Daily News 15 / 10 / 2024

EU adopts strong negotiating mandates for UN Conferences on Climate Change, Biodiversity, and Desertification

The Commission welcomes the ambitious negotiating mandates adopted by Ministers at yesterday's Environment Council for the upcoming COP29 Climate Conference, COP16 Biodiversity Conference, and COP16 Desertification Conference.

At COP29 in Baku, Commissioner Wopke Hoekstra will lead the EU negotiating team. Talks will mainly focus on how to finance the green transition, through the adoption of a New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on climate finance. As the Commissioner said in last night's press conference, the EU will also seek to ensure that countries around the world are implementing the historical decision at last year's COP28 in Dubai to transition away from fossil fuels, triple renewable energy capacity and double energy efficiency improvements by 2030 - the so-called UAE consensus. Negotiators will seek to maintain last year's political momentum on reducing emissions, in particular in setting the framework for the next round of national climate targets – known as Nationally Determined Contributions - which are due for adoption in 2025, ahead of COP30. The Council Conclusions adopted yesterday also set out the EU's conditions for concluding the negotiations under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement on the rules for international carbon markets, which should ensure transparency and environmental integrity while contributing to emission reductions. The EU will also continue to ensure progress on adaptation policies and boosting global resilience to climate change

The Council conclusions on the COP16 Biodiversity Conference confirm the EU's commitment to the full and swift implementation of the Kunming-Montréal Global Biodiversity Framework. The EU will work towards agreements on key issues including biodiversity mainstreaming in other policies until 2030, capacity-building and evidence-based policy making, and strengthening synergies between climate action and biodiversity. It will also push for advancements on sharing the benefits from genetic resources and mobilisation of resources for biodiversity. The EU recently submitted its specific Global Biodiversity Framework targets and COP16 will be the first major stocktaking opportunity since the historic agreement at COP15.  

The Council also adopted conclusions on the upcoming COP16 under the UN Convention for Combating Desertification (UNCCD) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which will be important for strengthening implementation and deciding on the global response to address droughts.  

More information is available here.

(For more information: Adalbert Jahnz – Tel.: + 32 2 295 31 56; Tim McPhie - tel.: +32 2 295 86 02)


L'UE annonce un nouveau pont aérien et l'envoi de 21,5 millions d'euros d'aide humanitaire à la région Asie-Pacifique

La Commission a annoncé ce jour l'octroi d'une nouvelle enveloppe d'aide humanitaire de 21,5 millions d'euros en faveur de la région Asie-Pacifique, ce qui porte à près de 95 millions d'euros le soutien total de l'UE en 2024. Ce nouveau financement soutiendra des projets d'aide humanitaire au Bangladesh, au Myanmar/en Birmanie, en Indonésie et en Malaisie.

En outre, un nouveau pont aérien humanitaire de l'UE apportant des fournitures essentielles aux victimes du typhon Yagi, qui a semé la désolation dans la région Asie-Pacifique, est actuellement mis en place, un vol organisé dans ce cadre devant atteindre le Laos dans les prochains jours.

Janez Lenarčič, commissaire à la gestion des crises a déclaré : « La saison de la mousson en cours a frappé particulièrement durement l'Asie du Sud-Est, plusieurs pays ayant fait face à de graves inondations et cyclones. Alors que les catastrophes dues au changement climatique se font plus fréquentes et plus intenses, il est d'autant plus important de renforcer la coopération internationale en vue d'une meilleure préparation et d'une réponse efficiente. Je suis convaincu que cet accord entre les instances de l'UE et l'ASEAN chargées de la gestion des catastrophes sera hautement profitable et nous permettra d'apprendre les uns des autres et de mieux protéger nos populations. »

Ces annonces surviennent alors que Janez Lenarčič, commissaire chargé de la gestion des crises, se rend cette semaine aux Philippines et en Indonésie dans le but de renforcer la coopération en matière de préparation et de réaction aux catastrophes avec l'Association des nations de l'Asie du Sud-Est (ASEAN) et d'autres pays de la région.

À cet égard, le commissaire représentera l'UE à la conférence ministérielle Asie-Pacifique sur la réduction des risques de catastrophe à Manille, aux Philippines.

