vous trouverez de plus amples informations dans notre communiqué de presse.
(Pour plus d'informations : Thomas Regnier – Tél. : +32 2 299 10 99 ; Roberta Verbanac – Tél. : +32 2 298 24 98)
Commission seeks feedback on new Flight Emissions Label
The Commission is launching a public consultation on the draft proposal establishing the EU Flight Emissions Label (FEL), an initiative which aims to provide passengers with trustworthy and harmonised environmental information about flights. Once completed, this scheme would be available for voluntary use by airlines as from next year.
When booking flights online, passengers will be able to see standardised information on the carbon footprint of flights in the EU. While 80% of air passengers declare they would like to know how much CO2 is produced by the flights they take, only 5% of passengers declare having access to such information.
Currently, the lack of common methodology and criteria for estimating flight emissions leads airlines and ticket sellers to report emission levels using disparate methodologies which are not necessarily comparable. The Flight Emissions Label aims to change this by setting out a reliable and harmonised methodology for estimating flight emissions, considering factors like aircraft type, average passenger numbers and freight volume on board, as well as aviation fuel used.
As of 2025, airlines operating flights within the EU or departing from the EU will be able to voluntarily join this label. When booking flights online, a dedicated FEL logo will be displayed alongside the flight emissions data, helping passengers to make informed decisions and protect them from misleading greenwashing claims.
Commissioner for Climate Action and Transport, Wopke Hoekstra, said: “Clear, verified information is fundamental to better inform our choices for travel. As passengers, the future EU Flight Emissions Label will make it easier for all of us to have verified information regarding the CO2 emissions linked to our flights before we purchase our tickets. It will also ensure a level playing field among airlines competing on the same routes, and reward those that choose to invest in cleaner fuels and more efficient operations by making this visible to passengers when they buy a ticket. The future label will therefore help incentivise airlines to improve their environmental performance, by renewing their fleet with more efficient aircraft and using more sustainable aviation fuels.”
The consultation will be open until 22 October 2024 to gather feedback on the Commission's draft proposal. More information is available online.
(For more information: Adalbert Jahnz – Tel.: +32 2 295 31 56; Anna Wartberger – Tel.: +32 2 298 25 04)
Women in Rail 2024 Award to boost female talent for a sustainable and competitive rail industry
Yesterday, in a bid to promote gender equality and highlight the contributions of women in the rail industry, the Commission together with Europe's Rail Joint Undertaking and the EU Agency for Railways celebrated the Women in Rail 2024 Award.
The jury evaluated over 70 applications from countries across the EU and associated, and rewarded three outstanding initiatives in three different categories: Maria-Luisa Dominguez, president of ADIF, received the ‘Leadership and Mentoring' category award for guiding the next generation of women in rail; Metro Istanbul was recognised in the ‘Women Empowerment' category, for fostering a workplace where women can thrive and Veronica Elena Bocci from DICTEFER won the ‘Research and Innovation‘ category award, for her contributions to advance rail technology.
The award recognised the vital contributions of women in the rail sector and honoured companies committed to gender equality and empowering their female workers. This year's award showcased the role of women in driving innovation and sustainability in the rail industry.
Wopke Hoekstra, Commissioner for Climate Action, responsible for transport, said: “We know that women play a vital role in driving innovation and sustainability within the rail industry, but they also face more difficulties getting jobs and climbing the ladder. Women account for just 22% of Europe's transport workforce, falling to 5% for train drivers. That's why I am proud to promote their role. The Women in Rail 2024 Award is an excellent way to do so. The winners are not only showing leadership in their area of work, but also inspire the next generation to take up jobs in a sector that is in constant need for new talent.”
The Women in Rail Award aims to inspire more women to join the rail sector and create a pipeline of future talent and leadership for sustainable mobility in Europe. The award was given at InnoTrans, the world's leading transport technology trade fair in Berlin.
More information is available online.
(For more information: Adalbert Jahnz – Tel.: +32 2 295 31 56; Anna Wartberger – Tel.: +32 2 298 25 04)
EU raises the alarm over growing humanitarian needs due to conflict and climate emergencies
Yesterday, among the main highlights of the EU's participation in the UN General Assembly, President Ursula von der Leyen delivered opening remarks at the Global Renewables Summit and co-hosted the event ‘Innovation for a Sustainable Future: Working together on industrial growth and decarbonization', together with the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau. Read her remarks at both events here and here. High Representative/Vice-President Borrell addressed the UN Security Council during a meeting on Ukraine. Read the speech as well as his press remarks after the meeting.
Commissioner Urpilainen announced a new funding package worth €146 million reinforcing the EU's support to the people of Afghanistan, especially women and girls, their basic services and livelihoods. At the ‘Investing in the Future: Unlocking Sustainable Financing for Sexual and Reproductive Health' side event, she presented a $100 million financing mechanism, which is being developed by the European Commission, the European Investment Bank (EIB) and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to help the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) ensure that more women and girls can access modern contraceptives and maternal medicines. Read her remarks as well as her opening speech at a panel during the Leaders' Summit on the UN Global Compact.
