One sea, three continents: a new Directorate General to strengthen Mediterranean and Gulf partnerships
Following President von der Leyen's call for a more focused approach to the EU's wider neighbourhood, especially the Mediterranean, with a Commissioner in the new College dedicated to this portfolio, the European Commission has set up a new Directorate-General for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf (DG MENA).
In line with the President's Political Guidelines and the Mission Letter of Commissioner for the Mediterranean, Dubravka Šuica, this new DG will build strong partnerships with North Africa, Middle East and the Gulf countries to ensure prosperity, security and resilience based on mutual interests. The DG will focus on taking forward partnerships that look at investment, economic stability, jobs, energy, transport, security, migration and other areas of mutual interest.
The newly created DG under the lead of Commissioner for the Mediterranean, Dubravka Šuica, is now the entry point of the Commission for all the countries in the region. The DG will help drive and shape the goals of the EU Mediterranean policy, facilitating them with technical and financial support.
It brings significant innovation as the new DG MENA will be fully devoted to the Mediterranean region, i.e. North Africa, Middle East and the Gulf countries.
In total, DG MENA will have more than 500 staff, in the European headquarters and in the EU Delegations.
The new DG was announced by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, at the presentation of the College of Commissioners in September 2024.
The political guidelines 2024-2029 and the mission letter of Commissioner Šuica indicate as first initiative of the policy the adoption of the New Pact for the Mediterranean, which will build on comprehensive partnerships focused on investment, economic stability, jobs, energy, transport, security, migration and other areas of mutual interest, through an integrated approach bringing together elements of economic, humanitarian, development, peace and security policies, based on EU values and principles.
For More Information
Commissioner for the Mediterranean, Dubravka Šuica
Directorate-General for the Middle East, North Africa and the Gulf