Plus tard cette semaine, à Jakarta, le commissaire Lenarčič assistera à la signature d'un accord sur la gestion des catastrophes entre la direction générale de la protection civile et des opérations d'aide humanitaire européennes (DG ECHO) de l'UE et le Centre de coordination de l'aide humanitaire de l'ASEAN, et célébrera le 20e anniversaire du tsunami dévastateur qui avait frappé l'Indonésie en 2004, en rappelant la solidarité dont avait fait montre l'UE dans le cadre de la phase de réaction.

Plus de détails figurent dans le communiqué de presse.

(Pour plus d'informations : Balazs Ujvari - Tél : +32 229 54578 ; Daniel Puglisi - Tél.: +32 2 296 91 40). 


New Commission tool will help deploy innovative technologies to reduce industrial pollution around Europe

Following the launch of the European Innovation Centre for Industrial Transformation and Emissions (INCITE) in June 2024, the Commission unveils today the INCITE information platform that centralises data on innovative clean industrial technologies. 

INCITE is a key component of the revised Industrial Emissions Directive (IED). It promotes the uptake of innovative technologies that can lower emissions (including greenhouse gas emissions) or reduce waste of resources.  The platform is designed to receive and collect data from and on all industrial sectors covered under the IED, with an initial focus on energy-intensive industries such as iron, steel, cement, and chemicals production. To start with, around 20 illustrative techniques are available on the platform originating from ongoing EU-funded projects. Examples include carbon capture and storage projects in the cement and lime sectors, hybrid furnaces in the glass industry, and projects for treating PFAS in wastewater.

Users can submit information through a simple questionnaire. The platform helps stakeholders make informed decisions by providing a comprehensive overview of the environmental performance, technology maturity, costs and benefits, and possible trade-offs of these technologies. The platform will also support dialogue and cooperation between industry, technology providers, research and technology organisations, policymakers and financial actors. In addition, it will support national authorities in the process of approving first-of-a-kind industrial plants and provide information to financial actors to identify the most promising technologies to invest in.

This tool is managed by the Commission Joint Research Centre (JRC). Innovative techniques considered ready for use and with significant environmental benefits will be included in the Sevilla process, to develop future environmental norms and further increase the deployment of clean technologies in Europe. More information is available here.

(For more information: Thomas Regnier — Tel.: + 32 2 299 10 99; Flore Boutier - Tel.: +32 2 296 60 43)


La Commission publie une enquête Eurobaromètre sur la perception des valeurs et des droits par les Européens

La Commission a publié aujourd'hui les résultats de sa deuxième enquête Eurobaromètre sur la justice, les droits et les valeurs, qui donne un aperçu de la perception qu'ont les citoyens de l'UE des valeurs et des droits promus par l'UE au moyen de sa législation, de ses politiques et de ses programmes de financement, ainsi que des instruments disponibles pour les promouvoir et les protéger.

Menée dans tous les États membres de l'UE en mars et avril 2024, l'enquête montre que plus de la moitié des Européens se sentent bien informés de l'état de droit dans leur propre pays, tandis que deux tiers pensent que les droits et les valeurs de l'UE — tels que les droits fondamentaux, la démocratie et l'état de droit — sont protégés de manière adéquate. Interrogés sur leur connaissance de la législation de l'UE dans ce domaine, et malgré une légère baisse, plus de 60 % des répondants ont déclaré être informés. Par exemple, près de la moitié des Européens sont conscients de leur droit de séjourner librement n'importe où dans l'UE et de leur droit à l'égalité de traitement en matière d'emploi.

En outre, en ce qui concerne les initiatives, la moitié des répondants ont entendu parler du code de conduite pour lutter contre les discours haineux illégaux sur les réseaux sociaux en ligne, près de la moitié ont entendu parler de la carte européenne du handicap et plus de 40 % d'entre eux connaissent l'initiative citoyenne européenne. Parmi les campagnes de sensibilisation, les plus connues sont Europride, ainsi que la Journée de l'égalité salariale, l'Access City et la Semaine des Roms. L'Eurobaromètre donne également un aperçu des connaissances des citoyens de l'UE sur deux programmes de financement visant à promouvoir la justice et l'état de droit : 29 % ont connaissance du programme « Justice » et 36 %, du programme « Citoyens, égalité, droits et valeurs » (CERV). La Commission a lancé aujourd'hui une campagne de communication à l'échelle de l'UE pour accroître davantage la connaissance de ce dernier. Le budget combiné du CERV et du programme « Justice » s'élève à 1,8 milliard d'euros.