Commissioner Kyriakides spoke about Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) and Antimicrobial Stewardship at the High-Level meeting on ‘IPC and Antimicrobial Stewardship: from policy to implementation at the point of care'. Read her full speech. She also attended a high-level dinner co-hosted by the UK and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on ‘The Road from New York to Jeddah' in the margins of the UN General Assembly on the global challenge of Antimicrobial Resistance. Commissioner Kadri Simson co-hosted the High-Level dialogue on Energy Transition together with the International Energy Agency (IEA), calling for countries to swiftly translate the energy commitments they made at COP28 into concrete policies. Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra spoke at the Bloomberg Global Business Forum's roundtable on ‘Carbon Markets'.
Today, High Representative Borrell will represent the EU at the G20 Foreign Ministers' meeting, convened by Brazil. The High Representative's speech will be transmitted live on EbS at around 11:00 EST (17:00 CEST).
The EU will focus on Sudan with two events raising the alarm over the situation in the country and the region, where millions have been forcibly displaced facing food insecurity and even famine. High Representative Borrell will co-host the Ministerial meeting ‘United for Peace in Sudan', together with Germany and France, reiterating the need an immediate and sustainable ceasefire, as well as the establishment of monitoring mechanisms urging respect of International Humanitarian Law. Commissioner Lenarčič, together with the UN, US, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Egypt, and the African Union, will host the meeting ‘The Cost of inaction' with an urgent call to mobilise support for a robust humanitarian response in Sudan and its neighbouring countries.
Commissioner Kyriakides will participate in a side event on fostering cross-country solidarity to address Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) as well as in the High-level meeting ‘AMR and beyond.' She will also attend the First Ladies Luncheon Roundtable at the 2024 Concordia Annual Summit, focusing on the EU's efforts to beat breast cancer, and take part in a fireside chat on ‘The Power of Prevention: Universal Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Strategies' at the Foreign Policy Health Forum.
Commissioner Lenarčič will also host a High-level event on restoring the centrality of International Humanitarian Law in today's armed conflicts, together with Belgium.
Commissioner Simson will represent the EU at the Ministerial Consultation Meeting on the Plastic Pollution Treaty with Canada and Norway.
Commissioner Hoekstra will deliver a speech on behalf of the EU at the UN High-level plenary meeting ‘Addressing the existential threats posed by sea-level rise', which will be available on EbS at around 12:30 EST (18:30 CEST). He will also participate in a roundtable discussion hosted by Bloomberg on ‘Europe's Net Zero Strategy – Delivering on Climate Ambition and Enhancing Industrial Competitiveness,' and in a high-level panel on ‘Global Solidarity Levies and Financing for Development.'
(For more information: Eric Mamer – Tel.: +32 229 94073; Peter Stano – Tel.: +32 2 295 45 53; Xavier Cifre Quatresols – Tel.: +32 229 73582)
This Friday is European Researchers' Night, Europe's largest science engagement event open to all
This Friday, Europe is celebrating the European Researchers' Night in universities and institutions across 25 countries. It is the largest science communication and engagement event in Europe. Every year over 1.5 million citizens of all ages explore researchers' work through entertaining activities. The night ensures a unique experience through science shows, hands-on experiments, games, and competitions. An overview of all activities can be found online.
The event showcases the diversity of European research and innovation, as well as the impact it can have on citizens' daily lives. The public can discover projects from the preservation of local biodiversity unlocking new cancer cures to the unveiling of hidden secrets of fossils to better understand the Earth's climate. By shining a light on this valuable work, as well as the passion and dedication of the researchers behind it, young people get a unique chance to ask questions and explore research careers.
Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, ahead of the event: “European Researchers' Night offers a unique opportunity to engage with leading scientists and take a look behind the scenes of universities, research labs or museums. I especially hope this event will inspire young people to pursue careers in research and innovation. We need their creativity and innovation in Europe to address the complex challenges of today and tomorrow. It is this spirit of curiosity and discovery that we celebrate tonight.” In addition, European Researchers' Night projects organise ‘Researchers at Schools' activities throughout the year and will reach out to more than 300 000 pupils by 2026.
The European Researchers' Night and Researchers at Schools are initiatives funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, part of the EU's programme for research and innovation Horizon Europe. Visitors are invited to consult the organisers' websites for more information on the activities taking place in their country.
(For more information: Johanna Bernsel – Tel.: +32 2 298 66 99; Flore Boutier – Tel. +32 2 296 60 43)
Tentative agendas for forthcoming Commission meetings
Note that these items can be subject to changes.
Upcoming events of the European Commission
Eurostat press releases