(Pour plus d'informations : Jördis Ferroli – Tél. : +32 2 299 27 29 ; Yuliya Matsyk – Tél. : +32 2 291 31 73) 


Commission will support around 40 projects boosting literary translation to promote diversity and circulation of European literary works

Today, the Commission has published a new call on the Circulation of European Literary Works, under the Creative Europe programme. The aim is to support the transnational circulation and diversity of European literary works of fiction. This will be done by supporting their translation, publication, distribution and promotion. With a budget of €5 million, about 40 projects will be selected for funding. The call is part of Creative Europe's efforts to promote the richness and diversity of European literature and make it more accessible to a wider audience. Eligible candidates can apply until 11 February 2025. More information on the call for applications and the eligibility can be found on the EU Funding & Tenders Portal and here.

Additionally, to further mark its support to the sector, Creative Europe will be present at the 2024 Frankfurt Book Fair, the largest event in the world dedicated to the book and publishing sector, from 16 to 20 October. More information on how Creative Europe supports the book and publishing sector can be found here.

(For more information: Johanna Bernsel — Tel.: + 32 2 298 66 99; Flore Boutier - Tel.: +32 2 296 60 43)


Commission clears acquisition of Epicor by CD&R and CVC 

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of joint control of Epicor Inc. by Clayton, Dubilier & Rice (‘CD&R'), both of the US, and CVC Capital Partners (‘CVC') of Jersey. Epicor was previously solely controlled by CD&R.

The transaction relates primarily to the provision of enterprise application software.

The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given the absence of horizontal overlaps and the very limited vertical links between the companies' activities. The notified transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.

More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.11728.

(For more information: Francesca Dalboni – Tel.: +32 229 88170)


Commission clears acquisition of Valenz by Proman

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of sole control of Valenz Holding AG ('Valenz') by Proman AG ('Proman‘), both of Switzerland.

The transaction relates primarily to the marketing and distribution of methanol produced by Proman worldwide.

The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given the companies' limited market positions resulting from the proposed transaction and the limited impact on the market structure. The notified transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.

More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.11698.

(For more information: Francesca Dalboni – Tel.: +32 229 88170)






The first European Union-Gulf Cooperation Council summit to take place in Brussels

The first summit between the leaders of EU and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries is scheduled to take place in Brussels on 16 October. The summit is an opportunity for the EU to develop a closer partnership with the GCC and its Member States (the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Sultanate of Oman, the State of Qatar and the State of Kuwait), who are geostrategic partners at a time of challenging geopolitical circumstances.

Today, the High Representative/Vice President Josep Borrell will host a working dinner at ministerial level with EU Member States and the Members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) ahead of the EU-GCC Leaders' summit on Wednesday. Ahead of the dinner the High Representative will do a doorstep in the Council, at around 19:00. You can follow the press remarks live on EbS.

Tomorrow, President von der Leyen and the High Representative Borrell, will participate in the first ever summit between EU and GCC leaders. The meeting will be co-chaired by the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the Emir of Qatar, H.H. Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, as the rotating President of the GCC. The Summit will be followed by a press conference later in the afternoon, co-chaired by the High Representative, which will be available on EbS.  

The Ministerial and Leaders' meetings will offer an occasion to discuss how the EU and GCC can further cooperate on common key global challenges; economic cooperation, including trade and investment; energy; sustainability and climate; connectivity; people-to-people contact. These high-level events are a confirmation of the shared commitment to develop EU-GCC cooperation and the Strategic Partnership between the two blocs.

(For more information: Peter Stano — Tel.: +32 2 295 45 53; Gioia Franchellucci - Tel.: +32 2 296 80 41)




Tentative agendas for forthcoming Commission meetings

Note that these items can be subject to changes.


Upcoming events of the European Commission

Eurostat press releases